Novalak Opaco Extra-washable enamel, matt, for interiors GENERAL FEATURES Novalak Opaco is a water-based acrylic enamel for interiors, specially formulated to ensure highly-washable performances, quick drying and high coverage. USES Novalak Satinato can be applied-on: New and pre-existing plasters made of hydraulic binders. Concrete surfaces Gypsum plasters and plasterboards Old mineral and organic paints and coating, dry, absorbent, compact and cohesive Various mineral conglomerates as long as absorbent IDENTIFICATION FEATURES Nature of the binding agent: dispersion of acrylic and styrene copolymer Density: Novalak Opaco White : 1,40 +/- 0,05 g/ml Novalak Opaco Base Deep: 1,34 +/0,05 g/ml Novalak Opaco Base Accent: 1,29 +/0,05 g/ml PERFORMANCE FEATURES UNI EN 13300 CLASSIFICATION: Resistance to washing cycle ISO 11998: class 1 Gloss EN ISO 2813: < 5 very matt Coverage ISO 6504-3: class 2 2 considering a yield of 7 m /l Further features: Resistance to washing cycle UNI 10560: > 10000 cycles, brilliant DILUTION Acrilak (neutral water-based acrylic sealer): 1:4-1:5 diluted with water. Acricolor (pigmented water-based acrylic sealer): 20-40% with water.
Novalak Opaco: diluted with water for the first layer, 0-5 % diluted with water for the second layer. WARNING Properly mix the products before the tinting and application cycle. SUBSTRATE PREPARATION ( T=25° C,UR=60%) The surface must be perfectly dry, dustfree, with no humidity and salt stains. In case of smooth surfaces, we recommend the application of one layer of Acricolor White diluted (see dilution) with brush or short-air roller. In case of no smooth surfaces, apply one layer of Acrilak diluted (see dilution) with brush or short-air roller. After 4 hours, apply one coat of Novalak Opaco diluted (see dilution) with brush, short-air roller or spray-gun. Remove any imperfection or any accumulation of product. After at least 8 hours, apply a second coat of Novalak Opaco diluted with brush, short-air roller or spray-gun. Drying time:24 hours depending on the type of substrate and its absorption rate. RECCOMENDATIONS The product must be protected from cold and high heat changes, during the entire application cycle. Do not apply with air, substrate and product temperature lower than +10°C and higher than +35°C, nor under direct sun light, nor on superheated surfaces (even if already in shadow). It is advisable to complete each work with materials from the same batch of production. TOOLS CLEANING With water, immediately after their use. YIELD 2 Acrilak: 20-30 m /l, depending on the king of support and its absorption rate
Acricolor: 8-10 m /l, depending on the king of support and its absorption rate 2 Novalak Opaco: 9-10 m /l, for each layer, depending on the king of support and its absorption rate. It is recommended to test the specific yield direct on site. COLOURS White and “Interior Paint Collection” color card. PACKAGES 5 l; 14 l buckets. SHELF LIFE The packaged product is guaranteed for 24 months, if stored in the original sealed package and at temperatures between +5° C and +35° C. SECURITY PROCEDURES Directive 2004/42/CE: Novalak Opaco (matt paints for interiors) EU limit value for Novalak Opaco (cat A/a): 30 g/l (2010) Novalak Opaco contains 30 g/l maximum of VOC
The product doesn’t require the label as per the D.L. 65 dates 14/03/03 and following corrections. Use the product as per the security and hygiene procedures rules. Dispose of the empty packaging and remaining material in compliance with local laws. Keep the product away from children usage and in a airy place. In case of contact with eyes wash them immediately with water, in case of ingestion of the product, consult immediately a doctor, showing him the can or the label of the product. For further information consult the Material safety data sheet. N.B.- The information reported in this technical data sheet comes from our best experience; however this doesn’t involve any responsibility of our Company for applications of this products without our direct control.
Technical Data Sheet: Novalak Opaco Revision n: 04 Date: 01-03-2012 Page 1 of 1