University of Nottingham Students' Union - Healthcare Guide

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Welcome to the second edition of the Healthcare Students’ Guide from the University of Nottingham Students’ Union. This is your guide to the services, activities, support structures and opportunities that are available to you as a healthcare student at the University of Nottingham. This guide has been especially written for you, our members who are located at the various Education Centres based at hospital sites throughout Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire. You may not be aware but regardless of which centre you are studying at, you are already full members of the Students’ Union. Your membership is free and automatic once you registered onto your course. So there’s no fee, no forms and no fuss! Clearly the main thing that you’re here to do at University is to gain your qualification. Higher Education though is also about personal development; learning new skills, meeting people from different backgrounds and developing your own interests, this is where the Students’ Union comes in. Taking part in extra-curricular activities will allow you to have fun while you are studying, widen your horizons and increase your employability!

Healthcare Students’ Guide


The Students’ Union also provides help and support for its members. No doubt once you settle into the course, you’ll be working to strict deadlines, juggling a hectic social life, doing placements and often working to a limited budget. Dealing with all these issues can sometimes lead to problems. That’s why the Students’ Union provides a number of welfare services that you can access during your time at the University. To everybody who has just started their course at the University we would like to extend our congratulations to you for securing your place here and we wish you the very best of luck for the coming years ahead.

Kind regards and best wishes, From all the Executive Officers & staff at the Students’ Union


Healthcare Students’ Guide


Healthcare students based at: Boston, Derby, Grantham, Lincoln & Mansfield

YOUR STUDENTS' UNION WHAT IS THE STUDENTS' UNION.......................... 6 THE EXECUTIVE.................................................. 8 STUDENTS' UNION COUNCIL.............................. 1 2 YOUR NUS........................................................ 1 3 STUDENTS' UNION MEMBERSHIP CARDS................ 1 5 NUS EXTRA CARDS............................................. 1 6 TEAM INTERSITE.................................................1 8

This publication provides you with information about the Students’ Union and details the services and activities that you can access from your centre either directly on-site, or remotely by telephone or over the internet. It also contains information about the other Education Centres that you may have to visit for placements, lectures or conferences etc. Nottingham based: Nursing, Midwifery and Physiotherapy Students You get this guide as well as the main Students’ Union Publications. This publication highlights; our activities that are healthcare student specific and details our specialist healthcare associations such as: NAMA, Supa and MedSoc. It also provides information about the other Education Centres that you may have to visit for placements etc. Nottingham based: Medical Students This publication is particularly useful for medical students who are about to go on long placements. This guide lists all the hospital sites throughout Derbyshire, Nottinghamshire and Lincolnshire where the University of Nottingham has Education Centres with facilities that you can use. The “Your Support Section” also contains information about how to access some of our services remotely, while bases away from Nottingham on placement.

YOUR STUDENT SUPPORT THE STUDENT ADVICE TEAM................................ 2 4 COURSE REPS.................................................... 3 0 NIGHTLINE........................................................ 3 2 ATTACK ALARMS................................................. 3 3 REPRESENTATIONAL ASSOCIATIONS & NETWORKS . . 3 4 UNIVERSITY SUPPORT SERVICES............................ 3 8


Who gets it?

YOUR ACTIVITIES INTRODUCTION.................................................44 NOTTINGHAM BASED SPORTS & SOCIETIES.................4 5 INTRODUCTION TO HEALTHCARE ASSOCIATIONS 48 G E M S OC.......................................................... 5 0 M E D S O C.......................................................... 5 2 NAMA PROFILES........................................... 5 4 - 5 8 N U R S E S O C......................................... ............ 6 0 S U P A.......................................................... . . . . . 6 2 STUDENT VOLUNTEER CENTRE............................. 6 4 STUDENT MEDIA................................................ 6 6 YOUR SURROUNDINGS I N T R O D U C T I O N................................................ 7 0 B O S T O N.......................................................... 7 2 CHESTERFIELD................................................... 7 5 D E R B Y S I T E S................................................ 7 6 - 8 2 GRANTHAM....................................................... 8 6 LINCOLN.......................................................... 8 8 MANSFIELD....................................................... 9 2 NOTTINGHAM SITES.................................... 9 5 - 1 0 6



Your Students’ Union

What is the SU? The Executive SU Council National Union of Students Membership Cards Discount Cards Team Intersite

The University of Nottingham Students’ Union represents all students at the University and provides them with services, extra-curricular activities and entertainments as well as independent, impartial, advice and support. The Students’ Union is located in the Portland Building on the University Park Campus in Nottingham and the majority of our services and activities are based there. Regardless of which site you’re located at all of our members can come and take part in our activities and use our services in Nottingham. However as most of you will be based away from Nottingham, many of these can also be accessed remotely through the telephone, email or via the web. Other services can be accessed directly at your centre via members of University staff or through our Intersite Support Worker. The total sum of what the Students’ Union offers varies between each centre (as you will see in this guide) but the core support services (such as providing free and independent advice, representation and welfare support etc.) are available to all our members at all sites. More details about these specific services and how you can access them can be found in the “Your Support” and “Your Surroundings” sections. The Students’ Union plays an active role in the Course Reps system that operates at each school within the University. Becoming a Course Rep is your opportunity to represent student views from your intake to key members of staff in your school via regular meetings throughout the year. The Students’ Union provides training and continuous support to all Course Reps and we can also help you lobby the University for changes at a local level. Find out more information on page 30.

The Students’ Union has a huge number of Nottingham based clubs, societies, and Student-Run-Services. Examples of these groups include: Karnival, Europe’s biggest student-run fundraising charity (this operates at some healthcare centres in partnership with the site associations); Impact, our award-winning student magazine which you can read on-line and URN, our nationally acclaimed student radio station that you can listen to on-line via the Campus Connection website. Campus Connection is our dedicated Students’ Union website for healthcare students based at the various hospital Education Centres. Here you can; find out the latest news from the different centres, catch up with the gossip on the chat forums, find updates to the information given here in this booklet, and get the low-down on any events taking place at your centre.

Don’t forget this is Your Union too! Just because you do not live or study on University Park Campus, it does not mean that you can’t be involved with, and reap the benefits from, being part of one of the biggest and most active Students’ Unions in the country. So read on, get involved and see what the Students’ Union can do for you!

What is the Students’ Union?

Healthcare Students’ Guide


We have a number of student associations based at various Hospital Education Centres which are funded, trained and affiliated to the Students’ Union. They provide: services, activities, opportunities and representation for their local students and generally act like “mini Students’ Unions”. Such groups include: NAMA, SUPA and GEMSoc. You can find out more about these groups in the “Your Activities” Section. If there is no such group at your site, this section will also tell you what to do if you want to help us set up one up. All students are represented by the Students’ Union. Our Representational Associations are there to represent different interest groups within the student body and provide peer to peer support for their members, a full listing of these groups can be found on page 34.

Mission Statement To improve the experiences of student life by providing quality services, representation and development opportunities for all our students.



Your Students’ Union is directed by twelve Executive Officers who are elected each spring by students from across the different sites and centres. Your Union has proudly boasted the biggest election turn-out in the UK for the past two years running. Any student at the University of Nottingham whichever centre they are based at, are eligible to stand for an executive position. Of the 12 students that make up The Executive Committee: 8 have finished their degree or are taking a year out and 4 are part-time officers who are carrying on with their studies. As a collective the executive is there to: ensure fair governance within the Student Union, represent Students to the University, and make sure that the services (both commercial and non-commercial) are run for the benefit of you our members. The role descriptions and contact details for each of the officers can be found opposite.

Online voting has been available for the past two elections of the Executive Team. This allows every student at every centre to view the candidate manifestos and then cast their vote using their Student ID over the net. More information about how to stand for an executive position and how to vote for the candidates will be disseminated to you via email, closer to the time of elections.

THE EXECUTIVE Below you can find out more about each of the twelve Executive Officer roles along with the email address for each officer. To find out who currently holds these elected posts go to We are always interested in hearing from you, so why not give us a call or drop us an email. We rely on your feedback and involvement to ensure that the Students’ Union is constantly working in your interests.

Athletic Union Officer (Full Time)

Community Officer (Full Time)

The Athletic Union Officer is there to ensure everyone knows about the wide ranging opportunities the Athletic Union offers to all, providing everyone with the knowledge to lead an active, exciting and enjoyable lifestyle. With 76 sports clubs and a thriving Intra-Mural Sports (IMS) system there’s something to suit everyone.

This role has been created to try and develop closer relations between the student residents and the permanent residents who live in Nottingham districts such as such as Lenton, Radford, Beeston and Dunkirk. The community officer works with the University and external community bodies for the benefit of students.

Democracy & Communications Officer (Full Time)

Education Officer (Full Time)

The Education Officer campaigns on all aspects of education at the University. They work on Nottingham University specific issues such as gaining greater feedback from exams and pushing for more personal contact with tutors. Additionally they also work on national educational issues such as fighting any planned rise in tuition fees.

The main task in this role is to let all of you know what’s going on in the Students’ Union and make sure you’re involved at every opportunity. This officer is also responsible for the cross campus elections for Exec and NUS delegates and helps organise our democratic structures like Union Council.

The Executive

Healthcare Students’ Guide


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Equal Opportunities Officer (Part Time)

This officer is there to improve and raise awareness of issues relating to the environment and social justice within the SU. This includes a lot of issues such as recycling, fair-trade, clean investment and ethical banking. Examples of the campaigns and events they co-ordinate throughout the year include One World Week and Fair Trade Fortnight. See page 13 for more info about getting involved with these issues.

REPRESENTATION. INCLUSION. ACCESSIBILITY. The Equal Opportunities Officer is elected to represent all students but particularly those that are misrepresented and under represented. They work to build consensus and ensure that our Students’ Union is more accessible and inclusive for all our members.

Finance & Services Officer (Full Time)

Intersite Officer (Part Time)

This officer oversees the Union’s finances which means giving your student groups the grants that they need, making sure that the Union receives its funding and that the Union spends its money effectively.

This officer ensures that the Students’ Union represents and caters for students at all University of Nottingham campuses.

The other side of this role is to develop the SU’s commercial services.

This also means pestering the University to improve infrastructure and the provision of University-wide services. See the “Team Intersite” page 18 for more information.

President (Full Time) The president’s role involves representing the Union’s members to the University and on a regional, national and international level. They work closely with each department and officer to help them achieve their objectives and ensure the Union’s staff help us shape the direction of the Union.

Student-Run Services Officer (Part Time) sustudentrunservices The Student-run Services Officer is responsible for Karni: Week One, Impact, URN, Nightline, Forum, New Theatre, CD & Record Library and TEC PA & Lighting. They provide a link between these services and the SU. This officer is also there to try to get more of you involved in the SRSs!

Societies Officer (Full Time) This officer is responsible for providing information and support to all the societies at the university. They provide a link between the many different societies and the Students’ Union. Along with the Societies Executive Committee, they are also responsible for making societies as accessible & successful as possible. Lots more information about societies is given in the “your activities” section.

Welfare Officer

The Executive

Healthcare Students’ Guide

Environment & Social Justice Officer (Part Time) Your Welfare Officer is responsible for representing the welfare of students to the University and other, external bodies. They also run campaigns, raising awareness on topics such as housing, health, financial difficulties and personal safety.

To find out who this years’ officers are visit



Healthcare Students’ Guide


Union Council is one of the most important aspects of your Students’ Union and is one of the main ways that it maintains its democratic nature. It’s Your Union and at Union Council you can have your say! It is made up of a panel of student representatives from each of the different academic schools, halls of residence, associated bodies, and the Students’ Union Executive Officers. They all come together approximately seven times throughout the year to discuss and debate the issues affecting the Students’ Union.

Each year each Students’ Union decide whether they wish to affiliate to the National Union of Students and pay an annual subscription fee. Your Students’ Union is a member of the NUS and we pay approximately £50,000 a year. This means that as well as being a member of the University of Nottingham Students’ Union, you are also a member of the NUS. The money raised from the NUS affiliation fees is used by the national body to fund its campaigns, services and activities.

At Union Council meetings the councillors are responsible for voting and debating the proposed policies ensuring that the aims of your Union are achieved. They also hold the Students’ Union Executive Officers to account. In order for Union Council to achieve its full potential, we must make sure that everyone is represented effectively.

The National Union of Students (NUS) is one of the largest student organisations in the world and represents the interests of around five million students in further and higher education throughout the United Kingdom.

If you would like to become a union counciller, then there are special places for: Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy and Medical students from each of the healthcare centres. Many of these places are often unfilled so this is an open door for you to have your say! If you are interested in standing for a position (which can be elected all year round if unfilled) please contact the chair of council. See contact details below. To find out who your Union councillor is and how it all works visit the main Students’ Union website which is accessible via the Campus Connection Website: Here you will also find the dates, times and locations of the meetings. As a student you are more than welcome to come along to listen and join in with the debates, although only council members can vote.

Chair of Union Council: 0115 84 68773 or email


Your NUS


When most people think of the NUS, one of the first things that comes into their minds are the student discounts, but there’s a lot more to the national union than that. The NUS is a voluntary membership organisation comprising a confederation of nearly 750 local student representative organisations - from nearly every University and college in the country. Every year the NUS holds a national conference and a number of regional conferences. Each union elects delegates to represent their organisation at these conferences. At Nottingham we elect 17 delegates in November for the national conference and every student gets the chance to stand for a place and also vote for the delegates that they wish to send. If you are interested in standing for such a position you can find out more information on our website closer to the time. You can also email the Democracy and Communications officer on:

Find out more about the NUS at:


Healthcare Students’ Guide

STUDENTS' UNION MEMBERSHIP CARDS Full-Time Students If you are enrolled on a full-time course at the University of Nottingham (regardless of which centre you are based at) you need to obtain a University Card. Not only does this provide you with your University ID, it is also your Students' Union (and NUS) Membership Card as demonstrated by the logos featured on it. Even if you are based at a Lincolnshire hospital site where you may not need to use this card day-to-day, you should still obtain one to demonstrate that you are part of the university and a member of the Students Union and NUS. You may also need the card when visiting other University sites for lectures or placements etc.

Been There! Done That! Got The T-Shirt? University of Nottingham clothing available on-line

University Card Functions: • Nottingham University Identification • Students' Union & NUS Membership Card • Library & Photocopying Card (Nottingham, Derby & Mansfield) • Building Access Card (Nottingham, Derby & Mansfield) • Travel Card (On Nottingham City Transport bus services and on the tram) • University Sports Centre Card (subject to joining) Local Student Discounts: As this card proves that you are a student, you may be able to use it to obtain discounts at local leisure centres or cinemas etc. However many national companies and chain store retailers only offer student discounts to holders of an NUS Extra Card. Find out about the NUS Extra Card and how to obtain one on page 16. Applying for your University Card: When you start your course you should be sent an email inviting you to apply for the card. This email will contain your login and password information along with a web link. If you do not receive this email then you will need to visit the University Card Website: Part-Time Students The university permits students on some part-time courses to apply for a University Card (depending on the number of credits and hours of study etc). If you are undertaking a course where you are enable to obtain a University Card then you can apply for a Democracy Card. This card will demonstrate your membership of the Students' Union and the NUS and generally proves your student status (allowing you to get local student discounts etc). When you start your course you may receive an application form for this card, but if this is not the case you can download it from our website at: , click on Your Union, then Membership Cards.


The NUS Extra scheme was launched nationally in August 2006 and is now the only student card that gets you discounts with national retailers and when you’re shopping on-line. It’s packed with offers and vouchers designed to save you money. You can apply for your card over the internet and in most cases it can be delivered directly to the site where you study. How much does it cost and why do I have to pay for it? The NUS Extra card costs £10 per year and offers a larger range of discounts with a lot more companies participating than in the previous price scheme. Each year different companies take part in the scheme, so check on the campus connection website and follow the links for the up-to-date list: By using all the amazing discounts on offer, there is no doubt you will get your £10 back in discounts over the next year! Do I need an NUS Extra Card to be a member of the NUS and the Students’ Union? No, these cards are only for students who want discounts. Students without NUS Extra cards are still full members of the NUS and the Students’ Union as shown on your University Card.

What happens after I have applied for my card? Within 7 days of your application you will receive an e-mail to say that your card is ready for collection Where do I collect my card from? When you apply for your card you will be offered a number of delivery address options; there should be an option for delivery at your centre or for another centre close by. See the Centre Profiles in the “Your Surroundings” section at the back of this booklet for more information. Please allow seven days for delivery. When collecting your card you will be required to provide proof of identity to demonstrate that you are a University of Nottingham student i.e. University Card or enrolment Letter. After signing for your card you will then be given your sealed NUS envelope containing your card and your discount booklet.

NUS Extra Cards

Healthcare Students’ Guide


Apply on-line today by visiting:

How long will my card last for? As this scheme is still quite new, to keep things simple all cards issued between September and the following July will cost £10 regardless of the time of year that you buy your card. Clearly there will be some disadvantage for students starting in the spring intakes, as if you buy a card at the start of your course it may only last for 6 months or less. Your Students’ Union is currently talking to the NUS regarding this issue and we hope that things may change in the future. How do I get one? You can apply on-line from home using a credit or debit card, your e-mail address and a method of uploading a suitable photograph.

Go to: Follow the easy steps on the web to upload your photo and make your payment.



Team Intersite™ is made up of the Intersite Officer and the Intersite Support Worker. Our office is located in the Portland Building (University Park Campus); however our focus is firmly on you and all the other students based at the University’s Satellite Sites. Team Intersite is here to make sure that wherever possible you don’t miss out!

Intersite Officer The Intersite Officer is there to represent the views and interests of students studying at all the different satellite sites around the East Midlands to the rest of the Students’ Union and the University. This involves liaising with other Officers, the University and students to ensure that any relevant issues affecting students on these sites are dealt with effectively. This role essentially revolves around working closely with the Intersite Support Worker, to make sure that your views and opinions are represented to the relevant bodies. Healthcare students are just as much a part of the Students’ Union and the University, and Team Intersite are here to guarantee that as much as possible, you are able to take part in all the different aspects of university life. If you have any problems or questions regarding your time studying here at the University of Nottingham please do not hesitate to get in contact with the Intersite Officer or the Intersite Support worker. We are here to make your voice an even louder one here in Nottingham - so please make sure you use us. If you’re not happy with the level of transport, support or facilities available to you, or if there is anything else you want dealt with, then get in touch! We wish you all the best with your time here at the University of Nottingham and hope to see some of you out and about. Remember, you are not alone - Team Intersite will save the day!

Intersite Officer Student Advice and Representation Centre University of Nottingham Students’ Union Portland Building University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD 0115 84 68771

The Intersite Support Worker The Intersite Support Worker is a full-time member of staff here at the Students’ Union. This person is here specifically for you – that’s Nursing, Midwifery, Physiotherapy and Graduate Entry Medical Students. So if you have any questions, need any help, or just want to chat about an idea you have for your centre, please feel free to get in touch and we’ll see what we can do! As you will know, many of you are not traditional University of Nottingham students. Most of you do not follow the standard University term dates, many of you do not live in Nottingham, a significant percentage of your group will be mature students (often with family commitments) and to round it all off, you will also be out on placements for a significant part of your course. The role of the Intersite Support Worker is designed to go some way to help address the issues that these circumstances create and help you to get involved where you can. The main services that the Intersite Support Worker provides for students based at healthcare sites are: • • • • •

Team Intersite

Healthcare Students’ Guide


A first point of contact for healthcare students and a signposting facility. Training and support for Course Reps across the different sites Training and support for Healthcare Associations at the different centres A general two way communication link between your centre and the Students’ Union Co-ordination of developmental projects that benefit healthcare students based away from Nottingham

Intersite Support Worker Student Advice & Representation Centre University of Nottingham Students’ Union Portland Building University Park Nottingham NG7 2RD 0115 84 68735 0788 775 4795

To find out who currently holds this post visit:



Healthcare Students’ Guide

WHAT IS THE STUDENTS’ UNION DOING FOR HEALTHCARE STUDENTS BASED AT THE DIFFERENT SITES? The Students’ Union is constantly striving to involve students who are not based at University Park more fully. Students at all sites have always had access to the core Students’ Union services such as advice and representation. However we are now working very hard to expand the range of provisions available via our long-term plan. The overall objective of this plan is to improve the experience of healthcare students across the different sites.

Here are a few examples of other projects that your Students’ Union has recently been involved with . . .


Working with the School of Nursing to improve the Course Reps and student feedback systems.


Securing a Students’ Union office at Mansfield when the centre is relocated. This will be used by our Course Reps and NAMA Mansfield (see page 57).

3 4

Re-launching the Campus Connection website (our dedicated site for healthcare students) and putting more of our services online. Production of this Healthcare Students’ Guide.


Developing an on-line voting system for cross campus elections, allowing students from all sites to take part in elections.


Launching a new Students’ Union drop-in service allowing students across the different healthcare sites to speak to somebody face to face.


Developing Student Associations at each of the hospital sites to provide activities, welfare support and volunteering oppourtunities. See Page 46.


Establishing a publicity distribution network to ensure that students at healthcare sites are aware of relevant central campaigns and services.

Connect Five! Lincoln Boston Mansfield Nottingham Derby Visit the Students’ Union website for healtcare students Your connection to Your Student’s Union 20

Your Student Support

Student Advice Team Course Reps NightLine Representational Associations University Support Services

The Student Advice team is based in the Student Advice and Representation Centre (SARC) at University Park Campus in Nottingham. Our service is available to all University of Nottingham students at all sites and you can get in touch with us in a number of ways.

Student Advice Team

Healthcare Students’ Guide


The team consists of fully trained professional advisors and has been awarded with the Community Legal Service Quality Mark in the category of 'General Help with Student Casework'. This means that you can expect to receive an independent, confidential, quality service from us.

Contacting us is easy: Drop In:

If you are based at Nottingham you can visit the Student Advice and Representation Centre and talk to one of our advisors. We operate on a “drop-in” basis. Our open hours are given below, you can find us on B Floor, in the Portland Building at University Park Campus.

Telephone us: (0115) 84 68730 Leave a voicemail: (0115) 84 68733 (out of hours) E-mail us:

Write to us:

Student Advice & Representation Centre University of Nottingham Students' Union Portland Building University Park Our Open Hours Nottingham Monday - Tuesday 9am-4pm all year round NG7 2RD Wednesday 10am-5pm (term-time) 9am-4pm (out of term-time) Thursday - Friday


ISSUES WE CAN HELP YOU WITH: Money & Funding Issues

Page 26

Course Related Problems

Page 27

Housing Issues

Page 28

Other Issues

Page 29

9am-4pm all year round




We can advise you regarding a wide range of financial issues and difficulties including:

The majority of people for the majority of the time will progress through their course without a hitch, sometimes though things do go wrong and you may feel that your place on the course is in some doubt. Alternatively you may have a major complaint to make about your school or division and want some guidance on what you can do.

Problems with the NHS Grants Unit Problems with the Student Loans Company

Our Education Advisor can advise you with issues such as:

Funds for students in financial difficulties such as: The Access To Learning Fund, the Student Crisis Fund and ÂŁ50 Emergency Loan

Threatened course termination

Help with childcare costs

Accusations of academic offences including plagiarism

Help claiming back NHS costs

Fitness to practice issues

Tuition fees Welfare Benefits & Tax Credits Educational trusts & charities

Complaints made against students from placement areas

Bullying or harassment problems How to make a complaint about your school or the University. Examples of how we may be able to help include: Providing you with independent help and advice on the University Procedures

Dealing with debts (debt counselling)

Giving you guidance on drafting your appeal and suggesting improvements

Council Tax

Attend interview sessions, committees or meetings with you, where appropriate

More Information on these issues can be found on our website: If you have question or want to know more, contact an advisor using the details on page 24.



Healthcare Students’ Guide


Nottingham Students are advised to call the centre to make an appointment with the Education Advisor. Students not based in Nottingham can arrange a telephone appointment and it may also be possible for an advisor to visit you at your centre.

If you have question or want to know more, contact us using the details on page 24.




Whether you live in: Private rented, council, halls or owner occupied accommodation we can advise you of your rights as an occupier.

Council Tax

We can advise you on: Rights and responsibilities of landlords and tenants Dealing with disputes involving your accommodation provider or landlord Contracts and contract-checking Repairs


We can tell you if your dwelling is exempt from council tax, whether you are liable to pay and ways in which your bill may be reduced.

Consumer If you have brought something from a: shop, private seller, the internet or through mail order, we can advise you of your rights if you are not happy with your goods. We also have information about what you can do if you are not happy with a service provided by a: company, bank or insurance provider etc.

Tenancy Deposits & retainers

Legal Issues:

Rents Harassment and illegal eviction

We can provide you with information if you need the help of a solicitor. We can explain the rules concerning Community Legal Service Funding (formerly legal aid). We can also advise you about actions in a small claims court.

Bills and utility services

Immigration/Visas Issues:

If you have any question or want to know more, contact an advisor using the details on page 24.

Housing & Other Issues

Healthcare Students’ Guide


We can only give out basic information to students concerning immigration rules and visa requirements. If you need specialist help we can point you in the right direction - usually the International Office or a specialist solicitor.

Taking time out, leaving or changing course: If you are doing any of these, you may wish to consider your options. We can advise you on the procedures and various implications involved, for example how your entitlement to financial support and state benefits may alter if your circumstances change.

General Information: We have a variety of resources to help find information for you that you may be struggling to find for yourself. If we cannot help you directly, we will always do our best to try and point you in the direction of someone who can.

If you would like some advice on any of these matters, contact an advisor using the details on page 24.



Healthcare Students’ Guide

As an adult learner at the University you are a full stakeholder in your school or division. This means that students have a major role to play in: shaping the future of the courses, how they are delivered and how resources are allocated. Each new intake at each site elects a number of Course Reps who will then represent their group to their school at a local level. Each school, division (or centre) holds a regular “Student Staff Feedback Committee” (SSFC) where all the local Course Reps get together with the academics and support staff to discuss any student issues that have come up.

Q. I’m not a Course Rep and I haven’t raised an issue, but I’m quite nosy and want to know what is going on! A. Being inquisitive is not a problem. Your Course Rep should be feeding information back to your group. If not, the minutes from the SSFC’s should also be available on a relevant notice board or available on your school (or division) website.

Course Representatives


COURSE REPS: YOUR say on YOUR Education!

Q. What does the School gain from the SSCC system? A. As part of the University’s quality system, your school is obliged to provide the opportunity for student feedback. Your school also benefits from this system as it allows concerns to be identified at an early stage and also ensures that the student experience is constantly reviewed and improved.

Q. I’ve just started my course, how will the Course Reps from my group be elected? A. This will be different depending on your School. Within a few weeks of starting your course, you should receive some information about how the Course Reps will be elected. If this does not happen you can make enquiries with your intake leader or contact the Intersite Support Worker at the Students’ Union (Pg 19.)

Q. I’m thinking of becoming a Course Rep, but what’s in it for me? A. You will be given the opportunity to enhance and gain skills such as: communication, problem solving, public speaking, advocacy and the ability to work professionally as part of a team. This may be exactly what employers are looking for and may even give you an edge when applying for jobs!

Q. I want to raise an issue with my Course Rep how do I do this? A. The Course Reps for your group should inform you of who they are once they are elected. Approach them to tell them about your concerns. If you don’t know who your Course Rep is then you can check your school’s website or enquire at your course office. The school of nursing for example has online spreadsheets giving the email addresses of the Course Reps. These can be found on their portal page. Go to Student Feedback Area, Select SSFC, Select your course and finally your centre (if applicable).

Q. If I become a Course Rep, how will I know what to do after the election? A. Don’t worry, The Students’ Union provides full training and in most cases this will be delivered at your local centre. Details of these sessions can be found at The Intersite Support Worker also provides on-going help and support for Course Reps should you have any problems. See contact details on page 19.


The University of Nottingham

Students’ Union

Anybody there? What is nightline? Nightline is a student run, confidential listening and information service. What does this mean? Listening service: We are open every night from 7pm-8am during term time to listen to any problem you may have, no matter how trivial it may seem to you. Whether you are stressed, worried about exams, having problems with friends or just want a chat, we are more than happy to listen, whatever the hour. Information service: Nightline has a wealth of information regarding almost every subject imaginable! We can help with University information, such as exam timetables, library opening times, hall information, etc. We can provide information, such as club and bars, restaurants, cinema listings, even train times, for Nottingham and satellite campuses . We can also provide information such as health centre numbers, taxi numbers, takeaway numbers and even all night alcohol delivery numbers! Feel free to request any information and we will do our best to find it for you!n

Our number is: 0115 95 14985 You can also use our email listening service: Emails will receive a response within 48 hours during term-time.

Concerned About Personal Safety? Get a Students’ Union Attack Alarm Education Centres Outside Of Nottingham Collect from your course office or nearest School of Nursing, Midwifery & Physiotherapy Centre Administrator Nottingham Based Students Collection points at: Students’ Advice and Representation Centre (Portland Building, University Park Campus) NAMA Office (near to C50, QMC Med School) Midwifery Reception; Post Graduate Education Centre, Nottingham City Hospital

Problems? call 0115 846 8735

Healthcare Students’ Guide

To put this into practice, we have a number of Representational Associations and committees in place to represent you in a number of different ways. Many of these groups also have a social as well as a supportive role for students. What's more, to make sure you're all represented fairly, there are elected Representational Officers who are there to speak for groups like postgraduates and disabled students.

The objective of this committee is to act as the conscience of the SU and to make students more ethically and environmentally aware. As a committee we plan projects and events through weekly meetings and run campaigns promoting issues such as Fair Trade and environmental responsibility. Both the E&SJ Executive Officer and the committee members are elected positions but there is always an open door for those with drive and ideas, especially if you are located at a healthcare site and want to help us raise our profile! If you're interested in getting involved contact us at: Find our web pages at:

The Black and Minority Ethnic Students' Committee

Equal Opportunities

The Black and Minority Ethnic Students' Committee is dedicated to combating the underrepresentation and discrimination of BME students. It also seeks to celebrate BME culture and history. If you want to get involved, please get in touch with the Black and Minority Ethnic Students' Officer. Find our web pages at:

We want to ensure that all our students are represented fairly and treated equally. The Equal Opportunities Officer is the point of contact for students and any external bodies who have a interest or concern in this area. You can email the Equal Opportunities Officer at:

Disability Action

We are an organisation within the Students' Union that is run by international students, for international students. With more than 7000 students representing over 110 countries, the ISB is managed by a student committee that organises year-round cultural, social and sporting events. The ISB organises various activities that are designed to involve all international students.

The Students' Union wants to ensure that your views and interests are taken into account by the University and by external bodies like local Council and the NUS etc.

Disability Action exists to represent the interests of students with disabilities at the University of Nottingham. We aim to promote equality of opportunity and to ensure that students with disabilities can participate in all aspects of University life. They aim to provide: information, advice and support, social events, sporting activities etc. We want people from all centres to get involved! You can take part or help to put on activities and events for other students - it is completely up to you! Just get in touch for more information.


Environment and Social Justice (E&SJ) Committee

Representation & Associations


International Students Bureau (ISB)

Right from the International Week to the International Sports Olympics, the ISB strives to make your life at University a memorable one. If you are interested in joining in with any of the above, feel free to get in touch! Email ISB:


Our association exists within the Students' Union to support and represent all LGBT students at the University of Nottingham. We organise regular social events and provide information and support for students. Members can receive welfare support from any healthcare site by emailing our welfare officers.

Representation & Associations

Healthcare Students’ Guide

LGBT (Lesbian Gay Bisexual Trans)

LGBT is open to all University of Nottingham students at all centres, although we appreciate that for students based away from the Nottingham geography may be a barrier. However students based at any site can still use our web forums to take part in general chat and ask for information. We are also keen to have an LGBT Rep at: Derby, Lincoln, Mansfield and Boston, if you would like to discuss this further, then please do get in touch with us. Email: Website at:

Mature Students' Association (MSA) The MSA is a group for students who are over 21 at the time of entering University. We aim to provide a range of services to mature students including information, advice, support, socials, and the opportunity to meet other mature students at the University. Our activities are based in Nottingham but we welcome students from all satellite sites. If you want to become more involved there are also places on our committee. Email: Find our web pages via:

Postgraduate Students' Association (PGSA)


Postgraduate Students' Association

Our aim is to make the postgraduate experience at the University of Nottingham as enjoyable and rewarding as possible. It aims to ensure that the needs and issues concerning the postgraduate community are acknowledged by both the Students' Union and the University. We have a dedicated Welfare Officer and we organise social events such as cultural visits to cities, bar socials, family events, sports teams and a Postgraduate Summer Ball. All this provides an excellent chance for you to meet other postgraduates from other courses and research groups. Call: 0115 846 8715 email: Web:

Women's Network

womens network

The Women's Network is a proudly feminist organisation representing all women students at the university. We aim to empower them through active campaigning and raising awareness on issues concerning anti-sexism and all other forms of discrimination faced by women today. We are aware of the fact that the situation of women in society has improved greatly in comparison to the past, however it is far from ideal. We recognise the fact that the women of the University of Nottingham come from a range of diverse backgrounds and we aim to provide a safe space for them to explore their politics and identity. To get involved, seek help or raise an issue, please email us and get in touch. Email: Find our web pages via:




The following services are NOT provided by the Students’ Union but by the University of Nottingham. Academic Support Study Support is available to all registered students at the University of Nottingham. Our network of tutors can help you with: Academic writing techniques, note taking, understanding assignment guidelines, planning essays, and basic spelling, punctuation and grammar problems. They can also provide specialist support for both dyslexic students and students with disabilities. Support is available to all students by visiting our centre on the University Park Campus. All appointments must be booked in advance, by calling the number below. A designated study support tutor is also available to visit Nursing and Midwifery students at the following sites: Derby, Boston, Grantham, Mansfield and Lincoln.

University Support Services

Healthcare Students’ Guide


Chaplaincy Service Our Chaplaincy team includes members of the Church of England, the Roman Catholic Church and the Methodist Church. We can also assist in making contact with representatives of other faiths. We are here to offer support and advice to all members of the University community: students and staff; Christians and non-Christians.

(0115) 95 13931

(0115) 951 3710

Counselling Service

The University Counselling Service is available to ALL registered University of Nottingham students and staff wherever they are based. The service is completely free and confidential and pre-arranged appointments with a counsellor can be arranged for the following sites; Boston, Derby, Lincoln, Mansfield and Nottingham.

Childcare Services (Student Service: Nottingham only) The service provides Full-/part-time day care for children aged 4 months to 5 years; Full-time/term-time only care for children over 2 years of age and holiday play schemes for children aged 4.5 – 12 years old. We also provide; Free Education Fund sessions (from the term following your child’s third birthday) and a toy library. This service is for both staff and students. For a prospectus and more information, please contact us.

We also run workshops at the various healthcare sites on issues such as Assertiveness and Stress Management; these sessions are aimed primarily at nursing and midwifery students. Anybody who is interested should contact us for the details of the next workshop at their centre.

0115 951 3695 (0115) 951 5222



Disability Policy Advisory Unit (DPAU) Students should ensure that the University is aware of any individual requirements they may have in terms of disability, dyslexia and or a long-term medical condition. Letting us know what you might need at an early stage will help us to help you. Each school appoints a Disability Liaison Officer (DLO) to provide a point of reference, advice and guidance for staff and students about disability issues and support. The full services, facilities and opportunities that we provide, are listed in the University’s Disability Statement, which can be found on our website. Here you can also find out more information about the DLO for your school.

(0115) 951 3710


University Support Services

Healthcare Students’ Guide


Financial Support Office The Financial Support team provides advice and administers several funds, including the Access to Learning Fund and the Student Crisis Loan. However if you would like to have all your financial options investigated as you are unsure about what to apply for, then contact a Student Advisor Team, see page 24.

(0115) 951 3710

Mincom: 0115 951 4378

Ethnic Minority Student Support Group (EMSG) This group has been set-up specifically to give added support to ethnic minority student nurses and midwives who are on pre-registration courses. The meetings provide a forum for support by sharing experiences and discussing specific issues relevant to international students and ethnic minority students.

International Office The Student Support Section of the International Office works to help and advise international students studying at Nottingham. The help and advice that they give can be quite varied and covers issues such as immigration, employment, finance, personal/family concerns and academic difficulties. The service they offer is both professional and confidential. (0115) 951 5247

The group aims to develop a sense of belonging and there is also a social element too. The group meets bi-monthly at the School of Nursing’s Derby Centre (DRI) and the meetings are open to Ethnic Minority students from all centres. For further information please contact Carol Campbell.



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