Ramblings 2021 - Nantucket Preservation Trust

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RAMBLINGS An Annual Publication of

nantucket preservation trust Vol. XV• 2021

K at h l e e n H a y D e s i g n s

H o n o r i n g N a n t u c k e t ’ s E x c e p t i o n a l H e r i ta g e 508.228.1219


MA Lic. #155


Scrimshaw by Nantucket whaleman Edward Burdett, sold for a world-record $456,000

Duncan McFarlane

J.J. Enneking

Important Scrimshaw John Austin

Chinese Art

Anne Packard

2021 SUMMER AUCTION SCHEDULE Exceptional Single-Owner Sale JULY 15 I The Summer Sale JULY 29-30 Contemporary Art AUG. 11 I The Marine Sale AUG. 19-20 Asian Art MID-SEPT. I Women in the Arts EARLY FALL





nantucket preservation trust

Dear Members and Friends,

It has been more than a year since our world was turned upside down and the pandemic began. On Nantucket, one question loomed above all the others: would people still come to the island or would it be a quiet year? After all, earlier periods of uncertainty contributed to the overall preservation of the island. And while it was a different year—events moved online, beach towels were spread six feet apart, restaurants spilled into the streets—it was anything but quiet for historic ­preservation on Nantucket. One truth became clear as soon as the two car ferries were in service for the season—­ Nantucket is a place that people will always want to visit. To travel here is to return to a place with a deep sense of history. Many of the homes that line our streets have now sheltered families during two pandemics. This longing for the simplicity of a Nantucket summer saw a dramatic increase in second home purchases. The island saw a staggering $1.9 billion in real estate transactions. 100 applications are reviewed by the Historic District Commission a week on average. Ensuring that Nantucket stays true to its unique architectural heritage is no small feat in the face of so much change and increased development pressure. We learned firsthand just how thin the line between the natural world and our society is during the pandemic, a lesson we can take with us as we plan for sea-level rise and how flooding will affect our historic structures. But there is good news. We had more NPT members than ever join us in 2020. We saw incredible generosity from our supporters both near and far. NPT is proud to be the ­community’s voice for historic preservation. A house is more than just a building, and Nantucket is more than just a collection of houses. We are working to preserve the island’s sense of place, that feeling that you get when you finally return home. With thanks to our members, supporters, and friends who saw us through this year,

Mary Bergman, Executive Director

The Nantucket Preservation Trust preserves, protects, and promotes the island’s unique a­ rchitectural heritage and sense of place. For more information, please visit us at: 11 Centre Street | PO Box 158, Nantucket, MA 02554 |508-228-1387 | www.nantucketpreservation.org Ramblings is provided at no cost to our members, island property owners, and visitors. Please extend the life of this publication by passing it along to a friend. Printed with soy-based ink on paper stock with a minimum 10% post-consumer recycled content that is grown and manufactured in the USA and is sustainable forest certified. 5

NPT Board of Directors Executive Committee Ken Beaugrand, Chair Alison Potts, President David Brown, Vice Chair Anne Troutman, Vice President Christian Hoffman, Vice President Bill Moore, Treasurer Barbara Halsted, Secretary

Directors Janet Bailey Mary-Randolph Ballinger Al Forster Andrew Forsyth Susan Zises Green Jon King Michael Kovner Mary-Adair Macaire Angus MacLeod Bernadette Meyer Craig Muhlhauser Thomas Maxwell Mundy Dennis Perry Mickey Rowland Michael Sweeney Debra Treyz

Staff Mary Bergman Executive Director Rita Carr Director of Media and Communications Julie Kever Administrative Assistant Michelle Whelan Director of Development

Editor-in-Chief Mary Bergman

Editorial Staff Rita Carr Michelle Whelan


Rita Carr Garth Grimmer Van Lieu Photography

Graphic Design

Kathleen Hay Designs

Copy Editor

Ramblings •

Vol XV • 2021

Table of Contents

Did You Know?


Rescuing History: Nantucket in Response to Rising Seas


Lost, Threatened, and Saved


Preservation Awards


NPT Summer Events NPT Summer Lecture with Designer Victoria Hagan

31 32

August Fête: Tucked Away: Secret Lanes & Hidden Ponds


Preservation Tools


2020: Highlights and Annual Report NPT Membership Information

83 99

Preservation in Practice: Main Street Fountain Restored Certified Local Government New Sea-Level Rise Design Guidelines NPT House Markers and Histories Preservation Restrictions NPT’s Architectural Preservation Fund Clarissa Porter Preservation Easement Fund: Nantucket Island School of Design and the Arts Mary Helen and Michael Fabacher Scholarship Recipient: Jeremy Wiley

End Note


Ramblings echoes the spirit of a guide first published in 1947 titled Rambling through the Streets and Lanes of Nantucket, by Edouard A. Stackpole. Cover image courtesy of Van Lieu Photography Historic images courtesy of the Nantucket Historical Association Ramblings is supported in part by the My Local MA campaign of the Massachusetts Office of Travel & Tourism

Jenifer Gray

Copyright © 2021 Nantucket Preservation Trust

Supporting Preservation

111 East 75th Street, 5B | Upper East Side | $975,000 | 2 BR, 1 BA Beautiful pre-war home with original architectural detailing features a wood burning fireplace, high-beamed ceilings, and hardwood floors. elliman.com | Web# 20778258


Photo by Garth Grimmer

Photo by Van Lieu Photography


The Nantucket Preservation Trust Preserving the Island’s Architectural Heritage OUR BELIEF Nantucket’s historic architecture is a unique and ­valuable asset that makes the island ­special. OUR GOAL To preserve Nantucket’s architectural heritage for present and future generations to enjoy. OUR HOPE That you will join us in working to ­preserve our past. OUR PROGRAMS Apprenticeships • Architectural Studies • Architectural Lectures • Architectural Preservation Fund • August Fête • Brief Histories, House Genealogies, and Comprehensive House Histories • Historic District Commission Testimonies • Historic House Tours • Historic Research • House Consultations • House Markers • House Resource Assistance • Interior Surveys • Landmark History Books • Main Street Architectural Walking Tour • Nantucket Preservation Symposium • Neighborhood Book Series • Preservation Awards • Preservation Easements • Preservation Month Programs • Private Walking Tours • Ramblings • Resource Guide • Scholarships • ’Sconset Walking Tour • Sense of Place Exhibition • Summer Lecture and Luncheon • Traditional Building Methods Demonstrations 9

Did You Know?


ny time a historic home is demolished, it is a loss for ­Nantucket and A our island’s historic fabric. In recent years, many old ­houses have been partially or completely razed. But where does all the waste ­resulting

from these demolitions actually wind up, and are there alternatives to ­demolitions? Construction and demolition (C&D) waste from Nantucket goes from the Town’s Recycling Center to Champion City in Brockton, Massachusetts then travels by train to Sunny Farms Landfill in Fostoria, Ohio, over 800 miles away. If you’ve ever wondered why it’s so hard to get a boat r­ eservation in the summer, this trucking off is partially to blame: sometimes entire ferries are taken up with debris being trucked off. Between 2018 and 2020, over 26,000 tons of C&D waste was transported off Nantucket, an average of over 8,800 tons per year. Demolishing a building not only creates large amounts of material waste, it has large carbon costs. The embodied carbon in the old building is lost. One alternative to demolitions is deconstruction, defined as the ­process of dismantling structures component by component in order to harvest ­materials to be salvaged. In 2016, the Portland, Oregon City Council passed an ordinance requiring old buildings to be carefully taken apart, not ­mechanically demolished with a backhoe or bulldozer. The ­ordinance ­applie­s to any single-dwelling structure built prior to 1940, or any such ­dwelling that has been declared a historic resource.This allows for the ­salvage of ­architectural elements, fixtures, and building materials. A C ­ ertified ­Deconstruction Contractor must perform the work. In Portland, the deconstruction ordinance is estimated to divert 8 million pounds of construction materials for reuse annually. Milwaukee, ­Wisconsin has a similar deconstruction ordinance that went into effect in 2018 and applies to dwellings built prior to 1930, located in historic districts, or ­designated historic. In both cities, exemptions can be made for buildings that are structurally unsound, or that are so damaged that there would be little reusable material to salvage. Deconstruction diverts waste from landfills, reduces the need for ­f­abrication of new materials, creates jobs, and decreases the chances of spreading toxic materials like lead paint or asbestos into the atmosphere. By some e­ stimates, up to 90% of building materials can be reused, including framing ­lumber, wood flooring, shelving, doors and windows, lighting and plumbing f­ ixtures, and even concrete. On Nantucket, we understand the value of re-use. On a mostly d­ eforested island 30 miles out to sea, many early Nantucketers construct­ed homes ­using repurposed beams from other buildings, or even shipwrecks. By ­deconstructing, rather than demolishing, old buildings, we can harness their materials once again, just like Nantucketers of old. 11 9


2021 Preservation Symposium

Rescuing History Nantucket in Response to Rising Seas September 9 - 10, 2021

Photo courtesy of Greg Hinson

Photo courtesy of Greg Hinson

Visit the birthplace of Maria Mitchell, America’s first woman astronomer and first professor at Vassar College. Daily seasonal tours. Workshops and programs are held throughout the year. Nantucket Preservation Trust‘s Architectural Preservation Award (2012) Voted one of the top ten women’s history sites in the U.S.


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Lost, Threatened, and Saved The demolition of 45 Hulbert Avenue, March 2021; Photo courtesy of Wendy Wetherill

“We don’t preserve h­ istoric houses because of the way they look or because we think we can replace them with more attractive houses. We preserve them because they are a part of our island history and part of the story of the neighborhood.”


Lost: 45 Hulbert Avenue Beach Plum, the long-time home of the Constable family at 45 H ­ ulbert ­Avenue, was demolished in March 2021 to make way for a new ­gambrel-style home. Beach Plum was built in 1939, after William Pepper Constable (1882–1976) had Salt Air, the former home located at 45 Hulbert, moved around the corner to Willard Street, where it still stands today. For over eighty years, Beach Plum overlooked Brant Point, a part of the vaunted Hulbert Avenue streetscape, and one of the grey-shingled homes welcoming those arriving to Nantucket via ferry, islanders and visitors alike. Beach Plum’s demolition was contested over many Historic District ­Commission meetings. According to Mickey Rowland, NPT Board Member and Chair of the Historic Structures Advisory Board to the Historic District Commission, “We don’t preserve historic houses because of the way they look or because we think we can replace them with more attractive houses. We preserve them because they are a part of our island history and part of the story of the neighborhood.” Sadly, the new owners of Beach Plum and the members of the HDC decided not to preserve this part of Brant Point history, instead allowing the demolition to move forward. However, there were some pieces of family history salvaged. A doorway where children’s heights were recorded over the years was removed, and the Toscana Corporation helped members of the extended Constable ­family take away decades-old rose bushes to be replanted elsewhere on N ­ antucket. Wendy Wetherill, whose great-grandparents originally built Beach Plum, described builder Josh Brown as a “superhero” who helped family m ­ embers salvage the wide pine flooring, interior doors, cabinets, and appliances. What was salvaged will be repurposed in Wendy’s mother’s home, ­originally a White Elephant cottage now moved mid-island, ensuring that despite the demolition of Beach Plum, the entirety of the old building won’t go to waste. Opposite: 45 Hulbert Avenue, 1995



Threatened: Codfish Park Few neighborhoods on Nantucket have seen as much recent construction ­action as Codfish Park in ’Sconset. It is a neighborhood that did not exist ­until the late 19th century. Prior to the October Gale of 1841, the beach ­below ’Sconset Bank was very narrow, but the Gale undercut the Bank, ­causing some houses to tumble into the sea, and for sand to accrete slowly below the bank, forming Codfish Park. Soon, ’Sconseters began filling ­Codfish Park with fishing shacks and boat storage. The land belonged to Henry ­Coffin, who deeded it to the Proprietors of Nantucket in 1886. By deeding the land to the Proprietors, Coffin intended it to be used by the p­ ublic, and included a provision in his deed that “no building or ­other ­obstruction of any kind be erected or maintained on the premises, except bath houses, to be used as such.” Three trustees were given oversight of the beach, which c­ ontinued to grow with sand accretion. By the turn of the ­century, fishermen were building cottages and fish drying racks. The Town ­invested in improvements to the new hamlet, including installing a drinking fountain in 1906, laying cement sidewalks in 1911, and installing streetlights in 1920. The early residents of Codfish Park had no title to the land on which they built their homes. The residents were racially diverse, and many of the r­ esidents of African American, Cape Verdean, and Irish descent worked ­providing ­services to residents above the bank. By 1925, 38 buildings had been constructed on the beach, and the town, looking for a way to earn tax revenue from the parcels, entered into an agreement with the Trustees of Codfish Park whereby parcels of land could be registered with the Land Court. In 1991, the Codfish Park Trust was dissolved by a Town Meeting vote. Codfish Park’s character can be described as quirky. Most of the buildings are small, one and a half stories or less, especially along the side streets, and defined by a utilitarian sense of simplicity. But the laid-back character of the neighborhood is changing. In 2020 alone, a demolition of the ­majority of the modest shotgun-style cottage at 10 Beach Street was approved, with a larger home incorporating the front three feet of the old building being c­ onstructed in its place. Another new home is going up right across the street. A 1915 report in The Inquirer & Mirror noted “No civil engineers have been called in; no landscape gardeners have yet been required; no a­rchitects of high technique have been employed; no highfalutin specialists of any sort have entered into the evolution of the Park.” We hope any future ­construction in Codfish Park reflects its humble beginnings, lest the simplicity of area be lost to “highfalutin” new styles. 19

14 Orange Street, 1870s 20

Saved: 14 Orange Street Built in 1838 by housewright William M. Andrews, the Levi Starbuck House at 14 Orange Street is one of Nantucket’s grandest Greek ­Revival style h­ ouses. For over 180 years, its various owners had lovingly cared for it; o­ riginal trim, fireplace mantels, built-in cabinetry, pocket doors, and more were in excellent condition. However, when Hingham Savings Bank ­foreclosed on the property in January, 2020, many preservationists were left wondering: what would be the fate of this important Nantucket home? As the house lingered on the market longer and longer, many feared it would be purchased by someone looking to take down walls and remove what could be considered “dated” features. Happily, it was instead purchased by longtime Nantucket summer residents, the preservation-minded Melinda and Paul Sullivan, in February 2021. Melinda says she and Paul had “way too much furniture packed in” to their current home on Ash Street, and they were looking for a larger home with a classical formality, with a real dining room and parlors. Their daughter encouraged them to look at 14 Orange Street. “Most people coming to Nantucket aren’t looking for a formal house,” Melinda says, but 14 Orange Street was the perfect fit for the Sullivans, who “aren’t ready to sit in rocking chairs on the porch for the rest of our days.” The Sullivans plan to restore the home to its former glory. ­Unfortunately, during the time the house sat vacant, period appropriate wallpaper and painted murals by Carl Wendte, the Swiss artist who also painted the trompe l’oeil paintings across the street at the Unitarian Universalist Meeting House, were covered over with plain white paint. The Sullivans hope to be able to uncover and recreate Wendte’s original paintings as much as possible. Working with a team led by contractor Twig Perkins and interior designer Carolyn Thayer, we are sure the Sullivans will be fantastic stewards of the Levi Starbuck House for years to come. npt


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The 2021 Preservation Awards

Photo by Van Lieu Photography


PT’s Preservation Awards are presented to individuals and ­organizations that advance the cause of historic preservation on Nantucket. Highlighting projects and the people who ­commissioned and completed preservation work is our way of honoring those who demonstrate to the community that sensitive preservation is ­possible and rewarding. Preservation Awards recipients serve as restoration role models and help ensure the protection of the island’s historic resources for future generations. The NPT’s Preservation Awards emphasize proper preservation and sensitive new construction, showcase Nantucket’s craftspeople, and celebrate the foresight and stewardship of owners who care about our historic structures and the island landscape. This year, our preservation awards will be announced in September. The deadline for applications is July 1, 2021. Visit http://bit.ly/ NPTAwards2021 for the submission form. The Awards Ceremony will take place on ­September 9, 2021. ARCHITECTURAL PRESERVATION The Architectural Preservation Award recognizes the ­owner(s) of a historic structure, and, when appropriate, one or more ­building professionals who assisted in the completion of a ­ ­ significant ­preservation project. To qualify for the award, preservation of ­building elements and features that convey the property’s historical, cultural, or architectural values is required. LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN The Caroline A. Ellis Landscape & Garden Award ­recognizes gardens and landscapes on Nantucket that embody our unique sense of place and celebrates the people who make them. 24

STEWARDSHIP The John A. and Katherine S. Lodge Stewardship Award ­recognizes owner(s) of a historic property who demonstrate a high degree of commitment to the preservation of the structure(s) and the island. An individual who maintains a historic ­property or who has played an important part in the preservation of Nantucket can also be nominated for this award. TRADITIONAL BUILDING METHODS The Traditional Building Methods Award recognizes c­raftspeople who practice traditional building methods or who have made a ­major contribution to the field of historic preservation on island. Past r­ ecipients have balanced time-honored methods with modern tools. Consideration can be for one exemplary project or an entire body of work. HISTORICAL RENOVATION The Historical Renovation Award recognizes the owner(s) of a ­historic structure, and when appropriate, building professionals who assisted in the design and completion of a sensitive new addition to a historic structure. Projects should adhere strictly to the guidelines found in Building with Nantucket in Mind. NEW CONSTRUCTION The New Construction Award recognizes new buildings or additions to non-historic structures that take into special consideration the ­surrounding structures and harmonize with the historic streetscape. An award-worthy new construction project is one that looks as though it has always been there or adds something that has been taken away. In addition to the annual awards, the NPT board of directors ­periodically honors those who have made a major impact on preservation of the i­sland’s architectural heritage with the Excellence in Preservation Award. For additional information on NPT award recipients—past and present—visit us online at www.nantucketpreservation.org 25


PAST AWARD RECIPIENTS ARCHITECTURAL PRESERVATION AWARD The Museum of African American History, Boston and Nantucket, The Boston-Higginbotham House, 27 York Street, 2020 Jeffrey Paduch and Caroline Hempstead, 86 Main Street, 2019 The Hospital Thrift Shop, 17 India Street, 2018 Siasconset Union Chapel Board of Trustees, 2017 Virginia Andrews, George Gray LLC, 55 Union Street, 2016 Nantucket Historical Association, Old Gaol, 2015 Ed and Joan Lahey, 7 Farmer Street, 2014 Michelle Elzay, Sparrow Design, 43 Pine Street, 2013 Maria Mitchell Association, Maria Mitchell Birthplace, 2012 South Church Preservation Fund, 11 Orange Street, 2011 Lucy Dillon, property owner; Steve Lindsay, contractor, 37 Liberty Street, 2010 ReMain Nantucket, Mitchell’s Book Corner, 2009 Valerie and Richard Norton, numerous projects, 2008 Bernie and Carol Coffin, ’Sconset Post Office, 2007 Ginger Ivey, 8 Cottage Avenue, ’Sconset, 2007 CAROLINE A. ELLIS LANDSCAPE AND GARDEN AWARD Russell & Marian Morash, 2020 Florence Merriam Hill (posthumously), 2019 Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley, 69 Main Street, 2018 Dale Gary, Town Arborist, 2017 Paula Lundy Levy, Tuck’t In: A Walking Tour of Historic Prospect Hill Cemetery, 2016 Nantucket Conservation Foundation, 2014 Nantucket Garden Club, Main Street Horse Fountain, 2013 Charlotte and MacDonald Mathey, Hedged About, ’Sconset, 2012 Dr. and Mrs. John Espy, 4 New Dollar Lane, 2011 Marilyn Whitney, Moors End, 19 Pleasant Street, 2010 Caroline Ellis, ’Sconset Trust, Sankaty Head Lighthouse, 2009

THE JOHN A. AND KATHERINE S. LODGE STEWARDSHIP AWARD HallKeen Management, Academy Hill Apartments, 4 Westminster Street, 2020 Pacific Club Directors, The Pacific Club, 15 Main Street, 2020 Kristen Williams-Haseotes, Shanunga, 10 Broadway, Siasconset, 2019 The Harris Family, John Ray House, 8 Ray’s Court, 2018 Rodts Family, 5 Broadway, 2017 Constance Umberger, 3 Bear Street, 2017 Elizabeth Hilger, 139 Main Street, 2017 Noyes Family, 90 North Liberty Street, 2017 Mark and Gwenn Snider, Nantucket Hotel, 2016 Liz Coffin and Matt and Sheila Fee, 106 Main Street Façade, 2016 Jason Tilroe, 75 Main Street, 2015 Muriel Williams (posthumously), 4 Traders Lane, 2014 St. Paul’s Church in Nantucket, Stained Glass Restoration, 2013 Nantucket Historical Association, Photographic Image Archive, 2012 Fremont-Smith family, Atlantic House, ’Sconset, 2011 Margaret Yates Berkheimer (posthumously), 8 Pine Street, 2010 Sanford Kendall, numerous carpentry projects, 2009 Clarissa Porter, 5 Quince Street, 2008 Katherine S. Lodge, 94 Main Street, 2008 27

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TRADITIONAL BUILDING METHODS AWARD Ben Moore, Carpenter, 2020 Newton Millham, Blacksmith, 2019 Wayne Morris, Mason, 2018 John Wathne and Structures North, 2017 Brian FitzGibbon, Window Restorer, 2016 David Bergquist, Bergquist Masonry LLC, 2014 Sam and Ellen Phelan, property owners;Twig Perkins, contractor, 65 Pleasant Street, 2013 Curtis Livingston, 18 India Street, 2012 Michael Burrey, Timber Framer, 2011 Pen Austin, plaster and lime-mortar expert, 2010 HISTORICAL RENOVATION AWARD Ken Jennings and Al Messina, Sandcastle Construction, 10 Martins Lane, 2020 Keith and Elizabeth Roe, Michael Sweeney Construction, 51B Centre Street, 2019 Paul McLeod and Jamie Pfaff, 29 Liberty Street, 2015 Angus and Deb MacLeod, Angus MacLeod Designs; Johnson, Stockton and Jones families, property owners, for 9, 12, 14, and 15 Pochick Street, ’Sconset, 2013 NEW CONSTRUCTION AWARD George and Nell Wilson, 39 Main Street, Siasconset, 2019 Emeritus Development, Nantucket Yacht Club Dormitory, 4 South Beach Street, 2018 Elizabeth Churchill, Bentley & Churchill Architects, 5 Grand Avenue, 2017 Robert and Martha Lipp, 251 Polpis Road, 2015 EXCELLENCE IN PRESERVATION AWARD University of Florida’s Preservation Institute: Nantucket, 2013 Brian Pfeiffer, 2012 Helen Seager, 1999 Walter Beinecke Jr., 1998

Nantucket PhotoArt GARTH GRIMMER, PHOTOGRAPHER nantucketphotoart.com garthphotography@comcast.net 508.221.4510 29

Surfing Hydrangea Nursery


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photo: Jeff Allen



Summer Lecture presented by Nantucket Preservation Trust Join us at our Virtual 2021 Summer Lecture Living in the ­Present, Inspired by the Past with Award-Winning Interior Designer

Victoria Hagan

With a ­ signature style that has been described as New ­ ­ American Classic, “a modern sense of luxury that is fresh, ­ ­restrained and ­iconic,” Victoria Hagan has spent over 25 years as one of the ­country’s most in-demand d­ esigners. Though based in New York City, Hagan and her family have a home near S­ esachacha Pond, and she has ­completed n­ umerous projects on N ­ antucket. A ­g raduate of the Parsons School of Design, she now sits on that institution’s Board of ­Governors, and has been inducted into the ­Interior D ­ esign Hall of Fame and named a member of ­Architectural Digest’s AD100.

In September 2021, Rizzoli will publish Live Now, a book in which ­Hagan ­explores the nature of home and how it connects, calms, ­comforts, and ­nourishes us, featuring her designs for twelve featured properties.

Wednesday, July 21 • 5:30 p.m. Register online at nantucketpreservation.org or call 508-228-1387 to reserve your tickets. 33

PRES ERVE & L IV E 30 an tu ck et .com w w w .main str eetn

ummer Lecture & Luncheon


featuring Lady Henrietta Spencer-Churchill

Preserving our Heritage with Sympathetic Restoration of Historic Homes

 SAVE THE DATE  Thursday, August 18, 2022 www.nantucketpreservation.org 35

Please Join Us for... TUCKED AWAY: Secret Lanes & Hidden Ponds 16th Annual August Fête Thursday, August 12 7:00 p.m.

Guided Video and Walking Tours & Virtual Gathering 36


oin us as we celebrate our 16 Annual August Fete: Tucked Away: Secret Lanes & Hidden Ponds th

The Fête will feature pre-recorded house tours of historic homes along Lily Street and secluded Gull Island Lane. These video tours will be available for viewing the week prior to the Fête. Join us for small group walking tours of the Lily Pond neighborhood, public health guidelines permitting. On August 12, tune in for a question-and-answer session with the homeowners, architects, builders, and other preservation experts. There will be special guests and festivities. General admission tickets to the Fête go on sale June 15th. For tickets and information, please visit: www.nantucketpreservation.org or call the NPT office at 508-228-1387. Nantucket Preservation Trust is most grateful to our underwriters, sponsors, and Fête leaders.

Opposite: Image courtesy of the Nantucket Historical Association 37

Photo by Van Lieu Photography


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RUGS SenseOfPlacead-2021.indd 1

4/13/21 4:17 PM


2021 Sense of Place

Exhibition and Online Auction

Featuring Work by Island Artists and Artisans

to benefit

nantucket preservation trust August 9 — August 16

Bidding begins online at 4:00 p.m. on August 9, 2021 Bidding closes at 8:00 p.m. on August 16, 2021 For more information, visit: www.nantucketpreservationtrust.org The Sense Of Place Exhibition & Auction is a carefully curated exhibition featuring work by island artists and artisans inspired by or iconically associated with the qualities that make Nantucket unique.

Photo courtesy of James Ogilvy www.ogilvyphotography.com



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Nantucket Dream Dollhouse



very year, Nantucket Preservation Trust’s Sense of Place Exhibition and Auction offers bidders the chance to bid on unique, hand created items from dozens of Nantucket makers and artisans. Among these special auction items this year will be the Nantucket Dream Dollhouse. Volunteers led by Gussie Beaugrand, Beth Davies, Barbara Halsted, and Michael Sweeney, with help from Rowan Blake and Aille Sweeney, have spent countless hours creating a representation of a Nantucket house that models modern living in a historic home. The completed dollhouse has three bedrooms and an office with custom hand-dyed gray shingles; hand painted walls, clapboards, and trim; tiny curtains; custom furniture; an Audrey Sterk wallpaper mural; and miniature artwork by Nantucket artists. The floorboards were custom made from roof sheathing that came out of a c. 1847 house on Orange Street. Thank you to the volunteers who made this unique project possible! Nantucket Dream Dollhouse by the Numbers Dimensions: 29 long x 16 wide x 32 high (Scale: 1 inch = 1 foot) Sidewall shingles: 10,528 Roof shingles: 2,296 Lineal inches of clapboard: 450 Lineal inches of baseboard: 234 Lineal inches of window trim: 215 Window sashes: 26 Shutters: 10 49


Above: Dollhouse interior Opposite: Volunteers Gussie Beaugrand, Beth Davies, and Michael Sweeney constructing the dollhouse



Part of downtown Nantucket looked strikingly different for much of 2020 and early 2021, and it wasn’t just the people dining on sidewalks and signs reading Mask Zone: on March 4, a motorist, his vision impaired by the setting sun, struck and toppled the Lieutenant Max Wagner Memorial Fountain at the foot of Main Street. After a year’s long absence, Nantucket’s Department of Public Works re-installed the fountain on March 11, 2021, following a complete restoration stewarded by Cassidy Brothers Forge of Rowley, Massachusetts. Mark Voight, DPW Deputy Director of Facilities and Preservation Institute Nantucket graduate, oversaw the repairs and reinstallation. The fountain was originally installed in 1882 and served as a spot for people to water their horses downtown. It has been located on various locations around Main Street, but since 1932, it has been dedicated to Lt. Wagner, a Nantucketer who was killed in the Philippines while serving in the U.S. Army in the Spanish-American War. Though the fountain was struck in March, closures due to COVID-19 and a lengthy insurance arbitration process meant that restoration and repair work on the fountain could not begin until late August. When work began, the team at Cassidy Brothers discovered that extensive repair work was needed. The fountain has been hit and damaged by vehicles multiple times in its history, and investigation showed that repairs had been made with varying degrees of craftmanship and attention to detail over the years. Cassidy Brothers pulled the original patent records for the fountain, which dates to 1880, to inform their work. The fountain was broken into its component parts, the previous well-intentioned repairs were removed, and layers of old paint and rust were stripped away. The fountain was repainted in a pale green color with high gloss industrial polyurethane protectant, picked to match the color from the last time the fountain was repainted, in 2017. 53


A goal of the restoration was to allow the fountain to once again function as a water feature. The four cast-iron fish through which water originally flowed were badly pitted and marred with rust. One was in good enough condition to use to create a mold for repairing the other fish. In addition to recasting the fish, Cassidy Brothers used the patent plans to recreate the internal waterworks of the fountain, which had rusted away. Copper piping and a pump will allow water to circulate from the fountain’s bowl, up through the pole, through the mouths of the fish. DPW Director Rob McNeil says the department intends to have water flowing through the fountains on special occasions like the Daffodil Weekend car parade and the Fourth of July. At other times, the Nantucket Garden Club will continue to fill the fountain’s basin with colorful floral displays. A rededication service for the fountain is being planned for later in 2021, dependent on public health guidelines. Descendants of Lt. Wagner, who still reside on Nantucket, will be in attendance. After its yearlong absence, we are happy to see the fountain back in its regular place: may it be many more years before it is in need of another repair! npt Mark Voight passed away on May 1, 2021. He will be remembered for his dedication to preservation on Nantucket. 55

Photo by Van Lieu Photography

NANTUCKET RECOGNIZED A CERTIFIED LOCAL GOVERNMENT by Holly Backus Town of Nantucket Preservation Planner

In January 2021, the Nantucket Historical Commission (NHC) and Historic District Commission (HDC), through the Preservation Planner, Holly Backus, requested the Select Board’s support to apply to the National Park Service to become a Certified Local Government (CLG). This Federal Preservation Program is created “to help communities save the irreplaceable historic character of places – through the certification process, communities make a commitment to historic preservation.” On March 19, 2021, the Town of Nantucket received a letter of acceptance by the National Park Service into the program. Now the HDC & NHC can jointly meet as Nantucket’s CLG Commission, apply for federal preservation funding, and receive additional state & federal preservation support. The Town of Nantucket joins the list of 26 other CLGs within the Commonwealth of Massachusetts. This recognition shows the Town of Nantucket’s continued commitment to historic preservation that started back in 1955, when the Town created the HDC’s Special Act. Nantucket became one of the first local historic districts in Massachusetts and one of the first in the country, after Charleston, SC. Later, the local districts expanded to contain the entire island of Nantucket in 1971. Further, the entire island became a National Historic Landmark in 1966 and later updated in 2012 to include a better analysis of the buildings that were constructed during the late 19th and 20th centuries and a fuller picture of Nantucket’s preservation history. The update also included Nantucket’s sister-islands of Tuckernuck and Muskeget into the Landmark designation. The Town of Nantucket appreciates the acceptance to participate in this important preservation program and looks forward to working with the National Park Service and Massachusetts Historical Commission to further the island’s commitment to sustainability of our historic island community. npt 57

An example of dry flood proofing is the Sea Street Pump Station. The building was hardened through the addition of a concrete and brick skirt wall which closely matched the original brick material. Pumping equipment that could be submerged during flooding was added in the basement, and other equipment was relocated to an elevated platform.

Resilient Nantucket: Design Guidance for a Changing Climate by Lisa Craig and Phil Thomason

As one of the oldest and largest National Historic Landmark (NHL) districts in the United States, the island of Nantucket fosters a strong regard for the protection and preservation of historic places. Historic preservation in Nantucket promotes tourism, strengthens the local economy, protects the town and surrounding area’s historic character, and fosters community investment in protecting Nantucket’s historic identity. That identity was clearly articulated in the 2013 update to the NHL designation, which not only extended the NHL’s period of significance to 1975 to encompass the pioneering work of Walter Beinecke, but also recognized the island’s national role in the evolution of land conservation and historic preservation. It’s therefore no surprise that the Town of Nantucket, through its Nantucket Historical Commission, Historic District Commission, and Department of Planning and Land Use Services has partnered with community organizations to address the 21st century challenge of sealevel rise and flooding, which have increased both in frequency and in scope in the last two decades. The Town’s 2019 Massachusetts Municipal Vulnerability Preparedness (MVP) Community Resilience Building Workshop and Report recognized the need to adapt historic resources to climate impacts as missing from climate change planning.Thus, in both the MVP Workshop Report and the 2019 update to the Hazard Mitigation Plan, the preservation of historic and cultural resources in response to flooding and sea-level rise became a priority for investigation and action. The following year, the Town and Preservation Institute Nantucket launched a project: Resilient Nantucket: 3D Digital Documentation and Sea Level Rise Visualization. The project used LiDAR scanning to digitally document the core of Nantucket Town, its waterfront, and Brant Point 59

That work was complemented by a conference, Keeping History Above Water: Nantucket, which identified community values and priorities for historic property adaptation and the need for design guidance. Now developed and presented through numerous public meetings to Nantucket residents and property owners, the Resilient Nantucket: Flooding Adaptation & Building Elevation Design Guidelines (Resilient Nantucket Design Guidelines) joins a range of other planning and mitigation documents which together provide a unified approach for protecting Nantucket’s resources from natural disasters. The guidelines were drafted by leading preservation consulting firm, Thomason and Associates, with the assistance of The Craig Group.These design guidelines are likely the first in the nation to fully model the newly issued guidance from the National Park Service whose publication, Guidelines on Flood Adaptation for Rehabilitation Historic Buildings, now provides formal guidance to inform the decisions of historic district commissions when considering flooding adaptation designs. The Resilient Nantucket Design Guidelines are prepared with photographs and descriptions that document Nantucket’s existing historic character, in particular, building styles, materials, design details and streetscapes, that define Nantucket’s character. They serve as a supplement to the HDC guidebook Building with Nantucket in Mind and provide current thinking on adapting properties to accommodate climate-driven change by elevating and “hardening” historic properties while still retaining overall architectural integrity. In addition, the Guidelines recommend design considerations for new construction within the historic districts that address flood risk, yet do not detract from the character of historic residential and commercial areas. This is done in a “user-friendly” way by including photos and illustrations of best practices in flooding adaptation as approved by FEMA and consistent with the NPS guidance. Included are illustrated examples of how Nantucket buildings and sites can be retrofitted to 60

accommodate flood mitigation and adaptation alterations ranging from temporary barriers, nature-based approaches, dry and wet floodproofing strategies, and even elevation and relocation. npt

Photo by Van Lieu Photography

Lisa Craig is Principal with The Craig Group, a preservation consulting firm specializing in resilience planning for historic coastal communities. PhilThomason is Principal with Thomason & Associates, LLC with significant experience in preservation planning and design guideline development, most recently focusing on elevation guidance for historic coastal & riverine communities.


Ben Larrabee Fine Art Family Photography Scheduling on Nantucket August 5 - 8, 2021 trudie@benlarrabee.com 203.656.3807

benlarrabee.com Alternate dates by arrangement

WEATHERED NANTUCKET ARTIST, KELLEY JEPSON kelleygreenart@gmail.com | 413.404.2557 62

alison potts Meet Our New Board President In 2020, Alison Potts became the new President of Nantucket Preservation Trust’s Board of Directors. She first joined the Board in 2016, serving as Treasurer prior to becoming President. Alison first came to Nantucket as a child on family vacations. She says, “I loved the kite shop, the cobblestones, and shopping at The Sunken Ship.” Together with her husband Mark, she has been coming to Nantucket for the last 33 years, purchasing a home 17 years ago, and moving to the island as year-round residents in 2019. In a conversation with Gussie Beaugrand about island nonprofits, Gussie suggested to Alison that she “work on a cause that you believe in, you have a passion for, one where you can make a difference.” Alison initially got involved with NPT because “I have always had a passion for history, and the streetscapes on Nantucket were a huge part of why I fell in love with this special place. I knew NPT was an organization that I could be an advocate for and help make a concerted difference.” Alison has collected old Nantucket postcards for years, and says she loves to imagine the experiences that those who came before us had on the island. Many postcards she has collected depict her favorite historic island location, The Three Bricks on Upper Main Street built by whale oil merchant Joseph Starbuck for his three sons from 1837–1839. “I love the Ionic porticos and the granite stoops. They make a great statement to the streetscape and add to the overall beauty as each of us walk this lovely part of downtown. I am grateful to the generations of owners who have followed the Starbuck family and taken care of these incredible structures.” Alison believes wholeheartedly that preservation has a tangible impact on culture. “Historic preservation allows past styles and heritage to be a community benefit that educates us all. We should take pride in our history and understand the benefits of having such deep iconic symbols be preserved treasures that will span our lifetime and others.” npt 63

44 Fair Street, 2021


npt house markers and house histories Mark Your Old House


very year, NPT completes research for property owners to help unlock their home’s past. Any house over fifty years of age can have a marker. Deed research, the first step, can assist in uncovering key information such as who built a house, the first owner’s occupation, and the date of construction. We can use this information to mark a house and to provide a bit of history for the passerby.

William B. Gardner Carpenter c.1859 The Victorian house at 44 Fair Street was constructed in 1859 by carpenter William B. Gardner, but the lot has a much longer history. It is located in the Fish Lots, the area of town between south of Main Street between Orange and Pine Streets, so named because the original 27 lots of land laid out in 1717 were used for drying fish. By the 1790s, this land was owned by Johnathan Burnell, a trader. His grandson Samuel inherited the land in 1799, and in 1821, he sold the property to Job Coleman, a merchant. Coleman divided the parcel, building a house on the north end of the lot, today’s 51 Orange Street, and selling an empty lot of just over 20 rods of land fronting Fair Street to John, Perez, and William Jenkins in 1822. The Jenkins brothers then sold the land later in 1822 to the Trustees of the Lancastrian School. The Trustees built the first home of the Sir Admiral Isaac Coffin School at this location, which operated here until 1846. The school building was moved to South Beach Street and converted into a candlehouse. 65

House Histories NANTUCKET

A Special Program Offered by

Nantucket Preservation Trust Every historic Nantucket house has a story. Do you know yours? Unlock the history of your home with a Nantucket Preservation Trust House History. We offer three levels of house histories: our brief history, our house genealogy and our comprehensive history. For more information, visit us online at: www.nantucketpreservation.org or contact us at 11 Centre Street, P.O. Box 158, Nantucket, MA 02554 508-228-1387


In 1859, the Coffin School trustees sold the vacant land on Fair Street to William Gardner for $100. Gardner built a house quickly, and on December 3, 1859, sold the property with buildings “erected by myself ” to merchant Zenas L. Adams for $500. In September 1860, Elizabeth Ann Wyer purchased the home. She married Thomas Ames the next month, and the home remained in the Ames family until 1946. Victorian architecture is relatively rare on Nantucket, for the pace of building in the late 19th century slowed during the economic depression following the end of Nantucket’s whaling economy. The home was originally constructed with elaborate bargeboard trim and a flat-roofed porch roof supported by elaborate pillars and topped with a crest rail. By the 1930s and 1940s, architectural tastes had changed, and many Victorian buildings, like 44 Fair, were stripped of their characteristic trim. npt

44 Fair Street, c. 1880s 67

what’s your house story? kolb architects preservation+architecture+interiors

Cranberr y Bogs



michele kolb 917 714 9120 kolbarchitects.com

SUSAN BOARDMAN Original artwork inspired by imagined day dreams of historic Nantucket women Represented by Nantucket Looms 51 Main Street • 508-228-1908

The Nest of Our Stories Pencil and Watercolor; 12 x 12

MJ LEVY DICKSON www.mjlevydickson.com mjlevydickson@gmail.com

Harmless Ships, Joyful Whales series 9”x 9” 68

Are you inspired by old buildings? Want to expand your career in the construction field?

Build on the Past  Train for the Future

Consider learning or expanding your knowledge of traditional building techniques. These much sought-after crafts can provide you with skills to restore Nantucket’s historic architecture. Through our Mary Helen and Michael Fabacher Scholarship Program, NPT is dedicated to providing full-time study and workshops for island residents. Timber framing, joinery, plastering, masonry, and more... For further information, contact: Nantucket Preservation Trust 11 Centre Street • P.O. Box 158 Nantucket, MA 02554 508-228-1387

www.nantucketpreservation.org 60



The Mary Helen and Michael Fabacher Scholarship was established by Nantucket Preservation Trust, with generous support from the Fabachers, to provide educational opportunities to encourage and promote traditional building methods essential for the preservation of Nantucket’s historic architecture. The Scholarship funds tuition to the North Bennet Street School in Boston, and also promotes understanding of traditional building methods by sponsoring field trips to North Bennet Street School for middle and high school students, coordinating on-island demonstration projects for all age groups, and assisting the island building trades by offering short courses for learning traditional building methods. 70


or the most recent Scholarship awardee Jeremy Wiley, “As far back as I can remember, power tools and the people who wielded them have always been part of my life.”

Jeremy is a first-year student at the North Bennet Street School (NBSS), studying Cabinetry and Furniture Making. Classes are conducted a bit differently this year as the school adapts to pandemic protocols, including using a camera to focus in on the detail work an instructor is doing and project the video on a large screen. A veteran of the United States Army and a graduate of the Cape Cod Regional Technical High School, Jeremy lives on Cape Cod.With experience in carpentry, Jeremy has worked on projects ranging from simple back decks to waterfront homes. At North Bennet Street, he is taking his skills and talent to a higher level and tackling detailed woodworking projects— “things I’d only had the opportunity to read about before.” Jeremy’s cohort at the school is small, only eight students. “Everybody wants to be here,” he says, “Everyone comes with their own strengths. The instructors are phenomenal, and really care about what they are doing.” At more than 130 years old, the North Bennet Street School is synonymous with quality. “Reputation is all you have,” Jeremy explains, “and clients understand quality.” Across the Sound, Jeremy spends time volunteering for the Harwich Conservation Trust, where he and his young son are building and replacing the old bird nest boxes at the Thompson’s Field Conservation Area. He is also attending MassArt and is the owner of Cape Cod Woodcrafters. “I want to do good work with my hands,” Jeremy says. NPT knows Jeremy is going places, and we are thrilled to be able to help him achieve his goals through the Mary Helen and Michael Fabacher Scholarship. Interested in improving your craft? Apply for the Mary Helen and Michael Fabacher Scholarship. Email NPT’s Executive Director Mary Bergman at info@nantucketpreservation.org to learn more. npt 71

Photo by Van Lieu Photography


reservation easements (called restrictions in Massachusetts) are designed to protect the architectural integrity of a property.Today, placing an easement is the single best way to ensure your property is protected forever, and it is the ultimate gift to the island community. In many cases, substantial tax benefits can also be achieved for your donation. Easements are placed on the exterior of a historic property, but can also include the interior plan, individual rooms, and protect important features. At the same time, NPTs preservation easements are designed to allow for upgrades and continued use of the property and usually excludes areas such as bathrooms, kitchens or other areas that may not retain historic elements or that need to be upgraded in the future. Each easement is tailored by the NPT and its owner to protect historic features and to address concerns and needs of the property owner. In addition, NPT’s role continues after the easement is in place. NPT is charged with annual monitoring of the easement and oversees any work and changes that might be needed over time. NPT will work with subsequent owners to serve as a preservation resource and to assist them with future work.

For more information about preservation easements, call the NPT office or visit us online at www. nantucketpreservation.org.


NPT EASEMENT PROPERTIES First Congregational Church and Old North Vestry 62 Centre Street Quaker Meeting House 7 Fair Street

Rescom Palmer House 9 New Mill Street

Fire Hose Cart House 8 Gardner Street

Antone Sylvia Grocery Store 79 Orange Street (pending)

Daniel Worth House 10 Gardner Street (pending)

Grafton Gardner House 8 Pine Street

Greater Light 8 Howard Street

Nathaniel Hussey House 5 Quince Street

The Nantucket Atheneum 1 India Street

Captain Peleg Bunker House 4 Traders Lane

Hospital Thrift Shop 17 India Street

John B. Nicholson House 55 Union Street (pending)

Mitchell-Beinecke House 69 Main Street

Maria Mitchell Birthplace 1 Vestal Street

Jabez Bunker/Prince Gardner House 85 Main Street Captain Thaddeus Coffin House 89 Main Street

Maria Mitchell Observatory Vestal Street (pending)

Hadwen-Wright House 94 Main Street

American Legion 21 Washington Street

Thomas Starbuck House 11 Milk Street 1800 House 4 Mill Street

Maria Mitchell Library Vestal Street

Nantucket Island School of Design (Sea View Farm) 23 Wauwinet Road (pending) Admiral Sir Isaac Coffin Lancasterian School 4 Winter Street Boston-Higginbotham House 27 York Street 75

Spotlight on a Preservation Easement Property 23 wauwinet road Nantucket Island School of Design Sea View Farm


he twin silos of the Nantucket Island School of Design and the Arts (NISDA) that rise above Wauwinet Road and Polpis Harbor harken back to the days when Nantucket was dotted with farms of all kinds. Sea View Dairy Farm—once the largest farm on the island—is now the last surviving vestige of Nantucket’s dairyfarming history. Sea View Farm (also known as Eat Fire Spring Farm) likely dates to the early 18th Century. It was owned by the Mitchell family in the 1830s. By 1948, the farm contained more than 400 acres. The main Dairy Barn with the attached Milking Room and two silos are constructed of elements manufactured by the James Manufacturing Company of Fort Atkinson, Wisconsin, founded in 1903 by William James. The James Way System sought to apply scientific principles to the management of contemporary life. The pieces of the Barn, Milking Room, and silos were shipped for assembly on site. These buildings retain a high degree of their original architectural elements and are even stamped with the James Manufacturing Company’s name. In 1968, the Nantucket Dairy closed, ceasing any on-island production of milk. The extensive farmland was subdivided. In 1873, Dr. Howard and Hedda Marsh purchased the small parcel of land where the Dairy Barn, Milk Room, and West Silo are. The Marshes leased this land to NISDA starting in 1979. In 1982, NISDA purchased the property and converted the Barn into classrooms, studios, and gallery space. Adjacent land with the long Shed and East Silo was purchased in 2000. Thanks to a grant from the Community Preservation Committee, the Long Shed Studios and Dairy Barn are undergoing historic restoration. Additionally, the Silos were restored in 2018 by a family of Amish craftsmen from northern Maine, also funded by the CPC. As part of Massachusetts’s Community Preservation Act, buildings restored with CPC funding must have a preservation easement created to protect the property and the public’s investment in it. NPT is pleased to work with NISDA to help preserve these buildings, doubly important to Nantucket’s history and sense of place. npt

Opposite: 23 Wauwinet Road, 2021 77

Nantucket Preservation Trust would like to thank our Advisors and Committee Volunteers NPT Advisors Kathy Arvay • Susan Boardman • Caroline Ellis • Michelle Elzay Mary Helen Fabacher • Michael Fabacher • Nancy Forster Betsy Grubbs • Carol Kinsley • Marcia Richards Esta-Lee Stone • Marie Sussek • Pam Waller Committee Volunteers Craig Beni • Gussie Beaugrand • Paulette Boling Beth Davies • Chris Dallmus • Jennifer DiMartino Trudy Dujardin • Marsha Fader • Jascin Leonardo Finger Cecil Jensen • Julie Jordin • Jon King • Bob Miklos Karen Pinson • Ann Swart 78


Photo by Kris Kinsley Hancock

Volunteers are a vital part of Nantucket Preservation Trust. For the past three years, Gussie Beaugrand has volunteered as a member of the Annual August Fête committee and chair of the Sense of Place Exhibition and Auction. Since moving to Nantucket as a yearround resident in 1994, Gussie has been involved as a volunteer with many other island organizations, including Palliative and Supportive Care of Nantucket, the Nantucket Community Music Center, the Nantucket Historical Association, and Nantucket Ice Community Rink. She is impressed by the spirit of volunteerism on Nantucket: “There are so many people who are great volunteers, and it’s amazing to see how they work, and how they get things done.” Gussie has been an important part of how NPT gets the Sense of Place Exhibition and Auction done, and over the past two years, she has taken on an even bigger task, putting in many hours of meticulous work creating the Nantucket Dream Dollhouse with fellow volunteers Beth Davies, Barbara Halsted, and Michael Sweeney. Gussie first became involved with NPT through her husband, Board Chairman Ken Beaugrand. Gussie grew up in a 17th century house in Far Hills, New Jersey, which instilled in her an appreciation for old buildings. She says, “I firmly believe in the mission of NPT. I think old houses have such great charm and historic importance. There’s a warmth to an old house you don’t find in too many newer houses, and I hope to see people appreciate them for what they are.” We couldn’t agree more. Thank you Gussie, for all you do for NPT! npt If you are interested in volunteering, visit the volunteer section of our website, or email volunteers@nantucktpreservation.org. 79

2020: A Year in Review

HIGHLIGHTS PRESERVATION SYMPOSIUM In September 2020, ­Nantucket Preservation Trust, in ­partnership with the Town of Nantucket, University of ­Florida’s Preservation ­Institute Nantucket, and ReMain ­Nantucket presented R ­ escuing ­History: Nantucket in Response to Rising Seas, a two-day ­conference about sea-level rise and h­ istoric structures. ­Speakers from across the ­country presented on the problem of sea-level rise and the effects of the c­ limate crisis on historic seaport ­communities. This conference brought together nearly 200 local and regional attendees.


In 2020, NPT marked the fourteenth consecutive year of its awards ­program, which has honored dozens of owners, preservationists, and craftspeople. Over one hundred members, members of the p­ reservation community, and award recipients and their families attended the June 18th online awards ceremony.



to educate, document, and protect the island’s historic properties.Though closures of the Town Registry of Deeds due to COVID-19 inhibited r­ esearch for much of 2020, these core programs continued to grow.


Photo by Van Lieu Photography

In 2020, the Select Board voted to transfer responsibility for the administration of the preservation easement on 31 Western Avenue, the former Surfside Lifesaving Station and Star of the SeaYouth Hostel, to Nantucket Preservation Trust. NPT will help steward and protect this important historic structure in perpetuity.

Star of the Sea, the former Surfside Lifesaving Station, 2021


Former NPTTreasurer Alison Potts was elected Board President. Bill Moore is now treasurer and Jon King joined the Board.Thank you to M ­ ichelle Elzay, outgoing board member, for six years of dedicated Board service. 82


Our Annual August Fête moved online in 2020. We created video house tours of five historic Nantucket homes around the island, and hosted a virtual Fête gathering where we heard from homeowners, craftspeople, and preservation experts. Our Sense of Place exhibition and auction also successfully moved online.

August Fête co-chairs John and Marie Sussek

Sense of Place auction items on exhibition 83

Photo by Van Lieu Photography

With thanks to our supporters 84

Sense of Place Society Members Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bailey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David S. J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck Mr. Marvin H. Davidson Mr. and Mrs. Douglass N. Ellis, Jr. Mr. Andrew Forsyth and Ms. Kelly Williams Ms. Susan Zises Green Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hale Mr. and Mrs. Robert R. Henry Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hoffman Mr. and Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter, Jr. Ms. Wendy Hubbell Mr. and Mrs. Zenas Hutcheson, III Mr. Ken Jennings and Mr. Albert S. Messina Ms. Betsey Von Summer and Mr. John Moller Mr. Jon M. King and Mr. John H. Ehrlich Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Maffeo Mr. and Mrs. Richard Menschel Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Muhlhauser Mrs. Ella Wall Prichard Mr. and Mrs. Greg Spivy Mr. and Mrs. Paul R. C. Sullivan Mr. and Mrs. John Sussek, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. James O. Treyz Ms. Pam Waller 85

Leadership Members Mr. and Mrs. Leigh J. Abramson Ms. Jennifer DiMartino The Ainslie Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Joseph DiMartino Mr. and Mrs. Edgar D. Ancona Mr. and Mrs. Bradford Dimeo Mr. and Mrs. Mahlon Apgar, IV Dr. and Mrs.William H. Druckemiller Ms. Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley Mr. and Mrs. Michael A. Fabacher Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Armstrong Mr. and Mrs. Frank Fahrenkopf Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Arvay Ms. Mary Ellen G. Ferrel and Mr. John Heaps Mr. and Mrs. Michael B. Ball Ms. Barbara J. Fife Mrs.Walter F. Ballinger, II Mr. and Mrs. Mark Filipski Mr. and Mrs. David H. Barlow Mr. and Mrs. Alan Forster Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beaugrand Mr. and Mrs. Michael M. Fowler Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beller Mr. Robert Franklin and Mr. Charles Mappin Mr. Bruce Beni Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fremont-Smith Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey L. Besecker Mrs. Charles M. Geschke Ms. Susan Blair and Mr. David Shukis Drs. Margaret B. and John N. Goldman Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Bocage Ms. Rose Gonnella and Mr. Frank Holahan Mrs. Robert H. Bolling, Jr. Mr. Mark H. Gottwald Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bousa Ms. Sascha Douglass Greenberg Mr. and Mrs.William F. Brandt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin H. Griswold, IV Mr. and Mrs.Thomas R. Brome Mr. and Mrs. Richard T. Grote Mr. and Mrs. David A. Brownlee Mr. Peter Grua and Ms. Mary O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. J. Stewart Bryan The Hon. and Mrs. Ray W. Grubbs Mrs. Coleman P. Burke Mr. and Mrs. Philip G. Gulley Dr. and Mrs. George P. Butterworth Mr. James Hagedorn Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Callahan Ms. Ellen Hakes Ms. Kathleen Cannon and Mr. Brian Kelly Ms. Beverly Harris Mr. and Mrs. G. David Cheek Mr. and Mrs. Robert T. Hay Mr. and Mrs.Thomas G. Cigarran Mrs.William H. Hays, III Mr. and Mrs. Jack N. Clevenger Mr. and Mrs. Schuyler Henderson Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Colliton Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Heyda Mr. and Mrs.William F. Connell Mr. and Mrs. Peter B. Holmes Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Conway Mr. and Mrs. James R. Holt, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Craven Dr. Douglas Horst and Ms. Maureen Phillips Ms. Amanda Cross Mrs. Elizabeth Jacobsen Mr. and Mrs.Vincent R. D’Agostino Ms. Gloria Jarecki Mr. Christopher L. Dallmus Dr. Ann L. and Mr. Charles B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Porter G. Dawson Dr. and Mrs. Douglas Johnson Ms. Penny Dey Mr. and Mrs. Arthur L. Kelly Ms. Anne Delaney and Mr. Calvin Carver, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kinsley Mr. Philip Didriksen Mr. and Mrs. Arie Kopelman 86

Mr. Daniel Lynn Korengold and Mr and Mrs. Graham O’Brien Ms. Martha Lyn Dippell Ms. Anne Olsen Mr. and Mrs. Andrew D. Kotchen Mr. and Mrs. Michael Patsalos-Fox Mr. and Mrs. Eric Kraeutler Mr. and Mrs. Dennis W. Perry Mr. and Mrs. Christopher Larsen Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Scott LaShelle Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Philbrick Mr. and Mrs. Edward P. Lawrence Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Pidcock Mr. and Mrs. Peter D. Lee Ms. Kristene Pierce Mr. and Mrs. David Lilly Mr. and Mrs. James W. Pierson Dr. and Mrs. Keith M. Lindgren Ms. Diane Pitt and Mr. Mitch Carlin Mrs. Byron Lingeman Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Polachi, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Frank Lorenzo Dr. William Porter and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas P. Loughlin Ms. Peggy Davis Mr. Richard W. Lowry Mr. and Mrs. Mark Groenstein Ms. Mary-Adair Macaire Mr. and Mrs. Philip W. Read Mrs. Ian R. MacKenzie Mr. and Mrs. George M. Rich Mrs. Seymour G. Mandell Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Richards Mrs. Marilee B. Matteson Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy P. Richardson Mr. Michael May and Mr. Housley Carr Mr. and Mrs. J. Barton Riley Mr. Gary McBournie and Mr.William Richards Mr. and Mrs. George E. Roach Mr. and Mrs. Edward McCarthy Ms. Janet L. Robinson Mr. and Mrs. Peter McCausland Mr. and Mrs. K. Keith Roe Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin McGrath Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Rose Mr. and Mrs. Eugene G. McGuire Mr. and Mrs. David Ross Mr. and Mrs. Martin McKerrow Mr. and Mrs. Milton C. Rowland Ms. Sarah McLane Mr. and Mrs. Patrick Ryan Mr. and Mrs. R. Alan Medaugh Mrs. Bonnie J. Sacerdote Mr. and Mrs. Robert Meyer Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sayer Mr. Jason Michel Ms. Dorinda Dodge Mr. and Mrs. Herbert B. Mittenthal Mr. and Mrs. Cary M. Schwartz Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Moore, Jr. Mrs. Nancy Tower Scott Mr. and Mrs. T. Channing Moore Mr. James Donald Shockey and Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mortenson Ms. Mary Farland Mr. and Mrs. George R. Mrkonic, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. David Joel Spitler Mr. Maxwell Mundy and Rev. J. Carr Holland, lll Mr. and Mrs. John C. Stahler The Honorable and Mrs. R. James Nicholson Mr. Peter C. Steingraber Mr. and Mrs. Rick Nopper Mr. and Mrs. Harris Stone Mr. and Mrs. David Northrup Mr. and Mrs. Jordan M. Stone Mr. Peter Sullivan and Mr. and Mrs. Al Novissimo, Novation Media Ms. Mary Krueger Mr. and Mrs. G. Philip Nowak 87

*Every effort was made to ensure the above and following lists are complete and accurate. If an error of omission was made at press-time, ­­­­ please don’t hesitate to let us know by emailing us at info@nantucketpreservation.org. Thank you.

Photo by Van Lieu Photography

Mr. and Mrs. Greg Swart Mr. and Mrs. Louis R. Sweatland, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Michael J. Sweeney Mr. † and Mrs. Edward Symes Ms. Judith C. Tolsdorf Ms. Anne Troutman and Mr. Aleks Istanbullu Mr. Robert Troxell Mr. Richard Tuck Mr. and Mrs. Donald W. Van Dyke, II Ms. Lynda Vickers-Smith Mrs. Saranne B. Warner Mr. and Mrs. Frank Helmut Weymar Mr. and Mrs. Edward I. Wight Mr. and Mrs. Jay M. Wilson Mr. and Mrs. David S. Wolff Dr’s Robert A. and Elaine E.Yordan


Anonymous Mr. and Mrs. Richard G. Farrell Ms. Joan P. Albaugh Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Fee Ms. Karen Maeda Allman and Ms. Elizabeth Wales Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Ference-Gray Mr. and Mrs. Pennel Ames Mr. Eric Finger and Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Anathan Ms. Jascin Leonardo Finger Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Prof. J. Scott Finn and Mr.Charles Caldwell Ms. Joan Badie Mrs. Judith Flynn VADM and Mrs. John A. Baldwin, USN (RET) Mr. and Mrs. William M. Folberth, III Mr. Curtis L. Barnes Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ford Mr. and Mrs. William H. Barney, III Ms. Ingrid Francis Mr. and Mrs. David Beardsley Mr. and Mrs. Craig Gambee Mr. and Mrs. Scott Beardsley Mr. and Mrs. Blake Godbout Mr. and Mrs. John W. Belash Mr. and Mrs. Robert Gosh Ms. Carol Bellmaine Ms. Toby Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. John D. Bennett Ms. Victoria A. Greenhood and Mr. and Mrs. John Bermel Mr. Robert B. Remar Mr. and Mrs. Neil M. Blume Ms. Barbara Halsted Mr. and Mrs. Fred J. Boling, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Harding, Jr. Ms. Ann P. Bond Mr. and Mrs. Charles T. Haydock Mr. and Mrs. Solomon Boucai Ms. Cary Hazlegrove Mr. and Mrs. Victor Boyajian Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. Helms Mr. Steve Boynton Mr. Joseph P. Helyar Ms. Elizabeth Brinkerhoff Mr. and Mrs. Nathaniel Hendrickson Dr. Marcia J. Browne and Dr. Jeffrey W. Clarke Mr. and Mrs. Mason Heydt Mr. and Mrs. James Buckman Ms. Elizabeth K. Hillger Mrs. Heather Burke Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Hilzenrath Mrs. Robert M. Burton † Mrs. Winston R. Hindle, Jr. Mrs. Martha H. Butler Mr. and Mrs. Richard Holt Ms. Peggy Capone Butler Mr. James Hoon Mr. and Mrs. Peter F. Campanella Mr. and Mrs. James Houser Mr. Cailen J. Casey Mr. Robert Hoyt, Jr. Mr. Howard B. Chadwick, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Richard Irwin Mr. and Mrs. Paul H. Collins Mr. Peter T. Kaizer Ms. Marion Roland Conley Mr. and Mrs. Woodward Kay Ms. Lisa M. Craig Dr. Leslee Keys Mr. and Mrs. Gary Creem Mr. and Mrs. Jacob H. Korngold Mr. Richard C. Crisson and Mr. Rod O’Hanley Mr. and Mrs. Peter Kramer Mr. Timothy G. Crowley Mrs. Robin Kreitler Mr. Martin Curry Ms. Michele Krohn Mrs. Sheila Daume Ms. Denice Kronau Ms. Alice I. Davies Mr. and Mrs. Edward V. Lahey, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Mark Deck Mr. and Mrs. Anthony M. Lamport Mr. and Mrs. David S. Deutsch Mr. and Mrs. Frank Langhammer, III Mr. and Mrs. Timothy Dolan Mr. and Mrs. Ernest James Lawton, III Mr. and Mrs. Robert Dowsett Ms. Sherry A. LeFevre Ms. Trudy Dujardin Mr. and Mrs. James F. Lentowski Mr. and Mrs. Lee Dunn Mr. and Mrs. Larry Levine Ms. Marsha Fader Mr. and Mrs. John Lochtefeld 89

Photo by Isabelle Hay

general Members

Ms. Mary Longacre Mrs. William A. Sevrens Mrs. Gay P. Lord Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Shaw Mr. and Mrs. William R. Lothian Mr. and Mrs. H. Brooks Smith Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Lowy Ms. Penny Snow Ms. Janet C. MacKay and Mr. Frank P. Hanlon Mr. and Mrs. Stephen L. Snow Mr. and Mrs. Angus Macleod Mr. and Mrs. Lars O. Soderberg Dr. and Mrs. Malcolm W. MacNab Ms. Mary Beth Splaine and Mr. Jack Weinhold Mr. and Mrs. Edwin B. Mahoney Dr. Robert Stanton and Ms. Mandy Noschese Mr. and Mrs. James M. Marinelli Mrs. John E. Stauffer Mr. and Mrs. Charles H. McGill, III Ms. Laura F. Stockwell Ms. Paula McLeod and Mr. Jamie Pfaff Mr. and Mrs. Baylor Stovall Mr. and Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman Mr. Jonathan C. Swain Mr. and Mrs. Edward J. Metcalf Mrs. Sandra H. Taylor Mr. and Mrs. William C. Miller IV Mr. Cameron Texter and Ms. Devon White Mr. and Mrs. Thomas M. Montgomery Mr. and Mrs. Vincent E. Todd, Jr. Mr. Matthew Morgan Mr. and Mrs. Christopher G. Tofalli Mr. and Mrs. Robert A. Olson Mr. and Mrs. James Tyler Mr. and Mrs. Harry M. Ostrander Ms. Constance Umberger Mrs. Mary Alyce Pardo Ms. Clara Urbahn Ms. Nancy Pasley Mr. and Mrs. Carlo Vittorini Mr. and Mrs. Robert S. Perlman Mr. and Mrs. Robert von Zumbusch Mr. Brian Pfeiffer Mr. and Mrs. A. Charles Walters Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Pinto Mrs. Catherine S. Ward Mr. and Mrs. Elliott Pollack Ms. Emma H. Ward Dr. and Mrs. Frank Rand Ms. Suellen Ward and Dr. Shirley F. Rayport Mr. John H. Copenhaver Mr. and Mrs. Richard Raysman Mr. and Mrs. David Webber Ms. Tara Roberts Ms. Rhoda Weinman, Esq. Mr. and Mrs. W. Steven Roethke Mr. and Mrs. Thomas A. Weinstock Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Roosevelt Mr. Stephen K. West Ms. Judith K. Rushmore Mr. and Mrs. George D. Williams Mr. J. Wood Rutter Mr. Clark B. Winter Ms. Christine C. Sanford Ms. Jill Wolfe Mr. and Mrs. John D. Schaperkotter Mr. and Mrs. P. Rhoads Zimmerman Ms. Janet Schulte † Deceased

in memoriam gifts Robert Felch, in memory of Marianne H. Felch Cameron Texter and Devon White, in memory of William Owen NPT’s membership year runs from October 1st of the prior year through September 30th of the year denoted. Every effort was made to ensure the above and following lists are complete and accurate. If an error of omission was made, please don’t hesitate to let us know by emailing us at info@ nantucketpreservation.org. Thank you. 90

program and operating grants Anonymous Challenge Grant Donor Edward H. Benenson Foundation Ernst & Elfriede Frank Foundation HalfMyDAF The Pfizer Foundation The Gilbert Verney Foundation The Judy Family Foundation The Margaret Ritchie R. Battle Family Charitable Fund Charina Foundation Community Foundation for Nantucket’s ReMain Nantucket Fund

Nantucket Preservation Trust Statement of Activities for 2019 *Delayed due to the pandemic

2019 2018 Operating revenues: Contributions 342,041 348,766 Program services 126,020 83,843 Fundraising events 66,947 55,976 Sale of goods (net of cost) 30,195 19,319 Interest & dividend income 28,279 25,654 Total operating revenues 575,482 533,558 Operating expenses: Program 407,262 314,902 Management & general 84,970 93,602 Fundraising 156,589 160,393 Total operating expenses 648,821 568,897 Change in net assets from operations



Realized & unrealized in investment gains/(losses) Change in net assets Net assets, beginning of year Net assets, end of year

71,383 (1,956) 857,245 855,289

(38,451) (73,790) 931,035 857,245


Program and event Underwriters Community Foundation for Nantucket: ReMain Nantucket Fund Mr. and Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Muhlhauser Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Pinson Silvercrest Asset Management Susan Zises Green, Inc. Mr. and Mrs. John Sussek, Jr.

Program and event leaders Ms. Mariann Berg (Hundahl) Appley Mr. and Mrs. Chris W. Armstrong Mrs. Gale H. Arnold Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Bailey, Jr. Mrs. Walter F. Ballinger, II Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Beaugrand Mr. and Mrs. Gary Beller Mr. and Mrs. Victor Boyajian Mr. Guy Bristow and Ms. Barbara Presta Mr. and Mrs. David S. J. Brown Mr. and Mrs. William C. Buck Mr. and Mrs. Donald H. Callahan Mr. John B. Carroll Mr. and Mrs. Kevin Colliton Ms. Susan Cosper and Mr. Brian Bartlett Ms. Amanda Cross Ms. Jennifer DiMartino Mr. and Mrs. Douglass N. Ellis, Jr. Mr. Michael Elzay Ms. Mary Ellen G. Ferrel and Mr. John Heaps Mr. and Mrs. Edward Greenberg Mr. and Mrs. Richard Griffith, III Mr. Peter Grua and Ms. Mary O’Connell Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Hale Herbert D. Condie Jr. Family Foundation Mr. and Mrs. Christian Hoffman Dr. Douglas Horst and Ms. Maureen Phillips Mr. and Mrs. Amos B. Hostetter, Jr. Mr. Ken Jennings and Mr. Albert S. Messina Dr. Ann L. and Mr. Charles B. Johnson Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kinsley Ms. Carolyn M. Knutson Mr. Michael Kovner and Mr. Jean Doyen de Montaillou

Mrs. Debi Lilly Mrs. Seymour G. Mandell Mr. and Mrs. Justin Merola Mr. and Mrs. Richardson T. Merriman Mr. and Mrs. William M. Moore, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. W. C. Mortenson Mr. and Mrs. Craig H. Muhlhauser Mr. and Mrs. James Paulsen Mr. and Mrs. Edward Perlman Mr. and Mrs. Samuel P. Phelan Mr. and Mrs. Harry C. Pinson Ms. Hillary Hedges-Rayport and Mr. Jeffrey F. Rayport Mr. and Mrs. Kennedy P. Richardson Mr. and Mrs. George E. Roach Ms. Janet L. Robinson Mrs. Bonnie J. Sacerdote Ms. Linda L. Saligman Mr. and Mrs. John D. Sayer Mr. and Mrs. Ross Silverstein Mr. Peter C. Steingraber Mr. and Mrs. Harris Stone Mr. and Mrs. Jordan M. Stone Mr. and Mrs. John Sussek, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Greg Swart Mr. and Mrs. Jared Tausig Mr. Garrett Thornburg Mr. Kevin Toth Mr. and Mrs. James O. Treyz Mr. and Mrs. James Wayman, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. Alexander Webb, III

Photo by Jeffrey Allen


PROGRAM AND EVENT SPONSORS Joan Albaugh Ben Larrabee Photography Studio Black Lotus Studio / Kwan Buadam Carolyn Thayer Interiors Nana’s Apron Dujardin Design Associates, Inc. East Wood Flooring Marcus Foley Front Porch Studio Nantucket Photo Art / Garth Grimmer Kathleen Hay Designs Hillary C. Anapol Weaving Studio

Weathered Nantucket / Kelley Jepson Maine & ACK HVAC Marine Home Center Robert Miklos Newburyport Bank Dale Rutherford M. Sweeney Construction, Inc. The Tile Room The Water Closet TownPool Anne Troutman Weatherly Design LLC

PROGRAM AND EVENT SUPPORTERS James Ogilvy Kathy Arvay Tom O’Shea Holly Backus Brian Pfeiffer Gussie Beaugrand Karen Pinson Rowan Blake Bill Sarni Pippa Brashear Laura F. Stockwell Lisa Craig Dr. Ben Strauss Taylor Cullen Marie and John Sussek Beth Davies Betsy Tyler Jennifer DiMartino Deborah Van der Wolk Trudy Dujardin Cathy Ward Caroline Ellis Sherre Wilson-Liljegren Emery Design Marsha Fader Nancy Forster L’Merchie Frazier Samantha and Matthew Fremont-Smith George Gray LLC, Pen Austin, and Michelle Elzay Susan Zises Green Kaaren Hale Barbara Halsted Bill Hoenk *Every effort was made to ensure the Eric Holch above and following lists are complete Morris “Marty” Hylton III and accurate. If an error of omission Ken Jennings and Al Messina was made at ­­­­press-time, Cecil Barron Jensen please don’t hesitate to let us know by Jon King emailing us at info@nantucketpreservation.org. Chuck Larson Thank you. Elise Leduc Chuck Lenhart John Lochtefeld Amy Longsworth Robert Miklos Erin Minnigan Bill Moore Vince Murphy The Museum of African American History, Boston and Nantucket Nantucket Looms 93


Become a Member of the NPT The Nantucket Preservation Trust is a nonprofit, membership-­ supported ­organization formed in 1997 whose members ­are dedicated to the p­ reservation of the island’s historic architecture.

Membership Form Name: ________________________________________________________________________________________________ Email:_________________________________________________________________________________________________ Address:_________________________________________ Summer Address:________________________________



State, Zip________________________________________ Dates at Summer Address: _______________________ Tel: (

)____________________________________ Local Tel: (


□ I want to learn about NPT volunteer opportunities.


Leadership level members receive i­nvitations to special donor events. _____$5,000




other membership _____$250



_____$25 Student Membership (valid with Student ID)

_____ Enclosed is a check made payable to the NANTUCKET PRESERVATION TRUST ______ Charge my Visa/MC/Amex #___________________________________________________Exp_______ in the amount of $_____________________Name on Card______________________________________ ______ My employer will match this gift. Please enclose gift form.

Your contribution is tax-deductible to the extent permitted by law.

nantucket preservation trust

Nantucket Preservation Trust P.O. Box 158 • Nantucket, MA • 02554 508-228-1387 www.nantucketpreservation.org 95

End Note


The Power of Local Control

our years before Nantucket’s Historic District Commission was ­created by a Special Act of the Massachusetts Legislature, Everett U. ­Crosby ­delivered an address about the value of historic preservation to the ­Nantucket Rotary Club. While delivered in 1951, Crosby’s Our Gold Mine: The Dollars Value of the Remaining Oldness of Nantucket Town, contains lessons that are valuable for us to hear today. “It is the remaining oldness of this town which [visitors and tourists] remember and describe,” Crosby wrote, “For years you and I have been walking in and about this town unconscious of or forgetful of its unique characteristics, not realizing just what they consist of and their value to us…” Indeed, those of us who live or spend a lot of time on the island might not always stop and think about the incredible preservation work that has gone on for the last century. It takes a lot of effort to maintain this timeless sense of place. Nantucket was quite forward thinking by enacting one of the earliest local ­historic districts in the country. But we can never rest on our laurels and owe it to all the preservationists who came before to keep advocating for the island’s historic structures. The Town of Nantucket hired a preservation planner in 2019, re-instated the Historical Commission, and most recently, has been recognized as a Certified Local Government by the National Park Service and Massachusetts Historical Commission. These are crucial steps to ensuring preservation is part of town planning efforts. The Nantucket Historic District Commission (HDC) has been inundated with applications for changes to historic structures and new builds this past year, with no signs of stopping. This all-volunteer board devotes a herculean number of hours to their mission. The HDC can and should deny applications that do not meet the high standards necessary to preserve the island’s unique ­characteristics. We saw this recently with the denial of the insensitive and out-of-scale addition to the Eliza Codd house at 2 Stone Alley. It is well within the HDC’s r­ esponsibility to deny demolitions of historic structures, and we hope they may feel more ­empowered to do so going forward. Nantucket is an island of international renown with many distinctions and ­designations, but it is our Local Historic District that provides the highest level of protection. npt 99

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