Architecture portfolio

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‫والعربة يف البناء أن نصغوه ليكون أو نكون حنن‬ ‫رة وجنود اآلمان ُننري الطريق إن استطعنا ‪.‬‬

‫‪ .‬املكان الذي نكونه ليكون بداية القصة ألحدهم ‪.‬‬ ‫حنن إال أبناء احلجار‬ ‫هي الطريق ختتارنا ال خنتارها ‪ ,‬وما ُ‬

CONTENTS Thesis Project


A development project for Dhiban village

Urban landscape


Urban Design


Innovation Hub


Selected works


Residential Neighborhood Design



A development project for Dhiban village. fall -2019 spring 2020 individual work location : madba -jordan instructor: lina shaqra

An executive development project for Dhiban Village. It tries to shed light on the main and unknown villages in Jordan . The project is a project to develop Dhiban area in Madaba, which is an integral project, highlighting the importance and historical importance of the existing heritage ÂŤTal DhibanÂť. And its reflection on the region and its improvement in four aspects: educational, heritage, agricultural and social. The project aims to make the region stand alone and improve the lives of individuals and thus improve. society and the state in all aspects.

Dhiban is a prosperous past and a marginal present. In this project all we are working on is connectivity by : Integrating the community heritage .Create bridges linking the past, present and future .Connect the local community with all its energy in their project .Promote the town, in fact, Jordan and the world in many respects

The bridge The construction of the bridge from the Kings Road to the project land has several uses: Overlooking panorama, a historical gallery of the area, and a unique historical experience

The hill Work was done on the archaeological hill to place an INTERPRETATION SIGN and visitor umbrellas A platform was also set up to return Mesha›s nursery

Structural unit The project has been working on more than one construction method The bridge, the project, and private canopies were absent in the archaeological hill, in proportion to the nature of the project, the area and the building in the village


Urban landscape spring -2019 Group work location : Amman -jordan

A project for the formation of the passport zone - Amman To solve such problems we designed a pedestrian pathway above the sub street to separate the different circulation paths, this way the congestion in the street is solved and people are safe. The bridge continues across the main street to connect the site with the bridge


Residential Neighborhood Design Fall- 2019 individual work location : Zarqa -jordan

04 Innovation Hub at Hashemite University summer 2018 individual work location : Zarqa -jordan

05 Selected works Some of the designed works are inspired and selected for various reasons during the school years

Interior design for a restaurant



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