Mapleton Branding Guide

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Branding Guide May 2012

Nestled between Hobble Creek and the Spanish Fork R iver, Mapleton w as used b y early settlers i n Utah

County for livestock grazing, l ogging and f arming. Attracted by t he l and o ffered t hrough the Homestead A ct, the first permanent settlers arrived around 1870. The town was originally known as "Union Bench" until 1901, when the name was changed to Mapleton. Mapleton was officially incorporated in 1948.


We a re a unique community retaining a peaceful, country atmosphere through rural master planning. We are citizens who participate in deciding matters that affect us, help our neighbors, and, when necessary, subordinate self-interests for the good of all. • Preserve the beauty of our community and surroundings. • Promote family values and community effort in order to maintain safe and friendly neighborhoods. • Have well-planned, accessible, open areas. • Encourage economic development as it harmonizes with our community lifestyle.


Because we hold true to t hese principles, our community offers a quality lifestyle for a family environment. This contributes to a large growth rate in our community. With an average growth of 6% - 8% per year, Mapleton is projected to reach a population of 20,000 by the year 2020.


The new Mapleton brand marks the first time that we have represented our community w ith a unified and i dentifiable brand. The Mapleton brand is our way to present our story to the world. How we live, how we work, and how we play. This identity will set us apart and emphasize t he c haracter and atmosphere of our community.

A city is primarily identi fied t hrough t he actions of the members of t he community . The Mapleton logo has been g iven a f resh n ew look. This look has been designed t o compliment t he b rand t hat has been p ortrayed t hrough t he lifestyles o f the citizens. It is sim ple, clean, and unif ied.

Style Guide

Mapleton City Logo

Minimum Siz e


In or der to maintain clarity and visibility , do not print the logo smaller than 1/2 inch wide. Because the subtext can become un small sizes, please r

readable at

emove it when

printing the logo at sizes smaller than 3/4 inch. Buf fer Zone

Always maintain a p rotective ar ea around the logo in or der to maintain visual impact and clarity

. The

minimum pr otective space should be equivalent to the height of the letter ‘n’ in the logo. This applies to any visual element such as typograph imager y, or page bo rders.


Logo Color s Suspendisse pulvinar aliquam semper . Curabitur impe rdiet sagittis or nare. Donec sit amet dolor sapien, quis ullamcorper tellus. Mauris eget dolor felis. Fusce egestas, nulla ac mattis ultricies, risus ipsum euismod or ci, non semper est turpis ac purus. Pellen tesque aliquam, mauris eget venenatis posuer e, dui lectus bibendum purus, non dictum dolor risus eget tellus. Ut vel ipsum ligula. Logo Fonts Quisque blandit, magna at facilisis convallis, diam ante phar etra lectus, non ultricies tellus felis eget purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Pantone 129 C 45 M 3 Y 42 K 2 R-23 G-41 B-15 Hex #A1CE5F

Pantone 129 C 45 M 3 Y 42 K 2 R-23 G-41 B-15 Hex #A1CE5F

CITY Museo Slab 500

Futura Std Book

Logo V ariation s

In or der to maintain clarity and visibilit


do not print the logo smaller than 1/2 inch wide. Because the subtext can become unr eadable at small sizes, please r emove it when printing the logo




at sizes smaller than 3/4 inch.











White Backg round

When possible, the two color version of the logo should be used. Only the following colors ar e allowed when printing the logo . Black Green Brown

Blac k Pantone 512 * Pantone 112 *

If printing specifications or budget restrictions will not permit the use of color printing, the gr eyscale version should be used. This contains 100% black for the mountains and text and a screen of 40% black for the leaf . Black Backgr ound

When printing on a black or dark colo red backgr ound, the br own color will need to be changed to Pantone 121. When printing gr eyscale, the leaf and text should be white and the mountain shape should be a scr een of 40% black. Image Backg round s

Only the full color logo should be use d with image backg rounds. The logo needs to be placed over a solid, white or light colo red ar ea. Please avoid placing the logo over texur ed or dark colo red ar eas of the image. Please refer to the image guide for information on the images to be used .

Two-colo rG

rayscal eO


Colors Suspendisse pulvinar aliquam semper . Curabitur impe rdiet sagittis or nare. Donec sit amet dolor sapien, quis ullamcorper tellus. Mauris eget dolor felis. Fusce egestas, nulla ac mattis ultricies, risus ipsum euismod or ci, non semper est turpis ac purus. Pellen tesque aliquam, mauris eget venenatis posuer e, dui lectus bibendum purus, non dictum dolor risus eget tellus. Ut vel ipsum ligula. Quisque blandit, magna at facilisis convallis, diam ante phar etra lectus, non ultricies tellus felis eget purus. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Morbi scelerisque porta nisi, eu scelerisque risus lobortis id. Donec eleifend fermentum felis. Sed quis magna quis er os semper pulvinar at quis ipsum. Quisque sem torto r, convallis p retium suscipit at, ullamcorper nec mi. Quisque et er os sed nisi ullamcorper rutrum tristique eget sapien. In vel diam vitae velit sceleris que mollis.

Sky Pantone 172

Growth Pantone 421

Mountain Pantone 532

Harvest Pantone 273

Imager y Suspendisse pulvinar aliquam semper Curabitur impe rdiet sagittis or nare. Donec sit amet dolor sapien, quis ullamcorper tellus. Mauris eget dolor felis. Fusce egestas, nulla ac mattis ultricies, risus ipsum euismod or ci, non semper est turpis ac purus. Pellentesque aliquam, mauris eget venenatis posu ere, dui lectus bibendum purus, non dictum dolor risus eget tellus. Ut vel ipsum ligula. Quisque blandit, magna at facilisis convallis, diam ante phar etra lectus, non ultricies tellus felis eget purus.


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