Annual general meeting of the Vienna Economic Forum In compliance with extensive safeguarding measures, the annual general meeting of the Vienna Economic Forum (VEF) took place on 8 March at the NOVOMATIC headquarters in Gumpoldskirchen, Austria.
Hosting the VEF’s ordinary General Meeting in strict accordance to maximum safety for all our guests and staff was a matter of great personal concern to me.
Ryszard Presch, host and Vice-President of the VEF
At the invitation of the host, newly elected VEF Vice President and Executive Board member of NOVOMATIC AG, Ryszard Presch, the members of VEF attended the annual general meeting at the NOVOMATIC AG Group headquarters on 8 March. Safety was the top priority – with an extensive catalogue of safeguarding measures that went far beyond the official requirements. In coordination with the company physician Dr. Gerhard Schörg, all internal and external participants were subjected to voluntary Covid rapid tests, disinfection dispensers and FFP2 masks were provided and meticulous attention was paid to compliance with safety distances. Eventually, VEF President Peter Umundum, Member of the Board of Österreichische Post AG, opened the meeting by welcoming the members present and led through the agenda in accordance with the statutes. In her review of VEF activities during 2020, Secretary General Ambassador (ret.) Dr. Elena
Kirtcheva emphasised the successful development of the Vienna Economic Forum despite the year’s unusual and very challenging conditions. With regard to the year 2021, she announced as a key topic of the VEF’s annual planning the endeavour to continue to organise Vienna Economic Talks in a hybrid format with high-ranking representatives of regional politics and business in connection with the economic and investment plan for the Western Balkans. The host and Vice-President of the VEF, Ryszard Presch, said: “Hosting the VEF’s ordinary General Meeting in strict accordance to maximum safety for all our guests and staff was a matter of great personal concern to me. The Vienna Economic Forum is an important network for the promotion of economic cooperation in Central, Southern and South-Eastern Europe, a region that is one of the strongest in terms of turnover for NOVOMATIC.”