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FREE Clean Water Webinars—pg
Clean Water Series
The Nantucket Land Council is excited to present our virtual educational series: Clean Water—Topics on Tap! Each month this summer season, the NLC hosts a special guest speaker for a live virtual webinar, who will present on an important water quality topic followed by a live Q&A. Each monthly webinar will be held via Zoom and registration is free and open to all. All past Clean Water webinars are available on our website nantucketlandcouncil.org and on YouTube.
Earlier this year we hosted Alissa Cox for a presentation on caring for your septic system, and in June we hosted Shark Biologist Caroline Collatos who presented her summer research project on Sandbar Sharks on Nantucket.
Join us for upcoming Clean Water: Topics on Tap webinars including: July 15: Hosted by Mary Parks, founder of GreenCrab.org—live cooking demonstration and discussion about the invasive green crab August 19: Hosted by Graeme Durovich, Recycling and Solid Waste Coordinator at the Nantucket DPW—in-depth look at Coastal Plastics in and around Nantucket and presentation on the latest research and initiatives addressing Coastal Plastics
September 16: Hosted by RJ Turcotte with the Nantucket Conservation Foundation—learn about collaborative efforts to monitor and address Harmful Algal Blooms at Capaum Pond and around Nantucket. Registration for all Clean Water webinars is available at Nantucketlandcouncil.org! Join us!
State of the Harbor Forum
The Nantucket Land Council is pleased to present its 5th annual State of the Harbor Forum this summer on Tuesday, July 20th at 4:30pm at the Nantucket Yacht Club. As we embrace and expand upon our new Nantucket Waterkeeper role we have launched a campaign on Green Boating Tips for a Healthy Harbor. You may have seen these posted on social media or in one of our e-newsletters this spring. This year the State of the Harbor Forum will be a culmination of this campaign with a presentation and discussion around boat use in our harbor, the effects on our resources and infrastructure, and how we can all participate in preventing or mitigating these impacts on a personal and community level. We hope you will join NLC staff and Nantucket Harbormaster Sheila Lucy for this important Forum. The event will be recorded and made available through our website at nantucketlandcouncil.org.