2 minute read
박일철 Echu PARK, 朴一徹 (1954~ )
박일철(Echu PARK) 작가는 중.고 시절 미술부원으로 활동
하였으며, 대학 회화과를 졸업하였다. 미술교사로 대학원에
서 ‘Kinetic Art에 있어 매체의 변모’로 논문을 발표하고
1985년 부터 자신의 작업 매체를 컴퓨터를 선택했다. 1993
년 CG Lab을 설립하였고, 1995년 국비로 미국 버클리대학교
Echu PARK was a member of the art club in middle and high school and graduated from the painting department of the university. As an art teacher, he published his thesis on ‘Research on the Transformation of Media in Contemporary Art’ in graduate school and chose computer as his working medium since 1985. In 1993, he founded CG Lab, and in 1995, he received a government grant to attend the ‘Special Course in Multimedia Programming’ at the University of California, Berkeley. He was then invited to become a professor and published the textbook ‘Computer Graphics (Mijinsa)’. After retirement, he has been creating works in an art village.
Artist Blog : ninanonft.com/echu
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