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Local 298
Members of the National Executive Board were on hand to swear in the newly elected officers at Local 298. Along with Local 298 President Aubrey Wayne Foster, National President Paul Hogrogian, National Secretary-Treasurer Michael Hora and Vice President Central Region June Harris were on hand to tour a facility as well as swear in the newly elected officers. Pictured being sworn in (l-r) National President Paul Hogrogian, Local 298 SEBM Canzater McCarty, Local 298 President Aubrey Wayne Foster, Local 298 Vice President Justin Kreikemeier, Local 298 Recording Secretary Rebecca Perkins.
Local 333
Retired Local 333 President Randy Krueger, Local 333 Treasurer and Branch President Des Moines NDC Eric Cory, and SEBM and Branch President Waterloo Bernal Gutierrez came together to assist with the Holiday Baskets Charity event sponsored by the South-Central Iowa Federation of Labor. Baskets of food were put together to be distributed to families in need.
Local 308 Steward Training
From left to right: Fatima Lewis, Tim Casey, Eastern Region Vice President and Local 308 President John Gibson, Robert Bossert, Angela Gomez-Curet, Stephen Cole, Charlie Johnson.