Things to Consider While Choosing Containers for Making Kefir There are only a couple of supplies you will need for gather, which are a cover for the container and a culturing container for making kefir at home in Australia. Any other supplies beyond those two items are purely optional. Cover for the Container Each batch of kefir will culture in 24-48 hours. So, they should be covered during the fermentation process. The covers allow the kefir grain to breathe. Some of the effective covering used during the fermentation process consist tightweave dish towels or fabric, a paper coffee filter, a paper towel, etc.  For the purpose of keeping the pests out, the cover should be secured with a tight rubber band.
Experts recommend avoiding screens and loose-weave fabric as cover. Tight-fitting lid is handy for storage after fermentation is complete although it should not be used during the fermentation
Plastic BPA-free
lids are available for both wide-mouth
and regular mouth mason jars in Australia, which are commonly used for effectively culturing kefir in Australia. Culturing Container Material Options: What to Use Glass: Containers made from glass are considered the best option for making
Australia. Mason jars, which are made from high-grade glass, can be used for making kefir at home. The mason jars does not contain chemicals such as BPA. It is relatively inexpensive and easy to obtain from renowned suppliers
mason jars, purchased from reliable suppliers, won’t react to the acidity of the ferment. Moreover, the glass jars doesn’t scratch
easily. Experts believe that canning jars are a great option for making kefir at home. Porcelain: It is essential to understand that high quality porcelain containers, which are procured from trusted vendors, are considered generally safe for culturing kefir. You should avoid decorative pottery or vases that are not-food grade for culturing kefir at home. Material Options: What to Avoid Ceramic: You should not make use of ceramic containers for culturing kefir as most of the glazes used for coating ceramic containers contain lead. Crystal: Crystal containers contain lead. So, it is advisable not to use crystal containers for brewing kefir at home in Australia. Metal: It is essential to understand that experts consider metal containers to be generally detrimental to kefir. So, they recommend not to use metal containers as a culturing vessel while preparation of kefir at home in Australia.
Plastic: Experts do not recommend plastic containers for preparation of kefir although technically these containers can be used for making kefir. Containers made from plastic often contain undesirable chemicals, which can be harmful to the kefir grains. Optional Supplies for Making Kefir at Home In Australia  Bottles with a tight seal such as mason jars work well for making a fizzy finished kefir.  A plastic strainer can be extremely useful in removing the kefir grains from the finished liquid. It is essential to understand that kefir can be made in any size Mason Jars Australia. You should consider how much kefir you will consume when choosing the size of your culturing containers in Australia. You should make small batches of kefir for best results.