5 Easy Tips for Reducing Business Refrigeration Costs

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5 easy tips for reducing business refrigeration costs Businesses that rely heavily on cooling equipment to keep stock or processes chilled or frozen will be all too familiar with the high cost of refrigeration and freezing. Collectively, British businesses such as pubs and clubs, supermarkets, food production, cold storage and even small corner shops spend over £300 million on refrigeration each year. Thankfully, it’s possible to bring down your refrigeration energy costs by around 20% just by adopting a few simple best practices in the workplace. 1 Get the Temperature Right When chilling or freezing products, setting refrigerators to the correct level can make a big difference. A freezer that’s two degrees cooler than required wastes around £30 worth of energy each year – which can really add up quickly in facilities where multiple units are in use. Check the temperature requirements for the products that need to be refrigerated and don’t set the thermostat lower than it needs to go. 2 Stay Up to Date with Maintenance Poorly maintained freezers and fridges cost more to run than their well-kept counterparts and usually have to be replaced more frequently which, of course, inevitably results in additional financial outlay. By making sure that seals are in good condition and that leaks are quickly repaired, as well as keeping evaporators and condensers clean and free from ice, debris and other obstructions, you can save money on running costs and will need to replace units less often. 3 Close the Door Just as faulty seals and leaks can cost you money, leaving the door of a fridge or freezer open has a big – and negative – impact on its energy efficiency by raising the temperature inside the unit. Minimise the number of times the doors are open and ensure that doors aren’t left open for any longer than absolutely necessary to stay on top of overheads and avoid having to defrost your equipment so often.

4 Insulate to Accumulate Insulating your freezer and refrigeration units can also help to reduce running costs. Although most people generally think of heating systems when discussing insulation, it can prevent cooling systems from warming up due to environmental factors which usually results in more energy being used to maintain the correct temperature. Both pipes and the area round the cooled space can be insulated. 5 Upgrade to Energy Efficient Newer appliances and large scale cooling units tend to be much more efficient than older models, often using 30% less energy. Naturally, this translates into more money in your pocket. The Carbon Trust recommends replacing older equipment with new energy efficient models using the Enhanced Capital Allowance Scheme (ECAS) both to lower your energy bills and reduce your business’s carbon footprint. For more easy energy efficient tips for businesses, visit the npower blog.

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