BEYOND green

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Documentary Fil m Project...


Travel Blog & Radio Sh ow

multi-delivery / multimedia


New Paradigm Community Convergence

this document is intended for

potential supporters / investors


summary / plot..................... delivery................................ logistics............................... equipment / budget.............. added notes / info................

New Paradigm Community Convergence

3 page: 4 page: 5 page: 6 page: 7 & 8 page:


summary / plot “Beyond Green” intends to explore what is needed so that we, as well as others around the world, can begin to design and build what we call “New Paradigm Communities” (NPCs): communities that seek to serve as models for the transition of our society out from under this “Everybody For Themselves” system, into one that serves the “Highest Good For All”... something that will require us all to go way beyond the calls to be Conscious Consumers... way beyond the NON—long—term solution of the 3Rs of “Reduce, Reuse & Recycle” and way “BEYOND green”.

Itʼs vision,is produce a documentary film that explores various forms of “alternative communities” such as ones themed more towards “Higher Consciousness / Spirituality”, as well as ones geared more towards the “Systems / Scientific & Technological approach”. It will also seek to examine the emerging networking and information sharing power of virtual / online based communities.

One of the filmʼs major goals will be to learn about and illustrate what elements and approaches can be taken from the experiences, successes, and failures of past and present communities so that NPCs may aspire to become more “Holistic—Hybrids” of what has worked in the past and what is working now. Maybe in the end, New Paradigm Communities can even become a more balanced approach of genuine — healthy spirituality, deep ecology and problem—solutions systems.

As a “Back Story”, the film will briefly tell the story of itʼs Conceptualizers/Creators who are a diverse group of people from around the world now living in China. It will give a brief introduction of us and explain how we met and tell what weʼve been doing both individually as well as collectively in working towards spreading greater awareness and bringing about transitions. It will then explain why and how we are all going to Argentina, to join with others, in order to start designing and building our first NPC.

It will also take a look at China today and illustrate some often overlooked aspects and realities of the place in an effort to show just what role it will play — or more than likely NOT play — in the global transition.

New Paradigm Community Convergence


delivery Something that will make this project unique and set it apart from traditional documentaries, is the fact that from the beginning, much of the story / content will be delivered via the internet. This will be accomplished by utilizing a Travel Blog that gives readers the back story as well as constantly updated information on where the crew is and what we are up to. Content will be designed to be engaging by utilizing a fun and light-hearted approach and be rich with media such as still photography and video shorts of our travel progress as well as interviews with people we meet with and learn from.

Not only will the world be able to experience the journey and project as itʼs happening via the internet, but theyʼll also be treated to a traveling radio show that will be broadcast over the web and in two languages (English & Español) on BlogTalk Radio.

Of course, in the end, the project and all itʼs material of various mediums will culminate in a documentary film. And, our hopes are to make it FREE to download in both NTSC and PAL formats via bit torrent files. Although, we would most likely produce some high-quality DVDs featuring “extras” that people could purchase online for a fair price. This would not only enable the public to support the project, but also help us recoup some of the finances spent on production and pave the way for future projects / films.

New Paradigm Community Convergence


logistics This project intends to cover a lot of ground with itʼs story. As itʼs already been stated, we are now currently in Shanghai, China and as far as “logistics” go, thatʼs taken care of. And, our arrival and NPC initiative project in Argentina is shaping up and becoming something that should be quite intensive and receiving lots of support and resources as soon as we arrive there.

What this project DOES need, is logistical support (including finances)

for transport/travel, accommodations, etc. for the other places we intend plan to visit and tell

the story of. And they are:

• Auroville, India — Auroville is an "experimental" township in South India. It was established in 1968 to be a universal town where men and women of all countries are able to live in peace and progressive harmony, above all creeds, all politics and all nationalities. The purpose of Auroville is to realize human unity and it could be said that itʼs more a “Higher Consciousness” or “Spiritual” themed alternative community based upon enlightenment and tranquility.

Mondragón, Spain (Basque region) — Mondragón is a town and municipality with a population of more than 20,000 people and features the world's largest worker cooperative. In numerous ways, it could be viewed as a community thatʼs based more upon the “Scientific & Technological” approach as it interacts with the rest of the world in matters more inline with traditional type international business approaches.

•Tamera, Portugal — Tamera is a peace research village that maintains the goal of becoming a selfsufficient, sustainable and duplicatable communitarian model for nonviolent cooperation and cohabitation between humans, animals and nature.

* NOTE: While these are the initial places we intend to visit, the project and itʼs crew understand very well and follows the universal universal law of emergence. Therefore, we are open to virtually any and all other opportunities and invitations that may arise as long as we have the resources to accomplish them.

New Paradigm Community Convergence


equipment / budget We already have a lot of equipment and software thatʼs needed such as/a...

• • •

MacBook Pro with Final Cut installed Fuji Finepix S9500 (for still photography) iPhone 3G (for GPS / mapping needs)

What we DO NOT have is the appropriate equipment for shooting and capturing HD video and high-quality audio. Therefore, we are seeking funding for this equipment which in the end — with all the accessories such as tripods and microphones, etc. — should be around


$3,000 - $4,500 US Dollars.

With the equipment costs and funds for travel and expenses, we estimate the

total financial need to be approx. $20,000 USD

Canon XH A1S

New Paradigm Community Convergence


added notes / info. Other subject matter: Spiral Dynamics — as thatʼs where the film/project essentially gets itʼs name from. Basically, Spiral Dynamics is a color-coded integral map of the history/evolution of human consciousness. And, one of the most interesting aspects of it is that the “Green” is the last MEME in the first/initial tier of the spiral. The second tiers include yellow and then turquoise and they are identified as exhibiting a more holistic and global worldview. “Keeping People in Their Nationalized Boxes” — Something that weʼve been aware of following for quite sometime now, is the trend of national governments cracking down on immigration and visa processes. As of late, this is especially true in India. There “foreigners” — many whom have spent more than half of their whole lives there and have invested a lot of time, energy and resources on creating a life there — thanks to new government regulations — many are now finding it virtually impossible to stay there “legally” and obtain the proper documents, visas and permits. This is not only a “trend” we see in India. We see it as and emerging ploy and unified attempt by governments worldwide to keep people in their boxes and we believe itʼs intention is to curtail the emerging global consciousness that understands ONENESS. The consciousness that understands that we are NOT a bunch of people living in separate nations, but ONE people living on a SINGLE, living and breathing organism called “Earth”.

Financial investments can be recouped by:

• • • • • •

receiving online donations selling finalized DVDs using equipment to do creative / design / marketing work for paying clients doing creative / design / marketing work for investors the crew give speeches/presentations to groups of people and/or institutions featuring companies in the film that focus on GreenTech

New Paradigm Community Convergence


If you or anyone you know can help make this project a reality and can assist with:


please contact us any time at:


You may communicate with us in: English, Español and 中文.

New Paradigm Community Convergence

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