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North Pacific Union


NAD LAUNCHES NEW SCIENCE TEXTBOOK ho knew the evening news during spring of 2020 would be dominated W Understanding the news calls for a good science education. The North American Division Office of Education, in partnership to support student learning of real-life issues. ByDesign Biology provides a introduces students to the core tenets of both creationism and evolution in a balanced presentation. by reports with vocabulary with Kendall Hunt Religious coherent The textbook such as antibodies, virus, lipid Publishing, has developed a science explores the membranes and vaccines? timely and robust creationcurriculum flaws of the It takes many of us back to based high school biology acknowledging materialistic v science classes in school. textbook, ByDesign Biology, God as Creator. It evolutionary view of extends the origins, as well curriculum of as some of the the successful challenges Adventist posed for a elementary creationists science series worldview. produced in Larry Blackmer Larry recent years. Blackmer, This new biology textbook ByDesign Biology textbook of more than 700 pages of coordinator and former NAD quality, research-backed vice president for education, scientific information was science teacher and Idaho developed by contributing conference resident, states, “I authors, most with doctorates don’t think there’s a quality in their fields, and the Kendall balanced textbook right now Hunt Publishing team. on the market that’s creationByDesign Biology provides based. Most of the [Christian honest information on two science] texts are antiworldviews that are often at evolution with a pejorative odds: biblical creationism and message that does not provide evolutionary Darwinism. fully the picture of the Adventist Christian competing worldviews.” students entering higher This is a rigorous, current education, particularly and timely textbook that in secular colleges and establishes our faith in the universities, will be inundated belief that God is the creator with evolution as fact. and sustainer of life. ByDesign Biology provides a biblical-based worldview and Dennis Plubell, North Pacific helps them understand the Union Conference vice president for other worldviews they will education encounter. ByDesign Biology

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