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news Panther Prowler • Sept. 18, 2020 5

DNC and the RNC debut respective candidate’s platform


Abby Gorman Editorial Editor Carter Castillo Features Editor

!e 2020 presidential election has begun it’s "nal stretch with the political party conventions. !e Democratic National Convention was held "rst followed by the Republican National Convention one week later. !e Democratic National Convention (DNC) ran from Aug. 17 to Aug. 20, where former Vice President Joe Biden and California Senator Kamala Harris were nominated for President and Vice President, respectively, on the Democratic ticket. !e following week, incumbents President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence were re-nominated by the Republican party at the Republican National Convention (RNC), which began on Aug. 24 and ended Aug. 27.

While the DNC consisted of speeches without live audiences from countless locations throughout the United States, the RNC held many of their speeches in Washington D.C., with Trump and Pence giving their speeches at the White House. At Trump’s address alone, over 1,000 people were crowded onto the White House lawn, with many not wearing masks, raising concerns about the possible spread of COVID-19. !e Black Lives Matter movement and protests were major talking points at both conventions. !e day prior to night one of the RNC, the shooting of Jacob Blake occured in Kenosha, Wisconsin, and sparked Pence’s reference to the incident in his speech.

“President Trump and I will always support the right of Americans to peaceful protest, but rioting and looting is not peaceful protest,” Pence said. “!e violence must stop, whether in Minneapolis, Portland or Kenosha. Too many heroes have died defending our freedom to see Americans strike each other down. We will have law and order on the streets of this country for every American, of every race and creed and color.”

At the DNC, several segments were dedicated to discussing the recent movements regarding racial injustice, including discussions with Gwen Carr, the mother of Eric Garner, and NAACP President Derrick Johnson.

However, Biden upset many of the more progressive members of the Democratic party the "rst night of the convention by saying, “Most cops are good, but the fact is, the bad ones need to be identi"ed and prosecuted.” Recent

discussions regarding racial injustice and police brutality have strengthened movements to defund the police.

COVID-19 was another hot topic "lled with many promises from President Trump, most notably that of a vaccine being ready before the new year. “We are delivering life-saving therapies, and will produce a vaccine before the end of the year, or maybe even sooner. We will defeat the virus, end the pandemic and emerge stronger than ever before,” said Trump, during his speech on Aug. 27.

Meanwhile, Biden criticized the Trump administration’s response to the pandemic. “Our current president has failed in his most basic duty to the nation. He’s failed to protect us. He’s failed to protect America. And my fellow Americans, that is unforgivable,” Biden said. “Just judge this president on the facts. 5 million Americans infected by COVID-19. More than 170,000 Americans have died.”

On the topic of health care, Biden mentioned providing more funding to the A#ordable Care Act, as well emphasizing the importance of caring for the more vulnerable populations with a format similar to Medicaid. “If you qualify for Medicaid and the state hasn’t provided it you’d automatically be enrolled. I’m going to protect you like I tried to protect my own family,” Biden said.

Trump’s main health care goals revolved around the lowering of prescription drug prices, which was discussed heavily in 2016 as well, alongside ending “surprise billing”. !e Right to Try act was touched upon as well, a law passed by the Trump administration in 2018 that allows the terminally ill to participate in unapproved clinical trials

Following the completion of both conventions, polls from Ipsos provided some insight to the e#ectiveness of virtual conventions on approval ratings. Both Biden and Trump’s approval before and a$er the conventions remained relatively steady. Biden saw a one percent increase from 45 to 46 percent, while Trump saw a one percent decrease from 32 to 31 percent.

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