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Message from the board
August Newsletter


Newsletter Highlights
✦ Message from the Board
✦ Fiber Arts in the Lab
✦ Happenings in August
✦ Call for Volunteers
✦ STEMSkills Learning Disabilities Camp
✦ Welcome Key Members
Message from the Board
Another hot, sweltering summer, another attempt to sail a cardboard creation across Lake Anne is upon us. In addition to providing entries for the race, Nova Labs members have committed their time to the planning committee for the regatta as well offered their expertise to local schools who wish to participate. Our membership is fully committed in our mission to rediscover the joy of making things, both as makers and as mentors. This spirit makes our space unique, a cooperative endeavor within Isaac Newton Square and amongst our entire northern Virginia community.
As to our own endeavors, the two lovely pieces hanging in the Orange Bay will not be competing again this year, as the so-called Nova Labs Rule prevents the same boat from entering the competition more than twice. Ergo, the indomitable Nova Labs team has another opportunity to create the most over-engineered concoction of cardboard imaginable. Also, it has a rudder. There was some muttering amongst the crew about the stodgy steering of past Nova Labs entries. Given these specifications, our favorite CAD artist, Sam Winkelstein, has designed an ~800 piece cardboard boat. The lasercutter has been in constant use creating parts and has needed some extra maintenance, gratefully provided by Patrick Thompson.
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