Kulonprogo, D I Yogyakarta, Indonesia. novadwip111@gmail.com nova_dwip (instagram) +(62)-858-6950-4229 linkedin issuu
“Pulchrum splendor est veritas” (beauty is the radiance of truth). This is the advice given by the philosopher Thomas Aquinas. This advice reflects my belief that to be beautiful, one must first be true. In Architecture, the word “true” does not only mean true in beauty (venustas), but it must also be true in firmness (firmitas), utility (utilitas), context, social aspects, culture, economy, and so on. Therefore, architecture is a long journey of learning
/ skill.
/ intermediate.
MS Office
MS Power Point
Vray / proficient.
/ educational.
2020 - 2024
Universitas Sebelas Maret (Surakarta)
SMAN 1 Wates (Yogyakarta) / professional.
02.2023 - 05.2023
06.2023 - 09.2023
XT Studio Architects (Surakarta)
Architectural Intern (3 months)
XT Studio Architects (Surakarta) / achievement.
Staff Architect (3 months)
Had an opportunity to work very intensive at office projects and also IAI competition projects. Work primarily on conceptual design, technical drawing, and site supervision.
TOP 10 Creation 034
“Sayembara Desain Masjid dengan Pemanfaatan Material Lokal”
Universitas Muslim Indonesia
TOP 10 Gaung Bandung “Hidupkan Ruang Mode Kita”
Institute Teknologi Bandung
/ experience.
/ speaker.
/ competitions.
Research and book writer team “Ndalem Purwohamijayan”.
Staff Virtual Exhibition Architecture event UNS /Archevent 2022
Staff Medinfo/ PDD “Perayaan Tahun Ajaran Baru 2021”
Staff Medinfo/ PDD KKN UNS Membangun Desa Kelompok 49
Speaker Live Sketch “Perayaan Tahun Ajaran Baru 2021”
satu uma (IAI Sumatera Barat “Sayembara Kawasan Perkantoran Terpadu Pemerintahan Kabupaten Kepulauan Mentawai”)
tree hotel & shopping mall (5th architecture studio).
menuju kita (artmostfest competition) setapak prawirotaman (archevent international competition)
the new fashion cihampelas (TOP 10 gaung bandung ITB competition)
platinum architectural design competition
revitalization of vastenburg (6th architecture studio). the void (architecture studio final project).
table of content
the void 01
An adaptive reuse for the fashion issue in Teras Cihampelas, Paris Van Java , Bandung.
the new fashion of Cihampelas
An adaptive reuse for the fashion issue in Teras Cihampelas, Paris Van Java , Bandung.
03 satu uma
A representation for the center of mentawai life, Initiated by weaving the outer and inner spaces with the axis of archipelago and divinity as the connecting thread.
04 tree hotel & mall
A tropical gesture for the commercial mix used issue in Sukoharjo as New Solo City.
05 dynamic house
A house designed to address issues related to the pandemic, economy, limited land, sustainability, and the effort to prevent future problems.
06 other project
Profesional internship project and other project such as sketch or photography
the void
a new sustainable development tourism
Project / Year : Final project architecture studio/ 2024
Category : Community Mall & Public Facility
Location : Jl. Jend. Sudirman No.38, Kotabaru, Kec. Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55224
Supervisors : Dr. Yosafat Winarto, ST, MT
Ir. Tri Yuni Iswati, ST, MT
Ir. Bambang Triratma, M.T.
Software : Sketchup
The city of Yogyakarta is experiencing rapid economic growth with a focus on the property and tourism sectors. The high number of hotel and mall developments and the conversion of green land have led to several issues, such as residents’ wells drying up and a lack of green open spaces in the area. The shortage of green open spaces has resulted in the urban heat island phenomenon. Moreover, the issue of cultural identity crisis in Yogyakarta also needs to be addressed urgently.
The Void is a community mall serving as a local community space to brand, promote, and market local products, particularly crafts, with a more contemporary approach. It also provides a public green open space as an inclusive interaction area for the community. Additionally, this community mall serves as a space with local wisdom to prevent a cultural identity crisis in Yogyakarta. To become a new tourist attraction in Yogyakarta that emphasizes green open spaces and sustainability, the building must respond to the climate, site, and existing urban context. In its application, the building must accommodate commercial and socio-cultural functions well, integrated with the surrounding area in terms of site, space, form, structure, and building utilities. The building must also align with the new tourism development plan in Yogyakarta, allowing Yogyakarta’s tourism to continue to grow and improve in the future.
Overtourism in Yogyakarta has led to several issues, such as a lack of green open spaces. Tourism in Yogyakarta also does not favor small-scale businesses, resulting in underdeveloped potential for UMKM. Therefore, Yogyakarta needs a new tourism prototype that emphasizes urban sustainability and the development of UMKM, which would also positively impact the economy of small-scale businesses. This issue is addressed by implementing one of the green building principles, Appropriate Site Development, focusing on green area coverage, site selection, public transportation, bicycle facilities, landscaping, microclimate, and stormwater management issue & problem. responses. strategy. concept.
Yogyakarta site problem
Perkembangan Total Kunjungan Wisatawan Yogyakarta 2014-2022 Sumber : BPS DIY (2014-2022).
Gambar 3 Kamar Hotel dii DIY menurut 2009 - 2014 Sumber : BPS DIY (2015)
Diagram Sarana Penunjang Kepariwisataan DIY Sumber : Statistik Kepariwisataan DIY 2017
Kesenian Industri Kerajinan
Peta landcover Kota Jogjakarta tahun 1972, 2000, dan 2013 Sumber : Budiman, A., Sulistyantara, B., & Zain, A. F. (2014).
Grafik Produk yang dibeli wisatawan saat berwisata di DIY Sumber:data Dinas Pariwisata DIY, 2019
Kerajinan Perak Kotagede
Kerajinan Bambu Mlati Sleman
Kerajinan Gerabah Kasongan
Kerajinan Kayu Gunung Kidul
Kerajinan Keris Banyusumurup
Kerajinan Serat Alam Kulonprogo
Ilustrasi Sentra Kerajinan di DIY Sumber:Data Pribadi, 2023
1. the existing site is on a road hook with two areas divided by a road with an area of 11,411 m2.
2. regulations for building boundaries of 5m and a minimum green area of 90%.
3. the building consists of two basic continuous circular shapes to create good circulation
4. The two basic forms are connected by a bridge with the aim of creating continuous, uninterrupted circulation
5. The addition of mass refers to the zoning of activity programs including arts and crafts and circulation
6. The addition of green areas is a response to the lack of green open space in Yogyakarta.
3. basic form.
5. zoning.
6. greenroof area.
4. connecting.
2.buildable area.
maquette study
vegetation greenroof
pedestrian bridge
The city of Bandung, in West Java Province, is known as Paris Van Java because, in the 1900s, Braga Street was a fashion shopping center reminiscent of Paris, which spurred the development of the fashion industry in the city. The fashion industry in Bandung includes Distro, Factory Outlets, Clothing, and Department Stores, with popular UMKM Distro (small and medium enterprises) featuring independent brands. The number of fashion UMKM outlets increases every year, despite the tough competition with international brands posing a challenge. Cihampelas Street, a hub for fashion UMKMs with 55 kiosks, is complemented by Teras Cihampelas, a skywalk accommodating 152 UMKMs. The Covid-19 pandemic and decreasing visitor interest have left Teras Cihampelas neglected. Collaboration between major local Bandung brands and fashion UMKMs can create product diversity and product management education. The concept of The New Fashion Cihampelas combines multifunctional furniture, vibrant colors representing Bandung’s quirky fashion, and the design of an attractive lower corridor to draw visitors upwards, transforming Teras Cihampelas into a Fashion Hub. This includes branding through visual boards and pathways, optimizing fashion activities through zoning areas, sampling outlets for production, store images for distribution, and multifunctional areas for events and communities.
The city of Bandung is known as Paris Van Java due to the history of Braga Street as a fashion center, which has driven the development of the fashion industry, including Distro, Factory Outlets, and Clothing. The number of fashion UMKM outlets increases every year, although competition with international brands remains a challenge. Cihampelas Street, a hub for fashion UMKMs with 55 kiosks, is complemented by Teras Cihampelas, a skywalk accommodating 152 UMKMs. The Covid-19 pandemic and declining visitor interest have left Teras Cihampelas neglected. Collaboration between local brands and UMKMs can create product diversity and management education. The New Fashion Cihampelas combines multifunctional furniture, vibrant colors, and an attractive lower corridor to draw visitors upwards, transforming Teras Cihampelas into a Fashion Hub with visual branding, zoning areas, sampling outlets, store image, and multifunctional areas for events and communities.
of UMKM & Bandung big brands
1. the existing building is teras cihampelas (pedestrian bridge)
2. improvements made to the lower area include improving the quality of pedestrians and adding billboards to attract the attention of local people
3. additional circulation with innovative features based on 6 activity zones
4. the addition of shading as a climate response while increasing visitor comfort
perspective section & user activity scenario.
“The New Fashion Cihampelas” combines the design of the lower corridor area, focusing on efforts to attract visitors upwards, correlating with the upper Teras Cihampelas as the main facility for the Fashion Hub. The lower corridor area is utilized for branding activities through visual boards (billboards) and pathways that influence visitors’ perception to go upstairs. In the upper Teras Cihampelas area, the focus is on fashion hub activities with innovations through zoning areas and supporting features. Production efforts are optimized through the involvement of SMEs and major brands via the “sampling outlet” feature. Distribution efforts are optimized through the “store image”. Show-off efforts are conducted through temporary events and the existence of a “multipurpose area” that accommodates the community within it. The existing space is divided into six zones: entrance, temporary installation by time, foldable market, multipurpose show off, coworking, and studio working.
3. adding path & circulation.
4. shading.
2.ground area improve.
inovasi produk manajemen
Kolaborasi antara brand besar Lokal Bandung dengan UMKM Fashion Bandung merupakan salah satu inovasi yang dapat menciptakan keberagaman produk fashion dan sarana edukasi untuk manajemen produk bagi pelaku UMKM.
olaborasi antara brand besar Lokal Bandung dengan UMKM Fashion Bandung merupakan salah satu inovasi yang dapat menciptakan keberagaman produk fashion dan sarana edukasi untuk manajemen produk bagi pelaku UMKM.
bmeP rebek nad gnay
naanacnerep nad nagnacnarep gnay nakukalid iulalem naigabmep aera nahalognep rodirok salepmahic nad sareT salepmahic iagabes utas nautasek gnay hutu aerA rodirok hawabid saret salepmahic nagned pesnok amatu draoblliB nad .syawhtap laH ini nakukalid kutnu kiranem gnujnugnep ek sata nad iagabes kutneb tsrfi noisserpmi abmeP arebek nad uj gnay s
aerA rodirok hawabid saret salepmahic nagned pesnok amatu draoblliB nad .syawhtap laH ini nakukalid nukutn kiranem gnujnugnep ek sata nad iagabes kutneb tsrfi noisserpmi
naigabmeP gninoZ kutnu namagarebe sativitka af na aguj sativitka umok gnay a na gnagemem satilibaniatsus vitka
urnitur multifungsi dengan penerapan Foldable Furniture. Penerapan Foldable Furnitur digunakan sebagai fleksibilitas penggunaan ruang publik agar terjangkau oleh semua kalangan.
nagnuaN iagabes r anamaynek nad k hurules resu gnay sareT mahiC
nagnuaN iagabes nopser adahret aynek ana nad nanamaek ab hurules resu gnay sativitkareb sareT salepmahiC
niauseyneP ebek adap aera suhk padahret milki n nagned l
naigabmeP gninoZ tnu we i namagarebek sativitka oi b nad aguj sativitka satinumok nial gnay naka gnagemem nanarep satilibaniatsus saitivitka
aerA rodirok hawabid saret salepmahic d nag pesnok amatu draoblliB d .syawhtap H ini kalid na kutnu anem gnujnugnep ek sata nad iagabes kutneb tsrfi noisserpmi
nagnuaN iagabes nopser padahret anamaynek nad nanamaek igab hurules resu gnay sativitkareb id sareT salepmahiC
naanacnerep nad nagnacnarep gnay nakukalid iulalem naigabmep aera nahalognep rodirok salepmahic nad sareT salepmahic iagabes utas nautasek gnay hutu
naigabmeP Z gni kutnu hadawem magarebek n sativitk noihsaf u nad aguj sativitk satinumok nial gnay naka gnagemem nanarep satilibaniatsus saitivitka
aerA rodirok wabid salepmahic nagned nok draoblliB nad whtap laH ini nakukalid kutnu kiranem gnujnugnep ek sata nad iagabes kutneb tsrfi noisserpmi
aerA rodirok hawabid saret salepmahic nagned pesnok amatu draoblliB nad syawhtap laH ini nakukalid kutnu kiranem gnujnugnep ek sata nad iagabes kutneb tsrfi noisserpmi
pesnok naanacnerep nad nagnacnarep gnay nakukalid iulalem naigabmep aera nahalognep rodirok salepmahic nad sareT salepmahic iagabes utas nautasek gnay hutu
pesnok naanacnerep nad nagnacnarep gnay nakukalid iulalem naigabmep aera nahalognep rodirok salepmahic nad sareT salepmahic iagabes utas nautasek gnay hutu
pesnok naanacnerep nad nagnacnarep gnay nakukalid iulalem naigabmep aera nahalognep rodirok salepmahic nad sareT salepmahic iagabes utas nautasek gnay hutu
aerA rodirok hawabid saret salepmahic nagned pesnok amatu draoblliB nad syawhtap laH ini nakukalid kutnu kiranem gnujnugnep ek sata nad iagabes kutneb tsrfi noisserpmi
pesn naanacnerep nad nagnacna gnay nakukalid iulalem naigabm aera nahalognep rodirok salepma nad sareT salepmahic iagabe utas nautasek gnay .hutu aerA rodirok hawabid saret salepmahic nagned pesnok amatu draoblliB nad .syawhtap laH ini nakukalid kutnu kiranem gnujnugnep ek sata nad iagabes kutneb tsrfi noisserpmi
naanacnerep nad nagnacnarep gnay nakukalid iulalem naigabmep aera nahalognep rodirok salepmahic nad sareT salepmahic iagabes utas nautasek gnay hutu
nagnuaN iagabes nopser padahret anamaynek nad nanamaek igab hurules resu gnay sativitkareb id sareT salepmahiC niauseyneP naadarebek pata nataub adap aera susuhk iagabes nopser padahret milki numan patet sarales nagned nagnukgnil naanrupmeyneP assam bes nopser padahret rutfi gnay nakridahid malad udnem sativitka id sareT alepmahIC
studio working. fashion profesional to work on project gathering & discussion among the community space to hold various events (fashion show,
arna dapat menjadi bentuk aktualisasi diri ataupun identitas yang ingin dibawa dalam sebuah karya. Setiap warna memiliki makna berbeda, salah satu warna yang identik dengan fashion yaitu vibrance color. Warna ini dapat mewakili identitas fashion bandung yang beragam dan nyentrik. Hal ini berkorelasi dengan “The New Fashion Cihampelas” yang merepresentasikan karakteristik fashion bandung yang beragam. Aplikasi warna dari vibrance color disesuaikan pada aktivitas yang diwadahi di setiap area yang akan membawa pengalaman ruang berbeda pada user.
arna dapat menjadi bentuk aktualisasi diri ataupun identitas yang ingin dibawa dalam sebuah karya. Setiap warna memiliki makna berbeda, salah satu warna yang identik dengan fashion yaitu vibrance color. Warna ini dapat mewakili identitas fashion bandung yang beragam dan nyentrik. Hal ini berkorelasi dengan “The New Fashion Cihampelas” yang merepresentasikan karakteristik fashion bandung yang beragam. Aplikasi warna dari vibrance color disesuaikan pada aktivitas yang diwadahi di setiap area yang akan membawa pengalaman ruang berbeda pada user.
arna dapat menjadi bentuk aktualisasi diri ataupun identitas yang ingin dibawa dalam sebuah karya. Setiap warna memiliki makna berbeda, salah satu warna yang identik dengan fashion yaitu vibrance color. Warna ini dapat mewakili identitas fashion bandung yang beragam dan nyentrik. Hal ini berkorelasi dengan “The New Fashion Cihampelas” yang merepresentasikan karakteristik fashion bandung yang beragam. Aplikasi warna dari vibrance color disesuaikan pada aktivitas yang
Location : Tua pejat, Sipora utara, Kep, Mentawai.
Team : Collaboration XT studio :
Ar. W. Prasasti Bharada, Shilviana YS.
Rara JA.
Bima P
Software : Sketchup Lumion
Autocad Photoshop Indesign.
Satu Uma is an integrated office area that reflects the harmony between people, government, and nature in the Mentawai Islands. Guided by the principle of “Arat Sabulungan,” this area respects the interdependence of nature and humans, ensuring an inseparable unity within it. Satu Uma not only emphasizes government efficiency through connectivity between agencies and interaction with the community but also plans public spaces to support the growth of the community’s creative economy. Additionally, it is integrated with tsunami and earthquake disaster mitigation and employs passive design inspired by the local Uma, aiming to provide an effective response to the Mentawai climate and weather. With an approach that weaves together indoor and outdoor spaces through the island axis and the axis of Divinity, Satu Uma is divided into three zones: the front zone (gare depan), the middle zone (Puturukat), and the back zone (balapat keteitei). With three area gates, each featuring a terrace (gare), such as the front gate (gare depan), the West side gate (gare samping Barat), and the East side gate (gare samping Timur), Satu Uma becomes a true representation of unity and integration in the daily life of the Mentawai Islands.
In designing an integrated office in a new area, in this context, a forest, several aspects must be considered, such as access/circulation within the area, the relationship between government functions, parking areas, communal spaces for the community, management in case of demonstrations, and green open spaces. The site being a forest means it already constitutes a green open space within the area. Therefore, in developing this area, the challenge is no longer about creating green open spaces but rather how the development can be effective and efficient while ensuring that the existing green open spaces are not damaged.
issue & problem. responses. strategy. concept.
The Mentawai people believe that everything in the universe within their living environment places humans in a central position, making them the starting point of the entire cosmos (Schefold, 1991: 51). The Island Axis (50 degrees Southeast - Northwest) with the center of government (regent’s office) as its midpoint represents humans as the central and starting point of the entire cosmos (islands, mountains, and sea). The Island Axis, which connects the four major islands in Mentawai, represents the connectivity and unity of the Mentawai Islands Regency. The placement of the government center (regent) on the site with the highest contour position creates a vista (view) for the regent with the community (settlements) and the nature of the Mentawai Islands (islands, mountains, and sea), fostering a relationship of mutual supervision.
Mentawai site problem
Impact by Development Mentawai government integrated office
Mentawai indigenous people
threat of earthquakes and tsunamis
The area is oriented towards the center of West Sumatra, located to the northeast of the site. The orientation of the area facing the sea represents the traditional Mentawai houses (uma) that generally face the sea or rivers. The orientation of the area forms the Axis of Divinity (perpendicular to the Island Axis), with the Monument of Divinity as the central point between the Indian Ocean and the Mentawai Strait. The vertical relationship between humans and God is represented by the peak of the monument, which is the highest point in the area. The Monument of Divinity, located at the center of the area, also serves as a representation of supervision and as a mediator for the entire cluster of government buildings around it. The Axis of Divinity creates a vista from the center of government (regent’s office) to the Monument of Divinity, thus enhancing the impression of supervision over the regent.
Eksisting kawasan merupakan hutan yang juga rumah bagi berbagai jenis makhluk hidup dari tumbuhan sampai hewan. Untuk itu, dalam perencanaan ini ruang alam menjadi ruang pengikat antar bangunan perkantoran pemerintahan dan sebagai sumber oksigen, makanan, air, serta material bangunan. Hal ini untuk menciptakan hubungan saling ketergantungan alam dan manusia . Material kayu dipilih sebagai salah satu material bangunan di kawasan dengan maksud setiap pengambilan kayu di kawasan diwajibkan untuk menggantinya dengan pohon baru seperti yang dilakukan Suku Mentawai.
1. bupati office.
2. dprd office.
3. local government agency office.
4. judiciary office.
5. ketuhanan monument.
6. minizoo
8. creative hub
9. hunian rakyat.
10. parking
11. east side area gate.
12. main gate
13. west side area gate.
To address capacity issues, building masses of approximately 30 x 30 meters, each accommodating around 200 people, are placed. The masses are arranged according to the woven grid of the divinity and island axes previously established. The integration area has direct access to the observation deck and green bridge at the Monument of Divinity (public area) to foster interactions between the government and the community. The regent’s office has a green roof to collect rainwater and increase public interaction space.
The regent’s office, as the government center, is placed at the highest contour to respond to the vista/view, following the island and divinity axes. This placement also symbolizes the regent being elevated through the cooperation of the community and government. Cluster 3 (regional apparatus) is positioned behind the regent’s office in a linear composition to enhance connectivity and integration among regional apparatus, representing that the regent cannot govern alone and needs support from each regional apparatus. Cluster 2 (regional parliament) and Cluster 4 (judiciary) are placed in a straight line, representing that both institutions have the same status and vision towards the local government. These two clusters face each other, symbolizing transparency in local governance.
tree hotel & mall
a tropical gesture for the commercial mix used issue.
5th Semester Studio
Year : 2023
Location : Jl. Ir. Soekarno, Dusun I, Madegondo, Solo Baru, Kabupaten Sukoharjo, Jawa Tengah.
Type : High rise mix used (hotel & mall)
Supervisor : Dr. Titis Srimuda Pitana, S.T., M.Trop.Arch.
Software : Revit
Enscape Photoshop Indesign.
Solo Baru is located in Grogol District, which is in the northern part of Sukoharjo Regency and directly borders the city of Surakarta. Solo Baru is an area experiencing rapid development due to significant investment inflows. Consequently, land prices in Solo Baru have soared over the past five years. This presents an opportunity to contribute to local revenue and establish Solo Baru as an elite and continuously growing area.
The design of a mixed-use building aims to provide spaces that meet human needs and offer comfort for users. A mixed-use building is suitable for a city with rapid area development like Solo Baru. A mixed-use building can reduce density by integrating hotel and shopping mall functions into a single vertical structure.
Architectural challenges in designing a mixed-use function often revolve around the division of building functions and ensuring good connectivity between them. Good circulation can create connectivity between the functions within the building, including both vehicle and pedestrian circulation. This is crucial for the comfort of users and the success of activities housed within the space. Especially for commercial functions like shopping malls, circulation standards are essential to support a comfortable shopping experience. For hotels, the efficiency and effectiveness of space are fundamental considerations.
Something connector?
Something that makes a difference?
issue & problem. responses. strategy. concept.
Sukoharjo site problem
Impact by Surakarta tourism growth
1. The site is located in Grogol, Sukoharjo, with an area of 15,000 square meters. The site is triangular in shape and faces three different streets.
2. The building’s entrance and exit are on the west side from Ir. Soekarno Street. Service circulation is located on Merak Street in the northeast
3. The mass is pushed upwards to form a hotel tower. The triangular shape responds to the site and offers views to the west, east, and south. The tower mass is positioned in the northern part to create an exclusive impression for the hotel
4.The lower area is elevated to create a podium while also responding to the pedestrians on the two major streets to the east and west
1. existing.
3. tower massing
2. massing.
4. pilotis.
Vertical circulation in tall buildings is essential for efficient and safe movement between floors, typically achieved through elevators, staircases, and sometimes escalators. Elevators are the primary means, offering fast and accessible transport, especially in high-rise structures. Staircases serve as crucial emergency exits, ensuring safe evacuation during emergencies, while escalators are often used in lower levels with high foot traffic. Effective design of vertical circulation involves optimizing the flow of people, considering building usage patterns, and integrating these elements aesthetically into the architecture to enhance the overall user experience.
a functional house to respond to future needs
Archinesia Student Competition 2023
Year : 2023
Location : Baciro, Kec. Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55225
Typology : Housing
Team : Rara Julieta Anisahra
Software : Sketchup Enscape Photoshop Indesign
A dynamic house emphasizes the concept of functionality by exploring the essence of spaces within a home, allowing the house to respond to other spatial needs that may arise in the future. A concrete example of this shift in space requirements within a home was observed during the COVID-19 pandemic, where indoor spaces were less frequently used due to the higher potential for virus transmission. In contrast, open spaces without air conditioning were safer due to better air circulation. Therefore, this house seeks to address these issues with a sustainability concept that encompasses several aspects, including environmental, economic, and social factors.
Over the past two years, human life has been radically forced to change, not only due to the global pandemic but also because of the accelerated digitalization across all sectors, sustainability issues, and shifting behaviors of the millennial generation, which have sparked this radical transformation. The most fundamental change is in the way we live and inhabit our homes. Previously, homes were primarily a place to rest, with most activities taking place outside. Now, the majority of activities, including learning, working, conducting business, family and friend meetings, entertainment, recreation, hobbies, and exercise, are done from and within the home. Research suggests that some of these changes will be permanent. Digital technology has led companies to reduce their office space and encourage employees to work from home for greater efficiency. Universities offer remote learning options, and home-based businesses relying on digital communication are rapidly growing. While this shift seems beneficial for sustainability, it raises a crucial question: with such significant changes in home functions, digital technology, and future generation behaviors, what kind of home design will meet the needs of today and tomorrow? How will architecture respond to this fundamental shift? issue & problem. responses. strategy. concept.
maquette study
1. the existing site is on a road hook with two areas of 96,3 m2.
2.The mass is divided into two functions: residential (second floor) and commercial (first floor), using a modular system of 3m x 3m and 3m x 4m, with the lower part rotated to follow the angle of the site’s road.
3. The mass is provided with a simple gable roof with eaves as a response to the tropical climate in Indonesia.
4. The addition of wire mesh as the façade serves both the building’s aesthetics and includes several eaves as a response to the climate
3. roofing.
4. facade + split.
2.twist massing.
Brick was chosen as the primary material for the building not only to support local brick craftsmen in the Yogyakarta, Bantul, and Sleman areas, but also to reduce carbon emissions that would be higher if materials were sourced from outside the city. Additionally, brick is highly flexible for use as both space dividers and facades. As a wall material, brick can be varied to allow air to flow from outside to inside the building, a concept known as “breathing walls.” For the facade, brick tectonics can create an aesthetic that is both local and modern. The structure used in this house is a steel structure with modules of 3x4 and 3x3 meters. Steel is more durable and can be recycled, making it more environmentally friendly. With the modular system, this house can also be an expandable home, as the steel modules are easier to assemble and disassemble compared to concrete structures.