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The Definitive Guide To Buying Your First New Car
After asking these questions and looking around the company web site, you should compare what you have found and the quote you receive with other companies to see if you can get the same type of service for less each month.
Car insurance is hopefully something you never have to use. With the burden of having to pay for many other things in life, you should try to find an insurance company that is affordable and reliable. You should try to stay with insurance companies that have built a reputation over the years. Larger companies have more policy holders, which means that they have money readily available in case you are involved in an accident.
Smaller insurance companies may not be as reliable and may charge a higher premium. While you should expect to pay more money insuring a new car, you should not expect to pay a monthly amount that is much higher than the competition. By doing some research, talking with customer service, and comparing quotes, you will be able to find a car insurance company that will fit your needs.
Gap Insurance (Return to Contents)
Gap insurance is recommended for those who are buying new cars. It will cover accidents and theft that could occur soon after you purchase your new car. Once you take your new car off the dealer’s lot, it will begin to depreciate in value very quickly. Within the first month, the value of a car may decrease up to 30% of its original cost. When you buy an insurance policy, you are buying insurance for something that is decreasing in value. If you have an accident before you have paid off a substantial amount on the loan, your insurance will not cover all of the repair costs on the car.
Gap insurance can be purchased from dealerships or your insurance company.
This insurance will cover the gap between the amount you paid for the car and its actual worth a month or two later. This insurance can help pay for repairs and other costs associated with an accident or theft that your insurance policy does not cover.
Most dealerships will offer this insurance to you. You should think about taking it if only for a short time because you never know what can happen. You can also look into gap insurance for vehicles that are leased as well.
Since accidents could end up costing a lot of money, having the right amount of insurance will save you money in the long run. Even if your car is totaled, you will not receive the amount you paid for the car. Gap insurance can cover the loss and help you buy another car. This will help you be able to move on with your life and not have to worry about money.
Car Insurance Terms
(Return to Contents)
Below are some common cars insurance terms you may hear while looking for car insurance. You should understand what these terms mean and how they can affect your policy. When talking with customer service, you should ask the meaning of any terms you do not understand.
Collision or accident insurance - If you are involved in an accident, the repairs will be covered by this part of your policy. You will have to pay the deductible that you had chosen when you took out the policy. The insurance company will pay for the rest.
Collision deduction waiver - If you are involved in an accident by an uninsured motorist, your collision deduction will be waived.