The Mail Handler Magazine Fall 2013

Page 1

The Quarterly Publication of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union

Capitol Hill

New Contract Training

Legislative Out reach

n Washingto March on

Mail Handlers Remain Lobbying


Local Outreach

Congressional Hearings


Difficult Times

Fall 2013

Fall 2013

Contents 3 5 6

President’s Report Secretary-Treasurer’s Report Semi-Annual Meeting of the Local Unions Mail Handlers from around the country gather for meetings and a comprehensive training program addressing implementation of the Fishgold Arbitration Award.


The Quarterly Publication of the National Postal Mail Handlers Union

Capitol Hill

New Contract Training

Legislative Outreac h

n Washingto March on

Mail Handlers Remain Lobbying


Local Outreach

Congressional Hearings

19290_MHFall13_CS_2.indd 1


Difficult Times

Fall 2013 10/21/13 2:35 PM

On the Cover: Mail Handlers remain involved at the state and national level, doing everything possible to champion sensible Postal reform legislation during these difficult times.

NPMHU Arthur S. Vallone National Scholarship Program This year the National Office received over 200 applications.


5th Annual PACkie Awards


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act Learn how Mail Handlers and other federal and postal employees enrolled in a health plan under the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) will be impacted by the Affordable Care Act.

Handlers Across the Country 20 Mail See pictures of various NPMHU meetings and functions across the country.

National Convention 22 AFL-CIO The convention theme – Dream;

Innovate; Act – directed the delegates to focus on several crucial issues. Read more about these issues and the Resolutions adopted by the Delegates of the 2013 Convention.

Wage Charts 23 Updated All Mail Handler craft employees

are scheduled to receive the first of three guaranteed wage increases as outlined in Article 9 the 2011 National Agreement.


National Postal Mail Handlers Union

National Executive Board John F. Hegarty National President Mark A. Gardner Secretary-Treasurer Jefferson C. Peppers III Vice President Central Region Kevin L. Fletcher Vice President Eastern Region Paul V. Hogrogian Vice President Northeastern Region Lawrence B. Sapp Vice President Southern Region Rudy Santos Vice President Western Region The Mail Handler, ISSN:1098-5689, is published quarterly by the National Postal Mail Handlers Union, 1101 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036. Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional mailing offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Mail Handler, 1101 Connecticut Avenue, N.W. Suite 500, Washington, DC 20036 Copyright 2013: National Postal Mail Handlers Union. All rights reserved. Reproduction without permission is prohibited. The Mail Handler is published for the members of our union. For additional copies please send $2.00 to: National Postal Mail Handlers Union—National Headquarters, 1101 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 500 Washington, DC 20036, (202) 833-9095

National Postal Mail Handlers Union



’ve borrowed the title of my quarterly report from the lyrics of a Bruce Springsteen song. I think it’s apropos given the ongoing battles that we face.

In prior columns I have reported on postal reform legislation, the misguided efforts by the Postal Service to “downsize to survive,” and the continuing attacks on our work by the private sector. I see no need to repeat myself here, but be aware that all of those issues are still pending, and could have a detrimental effect on our jobs. Over the summer, we teamed up with our Brothers and Sisters in the APWU, and asked you to get involved, at the grass-roots level, in contacting your Senators and Representatives regarding pending postal reform legislation. For those who took the time to get involved in this effort, Thank You. Just as an update, first on September 19, 2013, and again on September 26, 2013, the Senate Committee on Homeland Security and Governmental Affairs held hearings about the Postal Service and the need for reform. I was asked to testify on September 26, and did so on your behalf. My testimony has been posted on our web site at, and is also the subject of the October Mail Handler Update, which should be posted on your

JOHN F. HEGARTY, National President

bulletin boards. In calling for meaningful Congressional action, I made the obvious point: “Mail Handlers and other postal employees have contributed to the rejuvenation of the Postal Service. The question must be asked, what have other stake-holders (including Congress and the major mailers) contributed?” Please stay tuned for further information in the ongoing debate, and feel free to check our legislative page on the web site for a full discussion on all of the legislative issues that are currently pending.

“Mail Handlers and other postal employees have contributed to the rejuvenation of the Postal Service.”

The Mail Handler



The Article 12 Task Force, first established under our 2006 National Agreement, continues to do great work in the field assisting Local Union representatives in the myriad issues that arise under the contract as it relates to reassignments, seniority, retreats rights, and all of the other issues encompassed within Article 12. Most of the work of the Task Force has concentrated on closings and consolidations, and the resulting reassignments. We all should thank the Article 12 Task Force members—National Manager of Contract Administration T. J. Branch; Northeastern Regional Vice President and Local 300 President Paul Hogrogian; National Contract Administration Representative Tim Dwyer, and all of our other CAD members who work on these issues. A question I am asked quite often is whether there will be another “early-out” for Mail Handlers? The answer for today is no. The reason I say “for today” is that the Postal Service has, in the past, said no more early outs, and then gone ahead and offered one anyway. Keep in mind that USPS can offer an early retirement without incentives at almost any time, without full bargaining with the Union. If there are to be any incentives attached to an early



The Mail Handler

retirement program, however, the Postal Service must bargain with the Union. The bottom line is this: I have no reason to hold any information on early retirement offers close to the vest. When I know, you will know, plain and simple. In closing, please continue to stay active and stay engaged in all of the critical issues facing us. As the busy mailing season continues, be sure to work safely, and enjoy the upcoming holidays with your friends and families. But as always, no retreat, baby, no surrender. Fraternally

“Please continue to stay active and stay engaged in all of the critical issues facing us.”

John F. Hegarty National President

Fall 2013



M A R K A . G A R D N E R, Nat ion al S ecretary- Treasu rer


n February 2013, Arbitrator Herbert Fishgold released the binding interest arbitration award setting the terms for the NPMHU/USPS 2011 National Agreement. The details of that award were available to the membership immediately following release, and have been well summarized in prior NPMHU correspondence and publications; that information also remains accessible on the Mail Handlers national union website at Following numerous discussions between the parties dealing with implementation of the Award, the revised language from the Fishgold decision has now been incorporated into the prior National Agreement, and the resulting 2011 National Agreement booklet is complete and has now been mailed to every NPMHU member across the country. This booklet sets the terms of the collective bargaining agreement between the parties through May 20, 2016. The 2011 National Agreement also is available for download from the NPMHU website. While the Fishgold Award certainly didn’t provide for every improvement that the union sought in bargaining, it did continue many very important economic and other benefits to our members. In keeping with the pattern first established through the negotiated 2010 APWU National Agreement, and later by arbitration decisions for our other sister postal unions, the Mail Handler craft complement was changed dramatically. As you can see in the chart above, only eight months following release of the Award, 1,200 of our former Part-Time Flexibles (PTFs) have been converted to Full-Time Regular status, and are

National Postal Mail Handlers Union

Full-Time Regular

Part-Time Regular

Part-Time Flexible

Mail Handler Assistant

Total Bargaining Unit


Feb 2013







Oct 2013







now receiving the additional benefits that accrue to that position. As of Pay Period 21 of this year, there are only 100 PTFs remaining across the country, and those Mail Handlers are generally working in the smaller postal facilities. We also have seen a continuing decrease in the number of our Part-Time Regular (PTR) workers. Also noteworthy is that, with the reduction in the casual cap from 12.5% to 5% by installation, we have seen a significant decrease in the number of non-bargaining unit casual employees assigned to Mail Handler operations. The most dramatic shift in the Mail Handler complement has come with the creation in the Fishgold Award of the Mail Handler Assistant (MHA) category. In short order, our MHA complement has exceeded 5,400, and we welcome each and every one of these new bargaining unit members. MHAs now represent nearly 12% of our bargaining unit nationwide, and will continue to be an integral component of the NPMHU membership. While MHAs are classified as USPS non-career employees, they receive a standardized national hourly pay rate, and are afforded numerous contractual protections not available to the non-bargaining unit casual workforce. Most importantly, future Mail Handler career hiring will come directly from the MHA ranks, based on relative standing within their postal installations. I am pleased to share that several Local Unions are now reporting that MHAs are already being converted to career Mail Handler positions. As attrition continues within the current career complement, and in response to specific mail processing requirements at the facility level, we expect more and more MHA conversions to take place across the country.

Factoring in the various complement adjustments called for in the Fishgold Award, the Mail Handler bargaining unit has experienced a net increase of nearly 10% since the issuance of the Award, while at the same time eliminating from the rolls a full two-thirds of the non-bargaining unit casual employees. With regard to wage scales for career Mail Handler employees, the Award establishes a series of three general wage increases (totaling 3.5%) and up to seven cost of living adjustments (COLAs), all to be paid to career employees over the next two-and-a-half years, by early 2016. While the non-career MHA hourly rate will not be increased through COLA adjustments, that hourly rate will receive increases totaling 7% between now and November 2015. The first of the three general wage increases will take effect during PP25 of this year. The wage charts reflecting this increase are printed on page 23 of this publication. It is very important for all Mail Handler members to band together during these difficult and challenging times. Our workforce complement structure may have changed, but our membership base is growing, along with our collective resolve to strengthen and protect the rights and benefits of all Mail Handlers. In Unity there is Strength.


Mark A. Gardner National Secretary-Treasurer

The Mail Handler





National President John Hegarty opens the SAMLU meeting

National Secretary-Treasurer Mark Gardner presents f inance report


fficers and representatives from nearly every NPMHU Local Union gathered in Chicago, Illinois in late August to participate in the Semi-Annual Meeting of the Local Unions. Also in attendance at this event were members of the National Executive Board, all NPMHU National Office department heads, and personnel from the National and Regional Contract Administration Department.

National President John Hegarty delivered his comprehensive report to the assembly, which focused primarily on two key issues: pending postal reform legislation, and implementation of the Fishgold Arbitration Award. As part of his legislative comments, Hegarty provided a lengthy and detailed review of postal issues affecting the various versions of pending legislation to include: overfunding of the Federal Employees Retirement System (FERS) and Civil Service Retirement System (CSRS); pre-funding obligations of the Retiree Health Benefits Fund; the preservation of USPS service standards, six-day delivery, and the integrity of the mail processing network; and the preservation of collective bargaining rights, proposed changes in the governance structure of the Postal Service, and the NPMHU’s support for proposals that would allow the Postal Service to offer additional postal services or various types of non-postal services.

Following his Legislative comments, President Hegarty shifted focused to a variety of topics, including a lengthy review of various items related to the implementation Eastern Region Vice President and Local 305 President Kevin Fletcher of the 2011 National Agreement, as provided for in the February 2013 Fishgold Arbitration Award, including: printing and distribution to the NPMHU membership of the 2011 National Agreement; progress on conversion of PTF Mail Handlers to full-time regular status during the prescribed 180-day transition period; the removal of exceptions to the 5% installation cap on employment of casual employees; status of Mail Handler Assistant (MHA) hiring, and the tracking and enforcement mechanisms related to installation



The Mail Handler

Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL 7th) addresses SAMLU attendees

and district hiring limitations; a review of the joint NPMHU and USPS Q&A document related to the Fishgold Arbitration Award; a discussion regarding Step 3 appeals processing matters outlined in Article 15 of the award; a review of subcontracting matters being considered by the Article 32 Task Force; a review of the timetable for Local Memorandum of Understanding (LMOU) negotiations; and plans for development of version 4 of the Contract Interpretation Manual (CIM). Hegarty also provided an update on USPS efforts and timetables to implement closures and consolidations of many of its mail processing facilities; a review of the USPS financial situation; and a status report on Congressional activity relative to possible legislation in the new 113th Congress. Following discussion of the issues presented by President Hegarty, National Secretary-Treasurer Gardner provided a detailed presentation and entertained questions and comments on a variety of topics, including the NPMHU financial statements for the quarter ending June 30, 2013; an updated presentation and analysis related to Mail Handler complement, regular and associate membership trends, and revenue projections and allocation among our Union’s affiliated organizations; a review and discussion of issues related to the NPMHU Revenue Sharing Program; a presentation regarding cost-of-living allowance (COLA) adjustments,

Fall 2013


and the effect of those adjustments on the Mail Handler wage scales; a review of logistics surrounding the planned nationwide membership organizing campaign; and a report on scheduled NPMHU national meetings. The attendees also heard a report from NPMHU Legislative and Political Director Bob Losi on various legislative and political efforts. Additionally, SAMLU attendees were very pleased to welcome Congressman Danny Davis (D-IL) to this meeting of the Local Unions. Congressman Davis addressed the assembly and shared his views on pending postal reform legislation, and the importance of protecting the rights and benefits of Mail Handlers and all postal employees in any final legislative changes. The attendees heard a comprehensive report and discussion from Coventry/Aetna’s Director of National Accounts Brad Corban and Vice President of National Accounts Al DiLeo on the status of the Mail Handlers Benefit Plan (MHBP). That report

Northeastern Region Vice President and Local 300 President Paul Hogrogian

MHBP Executive Director Michael Hora

Central Region Vice President and Local 306 President Jefferson Peppers III welcomes attendees to Chicago

General Counsel Bruce Lerner comments on publication content

Western Region Vice President and Local 320 President Rudy Santos (l to r) Local 332 President Zeke Moreno, Local 320 Treasurer Laurie Hernandez, Western Region Vice President and Local 320 President Rudy Santos, Local 320 Vice President Madelyn Puricelli, and Local 321 President Don Gonzales

Central Region Vice President and Local 306 President Jefferson Peppers III

National Postal Mail Handlers Union

Local 304 President Clyde Patterson

Local 297 President Beverly Henderson

Local 322 President Michael McIntyre

The Mail Handler



LOCAL PRESIDENTS ATTEND CHICAGO SAMLU covered various topics, including a discussion of the recent acquisition of Coventry Health Care by Aetna, and benefits and synergies resulting from that merger of operations. The report also detailed key strategies being pursued during the upcoming FEHBP open season marketing period. Mail Handlers Benefit Plan (MHBP) Executive Director Michael Hora followed up with a comprehensive review of the details, logistics, and timeline regarding the 2013 MHBP Partial Reimbursement Program. Contract Administration Department Manager T.J. Branch then provided a full report and entertained questions and comments from various attendees on the activities of the Contract Administration Department since the last meeting of the Local Unions. The remainder of Brother Branch’s presentation was based on the written report that was circulated at the meeting (and which is being distributed on CD to all NPMHU Officers and Stewards) and included the following topics: Contract Administration Department Staff Appointments; The 2011 National Agreement; Fishgold Arbitration Award Q&A; Reports on Mail Handler Assistants; Calculation of Overtime Pay for MHAs; MOU on One-Time Purge of Letters of Warning; Selection of Regional and Expedited Arbitrators; Local Memorandum of Understanding/ Impasse Procedures; Cases Pending National Arbitration; RI-399 Jurisdictional Disputes; DOMA – Same-Sex Marriage Policy Changes; Department of Labor – OWCP Data Suspension; Staffing Scheduler; Shared Services; Article 12 Task Force; Modified Arbitration Process (MAP); OSHA/USPS Electrical Work Plan Settlement Agreement; Expansion of the Pilot Test of the Sales Retention Team; Pilot Test of the Secure Destruction Program; Lean Mail Processing Project; Outsource of the Dispatch and Routing Tag – Terminal Handling System (Portland, OR); Pilot Test of Outsourcing at NDCs; Quality of Work Life (QWL); Contract Interpretation Manual (CIM);Network Optimization: Consolidating/Closing of Postal Plants; and Step 4 Appeals. Finally, Northeastern Regional Vice President, Local 300 President and National Trainer Paul Hogrogian and



The Mail Handler

Local 324 President Dan Riemann

Local 328 President Todd Larson

Local 306 Vice President June Harris

Local 307 President Jim Haggarty

Local 332 President Woody Hendrickson

Local 329 President John ( J.R.) Macon

Local 327 President Tim Grilz

CAD Manager T.J. Branch

Local 302 Treasurer Tony Coleman

Local 313 President Julio Figueroa

Local 309 President Dave Wilkin and Local 320 Vice President Madelyn Puricelli

Local 305 Recording Secretary Derrick Carr

Southern Region Vice President and FL SEMB Lawrence Sapp

Local 321 President Don “Gonzo� Gonzales

Local 310 Vice President Lisa Greer

Local Presidents raise questions during training session

Congressman Davis spoke to the importance of protecting the rights and benef its of Mail Handlers and all postal employees in any f inal legislative changes

Local Union SAMLU Attendees

The Mail Handler



Northeastern Region Vice President and Local 300 President Paul Hogrogian takes questions from the floor

National CAD Representative Tim Dwyer then took the podium to lead discussions on two important issues, the first being activities of the NPMHU/USPS Article 12 Task Force, followed by an update on activities related to implementation of the Fishgold Arbitration Award. Brothers Hogrogian and Dwyer gave an in-depth presentation on the Fishgold Award and recently signed Question & Answer Agreement, after which they entertained a plethora of questions and comments from the attendees. The meeting was well-received and successful, and resulted in a lively exchange of opinions and ideas as to how best represent all Mail Handlers during these difficult and challenging times.



Local 298 President Linda Wagman

Local 334 President Authur Perry

Local 307 Branch President and SEBM Rita Tripp

Local 310 President Pervous (Andy B.) Badilishamwalimu

Local 299 President Jason Adachi

MD SEMB Ed Evans

Local 303 President Eddie Cowan

Local 312 President Terry Leban

Local 333 President Randy Krueger

Local 311 President Larry Gibson

Local 302 President Ernie Grijalva

Local 315 President David Jarvis

Local 305 Treasurer D. Yam Cardin

Local 308 President John Gibson

The Mail Handler

Fall 2013

Local 303 & 311 Treasurers (l to r) Van Cunningham and Darren Atterbury

(l to r) Local 300 Treasurer Kevin Tabarus, Local 322 President Michael McIntyre and CT SEBM Don Utz

Local 306 delegation welcomes attendees with warm Chicago hospitality

Local 307 Recording Secretary Keylea Fuqua and Local 307 Chief Steward Ursula Patterson

Attendees participate in training session

(l to r) Local 304 Treasurer Gary Stern, Local 304 President Clyde Patterson and Eastern Region Vice President and Local 305 President Kevin Fletcher

National Postal Mail Handlers Union

The Mail Handler



Vallone Scholars: Success Stories

By: Noah L. Giebel – Scholarship Program Coordinator

Arthur S. Vallone

Noah Giebel

The Arthur S. Vallone National Scholarship is now in its 13th year. This program is designed to assist deserving mail handlers and/or their immediate family with the difficult task of financing the cost of higher education. Each NPMHU region has been granted a total of 3 scholarships in the amount of $1,000. Each scholarship is renewable for the recipient for up to 4 years or until the completion of the students’ undergraduate degree, whichever occurs first—for a maximum of $4,000 per recipient. The Arthur S. Vallone National Scholarship program began in 2001; the goal of the scholarship program is to help enrich the lives of the unions’ members through the pursuit of higher learning while also assisting financially in these times of financial uncertainty. Times have certainly changed since 2001 when this program began and the pure challenge of obtaining the funds for higher education has become a serious burden on mail handlers and their families. Arthur S. Vallone had an intense and abiding respect for his Union, and cared deeply for Mail Handlers and their families, it’s only fitting that we continue this tradition in his memory. Earlier this year, the National Postal Mail Handlers Union Scholarship Committee completed its duty of choosing the new set of Vallone Scholars for the 2012–2013 year. Once again this year the National Office received well over 200 applications. Each application received consisted of the applicant having to: Fill out a questionnaire, request and submit transcripts, submit 2 letters of reference and submit a Completed Essay. (Written essay

of no more than 500 words describing the applicant’s life experiences, extracurricular activities, work history, and aspirations.) The National Office continues to hear from past Vallone Scholars who have either graduated and/or are excelling in their programs of study however this year one of our new Vallone Scholars achieved a goal that no other Vallone Scholar has and was awarded not only the Arthur S. Vallone National Scholarship but also the AFL-CIO/Union Plus Dreams of Jobs and Freedom Scholarship. Javier Mery of Sterling Virginia (Local 305) managed to juggle several Honor Society classes with his intense swim team training along with playing piano and participating in several volunteer activities as a senior in High School. Javier is now a freshman at The University of Virginia studying to be a neurosurgeon. In his application he stated the reason for wanting to become a doctor; it read “They battle death on a daily basis. They repair, heal, and maintain our bodies because they have a strong desire to help others.” Both awards will certainly lend some much needed assistance to a well-deserved student. Applications and details about the NPMHU Arthur S. Vallone Scholarship for the 2013–2014 school years will be available in late November 2013. For details you may contact either your Local Union or the NPMHU National Union Headquarters, or you can download the scholarship application from the National Union website at

Northeastern Region

Abeyratna Chandupa Local 300



The Mail Handler

Crystal Gómez-Estrada Local 313

David Picariello Local 301

Fall 2013

Eastern Region

Amanda Maria Yeager Local 322

Daniel Li Local 302

Elaine Duong Local 310

Javier Mery Local 305

Katie Gilmour Local 308

Esther Noh Local 316

Hardeep Ahdi Local 303

Fabian Williams Local 329

Heather Nolf Local 318

Alison Loken Local 323

Jennifer Goeman Local 307

Western Region

Southern Region

Central Region

Abigail Montgomery Local 333

National Postal Mail Handlers Union

The Mail Handler | 13


2013 PAC incentive Awards will be distributed based on your total annual contributions posted as of December 31, 2013 Level



Member Sponsor Activist Leader Ambassador

$26 ($1 per pay period) $52 ($2 per pay period) $100 $250 $500

PAC Pin Two Mug Set PAC Polo Shirt PAC Blanket Throw PAC Cooler Set

NOTICE CONCERNING CONTRIBUTIONS: Contributions to the Mail Handlers PAC are not deductible as charitable contributions for purposes of federal income taxes. In addition, federal law requires that the Mail Handlers PAC report to the Federal Election Commission the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer for each individual whose contributions in any calendar year total in excess of $200. Please also note that the Mail Handlers PAC has political purposes, and that all members have the right to refuse to contribute, and the right to revoke their authorization for any continuing contributions, without any reprisal.



The Mail Handler

Fall 2013

PACkie awards are accolades of recognition highlighting a Locals commitment to the success of the NPMHU Political Action Committee. The winners exemplify excellence amongst our NPMHU locals.

PACkie Ambassador Award

National Legislative and Political Director Bob Losi presents the Ambassador Award to Local 310 President Pervous Badilishamwalimu

Locals with 1 – 499 Members

(l-r) National Legislative and Political Director Bob Losi presents the PACkie to Western Region Vice President and Local 320 President Rudy Santos

Most Improved Local

5th Annual PACkie Awards Locals with 500 – 1499 Members

National Legislative and Political Director Bob Losi presents Local 333 President Randy Krueger with the award for most improved Local.

Locals with 1500 or More Members

(l-r) National Legislative and Political Director Bob Losi presents the PACkie to Local 333 President Randy Krueger

(l-r) National Legislative and Political Director Bob Losi President Local 301 President Bob Broxton with PACkie Award

YOU TOO CAN BECOME AN NPMHU POLITICAL ACTIVIST There is a quick way for Mail Handlers to contribute to the NPMHU PAC. Simply call in to the PostalEASE system, or visit the PostalEASE option on the web at Follow the instructions printed on page 16 of this magazine. Your PAC contribution will be made directly from your bi-weekly postal payroll. You also have the option of sending in a personal check or authorizing a credit card contribution. Your contributions will also be entered in to the incentive award program that entitles you to an award based on your contribution level. There are five distinct PAC membership levels and awards. Awards are distributed based on membership level and will be mailed after the end of the year; awards will vary year to year. (cut here and return to NPMHU PAC. Please refer to page 14 of this magazine to see the 2013 Incentive Awards.)

PAC contribution by personal check, money order, or credit card: You can contribute directly to the Mail Handlers PAC by filling out the following information and mailing it to the P.O. Box listed below. Please enclose your check or money order, or provide authorization to charge your credit card. Here is my contribution of (please circle one): $26 (Member) $52 (Sponsor) $100 (Activist) $250 (Leader) $500 (Ambassador) other amount __________. Name:____________________________________________


Address __________________________________________

Acct. #_________________________________________

City _____________________ State ______ Zip _________

Expiration Date: _______________ Please charge my credit card as indicated above.

MAIL TO: Mail Handlers PAC P.O. Box 65171 Washington, DC 20035 National Postal Mail Handlers Union


Signature:______________________________________ If necessary, you may FAX your credit card authorization to: 202.785.9860 The Mail Handler



You also can make your PAC contribution by bi-weekly salary allotment through PostalEASE (access by phone or on the web): PostalEASE BY TELEPHONE: Dial 1-877-4PS-EASE—(877-477-3273) and follow the prompt for the Employee Services Main Menu. When prompted Press #1 for PostalEASE When prompted, enter your eight-digit USPS employee identification number. When prompted again, enter your USPS PIN number. (This is the same as the PIN number you use for telephone bidding and/or other payroll allotments.) When Prompted, Choose Option #2 (to select payroll allotments) Then Choose Option #1 (to select allotments) When prompted Press #2 to continue When prompted Press #3 to add the allotment When prompted for the routing number enter 054001220 When prompted for the account number enter the following : 11260001 __ __ __—__ __—__ __ __ __ (the last nine digits of your account number is your social security number—this information will allow us to identify you as the PAC contributor). Press #1 if correct When prompted Press #1 for “checking” When prompted, input the bi-weekly dollar amount of your PAC allotment. Press #1 if correct When prompted Press #1 to process You will be provided a confirmation number as well as the start date for the salary allotment. For your records: Record the confirmation number __________________ Record the start date of the salary allotment _____________ Press #1 to repeat or Press #9 to end call

PostalEASE on the WEB: To initiate your bi-weekly PAC contribution on the web, simply go to Enter your eight-digit USPS Employee ID Number and your USPS PIN Follow the link to PostalEASE—you will again be asked to enter your Employee ID Number and USPS PIN Follow the link for PAYROLL- Allotments/NTB Continue to the ALLOTMENTS section Your ROUTING TRANSIT NUMBER is: 054001220 Your ACCOUNT # will be: 11260001 __ __ __—__ __—__ __ __ __ (the last nine digits of your account number is your social security number—this information will allow us to identify you as the PAC contributor). For ACCOUNT TYPE—please select “CHECKING” When prompted, please input the AMOUNT that you would like to contribute to the PAC each pay period. To process your PAC allotment, you will need to select the VALIDATE button, and to finalize the transaction, please select SUBMIT. Be sure to print out a copy of the confirmation page for your records. 16


The Mail Handler

Fall 2013


Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act


n recent weeks, Americans have been inundated with information about the benefits and obligations of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, more commonly known as Obamacare. On October 1, 2013, the Health Insurance Marketplace (also known as the health exchanges) opened for enrollment, affording Americans with the necessary tools to apply for health coverage, compare options, and select a plan. By law under the Affordable Care Act, each individual must maintain minimum essential health coverage; or qualify for an exemption; or make a payment when filing his or her Federal income tax return. Many Mail Handlers and other federal and postal employees enrolled in a health plan under the Federal Employee Health Benefits Program (FEHBP) have questioned how they will be impacted by the Affordable Care Act.

A recent notice issued by the U.S. Office of Personnel Management (OPM) noted that enrollees in the FEHBP “are not affected by the health exchanges.” All FEHBP health plans are eligible employer sponsored plans that meet the requirements for minimum essential coverage. If you are enrolled in a FEHBP plan, your benefits include the essential health coverage outlined in the Affordable Care Act and you won’t have to make a payment to the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) for noncompliance. OPM also verified that FEHBP satisfies the minimum value standard. This means that your health plan’s share of the total allowed benefit costs covered by the plan is no less than 60 percent (actuarial value) of such costs. In addition, OPM affirmed that coverage through the FEHB Temporary Continuation of Coverage or Spouse Equity provisions also will satisfy minimum essential health coverage requirements.

Simply stated, if you are enrolled in a FEHBP health plan, you are not required to participate in the health exchanges. However, you are free to evaluate the Health Insurance Marketplace at www. If you plan to check out the Marketplace, there are important considerations as it relates to your FEHBP coverage, such as those shared in a recent notice from the OPM:

“Please be aware that there is no government or employer contribution to the premiums for Health Insurance Marketplace plans. Also premiums are paid on an after-tax basis for Health Insurance Marketplace plans. In addition, if (federal employees) are eligible to enroll in the FEHB Program but do not enroll or if they cancel their FEHB enrollment, they should be aware of the consequences of such actions including the following but not limited to: If an employee dies, he/she will not have an FEHB Self and Family enrollment for his/her survivors to continue, even if he/she is eligible for a survivor

National Postal Mail Handlers Union

annuity. If an employee retires, he/she will not have an FEHB enrollment to continue into retirement.”

Of particular interest to new employees, Mail Handler Assistants (MHAs) who have been hired since February 15, 2013 or are hired in the future will have access to certain health insurance opportunities beginning in January 2014. Effective on January 11, 2014, which is the start of Plan Year 2014, the Postal Service will make a bi-weekly contribution to the total premium for any MHA who chooses to participate in the USPS Noncareer Health Care Plan. That contribution will be equal to the greater of (a) $125 per pay period, or (b) the minimum required by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act, and applicable regulations, for self-only coverage. The MHA will be fully responsible for the cost of premiums for any health insurance plan beyond a self-only plan. All MHAs hired in the future will be eligible for the USPS Plan within a reasonable period from the date of hire and entry into a pay status, consistent with the requirements established under the Affordable Care Act.

Simply stated, MHAs will be eligible for coverage effective on January 11, 2014. Additional information will be distributed by the NPMHU and the Postal Service in the coming weeks before open season, which is set to begin during the second week of November. Finally, in accordance with the 2011 National Agreement, when MHAs are converted to career status, they immediately will become eligible for regular coverage under the FEHBP, similar to the coverage provided to other career Mail Handlers.

Mail Handler Assistants (MHAs) who have been hired since February 15, 2013 or are hired in the future will have access to certain health insurance opportunities beginning in January 2014.

The Mail Handler



Take a stand. Make a change for the better! Enroll in your union-sponsored health plan this Open Season! Show your support, and enjoy a better health plan experience.

Plans to fit your needs

Value Plan

Consumer Option

Strike a balance with an affordable premium and protection from catastrophic expenses while covering the basics such as preventive care, a routine doctor visit, a prescription or two, or an unexpected trip to the hospital or emergency room. This plan offers valuable coverage at a great premium.

Get up to $1,690 put into a health savings account tax-free, and your preventive care paid for entirely. You can save or use the money we give you to pay for other health care services up to meeting your deductible. This plan gives you greater control of your health care.

Standard Option

Dental and Vision Plans

Go beyond the basics. If you require comprehensive coverage, predictable out-of-pocket expenses and robust hospitalization and prescription drug benefits, this plan is for you!

Take advantage of nationwide access, comprehensive benefits, and affordable group rates for dental and vision* coverage whenever you’re ready. These plans accept enrollment year round and without enrolling in our medical plan.

Standard Option with the Part B Premium Savings Program

Identity Theft Protection Plan

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*These benefits are neither offered or guaranteed under contract with the FEHBP, but are made available to all Mail Handlers Benefit Plan enrollees and their covered family members. The dental and vision plans, and LifeLockŽ, are open to all FEHBP enrollees and their covered family members. You cannot file an FEHBP disputed claim about them. The premiums and fees you pay for these services do not count toward FEHBP deductibles or out-of-pocket maximums. Dental is underwritten by First Health Life and Health Insurance Company and Cambridge Life Insurance Company. Benefits are not provided for services rendered outside the 50 United States and the District of Columbia. This is a summary of the Mail Handlers Benefit Plan. Before making a final decision, please read the 2014 official Plan brochures (RI 71-007 or RI 71-016). All benefits are subject to the definitions, limitations and exclusions set forth in the 2014 official Plan brochures. Š 2013 Coventry Health Care, Inc. All rights reserved. All other names and (registered) trademarks are the property of their respective owners.

Mail Handlers Across the Country Local 308 Advocacy Training

Lehigh Valley Branch President Pam Baum, with Local 308 Union Stewards Jeanne Gladilina, Phil Camilari, Matt Matteis, Elsie Sudler, Kyle Hamilton, Donna McDaniels, Jeanette Lanza, and Keith Johnston; Northeastern Region Vice President, Local 300 President and National Trainer Paul Hogrogian, National CAD Member and Trainer Tim Dwyer & Chris Lee.

Local 305 attends 50th Anniversary March on Washington D.C.

Local 305 Training Richmond VA

(l to r) Vice President Jose Pena, Washington DC SEBM/ Curseen & Morris P&DC Branch President Lamar Grigsby, NC SEBM/ Raleigh, NC P&DC Branch-President Felandria Jackson, Greensboro, NC P&DC Branch President Shelia Moyer, Roanoke, VA P&DC Branch President Charles Perdue, MD SEBM Ed Evans, Norfolk, VA P&DC Branch President Douglas Grimm, Greensboro, NC NDC Branch President Lori Tickle, WV SEBM/ Charleston, WV P&DC Branch President Amber Slater, Treasurer D. “Yam” Cardin, Asheville, NC P&DF Branch President Mike Laing, Eastern Region Vice President and Local 305 President Kevin Fletcher, Recording Secretary/ Suburban MD P&DC Branch President Derrick Carr, National CAD Representative Tim Dwyer, National President John Hegarty, Dulles, VA P&DC Branch President Ralph Wheeler, Rocky Mount, NC P&DF Branch President Phillip Johnson, Linthicum MD IMF Branch President Orson “Mike” Smith, Easton, MD P&DF Branch President James Soles, Charlotte NC P&DC Branch President Eugene Horton, Northeastern Region Vice President, Local 300 President and National Trainer Paul Hogrogian, Northern VA P&DC Branch President Dwight Burnside, Baltimore MD P&DC Branch President Greg Hooker, CAD Manager Thomas J. Branch, and Fayetteville, NC P&DC Branch President Kenneth Shelton Eastern Region Vice President and Local 305 President Kevin Fletcher and National President John Hegarty address attendees of Local 305 training session

(l to r) Edward Love, Everett Taylor, Edward Breggs, Walter Armor, ShaVonnie Zimmerman, Edward Brooks, Vernon Stevens and Gina Shavers-Brown

Local 330 Training

On August 28, 2013 Local 305 mail handlers and family joined citizens from across this country in Washington D.C. to commemorate and celebrate Martin Luther King’s historic March On Washington which occurred 50 years ago on August 28, 1963.



The Mail Handler

(l to r) Pocatello Branch President Gary Owens, Local President Bob Griffith, Western Region Vice President and Local 320 President Rudy Santos, Vice President John Regis, National CAD Representative Tim Dwyer, Northeastern Region Vice President, Local 300 President and National Trainer Paul Hogrogian, Treasurer Larry Bellizzi, and Shop Steward Steve Graves

Fall 2013

Mail Handlers Across the Country Local 310 General Membership Meeting

Local 310 President Pervous (Andy B.) Badilishamwalimu introduces Southern Region Director Charles Manago during a general membership meeting

Local 321 State Picnic

(l to r) Colorado SEBM Errol “Tony” Wilson, Treasurer Jeff Morgan, Recording Secretary Curtis Grantham, National President John Hegarty, Vice President Cindy Hoehl-Rinker, Central Region Vice President and Local 306 President Jefferson Peppers III, Western Region Director Richard Siu, Local President Don “Gonzo” Gonzales, Western Region Director and Denver CAD Field Office Manager David Ross, and Denver P&DC Branch President Ed Flagg.

Local 303 Picnic

(l to r) Southern Region Director Charles Manago, Macon P&DC Branch President Carlos Castellucci, Local Treasurer Reginald Riggins, Atlanta P&DC/L&DC Branch President Kenneth Watson, Atlanta NDC Branch President Joseph Sanders, Augusta P&DF Branch President Robert Larmore, Vice President Lisa D. Greer, Recording Secretary/N. Metro P&DC Branch President Chawanda Parson, Local President Pervous (Andy B) Badilishamwalimu and Athens P&DF Branch President Cynthia Smith

Local 313 Installation of Officers August 2013

(l to r) National President John Hegarty, Branch President San Juan Maurice Torres, Treasurer Elsie Dos Santos, Vice President Carlos Alicea, Recording Secretary Luis Cotto, Local President Julio Figueroa, Northeastern Region Vice President, Local 300 President and National Trainer Paul Hogrogian.

National Postal Mail Handlers Union

Los Angeles picnic attendees (l to r) Santa Clarita P&DC Branch President Chris Gayles, City of Industry P&DC Branch President Tim Cabot, LA P&DC Branch President Lorenzo Lewis, Local President Eddie Cowan, Western Region Vice President and Local 320 President Rudy Santos,: CA SEBM David Castillo, Recording Secretary Brenda Thompson, Vice President Jose Alvarado, Treasurer Van Cunningham, Santa Barbara P&DC Branch President Danny Ortega, NV SEMB Eric Schneider, San Diego P&DC Branch President Ron Williams

San Diego picnic attendees (l to r) San Diego Branch President Ron Williams, Chief Shop Steward Ken Smith, CA SEBM David Castillo, Recording Secretary Brenda Thompson, Chief Shop Steward Wendell Jackson, Local 303 President Eddie Cowan, Western Region Vice President and Local 320 President Rudy Santos, Vice President Jose Alvarado, Moreno Valley DDC Branch President Kitty McNeil, NV SEBM Eric Schneider, and Treasurer Van Cunningham

The Mail Handler



AFL-CIO HOLDS QUADRENNIAL NATIONAL CONVENTION NEB members attend the AFL-CIO 2013 Convention Pictured above (l-r) are Vice President Southern Region Lawrence B. Sapp, Vice President Eastern Region Kevin L. Fletcher, National President John F. Hegarty, Vice President Central Region Jefferson C. Peppers III, Vice President Western Region Rudy Santos, and Vice President Northeastern Region Paul Hogrogian.


he American Federation of Labor-Congress of Industrial Organizations (AFL-CIO) recently concluded its quadrennial National Convention in Los Angeles, California. The NPMHU enjoys an affiliation with the AFL-CIO dating back more than seventy-five years. The NPMHU first became a direct AFL-CIO affiliate in 1937, and has continued an indirect affiliation following its merger with the Laborers’ International Union of North America (LIUNA) back in 1968. As the principal officer and National President for the NPMHU, John Hegarty sits on the AFL-CIO General Board. President Hegarty, accompanied by members of the NPMHU National Executive Board, was in attendance at the 2013 AFL-CIO National Convention in September 2013. The AFL-CIO is governed through its quadrennial convention, at which all Federation members are represented by their respective delegates. Convention delegates set broad policies and goals for the union movement and every four years elect the AFL-CIO officers—the president, secretary-treasurer, executive vice president and vice presidents. These officers make up the AFL-CIO Executive Council, which guides the daily work of the Federation. During the proceedings, Richard L. Trumka was re-elected by acclamation as AFL-CIO President, Elizabeth Shuler was re-elected by acclamation as AFL-CIO Secretary-Treasurer, and Tefere Gebre secured the position of AFL-CIO Executive Vice President (also by acclamation), making up the top three officers of the AFL-CIO Executive Council. This year’s Convention occurred as America’s working families—and our unions—face remarkable changes, challenges, and opportunities. It’s a time for facing tough realities and seizing the future for working people. The

AFL-CIO President,

Richard L. Trumka



The Mail Handler

convention theme – Dream; Innovate; Act – directed the delegates to focus on several crucial issues: Changing the labor movement to speak for working people now and in the future through growth, innovation and political action; Creating a voice and prosperity for all in the global economy; and Building genuine, durable community partnerships and effective grassroots power. This Convention also served to bring labor and our community allies together to build a new path forward into the future for America’s working families. During the course of the Convention, 53 resolutions and 12 constitutional amendments were submitted for consideration. Forty-one resolutions and 6 constitutional amendments were adopted. Of significant importance to all mail handlers, Resolution 40 addressed sensible postal reform. The resolution was adopted by the delegates and was highlighted in the NPMHU September Update and may be viewed at The delegates went on to adopt other resolutions addressing important matters such as collective bargaining rights and assisting workers to organize; rebuilding our democracy by expanding workers’ rights and strengthening workers’ organizations; retirement security; safe jobs; shared prosperity, economic security and tax fairness; young worker and youth engagement; the Employment Non-Discrimination Act; and the protection and expansion of Medicare benefits. Delegates were presented with a wide-ranging and diverse program offering a multitude of training opportunities, panel discussions, and activities throughout the week. More information regarding the 2013 National Convention can be found on the AFLCIO website at

AFL-CIO SecretaryTreasurer

Elizabeth Shuler

AFL-CIO Executive Vice President

Tefere Gebre

Fall 2013

MAIL HANDLER WAGE RATES Effective November 16, 2013 (PP25-2013)

All Mail Handler craft employees are scheduled to receive the first of three guaranteed wage increases as outlined in Article 9 the 2011 National Agreement. ◈ Based on Section 9.1: The basic annual salary for each grade and step of Table One and Table Two will be increased by an amount equal to 1.0% of the basic annual salary in effect on February 15, 2013. ◈ Based on Section 9.7: The hourly rates for MHAs shall be adjusted by the general increase provided for in Section 9.1 (1.0%). In addition, MHAs will receive an additional increase of 1.0% effective on November 16, 2013. The following wage charts reflect each of these outlined guaranteed wage increases:

Table 1 - Applicable to Career Appointments Prior to February 15, 2013

Grade 4 Weeks in Step





Grade 5 Bi-Weekly










































































































































Weeks in Step


































































24 24




Table 2 - Applicable to Career Appointments On or After February 15, 2013

Grade 4 Weeks in Step



Grade 5





















Weeks in Step










































































































































































































Mail Handler Assistant (MHA) Hourly Wage Rates – Effective November 16, 2013 (PP25-2013) | MHA Grade 4 $14.03

National Postal Mail Handlers Union


MHA Grade 5


The Mail Handler



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