Noura Al Haddab GRADUATION PROJECT Interior Architect 2022 - 2023
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Copyright © 2022 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced stored in a retrievel system in any form or by any means without the written permission of Noura Alhaddab. Phone / +966 55 000 9646 Email / Prince Sultan University Rafha Street, Salah Addin, 12435 Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia College of Architecture and Design
“Success is the ability to go from one failure to another with no loss of enthusiasm” – Winston Churchill
CONTENTS 06 | 09
Project Needs & Strategic Context About Aspire Athletic Center . Problem statement. Alignment with 2030 strategy goals. Identify the global practices. Survey , SME.
10 | 11
Schematic Analysis Design concept. Concept analysis. Users and services analysis. Zoning and programming.
12 | 13
Site Analysis About location. Climate analysis. Accessibility analysis. Surrounding analysis. LEED credits. Site plan.
14 | 27
Design Development Architectural working drawings Furniture design. Blow up space. 3D views.
Project Needs and Strategic Context
PROJECT PRIEF Asp ire A t h let e C en t er d evel ops and pr epar es tal ented athl etes and youth passion of Saudi Arabia to be individual or to be part of team sports with the objective of building generations of sports
PROJECT NEEDS T h e la ck of w omen ’s a t hl eti c and tal ent devel opm ent c enter s a r oun d Sa ud i A ra bia w i l l i nc r ease the number of tal ented p eop le w h o ca n ›t fin d t he pr oper suppor t f or thei r i nter ests. Ac c ord in g t o Qua lit y- of -Li f e pr ogr am i n Saudi Ar abi a :
VISION 2030 Aimed to develop sports and make them part of the Saudis› goal. T h e A t h let e C en t er will Impr ove the spor ts sec tor , f oc usi ng o n p romot in g t a len t s , i nc r ease i n women›s par ti c i pati on, a n d d ev elop men t s in f em al e spor ts i n al l spor ts events
Benchmarking Synthesis
Discover and develop talented athletes from the age of 6 across Saudi Arabia.
Brief & About Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
Services & Facilities
3600 sqm
age 6-12
- Reception - Classrooms - Physical Therapy Center - Performance Center - Sports equipment storage - Entertainment Area - Outdoor Fields - Medical Center - Nutritious Center - Mahd Hotel - Educational Stage - Administrative Area
Emphasizes sustainability and has a LEED Gold certification, assurance of wellbeing, and support.
Waterville, United States 6000 sqm
Collage Students
- Reception - Lounges - Classrooms - Competition Venues - Wellness Center - Medicine Center - Outdoor Amenities - Outdoor Fields - Administrative Area
Floor Plan
- Natural daylight is provided in all
- Proper material selection for
spaces. - Bright color scheme throughout the space has a positive effect on athletics. - Materials selection proper for sports facilities. - Sustainability principles lead to a good effect on athletes.
sports facilities. - Spaces overlook the indoor
playgrounds - Multi Purpose Sports Rooms. - Medical Center . - Physical Therapy Center .
- No ADA consideration in the spaces
- ADA consideration.
such as ramps and elevators not
- Entrainment facilities such as
restaurants and cafes.
- Limit in providing different types
of services and entertainment such as wellness areas and restaurants, café.
- Wellness spa. - Competition area.
Benchmarking Synthesis
Type of Sports
Facilities & Services
Training Process
People’s needs and requirements in Saudi Arabia to enhance and improve the Sports Development Center .
An athlete’s point of view of the needs and services in the center and their process while developing and preparing to participate.
Quantitative method.
Qualitative method.
80 Participants
- Athletic Trainer - Athlete
- Tennis - Football - Basketball - Gymnastic - Swimming - Weightlifting
- Endurance Sports - Cross Fit - Gymnastic
- Physical therapy - Mental and health therapy - Special spaces for training to focus on athletics. - Well-equipped shower areas.
- Exhibition area - Shop - Spa & wellness - Medical center - Children daycare
The preferred type of training is both individual and group training.
Prepare and train for at least two months. Measure performance and practice with competition equipment. Physical and mental preparations.
Design Concept
DESIGN CONCEPT “ H uma n Mus cles ” rep resent power , r esol uteness, and endur a n c e, wh ich a re q ua lit ie s that ar e essenti al to athl etes. It of f er s a ra n ge of fun ct ions, f r om pumpi ng bl ood and suppor t i n g a mov emen t or giv in g bi r th as the c enter goal . A satur ati on o f circu la r In t ert w in ing expr essi ons, c ur vi l i near f or ms, sm oot h t ex t u res , a n d a monoc hr omati c c ol or sc hem e wi l l be i m p lemen t ed . T h erefore, a posi ti ve and heal thy envi r onment w i l l fos t er a n en coura ging atm ospher e thr oughout the spac e.
DESIGN ANALYSIS Mass Structure The external part of human muscle is seen as one unit, when the internal part appears differently . Therefore, creating different sports facilites within the interior to reflect them intersection and branching of muscles
Mass Form Inspired by focal structure in the muscle form with vessels , which represent the focal point in the center that take vistors to different zones
Zoning Types Based on the three types of muscle and their function. A skeletal muscle is the active zone, Cardiac muscle is the welcoming zone, Smooth muscle is the service zone
Symmetry Layout By using the symmetrical layout which is one of the muscle elements
Zoning and Programming
60% Athletes
20% Trainers
10% Workers
Active Zone Free Strength Training Classes Multi-Sports Court Olympic Pool Gymanstic
Welcome Zone Reception Administration Shop Exhibition Curative Zone
Service Zone Lockers Restrooms Praying Room BOH
10% Medical
Site Analysis
ABOUT LOCATION A S port s Boulev a rd in K i ng Sal m an Par k i n Ri y adh, Saudi Ar a b i a w ill en coura ge cit izens to exer c i se and par ti c i pate i n var i o u s s p ort in g a ct iv it ies as a way to l ead a heal thy l i f esty l e.
Site Analysis
LEED CREDITS Asp i r e At h let ic Build in g ma de a n u m b er of s ign ifica n t up d a t es to r ed u c e i ts ca rb on foot p rin t , in cl udi n g i n sta l lin g h igh -efficien cy li ght i n g sy ste ms , imp rov in g t h e bui l di n g ’ s H VA C s ys t em, low-emitti ng m a teri a l s us ed , wa t er u s e reduc ti o n tec hn ologies , a n d en h a nc i ng th e I AQ s t ra t egies , wh ich wer e L EED c ert ified .
SITE ANALYSIS Accessibility Analysis Main Road Eastern Ring Rd Seconadry Road Al Urubah Rd King Abdulaziz Rd
Sun and Wind Analysis Summer Winter
Surrounding Analysis Aspire Athletic Center King Salman Park Goverment Buildings Commercial Buildings Residential Buildings
Floor Plan
Floor Plan 14
Floor Plan
Section A-A 16
Blow up space
DESIGN CONCEPT T h e d es ign in corp ora t es a satur ati on of c ur vi l i near f or ms i n sp i r ed b y mu s cles ’ s h a p e and f or m , c r eati ng a sense of sc al e a n d rh yt h m, s moot h t e xtur es, and a monoc hr omati c c ol or sc heme. P rov id in g guests and user s wi th exper i enc es that m ee t t h eir n eed s .
Blow up space
Furniture Design
ABOUT “ R E ST A N D ST R ET C H” is a c ompl eted Mul ti -Fi tness f ur ni tur e p i ec e a imed a t p rofes s i onal s and enthusi ast athl etes used f o r p ers on a l s t u d io t rai ni ng and or f r ee str ength spac e.
DESIGN CONCEPT A f urn it ure p iece in s p ired by hum an m usc l e made of sm ooth a n d s oft ma t eria ls rep re sents m usc l e textur e, c ontour , and h o rizon lin e, a circula t ion of m usc l e f i bber s and str uc tur e.
DESIGN ANALYSIS Shape The horizon line of the muscle shape is used to divide the piece into two functional seating and shelving units. Additionally , the furniture piece is shaped by the contour line of muscles.
Fibers This piece uses muscle fibers through the use of overlapped wood and shelving units. Further , the fibers are attached to the bones, so the piece attached to the floor provides a good amount of strength while exercising.
Structure It is inspired by short and long heads of the muscle, representing the long head which is the seating part while the short head is the shelving unit.
Texture Muscle texture and feel are smooth, so the furniture piece was made of smooth materials which let users feel comfort.
Furniture Design
Wood Joints
Hex Screws
L-Metal Brackets Hex Screws
L-Metal Brackets
Wood Joints
Wood Joints WoodBrackets Joints L-Metal Wood Joints English Coat
L-Metal Brackets L-Metal Brackets Hex Screws L-Metal Brackets English Coat and Leather Glue
Hex Screws
Hex Screws Upholstrey Foam
Leather Glue Leather Glue
Upholstery foam
Hex Screws
English Coat English Coat
Upholstery foam
foam UpholsteryUpholstery foam
Leather Glue Leather Glue
English Upholstery Coat foam
English Coat
L-Metal Brackets
Leather Glue
Hex Screw
Furniture Design
Furniture Design
3D views
3D views
3D views
3D views
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