Club Connection Volume 16, Issue 3

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A Publication of the National Rifle Association of America volume 16, Number 3

Inside 4 8 14 16

Camp Perry News Y.E.S: Beltway BFFs! State Association Spotlight Club News

Are Your Fall Programs In Sight?

Contents We Must Protect Our Firearm Freedoms From Foreign And Domestic Threats By David A. Keene, NRA President


2011 National Championships - Camp Perry


Refuse To Be A Victim® and Clubs



Y.E.S: Beltway BFFs!


1st Vice President

Established 1995 and published quarterly by the Field Operations Division of the National Rifle Association of America. David A. Keene James W. Porter II Allan D. Cors

ILA Update


2nd Vice President Wayne R. LaPierre

State Association’s Spotlight Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association & Kansas State Rifle Association


Executive Vice President Edward J. Land, Jr.


Wilson H. Phillips, Jr.

Club Award Program


Tax Exempt Status and Your Club


NRA Club Leadership & Development Workshop Webinar 22 Range Report


NRA Affiliated State Associations


NRA Field Representatives



Kayne Robinson

Executive Director, General Operations Chris W. Cox

Executive Director, Institute for Legislative Action NRA-affiliated clubs and associations are authorized to reproduce all or parts of this newsletter. NRA Clubs & Associations National Rifle Association Attn: Clubs & Associations 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax,VA 22030 (800) NRA – CLUB (672-2582) (703) 267-3939 fax Editors: Elizabeth Bush, National Manager Clubs, Associations, & Range Services (703) 267-1348 Son Nguyen, Marketing Manager (703) 267-1345

Are Your Fall Programs In Sight?

On Cover: Camp Perry participant

2 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

Design & layout: Melissa Betts, Marketing Coordinator (703) 267-1343

© Copyright 2011 National Rifle Association

President’s Column

By David A. Keene, NRA President

We Must Protect Our Firearm Freedoms From Foreign And Domestic Threats

As I write this, the United Nations has begun negotiating what many of its member states and supporters hope will be a comprehensive international treaty to regulate the trade in—and in many cases the private ownership of—small arms. Gun control advocates from this country have joined literally hundreds of like-minded Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) to work with international anti-gun delegates to develop a treaty that could destroy private gun ownership in this country in spite of our Second Amendment. NRA Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre has been warning American gun owners to pay attention to international attempts to gut the Second Amendment for nearly two decades and the NRA Institute for Legislative Action has been a U.N.-recognized NGO since the late nineties. This has given Second Amendment supporters a voice within the U.N. negotiations themselves and has allowed us to monitor the goings on in New York as anti-gunners meet to discuss ways in which they might strip us of our Second Amendment rights. Until fairly recently, few American

gun owners focused on Wayne’s warnings, but it has become clear in recent years that Second Amendment opponents are turning to the international community for assistance because they haven’t been able to win politically or legally here at home. We’ve managed to beat them back in Congress and in the states. We’ve prevailed at the ballot box and in the courts and thus forced our opponents to go underground at home while seeking

that in any way infringed upon the Second Amendment rights of the citizens of his country. By 2006, when the second U.N. Conference was called into session, Bolton had been named U.N. Ambassador by President George W. Bush and helped orchestrate this country’s continued opposition to an international gun control scheme that would undermine our rights under the Second Amendment to our

“Our goal is to stop them in the U.N. if we can, but to be prepared to defeat whatever they come up with in the U.S. Senate if we must”

other ways to attack our rights. The United Nations held its first “Conference on the Illicit Trade of Small Arms and Light Weapons in All Its Aspects” back in 2001. It was at this conference that Under Secretary of State John Bolton spoke in what one delegate described at the time as “a very un-U.N. like way” to warn that the United States would accept no international agreement

Constitution. President Bush appointed me that year as the U.S. “Public Delegate” to the conference where I worked with Bolton, NRA representatives and the few nations friendly to our position to stymie our opponents. But the gun grabbers are back, and this time they are dealing with an American government far friendlier to what they seek than what they confronted continued on page 5 Volume 16, Number 3 club connection l 3


amp Perry

2011 National Championships in

By Lars Dalseide

NRA Media Relations

The guns at Camp Perry have gone quiet. The range is barren, the cottages vacant, and life, as it is, has returned to normal. Primarily populated with soldiers from the Ohio National Guard, Camp Perry has become a virtual ghost town. It’s hard to imagine the hustle and bustle that filled six weeks of fighting for the National Rifle and Pistol Championship titles here between July and August of 2011. Hard, but not impossible. First thing to remember is the crowning of Philip Hemphil as the 2011 National Pistol champ. Hemphill, a ten-time NRA National Police Shooting champion and frequent top five Camp Perry Pistol finisher, beat out past national champion Jim Henderson with a score of 2632-133x. It was a long deserving win for the retired Mississippi Highway Patrol Captain. One that is sure to leave a lasting impression upon this bear of a man. “It’s mindboggling … I don’t think it’s set in yet,” said Hemphil. “Winning here at Camp Perry is winning at the Mecca of shooting.” Following Pistol was the Smallbore phase – first 3-Position and then Prone. Taking the 3-Position title was Sgt. Joseph Hein of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit. Winning his second title in three years, Hein was unable to compete in 2010 as he was slated to represent the United States in the ISSF World Shooting Championships in Germany. “Luckily, this year’s international match is the PanAmerican games in October,” said Hein. “That’s why I’m able 4 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

to shoot at Camp Perry this year.” Next to step upon the Championship stage was fellow U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit member Staff Sergeant Michael McPhail. Like Hemphil, McPhail is also a first time National Rifle & Pistol Championship winner. And again like Hemphil, he was humble in his acceptance of his win. “I’d like to thank the commander of the AMU, all the solders and support staff at AMU — coaches, other shooters, my teammates — and also the NRA and the volunteers.” said SSG McPhail. “Without the volunteers this match would never even happen.” Unfortunately, as we go to press, High Power has a few more stages to go and Long Range High Power has yet to start. At this point in the High Power phase of the competition, last year’s Long Range champ Sherri Gallagher (also a member of the U.S. Army Marksmanship Unit … coincidentally enough) trails five-time High Power champion Carl Bernosky and newcomer Rodrigo Rosa by five points with three stages left to shoot. For those who don’t know, five points is an awful lot to make up in a mere three stages. So will Carl hold on for number six or will Sherri find those five points in the next three stages? Or better yet, maybe Rodrigo will emerge along with the other first timers to claim his initial National title. For that, and the name of the 2011 Long Range winner, you’ll have to wait for the next edition of Club Connection.

Participants at Camp Perry

Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 5

Build Your Membership With The Refuse To Be A Victim® Program

By Ruthann Sprague, RTBAV Program Coordinator

With over 3,400 instructors nationwide, seminars have been presented in all 50 states, and also Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, and Trinidad and Tobago.


ould you like to bring new people into your club? Have you thought about how to reach out to the citizens in your community? Consider hosting a Refuse To Be A Victim® Seminar, the crime prevention program of the National Rifle Association. Refuse To Be A Victim® offers vital personal safety information to groups as diverse as college students, senior citizens, the physically handicapped or even community members who are not interested in the shooting sports. This program can bridge the gap, expand your membership and bring new people into the NRA family. While Refuse To Be A Victim® is a non-shooting, non-firearms class it is a wonderful avenue to educate the public about the NRA, your club or association, and provide the public with essential information for their safety.

The Refuse To Be A Victim® four-hour seminar teaches methods to promote awareness, avoid dangerous situations and prevent criminal confrontations. Experts agree that the most important factor in surviving a criminal attack is to have an overall safety strategy before you need it. Safety topics covered include home, automobile, phone, technology, travel and physical security. Participants are presented with a variety of common sense crime prevention and personal safety strategies and devices they may integrate into their daily lives. Instructors can also educate the public about current criminal scams and ploys and how to avoid them. This program was developed by the women of the NRA in 1993 in response to requests from women nationwide for crime prevention seminars and eventually became co-ed in 1997. With over 3,400 instructors nationwide, seminars have been presented in all 50 states, and also Puerto Rico, Costa Rica, and Trinidad and Tobago. Over 88,000 men and women have benefited from the program’s life saving message. There are several ways to incorporate Refuse To Be A Victim® into your club. The easiest way is to contact the NRA and have a certified instructor come to your club to present the seminar. Another way is to have a member of your club become an instructor through the Online Instructor Training Course. For more information regarding the Refuse To Be A Victim® program, please call 800-861-1166 or email For information on instructor training go to our website

6 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

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Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 7

hannele lahti

Beltway By wendy laFever

If you spend any time watching

the news, you know Washington, D.C. is our nation’s capital, but you probably don’t think of it as a particularly friendly place. To a certain extent, you’d be right to think that: To do their jobs properly, the executive branch, legislative branch and judicial branch sort of have to be at odds, to say nothing of how the political parties go on. It can get a little acrimonious. But there’s one time every year when the “Beltway”— the notorious eight-lane highway that rings our capital— becomes the place where you could meet your new best friends forever. That’s the summer day when NRA’s Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.) bus pulls into town. Sponsored by the Friends of NRA and The NRA Foundation, Y.E.S. is when 45 lucky rising juniors and seniors come from all corners of Reprinted with permission of NRA InSights magazine, October 2011 issue.

8 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3


America to converge on D.C. for an expenses-paid week of adventure. They arrive as strangers, from as far away from NRA Headquarters as Alaska, but it’s not long before they’re connecting on the most important level. Enthuses Nicole McMahon, Y.E.S. coordinator, “They’re all so different because of their cultures and their backgrounds, but it’s great to see them all come together because of their shared values and beliefs.” Their first full day began, as you might imagine, with a VIP tour of the NRA’s incredible National Firearms Museum. With tens of thousands of guns on display in constant rotation, a visitor will never see the same museum twice. Next came a gun-safety lecture and test, which is de rigueur if you’re

hannele lahti

hannele lahti

A Summiteer delivers his two-minute persuasive speech.

hannele lahti

hannele lahti

A special treat: The Summiteers met Congressman Duncan Hunter (R.-Calif.) right on the steps of the Capitol Building.

hannele lahti

FFs! Ask any Y.E.S. alumnus...the best way to experience the solemn power of the Lincoln Memorial is in person.

Shared values and goals bring Summiteers from all backgrounds together in friendship.

s y a w y n a m w o H it m m u s n io t a c u d e H t can tHe you

? e F i l r u o y e g cHan

going to be shooting a variety of firearms from the NRA’s own collection on its state-of-the-art shooting range— a perennial Y.E.S. favorite. Grinned Cassie Nufable of Los Angeles, Calif., “I loved going shooting on the NRA range. My roommate says I was talking in my sleep about it! I also really enjoyed meeting all the people that are so passionate about American history.” Many Summiteers, like Patrick Coyle of Ansonia, Conn., are used to time behind the trigger. “I have my own AR-15 rifle,” reported Patrick, “which I’ve converted from 5.56 to shoot .22 caliber. I’d suggest that combo to anybody.” However, teens interested in applying for Y.E.S. should know that experience with guns isn’t a prerequisite—just a willingness to listen and learn the rules of gun safety.

You see, part of what makes Y.E.S. so special is that it doesn’t just highlight how the American government works; it also stresses the responsibilities of citizenship. Before they arrive, the Summiteers are given a series of debate topics that they must research, defend and argue with other members of the group. It’s an exercise in mental flexibility, since the topics may or may not be in line with the students’ beliefs, and it’s a great way to learn. “This year, we got to go to Hillsdale College’s Kirby Center. It’s an educational center all about teaching American constitutionalism,” explains McMahon, “and having the debates there with the guidance of a Kirby Center professor really added a collegiate feel.” Next, the Summiteers hit the National Archives to get a firstperson peek at the actual documents that serve as a foundation l9 l9 Volume 16, Number 3 club connection Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection

i Want in!

all NRA is issuing a call for in d ste young leaders intere the 2012 making a difference for The sumit! mm Youth Education Su 1, 2012. y Jul to mit will run June 25 2-3888, 67 0) (80 To apply, please call .org. hq nra s@ ext. 1342 or email ye 2012. 1, b. Fe is Application deadline

wenDy laFeveR

Sgt. Acero gives his “recruits” the full Marine Drill Instructor experience!

wenDy laFeveR

It takes a special kind of toughness to brave Quantico’s obstacle course.

for our entire system of government. For old pieces of parchment, the Declaration of Independence and Constitution really came to life for many Summiteers. Stated Matthew Farner of Corrales, N.M., “I don’t know how to describe the way I felt when I saw the Declaration of Independence. It was just like, ‘Man, that’s George Washington’s signature!’ It was amazing.” As darkness fell, the Summiteers toured the matchless monuments of Washington, D.C., from the majestic Washington Monument, to the humbling Lincoln Memorial, to the stark, haunting Vietnam Memorial. The next day, the tour headed to Capitol Hill and the Supreme Court. You see, one of the coolest things about D.C. is that you just never know who you might see when you’re touring the sights. While visiting the Capitol building, the Summiteers were surprised to have a group of Secret Service officers quietly part their group. Which VIP was passing through? None other than our current Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton. Daniel Wendt of Denham Springs, La., summarized it pithily: “I loved seeing Congress. That was cool.” While visiting the Supreme Court, the Y.E.S group got a special treat: Although they’d only planned on touring the 10 10 ll club club connection connection ll Volume Volume 16, 16, Number Number 3 3

building and hearing a lecture about the Court, they were actually able to see the nine justices at work, and got to hear a decision on a case many people would recognize: the estate of Anna Nicole Smith, former reality TV star and would-be heir to hundreds of millions of dollars. (The court ruled against her estate.) It’s an up-close-and-personal look at the workings of our justice system that you just can’t get many other ways. Recounted Jamie Crandal of Reno, Nev., “I loved going to the Supreme Court. Just being in there, with all that marble, when all of the judges were there actually deciding cases…that was awesome.” Speaking of authenticity, the next stop on the Y.E.S. tour bus was the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History. That part of the Smithsonian was a big favorite for the Summiteers, including Barrett Young, of Anchorage, Alaska, who relates, “My favorite part so far has been seeing the historical artifacts—like the very first Star-Spangled Banner.” Theo Mikrut, Maple Park, Ill., agrees. “I really liked the pop culture exhibits,” he says. In fact, the American History Museum is so jam-packed with incredible mementoes that even after an entire afternoon, many Summiteers were wishing they’d had more time. The next morning brought with it a taste of military life Marine-style, as the Summiteers took on the Marine Corps Base Quantico. There, they were greeted at the door of the bus by a real-life drill instructor, who gave them a quick— high-decibel—lesson in how to march like a Marine. (Not to worry; no heads were shaved.) The Y.E.S. students were then treated to a demonstration of the Marine Corps’ legendary obstacle and confidence courses, as well as the Marine Corps Martial Arts Program. For many, like Patrick Gower,

hannele lahti

hannele lahti

Want more Y.E.S.? Head to to check out the InSights digital edition, complete with a video and slideshow that we can’t bring you in print!

of Bentonville, Ark., Quantico was the highlight of the Summit. “Seeing the drill instructors and learning about how the Marines are involved with the politics of the area was fascinating,” he says. Laughs Patrick, “I’m something of a military fanatic.” You don’t have to be interested in matters military to appreciate the incredible precision and talent on display at the Marine Barracks Washington (“8th and I”) parade. As day settled slowly into evening, the Summiteers watched hundreds of Marines perform intricate rifle drills and play stirring patriotic music. As the week drew to a close, lessons in citizenship and patriotism absorbed, the Y.E.S. students would have one more opportunity to show their thanks to those who had made it all possible. Saturday morning brought them to Arlington National Cemetery, where they were able to participate in a wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknowns. The solemn beauty of this ceremony, surrounded by the silence of thousands of simple white crosses, is a fitting coda to a week dedicated to celebrating the freedoms granted by our Constitution. Before they leave, however, the Summiteers have one last hurrah. At the Awards Banquet, emceed by NRA News host Cam Edwards, a record 12 Summiteers split $10,000 in scholarships. The scholarships don’t end there—an additional $20,000 will be awarded to the Y.E.S. student who best demonstrates the lessons they’ve learned in D.C. once they return back home. Whether they went home with scholarship money or not, they all went home with life’s best prize—new friends who share their values and dedication to the American way of life.

End oF WEEk

ScholarShipS: $2,000

Daniel Wendt - Denham Springs, la.


Justin-Ryan Abueg - San Ramon, Calif. Nainisha Chintalapudi - Cary, n.C. Sarah Cox - Southern Pines, n.C. Amanda Krpan - alachua, Fa. Zelphia Peterson - Rosemount, Minn.


Jarred Gillie - houston, texas Brett Jackson - american Fork, Utah Lucas Lowry - Shawnee, Kan. Ashley Olson - Shippensburg, Pa. Tyler Rea - Coppell, texas Kaley Read - Ridgecrest, Calif. l 11l 11 Volume 16, Number 3 club connection Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection

NRA-ILA The National Rifle Association Institute for Legislative Action (NRA-ILA) is the lobbying arm of the National Rifle Association and provides political and legislative support for the Second Amendment at the local, state, and federal levels. The Grassroots Division of NRA-ILA serves members of the National Rifle Association and the pro-gun community nationwide to build active and sustainable networks to ensure protection and promotion of our Second Amendment rights through political, election, and legislative-related activities. NRA-ILA’s grassroots model is based upon the principles of: Recruitment, Education, Mobilization, and Activation. Staff travels extensively throughout the country conducting

Grassroots Division

legislative and election workshops, as well as attending various events to help educate NRA members on the many important issues facing gun owners today. Staff also works to provide the most effective grassroots tools available to ensure that the message of our members is heard and recognized, as well as the preservation of our rights, now and for future generations. The NRA-ILA Grassroots Division offers various programs and materials to help you become an effective activist in your own community. Contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683) and join the frontlines in protecting and promoting the Second Amendment!

For more information on NRA-ILA and available Grassroots programs, please visit President’s Column continued from page 3 in 2001 and 2006. Bolton is no longer at the United Nations and the directions our State Department is receiving from the Obama White House are much different from those the department got from the Bush White House. We can expect a real fight in New York as the new treaty is drafted over the course of the next year. Those attending the conference know that while they may have a friend in the White House right now, anything they propose will have to make it through the U.S. Senate. Some of them may believe that, as in their own countries, our legislature will rubber stamp whatever the president requests, but the more sophisticated among them know better. Our goal is to stop them in the U.N. if we can, but to be prepared to defeat whatever they come up with in the U.S. 12 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

Senate if we must. To accomplish this, ILA Executive Director Chris Cox has increased our efforts in New York and Wayne LaPierre is making it clear to all that friends of the Second Amendment must be prepared to defend our rights against international as well as domestic enemies. Thanks to his warnings over the years, NRA members around the country know the stakes and are telling their elected officials the same thing. Meanwhile, I recently created a special International Affairs Subcommittee of the NRA Board’s Legislative Policy Committee and appointed Ambassador Bolton as its chairman. He may not be in the State Department anymore, but he’s as dedicated to preserving the Second Amendment as any NRA member and will be advising us on strategy as we confront our opponents

in this newly dangerous forum. Bolton summed up the motivations of Second Amendment opponents when he said recently, “The administration knows it cannot obtain this kind of legislation purely in a domestic context. … They will use an international agreement as an excuse to get domestically what they couldn’t otherwise.” That may be their hope, but as long as the leadership of the NRA, our four million members and more than 80 million firearm owners remain vigilant and active, they will fail once again.

Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 13

State Associatio


Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association

to kick off a new outreach program in rural Arizona Submitted By Noble C. Hathaway, President Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association

The 102 year old Arizona State Rifle and Pistol Association (ASRPA) is kicking off a brand new outreach program to help spread the joys of safe and fun sport shooting. The program, called the ASRPA RoadRunner Program, is designed to offer those interested in sport shooting a day of safety education and training with rifle and pistol. The program will be taught by NRA Certified Rifle and Pistol Instructors who will be selected by the sponsor or furnished by ASRPA if needed. During the daylong class, families will be exposed to the fundamentals of sport shooting including a thorough safety briefing and a familiarization with small-bore firearms. The students will be tested on comprehension via written, oral, and practical exercises. The successful student will leave the class with both an NRA FIRST STEPS Rifle and Pistol Certificate, a membership in ASRPA, and lots of information to continue their new love of the shooting sports. ASRPA President, Noble C. Hathaway commented on the program. “We woke up and saw a lack of support to the state’s rural areas and wanted to make sure they were getting the attention of the big cities and counties relating to safety and sporting firearms use. ASRPA

14 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

designed the program to build many new relationships with new shooters and clubs across the state and help them develop and advance to other levels of sport shooting enjoyment.” The program consists of a local sponsor who will secure classrooms and a range environment for the activities. The sponsor will also make arrangements for food, water, and safety checks relating to the facilities. The combined efforts of the sponsor, ASRPA, and NRA will help in the marketing and promotion of the events to ensure good attendance and community participation. ASRPA will furnish all firearms and safety equipment and deliver them to the city of sponsorship. “A typical scenario will consist of ASRPA delivering firearms and safety equipment to the classroom or range and have two NRA instructors waiting at the classroom ready to start the class.” Hathaway also said, “The future of sport shooting is getting the word out to families and people of all ages that shooting is fun, relaxing, and much like other sports and hobbies, can have a very positive impact on a community. We would especially like to invite those that have a negative view of firearms to attend the classes. We are out to change prejudice and bias

against firearms and the millions that use them in a legal fashion every day. I think anyone will walk away from these classes with a very positive and fresh perspective.” The ASRPA President concluded with “I personally would like to see many additional NRA instructors come out of the RoadRunner Program and hope to push for a number twice that of our present force in Arizona within a two year timeframe. The RoadRunner Program should be a catalyst to a life of service to the sport shooting community through the many resources the NRA offers. Energetic and motivated NRA instructors can be the key to growing all aspects of sport shooting.” The first RoadRunner Program event will be held October 22nd in St. Johns, Arizona (the town of friendly neighbors). The local sponsor for the event is Don Borg. You can contact him at DON BORG, P.O. BOX 263, CONCHO AZ. 85924, 928-337-4387 for more info. You can also contact ASRPA President Noble C. Hathaway, president@asrpa. com for more information on your own event along with scheduling and program contact information.

on’s Spotlight:


Kansas State Rifle Association

Submitted By Patricia Stoneking, President Kansas State Rifle Association

Kansas State Rifle Association the improvement and protection of the on opportunity to learn about and fire (KSRA) was organized in 1928 and is firearms and sport shooting industry a large variety of guns such as full auto, composed of individuals and affiliated and protection of Second Amendment highpower and smallbore rifle, shotgun, clubs. They are the official NRA State principals by encouraging and stimulating handgun and black powder. Association of Kansas and also affiliated well-qualified individual citizens to run The NRA provides grants each with the Civilian Marksmanship for public office and to take a more active year to help State Associations. KSRA Program (CMP). Membership in KSRA and effective part in governmental affairs. has taken advantage of those grants to meets qualifications for purchases from Membership with the KSRA keeps purchase office equipment and conduct CMP. KSRA is totally dedicated to the you informed of pertinent legislation and membership drives. That funding has protection and promotion of the law- Second Amendment news through our allowed KSRA to grow its membership abiding citizens constitutional guaranteed website and legislative email bulletins and have the resources necessary to right to own, bear and use firearms for and encourages and organizes grassroots manage the daily administration of the hunting, target shooting, protection of activism. KSRA has legislative lobbyists association. family, self and home, collecting and all who work with Kansas Senators and For more information, visit www. other lawful purposes. Representatives to introduce pro-gun or call (913) 608-1910. We encourage and promote hunter legislation, provide testimony at hearings, safety, marksmanship training, youth and monitor legislative activity daily. and women’s shooting programs and Every year, KSRA holds an Annual provide instruction in getting involved in Meeting and Shooting Festival. This competitive shooting. The organization event is held in different parts of the sanctions State Championships and state each year. Speakers have included sponsors state teams that represent such legendaries as Elmer Keith, Roy Kansas in the National Matches. KSRA Weatherby, P. O. Ackley, Bill Jordan, Joe has a Foundation which makes grant Foss, Wayne LaPierre, Bill Ruger, John money available to financially assist in the Lott, Jack Cashill, and John Sigler as participation and funding of all shooting well as many State Officers, Legislators, related activities. US Congressmen, and Senators. The want to thank the tens of millions of gunfestival ownershas who activelyexhibitions volunteered for pro-gun candidates and who voted. KSRAWehas a State Political Action shooting included Committee, KSRA PAC. The mission from world renowned shooters such as of the PAC is to promote and strive for Bob Munden as well as provided hands c Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 15

Is Your Club Outstanding? Apply for a 2011 NRA CLUB AWARD!

Each year the National Rifle Association recognizes outstanding clubs, state associations, youth clubs, and an individual or organization for public service. The Annual Awards program recognizes significant accomplishments achieved in areas of organization, operation, and public service rendered. The four award categories are as follows: •

Outstanding Club Award

Outstanding Youth Club Award

Outstanding State Association Award

Public Service Award

Winners are invited as an official guest to the NRA Fall Board of Directors Meeting as well as the President’s Reception. Your visit will include a trip to NRA Headquarters, allowing you to visit the National Firearms Museum and the NRA’s state-of-the-art shooting range, in addition to a driving tour highlighting some of the historic sites and places of interest in Washington, D.C. NRA covers the cost of travel expenses, meals and lodging for the award winners. All clubs are mailed an application and information packet on this program in mid-October. The deadline for submission for consideration of these awards is December 1 annually. Mail completed applications to: National Manager, Clubs & Associations National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 For more information call (800) NRA-CLUB or email To download an application visit awards.asp l club l Volume l club l Volume 1616 connection 16,16, Number 3 3 connection Number

Merrimack, New Hampshire

Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 17

Looking forward to competition“This year “It’s on of the best feelings I’ve ever had. scholarship “When I made my shot and saw everyone cheering, th opportunities making decisions College recr

Griffin High S

“great thing about the team is they’re all returning next sea

Rifle Team

“We got this, coach.” tied at 858 Shooters get 1 “Winning the state championship and coach of

“ I was ve r y proud of t he wh ole te am .” “We ma ing forward to competition“This year I set up “It’s on of the best feelings I’ve ever ha Submitted By Griffin High School Rifle Team

“When I made my shot and saw everyone

Griffin, Georgia

“We got this, coach.” Those were the words from the 2011 Griffin High Air Rifle team to their head coach, Sgt. Major Julius Lang, before their state-championship match against East Coweta on April 2 at Fort Benning in Columbus, Ga. The Griffin High Rifle Team did not disappoint, shooting its way to a 1148-1146 win over East Coweta to claim the Bears first-ever state title win in riflery. It came down to the last shot from Bears junior co-captain William Cross, who needed to shoot at least an 8 on the bullseye to tie. Cross did better than that, hitting the middle of the target for a 10 and the win. It was Griffin’s first state title victory in four tries under Lang, who’s been coaching the Griffin High Rifle Team since 1997. During Lang’s tenure, the Bears made state trips in 2002, 2003 and 2005 with a state runner-up finish in 2003. Before Lang, the Bears made state three straight years (1992-94) without a title. “The feeling I had when William hit that shot cannot be described,” said Lang, who is also Griffin’s JROTC instructor. “It’s one of the best feelings I’ve ever had, right up there with achieving my highest rank in the Army. All I could think of is that we made it. I was very proud of the whole team.” It was too bad Lang did not see the final shots — he was so nervous that he had to go outside the shooting range into the hallway as the teams were shooting. “I didn’t want the kids to see me react during their shots and get nervous too, so I stood outside and got score reports from

18 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

the parents every few minutes,” he said. But Lang was not the only one out in the hallway. East Coweta’s Rifle Coach John Skinner joined him out there as well. “Coach Skinner couldn’t bear to watch, either. He was just as nervous as I was,” Lang said. But there was no need for Lang to be nervous — his confident Bears team did what it had to do. Cross, who also won the 2011 individual state rifle title, didn’t succumb to the pressure of the moment, outshooting his friend Tyler Dayton of East Coweta to help win the team state championship. “I really felt relieved after everything was over. People were expecting me to do well, especially since I was our last shooter and I was battling Tyler neck and neck,” said Cross, who is also part of the JROTC. “When I made my shot and saw everyone cheering, that’s when I finally calmed down.” Cross said he actually did not know how many points he needed and that the score was tied at 858 when it was his turn to shoot. What made him nervous was actually falling behind in his time. Shooters get 15 minutes to shoot 10 targets and before he knew it, Cross realized he had only five minutes to shoot seven shots. “I wanted to make sure that I would shoot well, getting past the 10’s,” Cross said. “I think I waited a bit too long.” Cross eventually made his shots in time for the win, which was aided by Lang’s different coaching strategy this year than in 2003.

r I set up the team to have my most experienced shooters.”


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the year is the best way to end the season.”

ade it” Best shooters in the county will be there Griffin High state championship rifle team coach Julius Lang (left) and individual state champion William Cross pose for a photo at GHS with some of the team’s awards.

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ad.” “i wanted to make sure i’d shoot well.” cheering, that’s when I finally calmed down.” College re “This year I set up the team to have my most experienced shooters at the start and at the end and went with two others in the middle,” Lang said. “In 2003, we weren’t as experienced but my first two shooters helped us build a 15-point lead. Unfortunately, my least experienced shooters were at the end that year and we ended up losing the state title by three points to Woodward Academy.” In 2011, Griffin’s Team Captain Sara Howell got the Bears off to a great start and her teammates Ale Gonzalez and Kayla Collett kept the Bears close enough for Cross to win it at the end. Cross’ good shots and Lang’s coaching prowess enabled them to be recognized as the 2011 Rifle Athlete of the Year and the Rifle Coach of the Year by the Georgia Athletic Coaches Association. “Winning the state championship and coach of the year is the best way to end the season. It’s extremely gratifying,” Lang said. “And the great thing about this team is they’re all returning next season. The whole state will be gunning for GHS.” For Cross, riflery is something he’s been fond of since the fifth grade. His grandfather is heavily involved in shooting, so much so that when Cross got to Griffin High, he bought him his rifle and his rifle suit that shooters are required to wear. Lang knew that Cross would do well in riflery the moment he met him. He said Cross had an air of confidence about him and he felt Cross could hold his own in riflery, a sport that is

not just for ROTC members. Any student, male or female, can tryout for the rifle team, but it is mostly a female-dominated varsity sport. “I told him that my best shooters in the past have been the girls on the team and he told me that was going to change,” Lang remembered. “He’s the only male I’ve had that’s won a state gold medal.” Cross joined Heather Hayes (2003 Gold medal) as Griffin’s only individual state titlist. Jessica McClain won the Silver medal in 2003 and Howell won the Bronze medal this year. As a freshman, Cross played soccer and competed on the rifle team — leaving one spring semester sport to participate in the other. He knew he had to make a decision eventually. “I felt I was an okay soccer player, but I knew that I could do very well in riflery,” he said. “I chose the rifle team over soccer as a sophomore and haven’t looked back. I think I made the right decision.” Next for the Griffin Rifle Team is a chance to compete in the Air Rifle Junior Olympics, slated for June 23-25 in Port Clinton, Ohio at Camp Perry. Cross is definitely looking forward to that competition. “The best shooters in the country will be there, some who are nationally known,” he said. “College recruiters will also be there, so there could be a chance for scholarship opportunities.”

Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 19



By Stefan B. Tahmassebi, Deputy General Counsel, NRA

Part I. Applying for Tax Exempt Status If your club or range is not intended to be a for profit business, you should apply for tax exempt status with the IRS and your state’s tax agency. Just because your hunt or gun club is not really being run “for profit” does not mean that your club is automatically “tax exempt.” Even if your club is a non-profit organization under state law, this does not necessarily mean that your club is tax exempt under federal law. To guarantee that you will receive tax exempt treatment, you should apply for tax exempt status with the IRS and your state’s tax agency. All organizations are subject to federal income tax unless they have a specific exemption under the provision of Section 501 of the Internal Revenue Code. You start the process by filing an application for exemption with the IRS and also with your state tax agency. You can obtain the appropriate forms from the IRS and your state’s tax agency. An attorney or accountant will be able to assist in the selection of the proper exempt classification and preparation and filing of the required IRS and state documents and forms. There are different types of tax exemptions. Most shooting clubs are potentially eligible for exemption under the provisions of Section 501(c)(4) (civic leagues or organizations) or Section 501 (c)(7) (recreational clubs) of the internal Revenue Code. Most of the NRA’s affiliated clubs seek tax exempt status under Section 501(c)(4) or Section 501(c)(7).

20 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

Copyright © 2011

Section 501(c)(4) organizations must not be organized for profit and must be operated for the promotion of social welfare. This means that the organization must be primarily engaged in promoting in some way the common good and general welfare of the community. To support your club’s application for 501(c)(4) status, the club could conduct NRA hunter safety or firearms education courses, allow for sighting in days as a public service, sponsor a junior shooting club, or permit the use of the club’s shooting facilities by community groups such as the police, National Guard or Boy Scouts. If social activities will be the primary purpose of your organization, you should file for an exemption as a social and recreational club under Section 501(c)(7) of the Internal Revenue Code. Section 501(c)(7) exempts from federal income tax “[c] lubs organized for pleasure, recreation, and other nonprofitable purposes, substantially all of the activities of which are for such purposes and no part of the net earnings of which inures to the benefit of any private shareholder.” State law and regulations concerning state income taxes vary from state to state. Although a club’s exemption from federal income tax is sometimes recognized for state income tax purposes, and in some states the requirements follow the pattern of federal regulations, in others there are different criteria, and in most cases you must apply for and receive “tax exempt” status from your state tax agency also.

Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 21

NRA Clubs & Associations Initiates First Webinar The NRA kicked off its first Club Leadership & Development Workshop Webinar on July 7, 2011. The hour long webinar was hosted by Clubs, Associations and Range Services National Manager, Elizabeth Bush, along with Marketing Manager, Son Nguyen, and Marketing Coordinator, Melissa Betts. This introductory webinar focused on topics such as club affiliation benefits, reviewing club bylaws, NRA club awards, grants available for clubs, and much more! Club Leadership & Development Workshops are held across the country twice a year. With very few workshops held each year, the webinar workshop is a great way to still gain insight on the NRA Clubs program in the comfort of your own home. The best part of the webinar is that it’s free! Attendees have the ability to chat and ask questions with the hosting panelists while listening to presentations. At the conclusion of each webinar, all attendees are emailed a copy of the presentation to keep as notes to share with fellow club members and officers. This is the first of a series of many planned webinars ahead. Each webinar will feature a new topic with guest speakers who will advise and help clubs expand and succeed. For more information on future Club Leadership & Development Workshops and webinars, please visit http://www.nrahq. org/clubs/index.asp or contact us at 800-672-2582. “Like” us on Facebook and follow us on Twitter TODAY to receive the latest on NRA Clubs and Association updates!

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“Like” and follow us for the latest on club news and updates! 22 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

Wireless costs growing? Are you sure you have the best price? Let us evaluate your current carrier and mobility plan to ensure your company is getting the most bang for the buck. TBI’s strong partnership with the NRA allows us to offer this consultation at no cost to NRA members and we have saved partners an average of 35% off their mobility costs.

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West Virginia Shooting Range

Develops Nation’s First Electronic 1000 Yard Shooting Range

The Peacemaker National Training Center is a new national shooting range complex opened in the late summer of 2011. Located just west of Winchester VA, the range has purchased 12 Kongsberg Electronic Target Systems. 10 of these fully wireless and modular electronic systems will be placed on our 1000 yard rifle range, making this the nation’s first 1000 yard rifle range to run on this type of system. Peacemaker National Training Center has worked closely with the NRA for over two years to recognize the benefits of these electronic systems and has made a significant investment in what we feel to be the world’s top manufacturer. Key benefits of these systems are: 1) Allows a shooter to shoot at a special target downrange out to over 1000 yards 2) View a “Heavy Duty” monitor visible in all weather conditions, which shows the shooter and officials the precise impact of the bullet on the target 3) Instantly scores each shooters target and can be viewed in real-time over the internet 4) Eliminates the need for the manual pulling of targets down range via a pits system 5) Dramatically decreases match times and shooting relay time Peacemaker National Training Center, along with Action Target Company Inc. (a Utah Company) installed the Kongsberg Electronic Systems on August 10, 2011 and will have the systems available for use shortly thereafter. The Peacemaker National Training Center is an official NRA affiliated public and private club and will be a common spot for regional and national shooting events. The ranges, which are planned, include a 1000 yard rifle range, 16+ tactical shooting ranges, and several shotgun ranges Detailed information on the new Peacemaker National Training Center is available at: Official’s from the Peacemaker National Training Center can be reached at 304-262-1986, or at 782 Foxcroft Ave #123 Martinsburg, WV 25401.

24 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

Range Development & Operations Conference with Business Planning


OCTOBER 15-19, 2011

For more information contact us at 877-672-7264 or Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 25

Does your club have an Emergency Response Plan? NRA Basic Range Safety Officer Course


n the event of an emergency, does your club have an Emergency Response Plan? This may not seem like something you need to think about every day, but it is something you don’t want to be without when you need it. The purpose of emergency procedures are to save time, minimize confusion, and they may also reduce insurance costs. Have an emergency procedure comprised of simple, logical steps to make it easy to remember. Standardize steps and the sequence in which they are performed.

STEP 1: TAKE CHARGE OF THE SITUATION Every club should have a designated Range Safety Officer to supervise shooting activities at your range. In the event where your range does not have a Range Safety Officer, someone should be designated as the person in charge in the event of an emergency situation. Should an incident occur: • Command “Cease firing, cease firing. Unload and stay in place.” Move to the scene. • Evaluate the seriousness of the injury o Minor or major injury? (If major, call for help immediately) • Designate helpers if necessary STEP 2: CALL FOR HELP Checklist on how to make the call. • Have phone numbers or radio emergency channel on hand • Give the dispatcher necessary information: o Location o Phone number from where the call is being made o Your name o What happened o How many people injured; condition of injured o Location of people who will direct help to the scene

STEP 3: RENDER AID Training and Equipment • First-aid training and CPR are highly recommended • Contact doctor’s office for first-aid kit requirements • Aid - Determine level of care. (call for help or treat?) STEP 4: DIRECT MEDICAL HELP TO LOCATION Position one or more persons to direct the emergency vehicle: • On the main road to entrance of the facility • On the road to range • Outside the building STEP 5: TAKE NOTES (REPORTS) • • • •

Take notes on the times actions were taken Get statements from witnesses Complete form in the club SOP on incident Notify authorities if necessary

The purpose of having emergency procedures boils down to possibly saving a life. Whether an incident occurs on the range or in a parking lot, you need to have an organized response plan. Conducting emergency drills is the best way to prepare for a real emergency. You can mentally visualize going through a drill any time you want. For more information on creating an Emergency Response Plan or how to become a NRA Certified Range Safety Officer, please contact the NRA Training Department at

26 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

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Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 27

NRA - Affiliated Alabama State Rifle & Pistol Association 2244 Central Point Pkwy Birmingham, AL 35215 • Mr. James Moses, President • Mr. Ramon J. Samaniego, Jr. Secretary/Treasurer 256-534-2644

Alaska Outdoor Council, Inc. PO Box 1069 Wasilla, AK 99687 907-841-6849 • Mr. Denny Hamann, NRA Liason • Mr. Rod Arno, Executive Director

Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association PO Box 40962 Mesa, AZ 40962 623-687-4251 • Mr. Noble C. Hathaway, President • Mr. John Hard, Vice President

Arkansas Rifle & Pistol Association PO Box 272 Clarksville, AR 72830 • Mr. David Joyner, President 479-263-6665 • Mr. John Malinowski, Vice President 479-484-7898

California Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. 271 Imperial Highway, Ste 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 • Mr. Walt Mansell, President • Mr. John C. Fields, Executive Director

Colorado State Shooting Association 609 W. Littleton Blvd, Ste 206 Littleton, CO 80120 720-283-1376 • Mr. Tony Fabian, President 303-663-9339 office • Mr. David Gill, Vice President

28 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association PO Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 • Mrs. Shelly Albino, President 203-467-1150 • Mr. Randy Bieler, Director 203-272-1725

Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association PO Box 1786 Wilmington, DE 19899 302-764-6899 • Mr. John J. Thompson, President • Mr. Daniel Lindberg, Vice President 302-475-4228

Florida Sport Shooting Association, Inc. • Mr. Thomas Brusherd, President • Mr. Michael D. Langfield, Secretary

Georgia Sport Shooting Association PO Box 1733 Macon, GA 31202 478-275-2752 • Barbara Senbertrand, President • Mr. Tom E. Patton, Sec./Treasurer

Hawaii Rifle Association PO Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-2754 info line • Mr. Harvey F. Gerwig, President • Bill Richter, Secretary

Idaho State Rifle & Pistol Association PO Box 140293 Boise, ID 83714-0293 • Mr. Neill Goodfellow, President • Mr. Jon Carter, Secretary

Illinois State Rifle Association, Inc. PO Box 637 420 E. Locust Street

Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 office 815-635-3723 fax Mr. Richard Pearson, Executive Director • Mr. Don A. Moran, President

Indiana State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. c/o 7527 State Route 56 Rising Sun, IN 47040 812-534-3258 • Mr. Jerry Wehner, Executive VP • Mr. William B. Thomas, Secretary 812-948-8226

Iowa State Rifle & Pistol Association 240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-626-2710 • Mr. Bill Besgrove, Secretary • Mr. John Klopfenstein, President klopfenstein@iowastateriflepistol. org

Kansas State Rifle Association PO Box 219 Bonner Springs, KS 66012-0219 • Ms. Patricia Stoneking, President 913-667-3044 NRA Clubs & Associations • Ms. Elizabeth Brown, Secretary National Rifle Association 913-608-1910 Attn: Clubs & Associations 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax,VA 22030 League of –Kentucky (800) NRA CLUB (672-2582) Sportsmen, (703) 267-3939 fax • Mr. Bill Haycraft, President Editors: Elizabeth Bush, National Manager • Rev. Tom Cottingim, NRA Liaison Clubs, Associations, & Range Services (703) 267-1348

Louisiana Shooting Son Nguyen, Marketing Manager Association (703) 267-1345

115 Pine Ridge Rd Design &LAlayout: DeRidder, 70634 Melissa Betts, Marketing Coordinator 337-396-9650 (703) 267-1343 • Mr. Daniel Zelenka II, President • Mr. Danny Hudson, Secretary

State Associations (Maine) Pine Tree State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

Missouri Sport Shooting Association

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

• Mr. Ronald Vaillancourt, President 207-622-7989 • Mr. Angus N. Norcross, Treasurer

PO Box 10170 Columbia, MO 65205-4002 816-455-2669 816-413-0696 fax • Mr. Kevin Jamison, President • Lee Koester, Secretary/Treasurer

76 Pinon Hill Pl, NE Albuquerque, NM 87122 • Mr. Anthony Trennel, President 505-856-6574 • Ms. Karma Whelchel, Treasurer 505-872-5364

Montana Rifle & Pistol Association

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

PO Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 406-782-3450 • Mr. Jamey Williams, President • Ms. Zona Mowrer, Secretary/ Membership

PO Box 1023 Troy, NY 12181-1023 518-424-1349 518-449-1332 fax • Mr. Thomas H. King, President • Mr. Joseph P. DeBergalis, Jr., VP

Nebraska Marksmanship Association

North Carolina Rifle & Pistol Association

13105 Sky Park Drive Omaha, NE 68137 402-933-4881 • Mr. Bill J. Keil, President • Mr. W. Aaron Woehler, Secretary

P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-295-2480 • Mr. David McFarling, President • Mr. David Prest, Secretary 910-639-4742 office

Maryland State Rifle & Pistol Association 832 Bear Cabin Drive Forest Hill, MD 21050-2734 • Mr. Richard Kussman, President • Mr. Douglas Self, 1st Vice President

(Massachusetts) Gun Owners’ Action League – G.O.A.L. PO Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office 508-393-5222 fax • Mr. James Wallace, Executive Director • Mr. Jon Green, Jr., Director Training & Edu.

Michigan Rifle & Pistol Association PO Box 485 Richmond, MI 48062 586-727-1977 • Mr. Leo Cebula, President • Mr. Gary Duda, Sec./Tres.

Minnesota Rifle & Revolver Association, Inc. MRRA Secretary 4737 CR 101, Box 114 Minnetonka, MN 55345-2634 • Mr. George Minerich, President • Mr. Mark Rohmann, Membership Sec. MN_Rifle_Revolver_Assn@mynra. com

Mississippi State Firearm Owners Association PO Box 1061 McComb, MS 39649 601-249-3315 • Mr. Douglas Bowser, President • Ms. Deborah Withers, Secretary

Nevada State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. PO Box 7512 Reno, NV 89501-7512 775-762-1494 office 775-355-8088 fax • Mr. Robert E. Smith, President • Mr. Mark Geldmacher, Secretary/ Treasurer

Gun Owners of New Hampshire, Inc. P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 • Mr. Mitch Kopacz, President • Mr. Ralph Demicco, Vice President

Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, Inc. • Mr. Scott L. Bach, President • Ms. Judith Iorio, Recording Secretary

North Dakota Shooting Sports Association PO Box 228 Bismark, ND 58502-0028 • Mr. Eric Pueppke, President • Mr. James Ladwig, Vice President

Ohio Rifle & Pistol Association P.O. Box 43083 Cincinnati, OH 45243-0083 513-891-1325 • Mrs. Gwen Bailey, President • Mr. Keith V. Bailey, Secretary

Oklahoma Rifle Association P.O. Box 850602 Yukon, OK 73085-0602 • Mr. Charles Smtih, Executive Director 405-324-2450 office/fax • Mr. Rick N. Baker, Secretary 405-867-4460 x239 office/fax

Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 29

NRA-affiliated state associations Oregon State Shooting Association

Utah State Rifle & Pistol Association

• Mr. Tim Pitzer, President • Mr. Stan Pate, Vice President

4834 Van Buren Avenue Ogden, UT 84403 801-449-9763 office 801-476-8274 fax • Mr. Elwood P. Powell, President • Mr. Ralph Schamel, Vice President 801-277-4016

Pennsylvania Rifle & Pistol Association • Mr. Jack Lee, President 724-865-2597 phone/fax • Mr. James G. Johnson, Secretary

Rhode Island State Rifle & Revolver Association PO Box 8537 Cranston, RI 02920 • Ms. Gail Hogan, Secretary

Gun Owners of South Carolina PO Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 • Mr. Gerald Stoudemire, President • Ms. Peggy Bodner 803-329-8668

South Dakota Shooting Sports Association PO Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 605-428-5488 • Mr. Dan Anderson, Comm. Dir. • Mr. Tom Raines, President

Tennessee Shooting Sports Association, Inc. 6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 • Mr. Ray W. Harvey, Jr., President 615-352-3954 • Mr. Eugene Paranick, Membership Dir. www.

Texas State Rifle Association •

314 E. Highland Mall Blvd., Ste 300 Austin, TX 78752 512-615-4200 office Mr. Stephen Hall, Exec. Director 512-615-4116 office • Mr. Don Strickland, President

30 l club connection l Volume 16, Number 3

• Mr. Mark Spungin, President • Mrs. Beverly Spungin, Vice President 307-836-2188 • Mr. Roger Sebesta, Secretary/Treasurer

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc. • Mr. Clint Gray, President 802-467-8445 • Mr. Evan Hughes, Vice President

Virginia Shooting Sports Association P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848 • Mr. Lucien Charette, Executive Director • Ms. Andrea T. Smith, Secretary/ Treasurer www.myvssa.orgsa.

Washington State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. P.O. Box 382 DuPont, WA 98327 • Mr. Duane Hatch, Secretary • Mr. James Crosier, Vice President

West Virginia State Rifle & Pistol Association P.O. Box 2504 Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-5174 • Ms. Amy Tenney, Treasurer • Mr. Gary Bailey, President

Wisconsin Firearm Owners, Ranges, Clubs and Educators • Mr. Jeff Nass, President 920-687-0505 • Mr. Gary Nichols, Secretary 262-246-3317


NRA Endorsed Insurance Program Participant

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION ●Eastern Regional Director Area 1 (ME, NH, VT, N. NY) Area 2 (NY) Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, Lower NY) Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) Area 5 (Western PA) Area 6 (MD, NJ) Area 7 (DC, Western VA, WV) Area 8 (Eastern NC) Area 42 (Western NC) Area 45 (Eastern VA)

Brian Hyder VACANT Jay Rusnock Eric Bieler Kory Enck Thomas Baldrige Brian Swartz Jim Kilgore David Wells Robert Doug Merrill VACANT

276-579-9858 VACANT 845-298-7233 860-426-1478 717-689-3200 724-861-0447 973-343-2104 304-255-2916 252-456-2097 828-628-0410 VACANT

CENTRAL REGION ●Central Regional Director Area 12 (Southern OH) Area 14 (IN) Area 15 (KY) Area 17 (WI) Area 18 (Northern IL) Area 19 (MO) Area 43 (TN) Area 49 (Northern OH) Area 51 (Southern MI) Area 52 (Southern IL)

Philip Gray Bryan Hoover Steve Teutsch Larry Summarell, Jr. Scott Taetsch Michael F. Huber Gregg Pearre Mike Webb Lloyd Edwards Allan Herman Chad Franklin

740-773-4119 740-297-4255 317-946-7260 270-586-5031 715-873-3360 815-652-0033 573-761-5466 901-382-4789 419-646-3669 989-686-3013 217-536-6978

Al Hammond Dale Carwile Brad Ward Howell Lancaster Dick Kingsafer Gene Newman Chris Griffin Liz Foley Greg Stephens Jack Cannon Tom Knight

386-462-5421 864-223-9900 770-228-8218 904-388-9782 601-794-0068 205-489-1288 817-637-4574 936-273-6397 479-705-1815 325-617-4460 941-923-7676

Tom Ulik Darren DeLong Scott Lembke Tim Bacon Rick Chrisman Peter Ide Joseph Crismore David Manzer Gwen Chermack Clay Pederson

509-895-9407 405-692-8672 218-844-2000 515-576-1285 913-294-9956 505-281-6721 406-293-2498 307-746-2520 719-539-9574 701-522-9622

Brad Kruger Donna Cassity Jerald Olsen Steve Vreeland Mike Carey Daniel Wilhelm Mike Davis Jason Quick Marc Steinke Keifer Lewis Steve Wilson

907-299-0784 520-316-0620 801-317-4878 208-286-0950 541-385-9404 707-994-5877 714-368-0451 805-239-4246 719-322-4072 360-985-7749 209-847-4826

SOUTHERN REGION ●Southern Regional Director Area 9 (SC) Area 10 (GA) Area 11 (Northern FL) Area 16 (LA, Southern MS) Area 22 (AL) Area 25 (Northern TX) Area 26 (Southern TX) Area 39 (AR, Northern MS) Area 47 (Western TX) Area 48 (Southern FL) MID WEST REGION ●Mid West Regional Director Area 20 (OK) Area 21 (MN) Area 23 (IA, NE) Area 24 (KS) Area 27 (NM) Area 28 (MT) Area 29 (WY) Area 30 (CO) Area 41 (ND, SD) WESTERN REGION ●Western Regional Director Area 31 (AZ) Area 32 (S. ID, Eastern NV, UT) Area 33 (Northern ID, Eastern WA) Area 34 (HI, OR) Area 35 (Northern CA) Area 36 (Southern CA, S. NV) Area 37 (Central CA) Area 38 (AK) Area 40 (Western WA) Area 46 (E. CA, W. NV)

Volume 16, Number 3 l club connection l 31

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NRA Needs Your Updated Info To ensure that your mailing is properly sent and online listing remains up-to-date, please be sure that your club and/or business affiliation is continually updated with the NRA Clubs and Associations Department.

Club officer contact information is current each term Mailing address Phone number E-mail address

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Issuu converts static files into: digital portfolios, online yearbooks, online catalogs, digital photo albums and more. Sign up and create your flipbook.