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Architect M.sc in High Performance Building Technology - Georgia Tech B.sc in Architecture and Urban Design - German University in Cairo

Nourhan Elsayed Nourhangamal890@yahoo.com Mobile: +20 1101251338 Date of Birth: Nov. 8 1994 Nationality: American / Egyptian




EDUCATIONAL LAB Building Physics| Climate, Daylighting, Energy Performance Analysis


RETRO FITTING VERTICAL VACANCIES Vertical City Revival | Urban Architecture Design


BETWEEN NO LONGER AND NOT YET An Urban Reset of Al-Haraneya | Urban Architectural Design


JOURNEY TO THE AFTERLIFE Re-Branding Egypt- Museum Of Luxor | Urban Architectural Design


INTENSITY Alexandria Philharmonic | Architectural Design


LEARN AND WORK Vocational Center | Building Technology and Architecture Design


THE ARENA Urban Housing Compound | Urban Architectural Design


LONDON CITY HALL Analysis and Breakdown of London City Hall | Grasshopper Architecture Project


BACK TO CLASSICS Artistic Family Villa |Interior Design


SKETCHING Doodling|Ink|Pencil |Personal Hobby

01 Location: London, England Spring 2020 Studio 2020 Group Project

Circadian Ameliorator

DAGMAR EPSTEN ENVIRONMENTAL VISION PRIZE | VELUX ENTRY The aim of this project was to: 1- Provide accurate climate analysis using Ladybug and Honeybee for London, England 2- Propose an innovative building addition that benefits users by focusing on sustainability and human health. 3- Provide detailed daylighting simulations using Climate Stidio and analysis that would effect the architectural design and interior furniture layout of the space. 4- Create a competition poster with detailed explanation of innovative proposal.

Detailed Climate Analysis:

Daylight Simulations for EML & Point in Time Illuminance:



Building Physics | Climate, Daylighting, Energy Performance Analysis

Location: Lancaster, California The aim of this project is to analyze a simple educational working lab and enhance the overall performance. Climate analysis using Lady_ Fall 2019 Building Physics Simulation Class - Group Project

bug is conducted to understand the location. Based on this, Daylighting and thermal energy model simulations using DIVA for Rhino and Honeybee in Grasshopper are held to analyze the lab and imrpove the performance throughout the year. Detailed Location: Lancaster Fox Field,CA,USA

Daylighting Analysis:

Point in Time Illuminance Dec. 21st

June 21st

Daylight Availability: Current and Improved

Improved Daylight Condition 12-21-12 PM


9 AM

12 PM

3 PM

Based on the previous analysis, point in time illumiance targetted Dec. at 12PM and June at 12Pm to be the most critical times of the year. South Facade

Critical times of the point in time illuminance and the daylight availability of the whole year demonstrated issues in the daylight entering the space.

East Facade

Glare Analysis

Current: Daylight Availability (500 lux) Mean Daylight Availability= 23.76% of occupied time Daylight area: 92%

Improved: Daylight Availability (500 lux) Mean Daylight Availability= 73.55% of occupied time Daylight area: 92%

Improvement of Thermal & Energy Model

JUNE Surface Temperatures: Current




Comfort Level Percentage = 41.52%


Surface Temperatures: Improved

Seperate Lab Model


Comfort Level Percentage = 38.17%

Thermal Loads: Heating Vs. Cooling: Existing Total Thermal Loads: 8172.713 KWH Heating Vs. Cooling

Energy Use Intensity: Current




1000 800

600 400

200 0













Lab Model in Context


Energy Use Intensity: Improved


Thermal Loads: Heating Vs. Cooling: Improved Total Thermal Loads: 7923.30 KWH Heating Vs. Cooling 1400




800 600

400 200 0















Natural ventilation has reduced the cooling consumption by 5%. However it did not affect the heating loads in the winter. Use of materials with high R-values is needed to create high building thermal mass.

Reduction of window to wall ratio improved the overall percentage of comfort for both winter and summer. Further reduction can negatively impact the Daylight Availability. Surface temeperatures and EUI are improved through applying different materials and changing window to wall ratio.

03 Location: Nile Front of Cairo, Egypt Spring 2018 5th Year Pre-Masters Studio Group Project


Vertical City Revival | Urban Architectural Design Based Project As existing towers of the area are mostly vacant, we hoped to tackle this issue through retrofitting and re-purposing the whole site in order to decrease levels of vacancies within these towers. The aim was to re-design a cluster of towers along with the urban spaces between them to act as an example for future projects that could be held in such similar areas. The project has three main scales; The urban scale, The tower to tower scale and the tower typology scale. All this would lead to reviving the site economically, socially and environmentally.

Existing Situation

Proposed rehabilitation parts

Private - Public Spaces

Functions Private Core Entrances

Semi-Public Public Space Open Public

Buffers Retail Exhibitions

Hotel Restaurant Student Co Working Spaces

Promenade Functions

Neighborhood Services

Master plan with promenade urban design

Clinic Pharmacy Bakery

Supermarket Day Care Laundry



A local school was needed as one of the main services. It mainly targets Dahab island students which is across the Nile river and could be reached by a ferry infront of the site. Its location is considered strategic and serves both young students and adults with craftsmen workshops and a large library for everyone.

Location on Site

Entrance area Nursery Classrooms

Functions zoning

Library Tennis Court Workshops

Music Class Playground/ Green Buffer

First Floor Plan

Basketball Court Cafeteria

Ground Floor Plan Inspired by the princess gardens in Germany, This vacant land is used as a temporary farming area to add greens, attract local markets till it could be accommodated with similar towers.

Section | Vertical Circulation

Southern Elevation| Sunbreakers with planting added to decrease heat gain


Typology Interaction With Context

Ground Floor Plan

Opened Spaces Allowing Ventilation

Greenery Within Floors

Vacancy in the towers are tackled through four aspects; Socially: Integrating public communal spaces along with shared activities and services. Economically: Proposing new laws and stakeholder deals to increase profit, divide apartments into rent-able spaces which target lower income individuals as students and young couples. Integrating workspaces and proposing seasonal splits. Cultural: Reviving the site with street life functions and activities focusing on attracting different social classes. Environmental: Adding voids and shafts to allow cross ventilation using shading elements to the south, along with integrating garden and green buffers to improve micro climatic effect.

TOWER TYPOLOGY | GREEN BUFFER TOWER This building acts as a green buffer, it includes all different hydroponic techniques and methods. The building sets an example for waste management. It also includes a small market to sell all grown plants. Next to it, the botanical garden that opens up to the green promenade of the site.

Longitudinal Section

04 Location: Al-Haraneya, Giza, Egypt Winter 2017 5th Year Pre-Masters Studio Group Project


An Urban Reset of Al-Haraneya| Urban Architectural Design Based Project The increasingly blooming population along with loss of most agricultural lands in Egypt is becoming one of its main issues. Through this project we tackle these issues in one of the informal settlements of Giza called Al- Harraneya. The project follows a series of strategies over a 10 year span to re imagine Al- Haraneya. The fascination with simple and primitive solutions used by the locals played a huge role through the design and trying to take all local needs into consideration in a manner that integrates all their easy solutions into a better working urban environment.

Node Hierarchy

Agglomeration happens near main roads while lands near canals and water remain green and untouched. PROPOSED TIME LINE: 2017-2021:Border Nodes(Markets-Argo units) 2021-2024: Multi-functional Nodes (Large facilities & Services) 2024-2027: Redesigning of Neighborhood

Neighborhood Design





URBAN STRATEGY | Neighborhood Typology

NEIGHBORHOOD LAYOUT Strategy: Maintaining a grid like design to allow highest number of accommodation for people along with preserving greens and increasing their efficiency through new technical agricultural systems. Each neighborhood includes all needed services placed within a walkable distance allowing a green Eco-friendly system.

Different residential typologies are introduced to increase number of inhabitants. Several scenarios are proposed for families with large number of children and also with spaces that could be used for work such as markets, grocery shops, workshops...etc.

Proposed Typology With Outdoor Circulation

Residential Large Facilities Mini Facilities | Workshops

Green Pocket Outdoor Terrace | Circulation

Residential Building | Adding Productive Greens Within Floors

Proposed Typology of Green Building This new building typology is a proposal to be used as a model and to be repeated and placed within each neighborhood. It is an all green building that encourages different techniques of farming, education related to it, and empowers locals with all the equipment they might need.

Agro-Forestry Preserved Greens

Visionary Collage of Al-Haraneya Reset

05 Location: New Tiba, Luxor, Egypt Spring 2017 4th Year Design Studio Bachelor Individual Project


Re-Branding Egypt - Museum Of Luxor| Urban Architectural Design Based Project Re-branding Egypt has recently become one of the concerns of the government. Various cities all over Egypt are expanding into a futuristic vision of the country allowing new techniques and innovative ideas to take place. The museum of Luxor is one of the main projects that will be proposed in the future for new Tiba north of old Luxor. The project is divided into two parts; Master plan design of the whole surrounding area leading to the museum promoting greenery and pedestrian friendly environments along with increasing functions and uses, the second part is the design of the museum targeting a futuristic approach without competing with the importance of old Luxor and ancient monuments. The whole project aims to attract more tourists to the country and all cities of Egypt.

Concept Of Master Plan

Connecting old Luxor with new Tiba through a green spine that accommodates various activities. The whole plan is divided into plots including: cultural area, Museum, convention center, theme park, eco-Touristic area, vocational area, olympic village, hotels area, research area and commercial areas. The green belt in the middle acts as a buffer zone for the city which lacks greenery and pedestrian friendly spaces.

Diagrams Of Space Representation Underworld

Seven Gates

Hall Of Osirus


The building mass is divided into three main parts, the first two are wings including the foyer, research and restoration facilities. The largest mass includes the main exhibition spaces with a height of twenty one meters to allow massive monuments to be exhibited in the museum. Rest of the administration and technical facilities are placed in the underground floor level with access to sunlight through different ground leveling.

Ground Floor Plan

Outdoor Students and Professor Area

Outdoor Auditorium

The concept of the exhibition spaces was inspired by the Book Of The Dead. The exhibition spaces are designed to give visitors the experience of going through the journey to the afterlife as explained by the ancient Egyptians. This book was given mainly to the dead to guide them through their journey to the afterlife. It was considered a privilege and was given to royal family members and important people of that time. The book of dead contains many different spells and explains 4 main phases for a human being to reach to afterlife eternity and happiness. The first phase is the Underground, which mainly is where the dead person is buried in represented in the museum as the entrance before the journey starts.

Front Elevation

Side Elevation With Outdoor Auditorium

Longitudinal Section

Seven Gates Exhibition

The second phase is passing through the seven gates which is considered as passing through seven tests each harder than the one before. Third phase is the hall of judgment/ Osirus where the dead person is judged for his deeds either living eternally happy or eaten by a beast. The final phase if the afterlife which is full of brightness and light. It is the ultimate goal for all the dead. All of these spaces are represented metaphorically and inspired by the explanation included in the book of dead. The interior spaces are designed to give a full experience of the journey and all of its tough and hard phases. The exhibition spaces of the seven gates and hall of judgment do not have any kind of access to sunlight unlike the afterlife which is lit completely by sunlight to allow the transition of spaces to become extreme.

Hall Of Judgment/ Osirus Exhibition

Afterlife Exhibition

Real Life Model Images

06 Location: Alexandria, Egypt Winter 2016 4Th Year Design Studio Individual Project


Alexandria Philharmonic | Architectural Design Based Project A new philharmonic is to be designed in a critical historical site near the citadel of Qaytbay, Alexandria, Egypt. The concept of the project is inspired by the intensity of music represented through the density of people circulation inside the building. The project is divided into four main spaces; The foyer, main auditorium, secondary auditorium and back stage services.

Location Of Site and Approach To It

Intensity according to no. Of people in each space Intensity according to heights Master Plan

Public Entrance

Box office| Foyer Cloack Room

Conceptual Modeling

Main Auditorium

Ground Floor Plan

The ground floor includes a large foyer, restaurant, exhibition space and the main auditorium that takes up to 1500-2000 people. The building is designed to allow many human interactions by including large spaces for people to enjoy overlooking the Mediterranean sea from behind and the citadel from the left side through translucent concrete. The second floor includes an elevated auditorium that takes up to 500 people. Rest of the backstage services and administration services are placed in the basement floor level with access to sunlight due to difference of ground levels.

Cross Section

First Floor Plan Longitudinal Section

07 Location: Cairo,Egypt Winter 2015 3rd Year Design Studio Group Project


Vocational Center| Building Technology and Architectural Design Based Project With the decreasing number of craftsmen schools and workshops in Egypt, our attempt was to tackle such an issue through a school design - Vocational Center - that serves as both a learning center and craftsmen workshop all integrated within one facility. The project consists of educational facilities, workshops, administration zones , a cafeteria and a small shop to encourage selling the best handmade crafts. Workshops included are; Tailoring, Carpentry, Plumbing, Steel and Electrical. It is a model of a new educational typology that combines craftsmanship with theoretical education and supports those who want to learn how to do things by their own hands. The site is 9000m2 located exactly between Al-Fustat crafts center and a new restoration center. It’s accessed from the main street side while the other three sides are surrounded by fences. The entrance is narrowed then opens up to a large court giving a welcoming feeling and is used by the students during their free time to interact and enjoy .

Ground Floor Plan

Strategy of Shading

The vocational center is surrounded by a secondary light structure This is used mainly to minimize the amount of heat gain inside the b to enter the building making a pleasant environment for working a behind it whereas in the case of classrooms, very minimal louvers a

Elevation 01

Shading In Classrooms

Section A-A

Section B-B

e attached to the whole facade which consists mainly of vertical louvers. building thus reducing the need for air conditioning. It also allows indirect sunlight and learning. Louvers are added intensely or removed depending on the function are placed in front of the windows to allow more sunlight to enter the rooms.

08 Location: New Cairo,Egypt Spring 2016 3rd Year Design Studio Group Project


Urban Housing Compound| Urban Architectural Design Based Project The issue with new compounds that are built everyday in Egypt, especially in new cities are the gates which prevent the occurrence of any kind of social interaction or human friendly neighborhoods. With this being our main issue, we aimed to propose an urban compound example that is not gated, relates to the outer public spaces along with providing private inner spaces for the compound residents to enjoy alone. The project targets all different income social classes and acts as an integration between higher social classes and middle classes ; something which rarely exists in Egypt.

Residential Typologies

Services and Psychological Gates

Real Life Model Image

Block House Typology

Ground Floor Plan

Row House Typology

Gallery House Typology

Targets large families of middle and low class. Areas of apt.: 12060m2 Studios:60-23 m2 Targets large families of higher social class. Areas approx. 140250m2

Targets students, couples of middle and low class. Areas: 34-24 m2

The compound starts with the large block housing that has a high density of people, then begins to level down to the gallery house typology which has a lower density and lastly the row house typology which acts like attached villas with the least density of all. The whole compound is divided into eight main blocks including all typologies. There are three main centers along the compound which include a library, exhibition, restaurants and cafes. There are other services placed around the compound including offices and shops to encourage people to come to the compound and to allow walkable distances for residents.

Real Life Exterior Model Images

Ground Floor Plan

Shifting of the typologies happens on different levels whereas in the block house typology happens the most shifting between apartments creating panoramic views. Also shifting happens in the gallery houses and row houses yet with less variation.

Cross Section

Real Life Interior Model Images

09 Location: London Fall 2019 Media Modeling, Grasshopper Group Project


Analysis and Breakdown of London City Hall | Grasshopper Architecture Project This project is an attempt to understand and breakdown the well known London City Hall project by Foster + Partners. The analaysis phase of the plans, sections and structure allows a re-modelling of a parametric project similar to the orginal work of art. The aim of this project is to develop a sequence of thinking to be used in parametric modeling and design of any future project.

2D Schemeta| Breakdown of original plans: 2D Schema

Site Plan: 3D Plan Analysis| 3D Schema

Building Systems 01| Floor Plans

Breakdown of Floors and Facade| System Variation

Building Systems 02| Stairs and Truss

9 AM

September 21st.

Shadow and Shade Analysis kWh/m2 1.21< 1.09 0.97 0.85 0.73 0.61 0.49 0.36 0.24 0.12 <0.00

September 21st. 9 AM

Radiation Analysis | Environmental Analysis

10 Location: New Cairo, Egypt Spring 2018 5Th Year Minor Design Studio Group Project


Artistic Family Villa | Interior Design Based Project Inspired by nature and art, this villa design is a combination of both based on the family description which consists of a wife; Professional artist and sculpturer, husband; web designer and part time musician, a young boy and expecting a baby girl. Colors preferred are bright with artistic elements. The project is divided into two moods. The first; classical with elegant artistic approach observed through the main spaces of the house entrance, reception and dining area.

Mood Boards

Ground Floor Plan

Electricity | Hvac | Plumbing

Main Wall With Sculpture Detailing

Grey water pipe (w.p) upvc 75mm Sewage (s.p) Upvc110mm F.D Hot water supply pipe ppr 20mm Cold water supply pipe ppr 20mm

First Floor Plan

Roof Top Plan

Product Design Of AppliquĂŠ

The second mood is another approach towards art whereas the materials of the space are usually rough and natural. This could be seen in the roof top workshop. Lastly; the other parts of the house which were mainly inspired by relating to both moods however depending mainly of the function of the space and allowing it to be the main concern and focus.



Doodling|Ink|Pencil | Personal Hobby A collection of some of my favorite sketches that I have done through couple of years since I was at my first year at university. Some sketches are a simple representation of actual places I have visited, other sketches are from either inspirational pictures or from my imagination.

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