3 minute read

I The Modern Corso

Community-Based Secondary School

Typology Field




Educa�onal Academic Poilitecnico Di Milano

June 2022

Presented infront of the Municipality of Milan in July 2022

Featured in Re-inventing Schools Book 2023

The proposal aims to connect the different func�ons surrounding the

Located on a site considered a floa�ng abandoned island due to its Industrial history and use. Following the area's morphology, the site surroundings are transformed to a diverse selec�on of academic ins�tu�ons, industrial corpora�ons, and residen�al housing. The site yet lacked the ability to incorporate itself into its new environment. The Modern course aims to create filter spaces and areas which lead into the main volume of the school. Marking the intersec�on of different flows, on one side it’s a communal flow that consists of community-based func�ons, while on the other side, it's private school func�ons that follow the program needed.

Regarding the school itself, the architecture reflects the different layers and fragments examined from the site’s history and the newly established environment.

To connect between different parts of the site and the school itself, levels were established. Star�ng with a courtyard, dropped downwards, crea�ng an outdoor amphitheater for public use as well.

Percorso Galleria is a direct path that brings the concept of permeability to life, while the project keeps the idea of a compact school with the levels it holds.

Ground Floor introduces the concept of Permeability from different parts of the site, including the underground courtyard and the Percorso Della Galleria.

Levels covered for Indoor auditorium, library, and terrace. Structure and composi�on of spaces shown to how levels came to life.

Encouraging a future sustainable use of the school building, the classrooms are made transformed to modules which react to specific variety of circumstances and for flexible use. This is achieved with flexible par��on.

This creates permeability between the classrooms themselves in case of student gathering.

The Corridor both as a circula�on space between classrooms and a gathering space when classrooms are open towards each other.

In regard to the situa�on of the roof and building skin, the building design takes cues and creates a dialogue with the surrounding industrial situa�on to reinterpret industrial in a modern way.

The combina�on of a monumental base and industrial first floor facade, represent the extremes of both the surroundings of past and present.

As Above So Below

Chapel Restora�on and Pilgrim Centre

As one approaches the church of San Lorenzo, one gets slowly immersed in the owe-inducing silence of that scenic se�ng. The carcass of the abandoned church draws the senses into its realm, as it stands in solemn humility watching over the plains surrounding it. The church might have been abandoned due to the depopula�on of the village, but it refuses to leave behind the land it once ac�vated. The volumetric singularity of the church inspired the strategic undertaking of the design interven�on.

By allowing for the church to occupy the highest level of interven�on, we could allow the church to regain its func�on as a protec�ve and benevolent.

Roofing Reinterpreta�on

Star�ng off with the new roof proposal. Contrary and opposite to the hypothe�cal original structure, the roof proposed aims at preserving the familiar allure of the church across the horizon and allow for shelter while simultaneously embracing the light entering the building and ge�ng closer to the visitors entering the space.

A symbolic yet tangible gesture, to make the church connect to its visitors.

The roof is made of polycarbonate sheets, a light yet sturdy material that encapsulates an ethereal quality when hit by light.

Proposal Includes an Outdoor Amipheater

Final Chapel Roofing Intake

Whether regular visitors or visitors who would like to connect further into their spiritual side, all are welcome and equally embraced by the new proposal for the church of San Lorenzo. Pilgrims are invited to access their dedicated quarters through a ramp that gives onto a communal space hos�ng a common kitchen, as a perpetua�on of the last supper at every meal�me. From that main space, the pilgrims wander into corridors leading to their rooms, punctuated by medita�on gardens and impluvium. Once they reach their abode, only one piece of furniture stands out: the praying pla�orm. Not only does the room highlight the importance of the spiritual growth, but it also provides the basic ameni�es in the form of sunken furniture into the ground.

Radialroomtypologyrevolving aroundonemainrasiedpraying pla�orm under an oculus and sunken furni�ure for basic needs

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