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Business Before Hours: 2016 Education Awards Wednesday, May 11, 2016 Palm Beach Gardens Marriott Presented by:

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Schedule of Events John Carr, Board of Directors Secretary Northern Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce Welcome Pledge of Allegiance & Moment of Silence Introduction of Special Guests Introduction of Sponsors Beth Kigel, President & CEO Northern Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce Welcome New Members Upcoming Events Dr. Eliah Watlington Florida Atlantic University Dr. Jean Wihbey Palm Beach State College Shana Peterson Sheptak & Michael Alvarez PNC Bank Presenting Sponsor Remarks AWARDS PRESENTATION John C. Giba Student Leadership Awards 2016 Teacher of the Year Awards Closing Announcements

2016 John C. Giba Student Leadership Award Recipients Alison Wettermann | The Benjamin School • Pathfinder Nominee for Community Service • Founder of BARC – Benjamin Animal Rescue Club • Member of the Key Club, Red Cross Club, and Global Outreach Club • Advisory Board Member and Foster Coordinator - A Second Chance Animal Rescue • Over 3,600 Community Service Hours Attending the University of Tampa, studying Veterinary Science Samantha Kanach | Palm Beach Gardens High School • Pathfinder nominee for Sports • Two year volleyball captain • Member, National Honor Society • Lead teacher at Christ Fellowship Children’s Ministry • 326 Community Service Hours Attending University of Florida, studying Business Administration Danielle LaBonte | Palm Beach Gardens High School • Student Government President – Junior and Senior years • Pathfinder nominee for Technical/Vocational/Agriculture • AP Scholar with Distinction Award • Various Medical Magnet certifications • Member, National Honor Society and Science National Honor Society • 414 Community Service Hours Attending University of Florida, studying Veterinary Science Kelly Chase | Palm Beach Gardens High School • Member, National Honor Society • Congressional Award Winner – Bronze and Silver Medals • Girl Scout Silver AND Gold Award Winner – Kelly wrote a book from a child’s perspective, directed toward school-aged children who have been recently diagnosed with cancer • 782 Community Service Hours Attending University of Florida, studying Communications Marisa Salvador | Palm Beach Gardens High School • Member, National Honor Society • Congressional Award Winner – Bronze, Silver AND Gold • Junior Varsity and Varsity Cheerleader • Raised over $50,000 over 10 years as a captain for the Annual Arthritis Walk • 1,034 Community Service Hours Attending University of Central Florida, studying Business Administration

2016 Teacher of the Year Award Recipients ELEMENTARY SCHOOL Gail Rappaport| Allamanda Elementary School Gail Rappaport has been teaching students with autism and other learning differences for 38 years, 22 years at Allamanda. As she prepares to retire, please savor these words that describe Gail: kind, calm, considered, deliberate, caring, determined, dedicated, thoughtful, advocate, compassionate, listener, loving. Gail; the quintessential teacher for students with autism. Robyn Bleefeld | Beacon Cover Intermediate School th Robyn Bleefeld wears many hats at Beacon Cove Intermediate. Not only is she a 5 grade gifted math teacher but she also wears the hat of Math department team leader, ten marks professional developer and mentor to all. Her high expectations for her students means a full email box for each fall, emails from her former students and parents thanking her for preparing them so well for the rigors of the middle school. Marisa Draznin | Dr. Mary McLeod Bethune Elementary School Ms. Draznin creates an exciting rigorous learning climate daily. Her students explore, discover and deepen their knowledge base through project based and independent standards based work. Ms. Draznin is retiring this year and will be sorely missed. Jennifer Martinez | Dwight D. Eisenhower Elementary School Mrs. Martinez accomplishments are many, including: lead literary across K-5 classrooms, developed successfully run after-school tutorial programs, conducted highly engaging FSA Parent Trainings & Curriculum Nights, formulated business partnerships, specifically with Lens Crafters- facilitating students receiving eye-exams & glasses at no cost to families, and served as Core Leadership team member implementing school improvement overall. Sharlene Williams | Egret Lake Elementary School Mrs. Williams is one of our excellent Egrets. She began in the school district as a paraprofessional and worked diligently to become a certified teacher. Currently as the SAI teacher at Egret Lake she works closely with the classroom teachers to assist the lowest performing students. Her calm demeanor gives the students the confidence they need to be successful. Kathryn Acerra | Grove Park Elementary School Mrs. Acerra has returned to Palm Beach County after being away for the past four years. Upon her return, she has not missed a beat. Her classroom hums like a well-oiled machine and her students enjoy learning. Her math lessons have involved cooking in France and her reading lessons have involved mask creations from the Zulu nation. There is never a dull moment in Mrs. Acerra’s class which is why she is a Northern Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce Teacher of the Year. Kimberly McHone | Jerry Thomas Elementary School Receiving two Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) units in August of 2015 our ASD teacher Mrs. McHone has been an inspiration to everyone at Jerry Thomas teaching the other students and the staff how to assist these students with their exceptionalities. She organized a puzzle fundraiser for the Autism walk this year raising over $1,600 and is currently organizing a fundraiser for “Light it Up Blue” with the other ASD class. For these reasons and many more it is my privilege to nominate Mrs. Kimberly McHone as Teacher of the Year. Kristina Sanford | Jupiter Elementary School Kristina Sanford is an outstanding Dual Language teacher and respected member of the Jupiter Elementary staff. Kristina creates an incredible learning environment where the students feel respected and take ownership of their learning. Students are always engaged in diversified activities working in groups to discuss what they are learning. Not only is Mrs. Sanford an exceptional teacher, she is also a mentor, an inspiration to her peers that come to her expertise and support in the classroom. Susan Studt | Jupiter Farms Elementary School st Mrs. Studt has established a 21 century learning hub at Jupiter Farms. Students are found reaching, inquiring, researching, collaborating and creating using multi-media. Many student groups have been recognized for award winning video presentations. This year, Mrs. Studt has incorporated 3D technology and printing to her learning hub. Carolyn Tarter | Lighthouse Elementary School Mrs. Tarter is an outstanding first grade teacher with over 30 years of experience. She makes first grade come alive for all of her students. Mrs. Tarter is a quiet, unsung hero that does her job with all the enthusiasm of a beginning teacher. She is a wonderful mentor and definitely irreplaceable!

2016 Teacher of the Year Award Recipients Siporah Dean| Lake Park Elementary School Siporah Dean is an outstanding fourth grade teacher. She is a self-starter and the kind of teacher who aspires to help many reluctant learners become successful students regardless of the barriers and obstacles they may face. She has a passion for teaching, and she teaches her students with a great deal of understanding while at the same time challenging them to reach for excellence. She is creative in her approach and is currently the team leader at her grade level. As team leader she exhibits effective leadership qualities, as she organizes tasks, disaggregates data, and shares best practice strategies with her peers. She is consistent and fair when dealing with her students and shows a genuine interest in them as individuals. She works extremely well with teachers and administration and has a great rapport with students and their parents. Annette Ross | Limestone Creek Elementary School Annette Ross has served 39 years as a teacher in the Palm Beach County School System. She is a Dwyer award winner, and loved amongst her peers. However, her greatest accomplishment is to have former students visit her to share the news that they themselves have become teachers. Lisa Innerst | Marsh Pointe Elementary School Lisa is a tireless educator who works long hours before and after school (and weekends) to ensure that her lesson plans are absolutely perfect and solidly based on the rigorous standards. Lisa is self motivated and self directed and is truly a team player. Lisa is dedicated and talented and has been recognized by her peers as an outstanding educator. She is a Dwyer Finalist this year. Lisa is a highly valued member of the Marsh Pointe Team! Stacey Alexios | Northboro Elementary School Ms. Alexios currently teaches fourth & fifth grade literacy in an inclusion setting. She holds high expectations for all of her students and provides a very caring and engaging learning environment. She whole-heartedly believes in her students and lets nothing stand in the way of their social-emotional and academic success. Shara Self | Northmore Elementary School I attended Edward Waters College in Jacksonville, FL where I graduated Summa-Cumlaude. I knew at a very young age I wanted to attend a Historical Black College, pledge a Sorority, and become an educator. I started teaching in 2006 in Jacksonville, FL at Susie rd th th E. Tolbert Elementary School. I have had the wonderful opportunity to teach K, 3 , 4 & 5 grade. One of my greatest accomplishments was when a previous student returned and told me that I didn’t know that he and his family were homeless when he was in my class and that he didn’t feel that school had any meaning and that he wanted to give up on life. The day that he was placed in my class was the day that changed his life. JoAnne Steele | Palm Beach Gardens Elementary School Mrs. Steele’s contributions to our school are endless! She instills a love of the arts by integrating multicultural studies, history and the arts throughout her lessons for her first grade gifted students. As co-sponsor of the Art Club, she helps students create beautiful murals which are displayed throughout our campus. Joanne is a valued member of the Professional Development team. She volunteers her time to support a plethora of extra-curricular events such as the Art Show, Science Fair, STEAM Choice Open House, Talent Show and our Annual Spring Carnival. In her 35 years teaching, Mrs. Steele has become a respected educator and asset to our school community! Margarita Haney | Seminole Trails Elementary School Maggie Haney has nurtured, taught, loved and touched the lives of thousands of students as a teacher of special needs Pre-K students. She sees the value and special gifts of each student and provides a nurturing and loving classroom to 3-5 year old children who often cannot vocalize their needs. Maggie engages minds, supports struggles, and cultivates dreams. Maggie is loved and respected by her students, their parents, and colleagues. She has been a part of the Seminole Trails family for 27 years. Victor Fernandez | The Conservatory School Victor Fernandez is a master musician, champion of children, creative designer of child-centered curriculum and one for the most talented teachers I have had the pleasure to know. Starting his own education in Cuba, Mr. Fernandez same to the US in 1995 bringing an already extensive music education and a very curious mind. A Macy’s teacher of the Year winner, Victor describes his dedication to teaching in this way; “There’s nothing more rewarding in teaching than seeing each student blossom into happy, successful, joyful adults able to reach their greatest potential in life.” Spending many hours inspiring young musicians and helping them embrace a connection to the arts, Mr. Fernandez helps students find their voice through their instruments, and a family in his classroom.

2016 Teacher of the Year Award Recipients Nikki Magnetico | The Weiss School Nikki Magnetico is a 2nd Grade Math and Science Teacher. Every day she enters The Weiss School with a smile and a positive smile. All of her students know she loves them which foster them to reach her full potential. Her combination of pedagogical knowledge along with her hands-on approach to learning leaves her students with a thirst for more learning. She is also the advisor to the Student Council and has partnered with Grandma’s Place, Stack the Caps, the Homeless Coalition and the Veteran’s hospital to name a few of the organizations she leads her students to give back to the community. The Weiss School is extremely proud to have such a caring educator. Alyssa Lembo | Timber Trace Elementary School In 2014, Alyssa won the Beginning Teacher of the Year Award for the School District of Palm Beach County. She has made it clear from her first day her dedication and commitment to her students. She works with a challenging group of special education students who are eligible for the intellectually delayed program. She is always patient, persistent, and perseverant as she works diligently to meet each of their unique individual needs. When you walk into her classroom, you are immersed in her vibrant and exciting learning environment, with learning stations, centers, and materials to meet the wise range of needs in her classroom. She also coaches our Special Olympics team, is a member of our Green School Group and Yearbook Committee. Tennesa Bartley | West Riviera Elementary School Mrs. Tennesa Bartley is an innovative educator that exhibits ground breaking standards based instruction in which she acquired through researched based professional trainings. Her approach to reading has maximized each student’s ability to exceed grade level expectations. She facilitates a cohesive cohort of teachers professionally through exceptional leadership attributes. MIDDLE SCHOOL Jamie Lawrie | Bak Middle School of the Arts It is very rare and invaluable to have a teacher that is teaching both advanced and SWD, but Jamie Lawrie is that remarkable math teacher. Last year, 99% of her students reached proficiency on the Math FSA (baseline of 70% proficiency). Ms. Lawrie is also a Dwyer Award Finalist. Denise Ponchock | The Benjamin School Denise performs her teaching duties with professionalism, character and attention to detail, and her influence extends beyond the classroom to coaching, clubs, and supervisory duties during and after the school day. Known for her high standards and tireless efforts to help her students meet these expectations, parents comment that Mrs. Ponchock is an excellent role model and communicator who wants nothing more than their child’s success. Teaching her students the values of hard work and compassion towards others, Mrs. Ponchock is a great educator and an invaluable asset to the Benjamin community. Toshua Wade | Howell L. Watkins Middle School Mrs. Wade is an irreplaceable teacher! In jus her first full year of teaching, she has quickly risen to the top of the list of impactful and outstanding educators. The amount of time, energy, and dedication that she shows on a daily basis to our students cannot be truly measured. Our students are truly blessed to have a passionate teacher educator who always puts their needs ahead of her own. Thank you for the job that you do! Alicia Gayadeen | Independence Middle School It is with great pleasure that I recommend Alicia Gayadeen for Teacher of the Year. Alicia is an educator who is passionate about teaching and learning. She sees excellence as a minimum and settles for nothing less than her best. Mrs. Gayadeen utilizes the District’s strategic scope and sequence to maintain a targeted skills focus while incorporating some of her personal strategy and creativity into the delivery. She instructs in both whole and cooperative group to ensure maximum engagement and elevated results in Language Arts. Her emphasis on literature and poetry instruction results in purposeful writing instruction and a meaningful understanding of English Language Arts . Shanterra Johnson | John F. Kennedy Middle School Ms. Johnson has demonstrated to be a highly effective Math educator at John F. Kennedy over the past 3 years. She has consistently maintained one of the highest passing rates for both Algebra 1 and Geometry EOC assessments over the past 3 years throughout the district. In 2014-2015 100% of her students passed the Algebra 1 EOC. This passing rate was the greatest passing rate out of any Title 1 School in the district. In addition to the high level in class instruction that Ms. Johnson delivers during the day, she has also created targeted after school intervention tutorial programs that address student weakness and provide enrichment to her own students as well as other students throughout the school.

2016 Teacher of the Year Award Recipients Kathy Davis | Jupiter Middle School of Technology Dynamic, creative, caring teaches who focuses on supporting students in their quests to achieve and succeed are a job to behold. Ms. Kathy Davis is one such educator. At Jupiter Middle for 10 years, Ms. Davis has taught ELA. She works diligently to prepare her students for FSA. For many students, standardized testing us a struggle, but she provides all of her students with encouragement and new skills and never lets them give up. Ms. Davis enjoys a warm rapport with her students while challenging them with high expectations and rigor. Before and after school, Ms. Davis runs our extended day program. She encourages these students to think outside the box and try new things. This year she started robotics and pre-engineering programs. Her vision had led to the start of the Pre-engineering program at JMS. Xia Zhi | Watson B. Duncan Middle School Xia Zhi is an exchange teacher with Watson B. Duncan Middle through the Teachers of Critical Language Program. Mr. Xia has served our students and community well. He continues to make ripples in student lives by teaching them Chinese Language and Culture through his courses and interdisciplinary collaboration with other departments. HIGH SCHOOL Ashley Cartwright | Inlet Grove Community High School Mrs. Cartwright is a Reading and International Baccalaureate English teacher. She was instrumental in raising our Title 1 Charter High School in Riviera Beach to an “A” school for the first time this year. Mrs. Cartwright is beloved by students and colleagues. She resides in Palm Beach Gardens and is the proud mom of Gabriella. Roseann Accardi-Nichols | Jupiter Community High School Mrs. Accardi Nichols was recognized for having the highest pass rate for sophomore regular students on the FSA Reading/Writing Test in 2015. She guided fellow sophomore teachers in preparing lessons to helps students be successful on the FSA Reading/Writing Test, and founded the JHS Book Club for all teachers and staff. Mary Champlin | Palm Beach Gardens High School Ms. Champlin is a successful, well respected, and beloved educator. She instills in her students a deep understanding of US History and Global Business issues. She serves as a mentor with an empathetic ear and a full heart, she continues to impact students’ lives for the better. Moriah Carlisle | Palm Beach Lakes High School Mrs. Carlisle consistently develops lessons and activities that are considered to be “outside of the box.” The students all rush to her class and go out of their way to reach her expectations. She is a true dedicated and passionate teacher! Toshimi Abe-Janiga | Riviera Beach Preparatory & Achievement Academy Mrs. Toshimi Abe-Janiga teaches English. Through her curriculum she uniquely infuses the Holocaust studies to students who otherwise would not have been exposed to its historical impact. She has received the following awards and recognitions: 2016 William T. Dwyer Awards Finalist, Northern Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce 2014 Teacher of the Year, United States Holocaust Museum Teacher Fellow 2013-2014, 2011 and 2014 Riviera Beach Prep’s Teacher of the Year, and 2011 FAU Outstanding Holocaust Educator Award. Michelle G. Briscoe | Suncoast Community High School Dr. Briscoe has devoted herself to the success of Suncoast students. She provided critical data analysis for our school to assist in the development of the best practices for students who require additional academic support. Additionally, she spends time outside of her classroom duties to aid other teachers and administrators.

Upcoming Events Coffee with Beth Thursday, May 12th NPBCC Board Room 8:45 a.m. – 10:00 a.m. hYPe Mixer with Chamber Trustees Thursday, May 12th Maltz Jupiter Theatre 5:30 p.m. - 7:30 p.m. Women in Business Luncheon with Harvey Oyer Tuesday, May 19th Season’s 52 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. hYPe Entrepreneur Luncheon Tuesday, May 24th Ruth’s Chris Steak House – North Palm Beach 11:30 a.m. – 1:00 p.m. Save the Date 2016 Leadership Awards Dinner Thursday, June 2nd PGA National Resort & Spa 6:00 p.m. – 10:00 p.m. Business Before Hours: State of the Chamber Wednesday, June 17th Palm Beach Gardens Marriott 7:15 a.m. – 9:00 a.m.

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June 2nd, 2016 PGA National Resort & Spa Produced by the Northern Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce



• Opportunity to address audience for up to 5 minutes during dinner • Opportunity to place promotional item at each guest seat • Reserved Table of 10 guests located front and center with signage

• • •

Company name and logo on all promotional materials including flyers, invitations and signage Full page ad in program (400 printed) Company Logo projected on wall

PLATINUM SPONSOR – $3,500 • Reserved Table of 10 guests located front and center with signage • Company name and logo on all promotional materials including flyers, invitations and signage • Full page ad in program (400 printed)

• • •

Company Logo projected on wall Recognition in Chamber e-newsletter and mention in all press releases Company logo on Chamber website with link to your website

VIDEO SPONSOR – $2,500 • 2 tickets to event • Company name and logo included in each award winner video spotlight. Videos will be shown at the event and posted on social media outlets post-event with an overall exposure of 5,000+ • Company name and logo on all promotional materials including flyers, invitations, and signage

• • •

1/2 page ad in event program (400 printed) Recognition in Chamber e-newsletter and mention in all press releases Company logo on Chamber website with link to your website

GOLD SPONSOR – $2,000 • One Reserved Table of 10 guests with premier seating and signage • Company name and logo on all promotional materials including flyers, invitations and signage

• 1/2 page ad in event program (400 printed)

AWARD SPONSOR – $1,500 • 2 tickets to event • Company name and logo on all promotional materials including flyers, invitations and signage • 1/2 page ad in event program (400 printed) • Recognition in Chamber e-newsletter and mention in all press releases • Company logo on Chamber website with link to your website

• •

Opportunity to present one of the following awards (Business of the Year, Small Business of the Year, Community Leader of the Year, Non-Profit of the Year or Young Professional of the Year) to award winner on stage at the event. Company Logo on screen during event presentation and event video.

RECEPTION SPONSOR – $1,500 • 2 tickets to event • Company name and logo on all promotional materials including flyers, invitations and signage • 1/2 page ad in event program (400 printed)

• • •

Recognition in Chamber e-newsletter and mention in all press releases Company logo on Chamber website with link to your website Company Logo on Beverage Napkins used during cocktail hour with signage at cocktail hour

VALET SPONSOR – $1,500 • 2 tickets to event • Company name and logo on all promotional materials including flyers, invitations and signage • 1/2 page ad in event program (400 printed)

• • •

Recognition in Chamber e-newsletter and mention in all press releases Company logo on Chamber website with link to your website Company logo and name on all valet signage

PROGRAM SPONSOR – $500 • Two tickets to event and 1/2 page ad in event program (400 printed)

Packet Pickup 3:00 – 8:00 p.m. First Timers Seminar 6:00 – 7:00 p.m.

Expo Exhibitor (Member): $300 Expo Exhibitor (Non Member): $350 Double Booth: $500

Featuring companies specializing in sporting goods, health foods, fitness clubs, and other industries important to keeping a healthy lifestyle. Free to attend | More than 600 competitors & race enthusiasts


Kayla Abramowitz is the Founder and CKO (Chief Kid Officer) of Kayla Cares 4 Kids, a 501(c)3 non-profit organization. She began the organization by collecting entertainment and educational items to donate to children’s hospitals in an effort to help children feel better. The now 13-year-old came up with the idea after extended hospital stays of her own, in addition to her 10-year-old brother Ethan’s numerous hospital trips, due to chronic illness. She named the project Kayla Cares 4 Kids and enlisted the help of her family. When it started in March of 2013, Kayla’s original goal was to collect 100 DVD’s to donate to Nicklaus Children’s Hospital in Miami. YEA!’S 2015 Young Entrepreneur of the Year! While in 7th grade at Watson B. Duncan Middle School, Kayla entered the Northern Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s 2014-2015 YEA! Class. Upon selection by the Investor Panel to represent the NPBC Chamber class at regional's, Kayla went on to win the YEA! Saunders Scholars National Competition in Washington D.C.! She was awarded this distinction by YEA!, the U.S. Chamber of Commerce Foundation, and Sam’s Club. Since then, she has since received an overwhelming response of donations. With 10,000 items collected and donated to date in all 50 states, Kayla is working as hard as ever to “Help Sick Kids Feel Better One Smile At A Time!” For more information, please visit Kayla’s website at

Do you think you might know? Next year’s class is filling up quickly. Contact us for more information about getting involved with the NPBC Chamber of Commerce YEA! Class of 2016-2017.

Alexis is the founder of Eternal Essence Candle Company, a non-profit 501(c)3 soy candle business that she started in 2012 to support community programs that address social and emotional issues, ranging from bipolar disorder to depression and addiction. A graduate of the Northern Palm Beach County Chamber of Commerce Foundation’s YEA! class of 2014-2015, Alexis has donated over $100,000 in candle sales to various organizations that address mental illness, since she started this venture three years ago. Her story was featured in earlier this year, catapulting her exposure and success! The idea for Eternal Essence was inspired by the tragic loss of Alexis’ halfbrother, as well as the loss of a close friend. Alexis’ business was awarded the Saunders Scholar first-runner up at the NPBC Chamber’s Investor Panel last year! Maria Shriver recently interviewed Alexis in Los Angeles and called her an “Architect of Change.” She will also appear in People Magazine’s special edition book called “Heroes Among Us,” which is expected to be released in Spring 2016. Alexis is currently a High School senior at The Benjamin School. 100% of the proceeds from Eternal Essence are donated to mental illness awareness, education, and helping to find a cure. For more information on Eternal Essence Candle Company, please visit its Facebook page and

Do you think you might know? Next year’s class is filling up quickly. Contact us for more information about getting involved with the NPBC Chamber of Commerce YEA! Class of 2016-2017.

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