Nowa Szkola Export Catalogue

Page 1

Nowa Szkola of­fer­s a wide vari­ety of product­s for schools and preschools, including furniture, e­du­ca­tion­al ma­ter­i­als, rehabilita­tion and s­ports equip­ment. The com­pany, es­tab­l­ished in Po­lan­d in 1991, cur­rently em­ploys 150 staff in several department­s, such as Devel­op­ment and Design, Car­pentry, U­phol­stery. This enables us to per­fect every de­tail and en­ sures flexibility and swift re­ac­tion to our cus­tom­er­s” re­quire­ment­s and sug­ges­tion­s. We ex­port our product­s to a great num­ber of coun­tries all over the world. Together we can ac­com­plish more. The hold­ing hands in our logo sym­bol­ize our be­lief that full development of a child de­pends on harmonious re­la­tion­s between par­ent­s, teach­er­s, and the en­vironment, which our product­s change into an aes­thet­ic, func­tion­al and in­spir­ing space.


we use beech











blue metal chairs


classiclal, rainbow train

maxi color


The Module PLUS series can be assembled – using wooden frames – in either of two heights to create interesting configurations.

– birch laminate – laminated plywood – natural cotton – cabinets: 65 x 35 x 65 cm – frames: 78 and 168 cm – self-assembly


Module PLUS with door L NS 0576 ▪▪ 65 x 35 x 65 cm

Module PLUS with shelf NS 0573 ▪▪ 65 x 35 x 65 cm

Module PLUS with shelf NS 0574 ▪▪ 65 x 35 x 65 cm

Module PLUS with door NS 0575 ▪▪ 65 x 35 x 65 cm

shelf PLUS (moon) NS 0208 for joining modules at right angles ▪▪ side L 36 cm

Wall hanging PLUS with pockets

shelf PLUS (plain) NS 0209 for mounting on a frame or for joining two frames ▪▪ 65 x 35 cm

NS 0434 It fits the PLUS frame; wallfixing rings supplied ▪▪ 35 x 65 cm

shelf PLUS (quarter) Wicker container NS 0603 Its dimensions match Module PLUS products ▪▪ plywood bottom ▪▪ 28 x 28 x 20 cm

modul +

NS 0207 for joining modules at right angles ▪▪ side L 36 cm



Shelf frame PLUS (high) NS 0210 strips of wood for mounting shelves, cupboards, wall hangings ▪▪ 168,5 x 7 cm ▪▪ 1 piece

Shelf frame PLUS (low) NS 0211 strips of wood for mounting shelves, cupboards, wall hangings ▪▪ 78.5 x 7 cm ▪▪ 1 piece

Wooden bar PLUS NS 0206 useful in mounting curtains, puppet theatre etc. ▪▪ L 65 cm

Cabinet wooden handle - Moon KŁ6112

Cabinet wooden handle - Duck KŁ6106

Cabinet wooden handle - Cow KŁ6113

Cabinet wooden handle - Star KŁ6114


modul +


Tall rack NS 0940 ▪▪ pock­et­s vel­croed ▪▪ 40 x 40 x 115 cm

Low rack NS 0941 ▪▪ pock­et­s vel­croed ▪▪ 40 x 60.5 x 82 cm


They can be in­stalled between our Module PLUS units. Moun­ted on a plywood frame they can be used stand-alone. Usng fastener­s of sev­er­al types, suc­cess­ive segment­s can be joined at dif­fer­ent angles. – Tall screens can be used to form decoration­s, to or­gan­ize games or simply to divide roomspace. Fabric is provided with alu­ mini­um tubes and frame.


Screens ▪▪ W 83 x H 68.5 cm ▪▪ sup­plied with alu­mini­um tubes NS 0904NI – blue NS 0904PO – orange NS 0904ZI – green NS 0904ZL – yellow

Screen connector straight NS 0958 ▪▪ to join screens at one line ▪▪ 2 pieces

Screen connector 90 NS 0958 ▪▪ to join screens at angle 90º ▪▪ 2 pieces

Screen connector 60 NS 0957 ▪▪ to join screens at angle 130º ▪▪ 2 pieces

NS 0903 ▪▪ W 83 x H 68.5 cm

Tulip NS 0905 ▪▪ W 83 x H 68.5 cm





Tall screen: Cater­pil­lar NS 0951 The or­n a­m ent­a l cater­p il­lar con­sist­s of zipped or buttoned pock­et­s for keep­ing small ob­ject­s. ▪▪ W 87 x H 168.5 cm

Tall screen: Sailing boats NS 1954 The ornamental boats consist of buttoned pockets for keeping small objects ▪▪ W 87 x H 168.5 cm

Tall screen: Bal­loon­s NS 0952 Each or­na­ment­al bal­loon has a hole for throw­ing small balls or bean bags through. The ac­ com­pa­ny­ing but­ton­s mean the avail­able score. ▪▪ W 87 x H 168.5 cm

Tall screen: colourful theatre NS 1955 ▪▪ W 83 x H 143 cm

Tall screen: with clouds NS 1953 ▪▪ W 87 x H 168.5 cm

Tall screen: theatre NS 0223


▪▪ W 87 x H 168.5 cm


A series of functional birch laminate bookcases, cabinets and storage units. The bright-coloured fronts will enliven the room and help cre­ ate a friendly and cheerful atmos­ phere. Runners with safety stops to prevent accidental withdrawal. – birch laminate – 4–colour laminate – self-assembly

NS 0216 Shelving Unit with drawers ▪▪ 80 x 47.5 x 88 cm

NS 0215 Storage Unit with door ▪▪ 80 x 47.5 x 88 cm

NS 0214 Storage Unit with drawers ▪▪ 80 x 47.5 x 88 cm

NS 0218 Tall Storage Unit with cupboards and drawers ▪▪ 80 x 47.5 x 200 cm


NS 0217 Shelving Unit with drawers ▪▪ 80 x 47.5 x 108 cm


SUNNY A line of fur­niture ideal for nurs­ery school rooms, staff­room­s, head’s of­fices. It al­lows to ar­range and sort all nurs­ery es­sen­tials. The light-co­l­our lam­in­ate cre­ates a pleas­ant warm at­mo­sphere. Op­tion­s avail­able: – with shelves – with com­part­ment­s – with con­tain­er­ – provided with run­ner­s

The option with run­ner­s al­lows to use: – draw­er­s and card­board con­tain­er­s – draw­er­s and plastic con­ tain­er­s (with or without trans­par­ent lids) In some mod­els with shelves the door come with or without a lock. This series also in­cludes hanging book­case­s, freestand­ing book­case­s and prac­tic­al con­tain­er­s for books and games.

furniture Shallow Tray

Deep Tray

NH 010/1-4 ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪

NH 020/1-4 ▪▪ 1 – red ▪▪ 2 – blue ▪▪ 3 – green ▪▪ 4 – yellow

1 – red 2 – blue 3 – green 4 – yellow

Card­board Deep Trays NS 1405 ▪▪ set of 8 con­tain­ers in 4 co­l­ours ▪▪ 31 x 42 x 17 cm

Card­board Shallow Trays NS 1404 ▪▪ set of 12 draw­ers in 4 co­l­ours ▪▪ 31 x 42 x 7.5 cm

Door Sunny 2/3 NS 1455 For mount­ing on shelving units (with or without lock) ▪▪ 49 x 125 x 1.8 cm

Runners 12 pcs NS 0716 ▪▪ L 29 cm

Door Sunny 1/3 NS 1424 For mount­ing on shelving units (with or without lock) ▪▪ 49 x 58 x 1.8 cm

St­or­age unit D with Trays NS 1431 Can be filled with plastic/card­board trays. Run­ner­s for 24 shallow trays or 12 deep trays are at­tached. Co­l­our­ful tays are sold sep­ar­ately. ▪▪ 102 x 45 x 95 cm

NS 1434 ▪▪ 49 x 75 x 1.8 cm

Shelving unit X NS 1442 ▪▪ 102 x 45 x 114 cm

Shelving unit D NS 1433 2 shelves height-ad­justable A door with/without a lock (sold sep­ar­ately) can be moun­ted ▪▪ 102 x 45 x 95 cm

sunny line

Door to shelving unit D



St­or­age unit X with Trays NS 1441 Can be filled with plastic/card­board trays. Run­ner­s for 30 shallow trays or 15 deep trays are at­tached. Co­l­our­ful trays are sold sep­ar­ately. ▪▪ 102 x 45 x 114 cm

Door to shelving unit X without lock NS 1444 ▪▪ 49 x 95 x 1.8 cm

Shelving unit X NS 1443 3 shelves height-ad­justable A door with/without a lock (sold sep­ar­ately) can be moun­ted ▪▪ 102 x 45 x 114 cm

Shelving unit X NS 1442 ▪▪ 102 x 45 x 114 cm

Tall Shelving Unit NS 1453 5 of the shelves are height–­ ad­justable; a door with or without lock can be moun­t ed (door sold separ­ately) ▪▪ 102 x 45 x 205 cm NS 1454

NS 1456

possible variations

sunny line

NS 1455



Slop­ing book­case

Hanging book­case

NS 1481 A con­tain­er for books (NS 1482; sold sep­ar­ately) fits un­der­neath ▪▪ 102 x 45 x 125 cm

NS 1483 Can be hung on a wall or stood on the floor ▪▪ 92 x 16 x 124 cm

Book Container NS 0279 ▪▪ 102 x 42 x 70 cm

Low mo­bile stor­age unit NS 1482 Fits un­der­neath the slop­ing book­case (NS 1481) or unit NS 0279 ▪▪ 95 x 42 x 30 cm


Our collection contains hanging and freestanding bookcases, as well as functional containers for storing books and games. Very practical for any pre-school and school library. With the lowest castered containers you can utilize all nooks and crannies of the library room.

Func­tion­a l and con­v eni­e nt lockers, eas­ily as­signable to every child in the group. Doors in pastel rain­bow co­l­ours. The colour s­cheme helps each child to find their own box. Each locker has a shelf in­side. – sold as a com­plete set


multiple possibilities

Module 4 NS 0468/E ▪▪ 99 x 35 x 113 cm

Module 3 NS 0468/D ▪▪ 99 x 35 x 113 cm

Module 2 NS 0468/C ▪▪ 99 x 35 x 113 cm

Small Module Module 1 NS 0468/B

NS 0469 ▪▪ 66.5 x 35 x 113 cm

Big Module NS 0468 ▪▪ 99 x 35 x 113 cm

rainbow line

▪▪ 99 x 35 x 81 cm



Upstand S NS 0498 ▪▪ 90 x 19.2 x 90 cm

Module 8 NS 0468/I ▪▪ 65 x 35 x 113 cm

Upstand L NS 0497 ▪▪ 75 x 19.2 x 90 cm

Module 7 NS 0468/H ▪▪ 99 x 35 x 113 cm

Module 6 NS 0468/G ▪▪ 99 x 35 x 81 cm

NS 0468/F ▪▪ 130 x 35.4 x 172 cm

Cloakroom NS 0468/A ▪▪ 130 x 35.4 x 172 cm

rainbow line

Module 5


A proven and recognized line of furniture. It is very functional and allows unlimited combinations of colour arrangements, as well as a large display area. The containers, drawers and boxes help children to sort their school utensils and keep them tidy. Arrangement of a safe and comfortable interior is easier thanks to the wide variety of units and accessories. Colour: beech Self-assembly Five heights: 54, 74, 93, 112, 131 cm Types of units available: – with trays – with trays and container – with shelves and container – 2+1

– 2+1 and container – corner and inside corner – with a door Extras (sold separately): – – – – –

shallow and deep wooden trays – 4 colours shallow and deep cardboard tras – 4 colours wheeled containers – 4 colours doors – 4 colours decorative boards: Wave, Igloo, Castle,

Trays and containers are sold separately For trays-only we recommend NS 0716 runners. The arrangements shown are only examples. Thanks to their construction, cardboard trays hold a weight of up to 42 kgs, while remaining light and safe for children. Cartboard and wooden trays, which come in various colours, are aesthetic and very durable. Their dimen­ sions fit the Classical series. Decorative board The colourful board will enliven every nursery classroom. The variety of colours and shapes stimulates children’s imagination and encourages them to play on the surface of the furniture.


storage unit with trays width 84 cm depth 39 cm height: S NK 0701 54 cm NK 0702 74 cm M L NK 0703 93 cm X NK 0704 112 cm XL NK 0705 131 cm


84cm X L M


trays sold separately

shelving unit width 84 cm depth 39 cm height: S NK 0711 54 cm M NK 0712 74 cm L NK 0713 93 cm X NK 0714 112 cm XL NK 0715 131 cm






XL NK 0715 131 cm



storage unit with container


84cm X L

width 84 cm depth 39 cm height: S NK 0801 54 cm NK 0802 74 cm M L NK 0803 93 cm X NK 0804 112 cm XL NK 0805 131 cm


trays sold separately

shelving unit with container width 84 cm depth 39 cm height: S NK 0811 54 cm NK 0812 74 cm M L NK 0813 93 cm X NK 0814 112 cm XL NK 0815 131 cm


84cm X L M



L NK 0803 93 cm



2+1 storage unit


112cm X

width 112 cm depth 39 cm height: S NK 0721 54 cm M NK 0722 74 cm

L NK 0723 93 cm X NK 0724 112 cm XL NK 0725 131 cm


trays sold separately

2+1 storage unit with container width 112 cm depth 39 cm height: S NK 0821 54 cm M NK 0822 74 cm L NK 0823 93 cm X NK 0824 112 cm XL NK 0825 131 cm





shelving unit

L NK 0733 93 cm X NK 0734 112 cm XL NK 0735 131 cm


shelving unit with container width 84 cm depth 39 cm height: S NK 0831 54 cm M NK 0832 74 cm L NK 0833 93 cm X NK 0834 112 cm XL NK 0835 131 cm



84cm X L M



width 84 cm depth 39 cm height: S NK 0731 54 cm M NK 0732 74 cm






corner shelving unit


width 39 cm depth 39 cm height: S NK 0761 54 cm M NK 0762 74 cm


L NK 0763 93 cm X NK 0764 112 cm XL NK 0765 131 cm


inside corner shelving unit width 67 cm depth 67 cm height: S NK 0851 54 cm M NK 0852 74 cm L NK 0853 93 cm X NK 0854 112 cm XL NK 0855 131 cm




corners are handy


furniture NK 8002

NK 0718

tall shelving unit width 84 cm depth 40 cm height: 202 cm NK 0718 NK 8004 w/2 doors NK 8001 w/door NK 8002 w/2 doors

NK 8001 NK 8004





doors width height: S M L X XL

40 cm 36 cm 55 cm 75 cm 94 cm 113 cm


fits to all classical furniture red





NK 0411 NK 0421 NK 0431 NK 0441 NK 0451

NK 0412 NK 0422 NK 0432 NK 0442 NK 0452

NK 0413 NK 0423 NK 0433 NK 0443 NK 0453

NK 0414 NK 0424 NK 0434 NK 0444 NK 0454

NK 0521 NK 0522 NK 0523 NK 0524 NK 0525









Large container ▪▪ 77 x 35 x 30 cm yellow

Medium container for 2+1 St­or­age Unit

Small container for 2+1 St­or­age Unit

▪▪ 53 x 35 x 30 cm

▪▪ 35 x 35 x 30 cm

yellow NK 0614



green NK 0613




blue NK 0632

NK 0622 red

NK 0611

NK 0633

NK 0623

NK 0612 red

NK 0634

NK 0624

red NK 0621

NK 0631


Shallow wooden tray NS 0444/colour

Shallow card­board trays NS 0714 ▪▪ 12 pieces in 4 co­l­ours 35 x 25 x 8 cm

NS 0790/colour Fits units from the classical series; avail­able in 4 co­l­ ours: red, yel­low, green, blue 1 piece ▪▪ 25 x 35 x 17 cm

Deep card­board trays NS 0715 ▪▪ 8 pieces in 4 co­l­ours 35 x 25 x 17 cm

ultra durable 42 kg


Deep wooden tray




Igloo NK 0321 NK 0322 NK 0323 NK 0324


red blue green yellow

NK 0311 NK 0312 NK 0313 NK 0314

decorative board

red blue green yellow

NK 0331 NK 0332

NK 0333 NK 0334

red blue green yellow



A chain of stor­age units im­it­at­ing a train (en­gine + car­riages). Its length is lim­ited only by the size of the room. The fancy shapes and mul­ti­col­oured fin­ish turn the room into a fantasy world. A very func­tion­al set which provides a lot of space for dis­play and stor­age. The cup­boards are white lam­in­ate. The doors, draw­er­s ap­plic­a­tion­s in delic­ate pas­tel co­l­ours add live­li­ness to the whole in­teri­or.

NS 0239 ▪▪ 111 x 41 x 135 cm

Car­riage 1 NS 0240 ▪▪ 80 x 41 x 135 cm

Car­riage 3 NS 0242 ▪▪ 40.5 x 41 x 153 cm


Train en­gine



Car­riage 2 NS 0241 ▪▪ 80 x 41 x 96 cm

Car­riage 4 NS 0243 ▪▪ 80 x 41 x 70.5 cm

Train Set NS 0256 ▪▪ en­gine + 4 car­riages ▪▪ total length: 4.52m

Christmas Tree SK 0001 ▪▪ 131.2 x 65 x 132 cm

Corner Christmas Tree SK 0002 ▪▪ 65.6 x 65 x 132 cm

Corner Tree SK 0004 ▪▪ 65.6 x 64 x 150 cm

Tree SK 0003 ▪▪ 131.2 x 64 x 150 cm

eco shelving

eco shelving units



Straw­berry NS 0472 ▪▪ 129 x 63 x 157 cm

Sun NS 0473 ▪▪ 180 x 61 x 140 cm

Pear NS 0432 ▪▪ 105 x 54 x 160 cm

Duck NS 0960 ▪▪ 115 x 55 x 155 cm

Frog NS 0959 ▪▪ 112 x 42 x 132 cm

Apple NS 0433 ▪▪ 116 x 55 x 118 cm

tables & chairs

furniture Table with con­tain­er NS 0565 The cen­t­ral part of the top hides a con­tain­er for small ob­ject­s ne­ces­sar­y in art & craft activ­it­ies ▪▪ 120 x 80 cm ▪▪ 3 height­s : 46, 52, 58 cm

Manager’s desk NS 0560 ▪▪ desk 130 x 70 x 74 cm ▪▪ stand 29 x 41 x 57.5 cm

Small table NS 0160 ▪▪ for book corner­s, play areas etc. ▪▪ ø 60 cm H 31 cm

Small desk NS 1500 ▪▪ 80 x 47.5 x 76 cm

Desk NS 0798/colour

available colours red




tables & chairs

▪▪ co­l­our: light beech; with co­l­oured edging ▪▪ 120 x 75 x 76 cm




tables with colour


Hexagonal table ▪▪ side length L 75 cm (2 sides), ▪▪ L 70 cm (4 sides) ▪▪ 4 heights: 40, 46, 52, 58 cm NS 0795/colour

NS 0796/colour

Rectangular table ▪▪ top 75 x 120, 2 cm thick ▪▪ 4 height­s : 40, 46, 52, 58 cm

NS 0740/colour

NS 0723/colour

Trapezi­um table ▪▪ top 60 x 60 x 70 x 110 cm ▪▪ 4 height­s : 40, 46, 52, 58 cm

NS 0738/colour

NS 0739/colour

Square table ▪▪ top 75 x 75, 2 cm thick ▪▪ 4 height­s : 40, 46, 52, 58 cm NS 0741/colour

NS 0724/colour

Round table ▪▪ top ø 90 cm, 2 cm thick ▪▪ 4 height­s : 40, 46, 52, 58 cm NS 0742/colour all legs provided with etension parts

NS 0725/colour

available colours





Chair Lilli 1 NS 9001 ▪▪ seat height 26 cm

Chair Lilli 2 NS 9002 ▪▪ seat height 30 cm

Chair Lilli 3 NS 9003 ▪▪ seat height 34 cm

Chair Emmi 1 CH 0001 ▪▪ seat height 26 cm

CH 0002 ▪▪ seat height 31 cm

Chair Emmi 3 CH 0003 ▪▪ seat height 35 cm chairs are stackable

tables & chairs

Chair Emmi 2


available colours of frame







Chair: A tra­di­tion­al – look­ing and widely re­cog­nized line. Tough metal frame­work. Avail­able in many co­l­ours. Er­go­nom­ic­ally moul­ded seats and back­rest­s. ▪▪ easy to store, stack­able ▪▪ suits t­ables 40 – 71cm height ▪▪ wide leg base pre­vent­s tip­ping ▪▪ avail­able in 4 co­l­ours: yel­low, green, blue, red ▪▪ cer­ti­fied




A NS 0746

22 cm 25 cm

B NS 1774

25 cm 25 cm

The height of the chair is meas足ured from the highest middle point of the front part of the seat .

C NS 2775

30 cm 27 cm

D NS 3776

34 cm 29 cm

E NS 4777

37 cm 32 cm

F NS 5778

42 cm 34 cm

tables & chairs


height width





conference table

SL 0001 ▪▪ 4 parts: 2 rectangular, 2 semicircle ▪▪ rectangular 150 x 60 cm ▪▪ half circle 120 x 60 cm ▪▪ 2 colours of legs: white and black ▪▪ beech

chairs sold seaprately

possible configurations

Mul­tipur­pose stand NS 0578 Serves as a play corner; with other ac­cessories can be used as a pup­pet theatre (NS 0580), glass paint­ing corner (NS 0581) or mar­ket stall (NS 0579) ▪▪ 84 x 51 x 113.5 cm

Pup­pet theatre

Mar­ket stall roof

Glazed frame

NS 0580 Top and bot­tom cur­ tain­s fit mul­tipur­pose stand NS 0578

NS 0579 Red f­ab­ric – fits mul­ tipur­p ose stand NS 0578

NS 0581 Used with the mul­tipur­ pose stand NS 0578 to cre­ate an art corner

Tri-Wall ex­hib­i­tion stand NS 0480 Boarded wall; shelves and pock­et­s for bro­chures and leaf­let­s ▪▪ 80.5 x 53 x 172 cm


accesories for multipurpose stand:


Double easel NS 1728 Double-sided, fold­ing, for 2 per­sons (2 paint trays) ▪▪ H 121 cm boards ▪▪ 65 x 65 cm

Wall easel „1–2–3” NS 0308 Metal frame; wall-at­tach­able; serves for three chil­dren ▪▪ 198 x 108 x 17 cm

Double-sided easel NS 0309 Large-sized, double-sided, serves for 6 chil­dren ▪▪ 200 x 70 x 95 cm

Four-per­son easel


NS 1729 Fold­ing, double-sided, ac­c om­m od­a tes 4 per­s ons (4 trays) ▪▪ H 121 cm boards ▪▪ 130 x 65 cm



drying racks Dry­ing rack on caster­s (small-sized) MT 5455 ▪▪ 17 levels 43 x 33 x 65 cm

Dry­ing rack on caster­s (large-sized) MT 5457 ▪▪ 25 levels 43 x 33 x 90 cm

Game storage unit NS 0430 ▪▪ 2 units can be stacked ver­tic­ally ▪▪ 50 x 40 x 70 cm

Market Stall NS 0465 ▪▪ 80 x 80 x 120 cm

Screen Playhouse 4-floor house NS 0764

ON 1100 ▪▪ 95 x 60 x 145 cm


▪▪ 50 x 43 x 126.5 cm



Shelving unit An aes­thet­ic and prac­tic­al series of fur­niture, ideal for fur­nish­ing nurs­ery school in­teri­ors. The nice blue co­l­our has a sooth­ing ef­fect. Large po­ten­tial for ar­range­ment of double-sided book­case­s.

NS 3100 ▪▪ 102 x 40 x 72cm

Shelving unit NS 3130 ▪▪ 102 x 40 x 117 cm

Shelving unit NS 3120 ▪▪ 102 x 40 x 72 cm

Bookcase NS 0277 ▪▪ 103 x 45 x 117 cm

Shelving unit NS 3160 ▪▪ 102 x 40 x 117 cm

Low mobile storage unit NS 0278


▪▪ 95 x 42 x 30 cm


furniture Blue wash­ing ma­chine NS 0288 ▪▪ 104 x 37 x 56 cm ad­di­tion­al wooden iron

Shelves for Blue Kitchen Combo Unit NS 0289 ▪▪ fit­ting all items in this series ▪▪ 88 x 13 x 103 cm

Kitchen Combo Unit Blue NS 0290 ▪▪ with 3 gas rings and open­able oven ▪▪ 104 x 37 x 56 cm

Blue sink unit NS 0287 ▪▪ a unit with a plastic sink ▪▪ 104 x 37 x 56 cm

NS 0591 ▪▪ a spa­cious unit with open­a ble door longer side 69 cm short­e r side 37 cm ▪▪ H 61 cm

Stand-alone cup­board NS 0590 ▪▪ 3 card­board draw­er unit ▪▪ 47 x 37 x 61 cm

Kitchen sink unit NS 0592 ▪▪ open­able door, plastic sink, tap ▪▪ 47 x 37 x 61 cm

Re­fri­ger­at­or NS 0589 ▪▪ open­a ble door, metal bas­ket in­side ▪▪ 47 x 37 x 61 cm

Corner shelf NS 0593 ▪▪ 37 x 47 x 61 cm

Wash­ing ma­chine NS 0588 ▪▪ open­able door, spa­cious drum ▪▪ 47 x 37 x 61 cm

Cook­er NS 0587 ▪▪ 4 gas rings and oven with open­able plexi­glass door ▪▪ 47 x 37 x 61 cm


In­side corner cup­board



Stackable Preschool Beds NS 0754/6 ▪▪ 133 x 57 x 12/15 cm ▪▪ a set of 6 pcs.

12 cm

15 cm

Trolley for beds NS 0244 ▪▪ suitable for preschool beds, maximum for 15 beds

Changing pad - unit NS 0010 ▪▪ H 110 x 75 x 70 cm

Bed Linen:

pillows, blanket, sheet, pillowcase, blanketcase

Blue NS 0647

Pink NS 0646

Har­mo­n­ia 6 NS 0751 ▪▪ 154 x 50 x 140.5 cm ▪▪ bench w 26 cm ▪▪ 6 com­part­ments

Har­mo­n­ia 3 NS 0752 ▪▪ 78 x 50 x 140.5 cm ▪▪ bench w 26 cm ▪▪ 3 com­part­ments

cloackrooms Cloackroom shelf NS 0583A

Cloackroom bench NS 0584A ▪▪ 120 x 50 x 30 cm


▪▪ 120 x 21 x 28 cm



Blue Bench NS 0467 ▪▪ 93.5 x 51 x 50 cm

Blue Cloak­room NS 0471 ▪▪ may be sup­ple­men­ted by the bench NS 0467 ▪▪ 157 x 53 x 140 cm

A­rabeska NS 0582 ▪▪ fits 5 chil­dren ▪▪ 105 x 36 x 131 cm

Double-sided A­rabeska NS 0582/1 ▪▪ ac­com­mod­ates 10 chil­dren ▪▪ 105 x 75 x 131 cm

Meadow’s Sign for Cloakroom

Mathematic Sign for Cloakroom

NS 3028

NS 3027

▪▪ Piece size : 4.7 x 5.6 cm

Stick­er­s: Mush­room NS 0936

Stick­er­s: Bal­loon

▪▪ 25 pieces 4.7 x 5.6 cm

NS 0935 ▪▪ 25 pieces 4.7 x 5.6 cm

Stick­er­s: Turtle Stick­er­s: Dino­saur NS 0933 ▪▪ 25 pieces 4.7 x 5.6 cm


NS 0934 ▪▪ 25 pieces 4.7 x 5.6 cm



Decorative application for a hanging shelf: ▪▪ 60 x 30 cm

Hanging shelf

available colours yellow




Semi circle NS 0557/colour ▪▪ 60 x 30 cm

NS 0556/colour ▪▪ 60 x 32 x 50 cm

Triangle NS 0558/colour ▪▪ 60 x 30 cm

Corner edge cover AV 2001 ▪▪ self-ad­h es­ive pro­t ective foam for cov­er­ing furniture edges and/or wall corner­s etc. ▪▪ cer­ti­fied for Europe – L 1.3 m

Bath­room shelf: Rock­et NS 0474 ▪▪ wa­ter­proof mug stand 12 holes ▪▪ ø 7 cm for mugs ▪▪ 87 x 15.5 x 30 cm

Finger pinch guard AV 1901 ▪▪ self-ad­hes­ive product to pro­t ect chil­d ren from accident­al pinch­ing fin­ger­s in doors. ▪▪ cer­ti­fied for Europe L 1.2 m

soft pillows ▪▪ made from padded foam covered with washable denim fabric ▪▪ removable zipped cover

Frog NS 0219 ▪▪ H 100 cm

Hippo NS 0220


▪▪ H 100 cm

NS 1971

Cat NS 1973 ▪▪ 60 x 38 cm

soft play – seats

▪▪ 60 x 38 cm



soft seats ▪▪ made from foam covered with durable PVC fabric ▪▪ available in different fabrics ▪▪ available in 3 colours: yellow, blue, red






▪▪ H 25 x ø 30 cm

▪▪ 110 x 40 x 45 cm




▪▪ 40 x 40 x 25 cm

▪▪ 35 x 40 x 45 cm

Rain­bow Unit: Corner sofa NS 0630

NS 0629

▪▪ 120 x 46 x 55 cm

NS 0562 ▪▪ 46 x 46 x 30 cm

▪▪ 120 x 46 x 55 cm

Rain­bow Unit: Table NS 0563 ▪▪ 70 x 46 x 35 cm

Rain­bow Unit: Arm­chair NS 0628 ▪▪ 40 x 46 x 55 cm

soft play – seats

Rain­bow Unit: Quarter Circle

Rain­bow Unit: Sofa



Maxi sofa Rosa NS 0597 ▪▪ 90 x 45 x 55 cm

Maxi arm­chair Olaf NS 0596 ▪▪ 55 x 45 x 55 cm made from foam covered with durable PVC fabric

Re­hab­il­it­a­tion cush­ion NS 0639 ▪▪ filled with gran­u­late; helps in de­vel­ op­ing move­ment co-or­din­a­tion ▪▪ 100 x 49 cm

Big pear Cushion NS 0600 Made from foam covered with durable PVC fabric ▪▪ ø 120 cm

NS 0585 A large pear-shaped cush­ ion covered with dur­able easy-to-clean f­ab­ric ▪▪ 150 x 60 cm ▪▪ weight 6 kg

Mattress Milus

NS 0601 ▪▪ 200 x 80 x 10 cm

NS 0599 ▪▪ wipe-clean, ▪▪ anti-slide bot­tom. ▪▪ 120 x 60 x 10 cm

soft play – seats

Low prin­ted mat­tress



Butterfly NS 1980 ▪▪ 77 x 58 x 30 cm

Ladybug NS 1981 ▪▪ 85 x 63 x 30 cm

Elephant NS 1979 ▪▪ 78 x 50 x 30 cm

Rainbow caterpillar NS 1992 ▪▪ set of 7 elements ▪▪ ø 35 x 30 cm

NS 1976 ▪▪ ø 35 x 30 cm

Animal pouf – Pig NS 1974 ▪▪ ø 35 x 30 cm

Animal pouf – Cow NS 1977 ▪▪ ø 35 x 30 cm

Animal pouf – Hen NS 1978 ▪▪ ø 35 x 30 cm

Animal pouf – Frog NS 1975 ▪▪ ø 35 x 30 cm

soft play – seats

Animal pouf – Cat



Numbers NS 0690 ▪▪ set of 9 ▪▪ ø 30 x 8 cm

Animals NS 0692 ▪▪ set of 3 ▪▪ ø 30 x 8 cm

Sea animals NS 0691 ▪▪ set of 3 ▪▪ ø 30 x 8 cm



Manipulation Cube with Butterfly Pattern NS 0945 ▪▪ 30 x 30 x 30 cm

Ma­nip­u­lat­ive wheel: But­ter­fly NS 0961 A wheel with a maze in the shape of a but­ter­fly. The mov­ able ele­ments are made of felt, wool, foam, plastic etc. ▪▪ ø 55 cm

Wall hanging: Apple tree NS 0552 But­ton­s, press studs, vel­cros, laces, zip ▪▪ 58 x 80 cm

Manipulative butterfly NS 3053 ▪▪ 61 x 50 cm

Manipulative tapestry – girl NS 0129 ▪▪ 47 x 60 cm

Card­board brick­s NS 1007

Manipulative tapestry – boy

▪▪ 32 pieces in 4 co­ l­ours ▪▪ can hold the we­ ight of an adult ▪▪ 30 x 15 x 7.5 cm

▪▪ 47 x 60 cm


NS 0129



Picture domino NS 3022 ▪▪ 24 pcs. ▪▪ 3,5 x 7 cm

Tactile Matching Game NS 3043 ▪▪ size of the board 27 x 27 x 2,2 cm ▪▪ size of the brick 8 x 8 x 1,2 cm

Labyrinths: Wood on Table NS 0537 A set of co­l­ourful spa­tial ma­nip­u­ lat­ive mazes on a round table; ▪▪ top ø 70 cm ▪▪ table H 42 cm ▪▪ total H 92 cm

Ma­nip­u­lat­ive mush­room NS 0436 detach­able top is made of foam covered with easy-to-clean pvc f­ab­r ic. The con­s truc­tion can serve as a seat or re­hab­il­it­a­ tion mod­ule. ▪▪ 120 x 120 x 130 cm


Ma­n ip­u l­at­ive corner in the shape of a mush­room. P­ly­ wood walls with nu­m er­o us ac­cessories: mazes, co­l­ourful win­dows, mir­rors, laced hanging­s, zips. The



Ma­nip­u­lat­ive house NS 0310 A solid wooden con­s truc­t ion. It of­fer­s nu­mer­ous games and puzzles. The large sur­face al­lows easy ac­cess for a few chil­dren, even in a wheel­chair. The walls can be at­tached at any side. With

the double-sided maze, wooden mozaic, aba­cus and clock the child learns to dis­tin­guish rhythms, co­l­ ours and shapes, as well as telling and count­ing time. ▪▪ 120 x 120 x 120 cm

graphic borders A set of graphic borders to support handrelaxing exercises; supplemented with magnets; Three levels of difficulty (marked with colour and line distances in the border) Each set includes 4 plastic dry-wipe writing boards ▪▪ 4 boards 98 x 17 cm

Border­s: set 3 (red) NS 3009 ▪▪ for ages 6+ line spa­ cing from 1 to 0.3 cm

Graphical Exercise Set 1 – Yellow, Green, Orange NS 3040 ▪▪ 35 x 14.8 x 5 cm

Border­s: set 1 (green) NS 3007 ▪▪ for ages 3+ line spa­cing from 2 to 1.5 cm

Graphical Exercise Set 2 – Violet, Navy Blue NS 3041

Border­s: set 2 (blue) NS 3008 ▪▪ for ages 4+ line spacing 1 cm


▪▪ 35 x 14.8 x 5 cm



Rooster NS 0990

manipulative boards ▪▪ 50 x 50 cm ▪▪ all can be joined together to make one big board to be fixed on the wall

Fish NS 0991

Cat NS 0989

Snail NS 0988

manipulative boards with mirrors ▪▪ 50 x 70 cm ▪▪ can be fixed on the wall

Bees NS 0992

Cats NS 0993

Fishes NS 0994



NS 0995



Class rules NS 1361 ▪▪ 35 magnetic cards showing preschool’s life situations

Cube with pock­et­s NS 0555 ▪▪ made of foam covered with dur­able f­ab­ric ▪▪ 25 x 25 x 25 cm

Logic lotto NS 0134 ▪▪ A set of 5 games ▪▪ 80 cards 4 x 4 cm ▪▪ 20 strips 4 x 21 cm


▪▪ mirrors’s decorations to be fixed on the wall

Sun NS 1663 ▪▪ 40 x 40 cm

Cloud NS 1664


▪▪ 60 x 45,5 cm

NS 1665 ▪▪ 4 pcs.

Houses NS 1666


▪▪ 4 pcs.


education Music bag VO 8319 ▪▪ set of 31 music instruments

Balance with cylinders NS 0422 ▪▪ ø 27 cm

bingo Bingo: Mul­ti­plic­a­tion and di­vi­sion up to 20 TM 1042

Bingo: Multiplication And Division Up To 20 TM 1040

The game helps in te­ aching children to add, subtract, multiply, divide. The operations are gra­ ded to give equal oppor­

Plywood boards with a groove in which a ball moves (diameter 4 cm)

Cylinders NS 0312 ▪▪ 23 x 18 cm

tunity to all. Each child is given a card with num­ bers. Whoever covers all free spaces on their card wins. Bingo.

Bingo: Ad­di­tion and sub­trac­tion up to 100 TM 1041

Bingo: Ad­di­tion and sub­trac­tion up to 20 TM 1039


balance boards



Elast­ic meas­ur­ing stick­s NS 3024 1 m meas­ur­ing stick­s made of trans­par­ent elast­ic ma­ter­i­al. Apart from stand­ard 1 cm marks the stick is divided into units marked with an­im­al pic­tures. 5 pieces

Meas­ur­ing feet NS 3016 Made of co­l­o ur­ful easy-to clean plastic 20 feet; ▪▪ L 10 cm, 15 cm, 20 cm, 25 cm

Euro set VO 2832 ▪▪ set od 65 notes and 110 coins

Colourful meadow memo NS 0985

Comparitive figures FI 1560

▪▪ 4 boards with pictures ▪▪ 24 tokens

▪▪ 19 x 17 cm ▪▪ 48 elements in 4 shapes

Domino: Animals NS 0987 ▪▪ 18 double-sided elements

Dress cat NS 0984 ▪▪ 4 boards ▪▪ 16 clothing elements ▪▪ 16 tokens with cloth’s names

NS 0986 ▪▪ 4 boards of houses ▪▪ 56 tokens

english language

Our houses



Music trolley PG 9015 In­ten­ded for chil­dren’s instru­ ments from instrument bag. ▪▪ 90 x 55 x 40 cm

Combo stor­age unit NS 0779 In­ten­ded for chil­dren’s art works. In­cludes a wash­ing bowl and a hold­er for paper tow­els ▪▪ 90 x 75 x 40 cm

parachutes Parachute 3,5m JG 2302

Parachute 6m JG 2304

Activity parachute 3,5m

Educcational parachute 3.5m TY 0257


TY 0121



stamps A set of wood handle stampers with different motifs. Manipulating stampers develops eyemove­ ment co-ordination, manual dexterity and spatial ori entation on a plane. Self-made prints invite children to colouring and prove particularly use­ ful in preparing decorations and ornaments on invitations, notelets, or greeting cards.

Cards for stamps – landscape NS 3010 ▪▪ 18 cards, A4

Stamps – Ve­get­ables DN 2627 ▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

Stamps – Fruit DN 2628

Stamps – Leaves

▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

DN 2621 6 stamper­s of broadleaf trees: maple, chest­n ut, beech, oak, linden, gingko ▪▪ 6.5 x 7 cm

Stamps – Flower­s DN 2626 ▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

DN 2655

Stamps – Nature bor­der­s DN 2657

▪▪ 7 pieces ▪▪ 12.5 x 2,8 cm

▪▪ 7 pieces ▪▪ 12.5 x 2,8 cm

Stamps – Garden

Stamps – Weath­er and Time

DN 2644 ▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

DN 2646 ▪▪ 9 pieces 5 x 4,3 cm ▪▪ 2 pieces 2.5 x 12 cm


Stamps – Fruit bor­der­s


education Stamps – ZOO

Stamps – An­im­als around us

DN 2631 ▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

DN 2630 ▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

Stamps – Forest DN 2645 ▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

Stamps – Farm DN 2647 ▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

Stamps – Toys DN 2629 ▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

Stamps – Alpha­bet DN 2638 ▪▪ in cap­it­al print let­ter­s 26 pieces ▪▪ 1.5 x 2,4 cm

Stamps – Di­git­s DN 2635 ▪▪ 10 pieces 5 x 4.5 cm

Stamps – Little Red Rid­ing Hood NS 3026 Little Red Rid­ing Hood, Hunter, Wolf, Grand­moth­er, Wolf in Dis­ guise, House in the Woods ▪▪ 6 x 7 cm

Stamps – Fairy tales NS 3025


▪▪ prin­cess, knight, fair y, dragon, witch, castle ▪▪ 6 x 7 cm



Stamps – Road DN 2643 ▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

Stamps – Ve­hicles DN 2625 ▪▪ 12 pieces 5 x 4 cm

Stamps – Doc­tor DN 2620 12 stamper­s with health and per­sonal hy­giene mo­ tif­s : tooth, plaster, ther­ mo­met­er, tooth­brush, pill, dent­ist"s chair, tooth­paste, brain, dent­ist"s mir­ror, syr­ inge, s­thet­o­scope, doc­tor; ▪▪ 5 x 4 cm

Stamps – Euro DN 2658 ▪▪ 15 pieces of coins and bank­notes ▪▪ 3.5 x 3 cm – 7.5 x 4 cm

Stamper­s: Nature bor­der­s DN 2657 ▪▪ 7 pieces 12.5 x 2,8 cm

Stamps – Faces Stamps – Christ­mas DN 2622 6 stamper­s with Christ­mas mo­tif­s : Santa, Star of Beth­le­hem, reindeer, n­ativ­ity scene, angel, sprig ▪▪ 6.5 x 7 cm

Stamps – Easter DN 2648 ▪▪ 8 pieces 5 x 4 cm and 5 x 8.5 cm


DN 2650 6 fa­c ial ex­p res­s ion­s of Pysio the Cat: sad, happy, angry, sur­prised, sleepy, tired ▪▪ 6.5 x 7 cm



stencils Sets of stencils with different themes to produ­ ce single pictures or larger compositions. They are especially helpful in making greeting cards, invitations, notelets, etc. Cut-outs can be tra­ ced with crayons or filled with paint (using rollers, brushes, sponges, swaps). The stencils are made of safe-edged durable plastic.

Sten­cils: Garden NS 0916 ▪▪ 6 shapes: but­ter­fly, tulip, wa­ter­ing can, snail, pump­kin, sun­flower ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils: Fruit NS 0920 ▪▪ 6 shapes: ba­nana, plum, straw­berry, cherry, pear, apple ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils: Ve­get­ables NS 0922 ▪▪ 6 shapes: car­rot, to­mato, lettu­ ce, pep­per, beet­root, peas ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils: Tree leaves NS 0913 ▪▪ 6 shapes: maple, chest­nut, beech, oak, linden, gingko ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils – Flower­s NS 3020

Sten­cils: Border­s

▪▪ 6 pi eces: cro­cus, water lily, rose, daisy, lily of the val­ley, daf­fodil ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

NS 0926 ▪▪ 6 pat­terns: leaves, but­ter­flies, flower­s, house with trees, notes ▪▪ 10.5 x 30 cm

Sten­cils: Christ­mas NS 0918 ▪▪ 6 shapes: candle, Christ ­mas tree, n­a tiv­ity scene, bauble, s­n ow­man, sock ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils: Easter ▪▪ 6 shapes: lamb, hare, c­atki n­s + daf­fodil, bas­ket, painted egg, chick­en ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm


NS 0919



Sten­cils: Forest NS 0915 ▪▪ 6 shapes: fox, hedge­ho­g, boar, roe deer, beetle, owl ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils: Sa­van­nah NS 0924 ▪▪ 6 shapes: zebra, ele­phant, lion, hippo, rhino, gir­affe ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils: Farm­yard NS 0925 ▪▪ 6 shapes: horse, cow, pig, ram, cat, dog ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils: Birds NS 0921 ▪▪ 6 shapes: pi­geon, tur­key, duck, goose, hen, cock ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils: Toys NS 0923 ▪▪ 6 shapes: hare, dog, bear, air­plane, car, duck ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils: Dino­saurs NS 0963 ▪▪ 6 pre­his­tor­ic plant­s or an­im­als: tyrano­ saur­u s, am­mon­ite, dip­lodoc­u s, giant fern, ste­go­saur­u s, ptero­saur­u s ▪▪ 13.5 x 14.5 cm

Sten­cils: Signs NS 0917 ▪▪ fire Ex­tin­guish­er, Dis­abled, Keep Tidy, Good for the En­vir­o n­ ment, Iron, Re­cyc­lable ▪▪ 15 x 15 cm

Sten­cils: Frame NS 0927


▪▪ 6 A4 pat­terns



Ready paint 6 colours assorted NS0802 ▪▪ 6 l.

Popover Aprons NS0801 ▪▪ 3 pcs.

Vinyl glue NS 0808 ▪▪ 1 pcs.

Nylon Overallst NS 0133 ▪▪ 3 pcs.

foam and motor skills Sets of rollers, wedges, blocks for exercises, recommendable also for disabled children. The elements can be used for making assault courses of varying levels of difficulty. The variety of foam shapes in different colours and sizes stimulates children’s creativity and encourages them to turn the classroom into a fairyland by building castles, hiding places. Made of high-density foam covered with 2.5 mm super soft flame retardant vinyl, durable, easy-to-clean, anti-slip

foam and motor skills Kaytek NS 0224

modules Slide NS 0232 ▪▪ 60 x 70 x 40 cm

Hill NS 0233 ▪▪ 60 x 70 x 43 cm

Base with attractions NS 0225 ▪▪ 60 x 60 x 40 cm

Base with beams NS 0227

Base with cylinders NS 0226 ▪▪ 3 cylinders Ø 10, 15, 20 cm ▪▪ base 60 x 70 x 40 cm


▪▪ base 60 x 70 x 40 cm ▪▪ 2 beams 20 x 20 x 60 cm


foam and motor skills

Big novamus NS 0128 ▪▪ 19 elements ▪▪ 284 x 284 x 100 cm ▪▪ slides height 60 cm

Novamus NS 0125 ▪▪ 11 ele­ments for build­ing as­sault courses wa­ter­proof wash­able non-skid sur­face ▪▪ 250 x 250 x 100 cm

module sets ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪ ▪▪

Ramps use­ful in build­ing as­sault courses; wedge 100 x 50 x 50 cm wave 100 x 50 x 50 cm stair­s 100 x 50 x 50 cm slide 100 x 50 x 50 cm

NS 0123 For basic phys­ic­al ex­er­cises; can be used as a com­ple­ment to set 1 (NS 0122). ▪▪ 4 mat­tresses ▪▪ ø 200 cm ▪▪ 100 x 100 x 10 cm ▪▪ 1 cube 50 x 50 x 50 cm

NS 0124 When added to the sets p­resen­ ted, it en­hances the po­ten­tial of the ex­er­cises. As a sep­ar­ate set it can be used in crawl­ing, jump­ing obstacles etc. ▪▪ 1 tun­nel 50 x 50 x 50 cm, ø 40 cm ▪▪ 1 minicyl­in­der L 50 cm, ø 40 cm


NS 0122


foam and motor skills Hyper blocks NS 0435 A set of giant foam b­lock­s coated with dur­able pvc f­ab­ric. The vari­ous sizes provide nu­mer­ous pos­sib­il­it­ ies forbuild­ing castles, hid­ing places. They can also be used in re­hab­il­it­a­ tion ex­er­cises. ▪▪ 30 pieces ▪▪ smal­lest piece 20 x 20 x 20 cm ▪▪ largest piece 40 x 40 x 40 cm

Meg­a b­lock­s PS 2105


▪▪ 19 pieces ▪▪ 8 – 90 x 30 cm ▪▪ 10 – 30 x 30 cm, ▪▪ semi­circle ø 60


foam and motor skills

Foam bricks – set 1 NS 1994 ▪▪ 120 x 75 x 30 cm ▪▪ 10 elements

Foam bricks – set 2 NS 1995 ▪▪ 150 x 90 x 30 cm ▪▪ 11 elements

Foam bricks – set 3 NS 1996 ▪▪ 120 x 90 x 30 cm ▪▪ 10 elements

Foam bricks – set 4 NS 1997 ▪▪ 120 x 90 x 30 cm ▪▪ 8 elements

Foam modules NS 1998


▪▪ 90 x 90 x 90 cm ▪▪ smallest shape 30 x 30 x 30 cm


NS 0567 ▪▪ a set of 4 figures ▪▪ thickness 4 cm

30 c m


40 cm

30 c m

50 c m

Geometric shapes PS 2106 ▪▪ a set of 11 figures ▪▪ thickness 10 cm


foam and motor skills

Geometric figures

Cap with Stem NS 0150


▪▪ cap ø 120 ▪▪ stem ø 30, h 120 cm

NS 0149

Flower garden NS 1999 ▪▪ 140 x 140 x 60 cm ▪▪ 12 elements


▪▪ ø 120 cm


foam and motor skills

Base with a rect­angle NS 0100 Es­sen­tial in con­s truct­ing as­ sault courses (re­quires 30 cm beam); ▪▪ 60 x 60 x 30 cm

Base with a rect­angle NS 0142 Base in con­s truc­tions with cyl­in­ders and beams ▪▪ 60 x 60 x 30 cm

Base with a tri­angle NS 0143 Base in con­s truc­tions with cyl­in­ders and beams ▪▪ 60 x 60 x 30 cm

Small base NS 0970 ▪▪ 60 x 30 x 30 cm

NS 0104 ▪▪ 120 x 60 x 30 cm

Bridge NS 0103 ▪▪ 120 x 60 x 30 cm

Sem­i­circle NS 0109 ▪▪ 120 x 60 x 30 cm




foam and motor skills

Maxi cyl­in­der NS 0230 ▪▪ L 60 cm, ▪▪ ø 20 cm

Me­di­um cyl­in­der NS 0229 ▪▪ L 60 cm, ▪▪ ø 15 cm

Mini cyl­in­der NS 0228 ▪▪ L 60 cm, ▪▪ ø 10 cm

Cylin­der maxi NS 0105 ▪▪ L 60 cm, ▪▪ ø 60 cm

Cylin­der NS 0101 ▪▪ L 120 cm, ▪▪ ø 30 cm

Me­di­um cyl­in­der NS 0455 ▪▪ L 90 cm; ▪▪ ø 30 cm


Mini cyl­in­der NS 0145 Made of high­er-dens­ity foam; fit for re­hab­il­it­a­tion of young­er chil­dren ▪▪ L 60 cm, ▪▪ ø 15 cm

Mini beam NS 0231 ▪▪ 20 x 20 x 60 cm

Beam 120 NS 0102 ▪▪ 120 x 30 x 30 cm

Beam 90 NS 0457

Beam 60 NS 0102 ▪▪ 60 x 30 x 30 cm


▪▪ 90 x 30 x 30 cm


foam and motor skills

Large tyre NS 0968 ▪▪ ø 120 cm (in­side 60 cm)

Tyre NS 0106 ▪▪ 60 x 30 x 30 cm

1/4 circle NS 0980 ▪▪ ø 120 cm (in­side 60 cm)

NS 0969 ▪▪ 60 x 60 x 30 cm

Cube NS 0458 ▪▪ 30 x 30 x 30 cm

Short cyl­in­der NS 0456 ▪▪ L 30 cm; ▪▪ ø 30 cm


Small wedge


foam and motor skills

Ramp NS 0108 ▪▪ 90 x 60 x 60 cm

Stair­s NS 0110 ▪▪ 90 x 60 x 60 cm

Run­ning Track NS 0107 ▪▪ 180 x 60 x 10 cm

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