Fundraising Updates, More Summer Camps, Letter from the Editor, Kids' Corner, Show Us What You Got, Crafters' Cove, Leathering, SUmmer Robots
About Nova Labs
Nova Labs is a membership-driven, all-volunteer makerspace, founded in 2011 with the purpose of empowering our community to Rediscover the Joy of Making Things!
Our current 10,500 sq. ft. facility houses classrooms, workspace, incubator offices, and a shop that includes both common tools and advanced fabrication equipment. Members enjoy 24/7 access and help co-manage our space by teaching classes, maintaining equipment, and promoting making in the community.
We are a a non-profit 501(c)(3) organization, supporting a wide range of open-source development projects that benefit both the local community and the world. Consider joining today to learn how and meet the people behind these projects!