1 minute read
Eric Afflerbach
Crystal Face 2022 Digital Photograph
Alien 2021 Digital Photograph Is He…You Know seeks to understand the feelings of shame and fear that I have in being gay. The images are created through the use of projections of stock images, multiple exposures, and plaster molds of my face and hands, loosely inspired by the tropes and atmospheres of horror movies. The project examines these turbulent yet beautiful emotions so as to unpack and process them. In digging deep into this darker imagery, I’m becoming more confident with being visibly queer, despite the stigma and hatred that is, and will continue to be, projected onto me.
seeks to understand the feelings of shame and fear that I have in being gay. The images are created through the use of projections of stock images, multiple exposures, and plaster molds of my face and hands, loosely inspired by the tropes and atmospheres of horror movies. The project examines these turbulent yet beautiful emotions so as to unpack and process them. In digging deep into this darker imagery, I’m becoming more confident with being visibly queer, despite the stigma and hatred that is, and will continue
Poking Prodding Seeking 2021 Digital Photograph