Noura Al Haddab PORTFOLIO Interior Architect Selected Works 2019-2022
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Copyright © 2020 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be produced stored in a retrievel system in any form or by any means without the written permission of Noura Alhaddab. Phone / +966 55 000 9646 Email / Prince Sultan University Rafha Street, Salah Addin, 12435 Riyadh, Kingdom of Saudi Arabia College of Architecture and Design
About me
A fresh graduate of Interior Architecture seeking an opportunity to advance my career in a leading organization to capitalize on my knowledge, and skills and contribute effectively to take roles and responsibilities to reach potential growth, achieve challenging targets and success in term goals, and bright vision of the kingdom.
EXPERIENCE Interior Architect Trainee - COOP Program
Jan 2023 - Aug 2023
Ministry of Tourism •
Monitor and manage several day-to-day responsibilities, reviewing the floor plans, research and decide on materials and products sourcing.
Creating the design proposals, managing and analyzing the request for proposal documents.
Design and develop a new vision for the Ministry buildings to foster a work environment.
Interior Architect
May 2021 - Aug 2021
Maak Company •
Regulate clients’ projects and meetings to ensure project completion within the allocatedbudget and timeline.
Manage and produce architectural working drawings, project documents, specifications, and bills of quantities (BOQ).
Site and design supervision.
EDUCATION Bachelor of Science, Interior Design Engineering.
2018 - 2023
Prince Sultan University, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. •
Comulative GPA 3.53 out of 4, Second Honor.
EXTRACURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Consultancy in Interior Design and Architec-
October, 2022
Saudi Indurstrial Development Fund.
Consultancy in Interior Design and Lighting
May, 2022
Ensan Charity Committee.
June, 2022
Abdullah Alallah Archviz Academy.
May, 2021
Prince Sultan University.
Work Place Design Workshop
March, 2021
Art Center | Technical and Vocational Training.
SKILLS Software
Adope Programs: Photoshop, InDesign, Illustrator. Autodesk: AutoCad, 3ds Max, Revit.
Time Managment Adaptability
Defining Requirments Strategic Planning
Microsoft’s Office Sketchup
Leadership Collabration
Design Thinking Problem Solving
REFERENCE Available upon request.
CONTENTS 08 | 19
Aspire Athletic Center Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
20 | 33
Erth Resort Qiddiya, Saudi Arabia
34 | 45
PL Boutique Hotel Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
46 | 55
Cie Land Kindergarten Mecca, Saudi Arabia
56 | 67
CDS Co-Working Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
68 | 75
CD Architecture Design Firm Riyadh, Saudi Arabia
76 | 79
Architecture Working Drawings and Detailing
Aspire Athletic Center Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Graduation Project 2022 - 2023 Project Area 5000 sqm
Copy Right
PROJECT PRIEF Asp ire A t h let e C en t er d evel ops and pr epar es tal ented athl etes and youth passion of Saudi Arabia to be individual or to be part of team sports with the objective of building generations of sports
PROBLEM STATEMENT T h e la ck of w omen ’s s p or ts and athel te devel opment c enter s a r oun d Sa ud i A ra bia wi l l i nc r ease the number of tal ented p eop le w h o ca n ›t fin d the pr oper suppor t f or thei r i nter ests
PROPOSED SOLUTION Cent er d ev elop s a n d p r epar es tal ented athl etes and y outh p a s s ion of Sa u d is w omen to hel p them bui l d thei r f utur e to p a rt icip a t e loca lly and i nter nati onal l y , devel op thei r ta l en t s a n d ma ke t h e S audi s gl obal l y known, and pr ovi de th e p rop er s u p p ort t h at ever y am bi ti ous i ndi vi dual needs
VISION 2030 Aimed to develop sports and make them part of the Saudis› goal. T h e A t h let e C en t er will Impr ove the spor ts sec tor , f oc usi ng o n p romot in g t a len t s , i nc r ease i n women›s par ti c i pati on, a n d d ev elop men t s in f em al e spor ts i n al l spor ts events
DESIGN CONCEPT H u ma n Mus cles ” repr esent power , r esol uteness, and en d u ra n ce, w h ich a re q ual i ti es that ar e essenti al to athl etes. It offers a range of functions, from pumping blood and supporting a mov emen t or giv in g bi r th as the c enter goal . A satur ati on o f circu la r In t ert w in ing expr essi ons, c ur vi l i near f or ms, sm oot h t ex t u res , a n d a monoc hr omati c c ol or sc hem e wi l l be i m p lemen t ed . T h erefore, a posi ti ve and heal thy envi r onment w i l l fos t er a n en coura gi ng atmospher ethr oughout the spac e
Aspire Athletic Center
Site Plan
Aspire Athletic Center
Accessibility Analysis Main Road Eastern Ring Rd Seconadry Road Al Urubah Rd King Abdulaziz Rd
Sun and Wind Analysis Summer Winter
Surrounding Analysis Aspire Athletic Center King Salman Park Goverment Buildings Commercial Buildings Residential Buildings
Aspire Athletic Center
Floor Plan 12
Aspire Athletic Center
Aspire Athletic Center
Section A-A
Aspire Athletic Center
Aspire Athletic Center
Aspire Athletic Center
Aspire Athletic Center
Aspire Athletic Center
Erth Resort Qiddiya, Saudi Arabia Hospitality Design Studio 2021 - 2022 Project Area 9000 sqm
Erth Resort
PROJECT PRIEF The mission of Erth hotel is to provide outstanding lodging facilities and services to the guests. Erth Hotel focuses on individual business and leisure travel, as well as travel associated with families. The Hotel emphasizes high-quality standards in our rooms and provides a memorable experience to customers in every aspect of their stay
DESIGN CONCEPT M ou n t a in s a n d L a n d s ca pe of Al Qi ddi y a have been abstr ac ted i n to a mod ern con t ext desi gn dr i ven by i ts r epeti ti on, m on och roma t ic h u es , r ough textur e, juxtaposi ti ons, and l o c a l ma t eria ls wit h expr essi ve y et str ai ghtf or war d ar ti sti c el emen t s t h a t rep res e nt Saudi 's i denti ty . The r esul t i s a s h ow ca s e of a d es i gn that i nter weaves el egant Saudi c u lt ure w it h a n ex q ui si tel y mi ni m al i st l i f esty l e, pr ovi di ng g u es t s w it h a n ex cepti onal l y l uxur i ous exper i enc e that reflect s t h e v a lues of our her i tage and i nher i ted r oots.
Erth Resort
Ground Floor Plan
Erth Resort
Ground Floor Plan
Erth Resort
First Floor Plan
Erth Resort
First Floor Plan
Erth Resort
Section A-A
South Elevation
Erth Resort
Erth Resort
Furniture Piece Console Table
3D View
Erth Resort
Furniture Piece Nightstand
3D View
Erth Resort
Erth Resort
Erth Resort
Erth Resort
PL Boutique Hotel Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Hospitality Design Studio 2021 - 2022 Project Area 2000 sqm
PL Boutique Hotel
PROJECT PRIEF T h e h ot el a imed t o c r eate a wel c omi ng, c om f or tabl e a tm os p h ere for cult ure d and vi br ant tour i st vi si tor s. The P L Bout iq ue Hot el ref l ec ts the best uni que mem or abl e p o i n t s a n d focu s es on the pr i vac y and i ndependenc e of th e gues t . It is loca t ed i n the hear t of Ri y adh›s f am ous c o mmercia l d is t rict a nd near the c i ty ›s f ashi onabl e r oad
DESIGN CONCEPT A un ique s t yle in s p ired by the aestheti c of Japanese i nter i or s to p rov id e b a la n ce and har mony thr ough a m i ni mal i st sty le a p p roa ch . Th e h otel f oc uses on c r eati ng a c al mi ng, tra n quil, a n d un d ers tated atm ospher e. The desi gn i s d riv en by it s s imp licit y , attenti on to detai l , c ontempl ati ve a tm os p h ere, a n d p a lpabl e emphasi s on usi ng natur al m a t eria ls wit h wa rm col or tones to c r eate a har moni ous b a l a n ce, gu id in g gues t s to enter a pur e l i vi ng envi r onment.
PL Boutique Hotel
Ground Floor Plan
PL Boutique Hotel
Ground Floor Plan
PL Boutique Hotel
First Floor Plan
PL Boutique Hotel
First Floor Plan
PL Boutique Hotel
Second Floor Plan
PL Boutique Copy Hotel Right
Second Floor Plan
PL Boutique Hotel
Section A-A
PL Boutique Hotel
PL Boutique Hotel
PL Boutique Hotel
Cie Land Kindergarten Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Educational Design Studio 2020 - 2021 Project Area 380 sqm
Cie Land Kindergarten
PROJECT PRIEF S ee ks t o d ev elop a p os iti ve sel f -i m age i n ever y c hi l d. Chi l dr en a r e a llow ed t o lea rn a bout thei r devel opment and gr owth, a s w ell a s be en couraged to par ti c i pate i n c ol l abor ati ve ex plora t ion , d is cov ery , c r eati vi ty , and pr obl em-sol vi ng
DESIGN CONCEPT T h e con cep t w a s in s p ir ed by the f i r st step of a c hi l d l i vi ng i n h is or h er ea rly year s of expl or ati on. The ki nder gar ten i s d es ign ed t o crea t e a spac e that sti mul ates c hi l dr en›s i m a gin a t ion , crea t iv it y , and expl or ati on. B y desi gni ng a pl ay a n d lea rn in g en v iron me nt that enc our ages natur al c r eati vi ty a n d exp lora t ion by h a vi ng c onti nuous c i r c ul ati on thr ough th e s p a ce. Ba s ic s h a p es and c ol or s wi l l be used to sti m ul ate c h ild ren ›s ima gin a t ion s, pr ovi di ng them wi th a wonder f ul sens ory exp erien ce. P lay f ul l y geom etr i c f or m s wi th r ounded ed ges comb in e a fa n tasti c bl end of f un to i nspi r e the i m a gin a t ion wh ile s u p por ti ng sever al l ear ni ng m odal i ti es.
Cie Land Kindergarten
Ground Floor Plan
Cie Land Kindergarten
Ground Floor Plan
Cie Land Kindergarten
First Floor Plan
Cie Land Kindergarten
First Floor Plan
Cie Land Kindergarten
Section A-A
Cie Land Kindergarten
Cie Land Kindergarten
Cie Land Kindergarten
CDS Co-Working Space Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Offices Design Studio 2019 - 2020 Project Area 1400 sqm
CDS Co-Working Space
PROJECT PRIEF Co n s id erin g t h e mos t eff ec ti ve pr oduc ti vi ty c om ponent, The o b ject iv e of C IDS is t o i nher i t val ues f r om the pr oc ess of h u ma n con n ect iv it y en c our agi ng, enabl i ng, f ac i l i tati ng, and m an a gin g t h e crit ica l fa ctor s of hum an c onnec ti vi ty i n spac e, th at a re t h e emot ion a l, c ogni ti ve, or f unc ti onal val ues, to a c hiev e s ucces s fu l h um an c onnec ti vi ty outc om es i n a c ow orkin g en v iron men t
DESIGN CONCEPT T h e d es ign a ims t o ma ke a wor kpl ac e l i ke CDS i denti f y and a d dres s t h e u n iq ue connec ti vi ty between eac h user . The d es ign is in s p ired b y t h e pr oc ess of kni tti ng, wher e a ser i es of l o op s a re in t erlin ked w ithi n the c onnec ti on of a si ngl e thr ead, ea ch s p a ce w ill be lin ke d to one another , and mater i al s that a re d eriv ed from t h e kni tti ng pr oc ess, suc h as c otton, wool , a n d s t eel, will be us ed i n spac e, whi c h al l c ontr i bute to ea s in g a n d emp ow erin g the ac t of phy si c al , vi sual c onnec ti on a n d p h ys iologica l w el l -bei ng thr oughout the spac e.
CDS Co-Working Space
Ground Floor Plan
CDS Co-Working Space
Ground Floor Plan
CDS Co-Working Space
First Floor Plan
CDS Co-Working Space
First Floor Plan
CDS Co-Working Space
Second Floor Plan
CDS Co-Working Space
Second Floor Plan
CDS Co-Working Space
Section A-A
CDS Co-Working Space
CDS Co-Working Space
CDS Co-Working Space
CD Architecture Design Firm Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Offices Design Studio 2019 - 2020 Project Area 190 sqm
CD Architecture Design Firm
PROJECT PRIEF T h e C D A rch it ect u re Desi gn Fi r m O f f i c e spec i al i zes in In t erior A rch it e c tur e f ur ni tur e and desi gni ng f i e ld s . T h ey offer i nnovati ve i deas and i m pec c abl e r es u lt s t h rough ou r c om pl ete i nter i or f i t out sol uti ons
DESIGN CONCEPT T he d es ign con cep t is t o c r eate a spac e that r ef l ec ts i ts c or e v a l u es of commu n ica t io n, c onnec ti on, and team wor k, i nspi r ed by the compass, which navigates and gives direction to the users. To p u rs ue t h e s en s e, cre ati ng an open pl an l ay out enc our ages tr a n s p a ren cy a n d a u t h enti c i ty to gui de a c l ear path thr ough sp a ce a n d clea r s igh t lines. Wher e str ai ght l i nes, si mpl i c i ty , a nd mod ern is m a re elegantl y c ombi ned, the dur abi l i ty of materials. Use various translucent materials and brushed brass.
CD Architecture Design Firm
Ground Floor Plan
CD Architecture Design Firm
Ground Floor Plan
CD Architecture Design Firm
Section A-A
CD Architecture Design Firm
CD Architecture Design Firm
CD Architecture Design Firm
Architecture Working Drawings and Detailing Working Drawing and Detailing Course 2020 - 2021
Architecture Working and Detailing Drawings
Architecture Working and Detailing Drawings
Architecture Working and Detailing Drawings
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