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The Definitive Guide To Buying Your First New Car
These systems can vary in price and may be worth it if you live in an area that is colder than most. If you decide not to include it in the price of the car, you can have it installed later on. You should check your warranty before installing it, however, as changes to your car may cause the warranty to be cancelled or reduced.
Other heating options include heated seats, extra air vents, and heated floor mats. Walking out to a cold car in the morning is not a fun experience. With an automatic start system, your car will remain locked and will be warm when you are ready to drive to work. This is also good for small children and pets that may need to go to the vet. Small children and pets can be more prone to illness than adults, so keeping them warm during the cold months will help.
Bluetooth Capabilities
If you have to travel for business in your car and spend time on the phone, or if you need a navigational system to get to your destination, you should consider finding a car that is equipped with Bluetooth capabilities. Newer model cars that have navigational systems that use this technology to find almost any location while driving. The device will tell you which way to turn, how miles to the next exit, and even provide alternate routes in case of traffic or construction.
Bluetooth is wireless technology that allows you to talk to people using headset instead of talking on a cell phone. The technology is so advanced that in some models, your voice will activate a computer system that holds the phone numbers of those you want to talk to. You do not need a cell phone or any other device. Your voice will be captured by microphones that are around the driver’s side of the car. You request a phone number and then speak as soon as you are connected.