Club Connection Volume 17, Issue 4

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A Publication of the National Rifle Association of America volume 17, Number 4


Action Pisto l Inside

4 10 14

YHEC Mid America Project NRA Action Pistol Friends of NRA :


Isaacs Challenge

A Trip of a Lifetime


table of


NRA’s Greatest Accomplishment ........................................................ By David A. Keene, NRA President YHEC Mid America Project .............................................................. Eddie Eagle at Huron Pointe ............................................................. Collegiate Shooting Sports ............................................................... NRA Action Pistol ............................................................................. Brownells/NRA Youth Ambassadors .................................................. Friends of NRA : A Trip of a Lifetime ................................................ Isaacs Challenge ................................................................................ Go the Distance - Go for Gold .......................................................... Keeping Up on Club Status ................................................................ Women on Target® .............................................................................

4 7 9 10 12 14 16 20 22 26

On Cover: Molly Smith, 13-year-old Junior Competitor is a Revolver Shooter. She is shooting the Falling Plate Event at the 2012 MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup


For further reading about “NRA Action Pistol” turn to page 10

Action Pisto l

Established 1995 and published quarterly by the Field Operations Division of the National Rifle Association of America. © Copyright 2012 National Rifle Association


Elizabeth Bush National Manager Clubs,Associations, & Range Services 703-267-1348 Son Nguyen Marketing Manager 703-267-1345

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Stephen Czarnik Marketing Coordinator 703-267-1343

(800) NRA-Club (672-2582) (703) 267-3939 fax

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road- Fairfax, VA 22030 •

President’s Column

By David A. Keene, NRA President

NRA’s Greatest Accomplishment At a recent Capitol Hill breakfast, a congressman asked what I consider the NRA’s greatest accomplishment — a simple enough question. I could have said our shiniest accomplishment was the leadership NRA provided Second Amendment supporters in the 1970s as powerful anti-gun radicals launched fierce attacks on the right to keep and bear arms, or the way NRA’s Executive Vice President Wayne LaPierre and the late Charlton Heston stood up to then-President Bill Clinton in the 1990s. Perhaps the Supreme Court victories of the last few years or the successful passage of concealed carry laws in so many states were paramount. Or consider our successful effort to prevent gun-ban activists from using the courts to put firearm manufacturers out of business. I could have, instead, cited our continuing and generally successful effort to mobilize gun owners to vote for candidates who support our Second Amendment rights and to defeat those who would strip us of those rights. On the international stage, the greatest accomplishment could be our continuing successful campaign to block the attempts to use the United Nations to undermine the rights of America’s gun owners and sportsmen. All are accomplishments worth

celebrating, but I cited none of them. Instead, today when many sense a deterioration in traditional American cultural values, NRA members have against all odds changed public attitudes toward firearm ownership, the Second Amendment and the shooting sports in truly significant ways. The anti-gun hysteria that broke out in the late 1960s and early 1970s on the left seemed for a time to have struck a chord with the American public. Poll after poll showed support for more restrictive gun laws. Politicians talked about registration and confiscation of handguns and few then would have predicted legislative and judicial victories in any future. Al Gore’s ideological and political decision to target our Second Amendment rights when he ran for President in 2000 backfired because he didn’t realize there was a real change taking place in the country; that the decades-long debate over gun rights and the Second Amendment was leading to a public consensus in favor of less rather than more restrictive firearm laws. The American people became convinced during those neverending debates that gun-ban advocates were wrong, that criminals, not guns, were the problem, that firearm ownership was not only a constitutional right, but vitally important to a free

society and that our laws should be structured to keep guns out of the hands of criminals without impinging on the rights of the rest of us. As a result of this cultural transformation, more Americans are buying, collecting, shooting and enjoying firearms than ever before. Ten years ago, very few women could be found at gun ranges and not many hunted or carried firearms. Now women are joining the NRA in increasing numbers, gun stores stock “pink” guns with specialized handbags designed to appeal to female purchasers, and more women enjoy hunting and the outdoors. A gun show organizer who puts together many of the country’s largest gun shows told me that five years ago about 8 percent of attendees were women; today, the female participation at gun shows is at 38 percent. For the first time in decades more young men and women are leaving their electronic games at home and taking to the field, high school shooting teams are forming and new forms of competition are attracting new shooters from all walks of life. When I joined the NRA Board, the NRA had about 4 million members. Yet today, 30 million Americans tell pollsters they consider themselves NRA members with continued on page 7 Volume 17, Number 4 club connection l 3

YHEC Mid America Project By Justin McDaniel, Assistant Editor,

After years of declines, the number of hunters in the United States is once again increasing. According to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (USFWS) 2011 National Survey of Fishing, Hunting, and Wildlife-Associated Recreation, the number of hunters nationwide increased by 9 percent—from 12.5 million to 13.7 million—between 2006 and 2011. During that same time period, the number of youth hunters also increased from 1.6 million to 1.8 million participants—a 13 percent jump. Similarly, between 2008 and 2009, the USFWS reported a 3.6 percent increase in hunting license sales nationally—the largest year-over-year increase since 1974. Hunting participation is once again trending upward in large part due to programs aimed at introducing kids to hunting, shooting and the outdoors. The largest and most comprehensive of these programs is NRA’s Youth Hunter Education Challenge (YHEC), which is run by the NRA Hunter Services Department. Since its inception in 1985, more than a million youngsters have learned how to hunt safely, responsibly and ethically by participating in the YHEC program. The success of the YHEC program and the role it has played in recruiting and retaining new hunters has not gone unnoticed. In 2010, Larry and Brenda Potterfield of MidwayUSA made a significant personal contribution to help the NRA expand YHEC in their home state of Missouri and the eight states that surround it: Arkansas, Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Nebraska, Oklahoma and Tennessee. “For years, Larry and Brenda Potterfield have provided visionary support for youth shooting programs through the Potterfield Family Foundation,” said Bill Poole, Director of NRA’s Education and Training Division. “The Potterfields’ personal donation to the Youth Hunter Education Challenge program represents a significant investment towards preserving the future of the shooting sports.” That donation, the single largest in the history of the YHEC program, has led to the creation of the YHEC Mid4 l club connection l Volume 17, Number 4

A young shooter receives instruction on the shotgun course at a YHEC Mid-America event in Warrensburg, Mo.

America Expansion Project. “Our goal through this initiative is to bring new hunters and shooters into the outdoors,” said Susan Hill, field coordinator for the NRA YHEC Mid-America Expansion Project. “Thanks to the generosity of Larry and Brenda Potterfield, we are reaching kids who might not otherwise have had the opportunity to learn how to hunt and shoot.” Over the past two years, Hill and the entire Hunter Services staff have logged countless hours on the phone and on the road reaching out to youth groups and helping them to run YHEC events of their own. “We work with any youth group with kids age 18 and under—it might be a church group, a Boy Scout group, a 4-H group, or a home-school group,” Hill said. “Most of the kids we’re reaching are new shooters.” Home-school groups have been especially receptive to the YHEC program, Hill said. “When I explain to them that they don’t have to approach it as a competition but as an educational experience, they are very interested and excited about the

opportunity,” she said. “Most of the time they want to pass this part of their heritage on to their kids, but they don’t know how. So we come in and we provide this opportunity for them to come together as families and shoot, and to learn about wildlife and hunting. “They are so excited about what the NRA is doing for them and how we are reaching out to them. It’s a perfect fit because their top priority is training their children.” Through the YHEC program, kids are taught how to safely handle and shoot hunting-type rifles, shotguns and muzzleloaders, as well as archery equipment. They also learn about wildlife identification, map and compass reading, and principles of wildlife conservation and hunter safety and ethics. When a new group holds an event they are guided step-by-step through the process of planning and executing a YHEC—everything from selecting a date and location for the event, to securing volunteers, to on-site set up. The NRA also provides basic supplies like ammunition, targets and archery equipment, and every participant receives a copy of NRA’s hunting reference text called The Hunters’ Guide, a T-shirt, and a certificate of participation. Hill expects to complete upwards of 75 YHEC events—reaching more than 3,000 youngsters—in her target states by the end of the year. One event in St. Louis drew 83 kids and was supported by 45 adult volunteers, plus 15 staff members from the Missouri Department of Conservation. Another event in Richmond, Ill., drew 109 kids and 62 volunteers, and an event in Buckner, Mo., was attended by 84 kids and 67 volunteers. “They are coming out,” she said. “I’ve seen time and time again the kids asking, ‘When do we get to do this again?’ They love it. A lot of times they’re talking about the next year’s program before the current one is even finished. Almost all of the groups I’ve worked with have said they want to do more YHEC events in the future, and several

The NRA provides basic materials such as ammunition and targets for groups hosting YHEC Mid-America events. Here a participant proudly displays her target from the rifle range.

group leaders have already asked about scheduling spring events.” Most importantly, the Mid-America Project is getting kids excited about hunting and shooting—and they’re continuing to hunt and shoot after the event is over. “The NRA, through this project, is introducing the outdoors, hunting and shooting to these kids, and they are loving it,” Hill said. “I had a woman last year come up to me with tears in her eyes —her son has cerebral palsy—and she thanked me over and over for bringing this program to their area because it meant so much to her son to learn to shoot. It gave him so much confidence. “I have lots of kids attending these events that want to hunt. Moms have told me, ‘I just don’t know how to start.’ Then they come and realize it’s something they can do. They can shoot. They can get a hunting license. They can provide for and protect their families. It’s such an awakening. “In March I had an event in Junction City, Kan., and a few weeks afterward I received an e-mail from a woman whose 13-year-old son was given the opportunity to shoot there, and he and his family had never handled firearms before. They weren’t anti-gun, but they were fearful. Afterwards, they went to a family gathering for Easter, and he was out shooting with some experienced shooters, and they were surprised by how good he was and asked him where he learned to shoot. He told them he learned to shoot at the NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge. His mom said they fully intend to purchase firearms and begin shooting as a family. They were so excited that they were given the opportunity to be introduced to firearms, hunting and shooting in such a non-threatening, non-intimidating environment.” In mid-September, Hill and her daughter, Tabitha, held a first-of-its kind YHEC event for youth who are dealing with special needs or disabilities, a program she hopes to replicate in the future. For the remainder of the fall, Hill will be on the road somewhere in the Midwest, helping a new group of youngsters learn the joys of hunting and shooting—a truly grassroots, on-the-ground effort to preserve our hunting heritage and pass it on to a new generation. “It all comes back to the generosity of the Potterfield family and their commitment to the growth of the YHEC program,” Hill said. “If we did not have their support, we would not be able to reach out to all of these people.” For more information about the YHEC program, please visit or call the NRA Hunter Services Department at (703) 267-1524. To learn more about the Mid-America Project or to schedule an event, please contact Hill at (816) 604-0616 (cell) or 597-3930 (office), or send an e-mail to Volume 17, Number 4 l club connection l 5

Welcome to By Melissa Betts Event Services Coordinator, Field Operations

The National Rifle Association, the nation’s leading defender of Americans’ Second Amendment rights is also home of the nation’s busiest public indoor shooting range. By 1994, the NRA had outgrown its location in downtown Washington, D.C., compelling the organization to move to Fairfax, Va., a bustling suburb directly outside of the nation’s capitol. The move allowed NRA to expand its grassroots efforts nationwide as well as offer a range as a public service to its new community. The construction of its state-of-the-art indoor shooting range began shortly after the move and was complete and open for business in 1996 grabbing national attention. Since its opening, the range has seen an assortment of “face lifts” Michael Johns, Manager of the NRA Range said, “We strive to uphold the facility with efforts of excellence. This involves incorporating high quality and modern features to allow us to maintain the safety of our visitors and keep up a top-notch range.” The staff at the NRA Range has significant pride 6 l club connection l Volume 17, Number 4

in its facility and ensures a quality experience for visitors. Johns has been a part of the range team since May 2005 and became the newly appointed Manager in late February 2012. “Being a part of this exceptional team has given me immense insight to the field and experience that I value to uphold in my new position,” shared Johns. The family-friendly facility is regularly busy six-days a week and “goes through an average of four million rounds of ammunition a year,” said Johns. The high volume of visitors coming through the range constantly has staff on their feet and considerate of being green. “We continually salvage thousands of pounds of recyclable material from the range,” said Johns. “The facility is also comprised with two independent air handling systems that expels cleaner air then the air coming in.” This modern shooting range is open to members and the general public with wheelchair accessibility and is one of the few 50-yard indoor

ranges available to the public. The range consists of 15 shooting booths, each with an automatic target retrieval system where targets can reach any distance from seven to 150 feet. The range is also comprised of a new sound baffling system and unique backstop down range permitting shooters to fire pistol calibers up to .500 S&W, rifle calibers up to and including .460 Weatherby Magnum, and shotguns with use of slugs only. All guests must complete a written NRA Range Test before granted access on the range. The test includes multiple choice and true or false questions on fundamental gun and range safety rules, as well as range operational rules. “There is more to gun and range safety than simply wearing eye and ear protection,” said Johns. “Safety is imperative at the range and we always have a range officer walking the line to ensure the safety of shooters and provide assistance.” continued on page 13

Volunteer Brings Eddie Eagle to Huron Pointe Sportsmen’s Association By Eric Lipp Manager, Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program

Children in Lenox, Michigan recently heard the lifesaving message of the National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program. Volunteers Allen and Mary Polkowski, owners of the Ultimate Protection Academy in Chesterfield, MI provided a booth at the Huron Pointe Sportsmen’s Association Heritage Days on Sunday, August 26th. A firearm accident prevention program designed for children in the Pre-K through the 3rd grade, the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program teaches children, if they find a gun, to: “STOP! Don’t Touch. Leave the Area. Tell an Adult.” Now in its 23rd year, the program has reached over 25 million children nationwide. Accidental deaths with firearms have been decreasing for decades and are currently at an all-time low among the U.S. population. Among children in the Eddie Eagle age group, fatal firearm accidents have been reduced more than 80% since the program’s nation-wide launch. NRA believes that firearm accident prevention programs such as Eddie Eagle are a significant factor in that decline. The Eddie Eagle Program relies heavily on its national grassroots network of volunteers to promote and

teach the program to communities. With the help of these volunteers, more than 26,000 schools, law enforcement agencies, and civic organizations, Eddie Eagle’s important safety message is the most widely taught gun accident prevention program in the United States. Heritage Days at the Huron Pointe Sportsmen’s Association, an NRA-Affiliated Club, is a great example of how volunteers relay Eddie Eagle’s life-saving message to their communities. Allen and Mary Polkowski have been teaching gun safety for more than a decade now. Years ago when they wanted to teach their own children about gun safety, Allen and Mary reached out to the Eddie Eagle program to request educational materials. Since then, they have been offering the Eddie Eagle program in their gun training facility, the Ultimate Protection Academy, as well as bringing the program out into the community. Mary said that she has gotten many compliments on the Eddie Eagle program, and that the program opens up communication between parents and children about gun safety. She says that the program is a good way to start kids out right and teach

them how to be safe well before they are even old enough to learn proper gun handling techniques. At Huron Pointe Sportsmen’s Association’s Heritage Days they spoke to about 100 children, and they offer monthly Eddie Eagle gun safety classes at the Ultimate Protection Agency. They can be reached at (586) 286-SAFE. Huron Pointe Sportsmen’s Association 17th Annual Heritage Days was a wonderful opportunity for families to enjoy various outdoor activities in an educational as well as safe setting. They offered activities such as fly tying, t-shirt painting, historical interpreters, animal encounters, archery, and, of course, the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program.

President’s Column continued from page 3 millions more saying they look to the NRA for leadership and guidance on firearm issues. Exit pollsters asked voters during the Wisconsin gubernatorial recall election earlier this year if they “support the goals and principles of the National Rifle Association.” Forty-five percent of all those voting answered yes! Another poll of voters nationwide revealed that a majority of all households headed by a man or

woman over 30 years of age are “gunowning households” and that gun owners are more than willing to vote to protect their rights. Our greatest accomplishment has been to make guns “cool.” Anyone who thinks gun owners are a bunch of “bitter clingers” is making a huge mistake; today there are more gun enthusiasts in this country than ever in our history … and our numbers continue to grow.

When I finished my breakfast remarks that morning I was approached by a young lady who is interning for a congressman. “You’re right,” she said, “guns are cool. At our sorority we all go to the range every Friday to shoot and most of us have concealed carry permits.” Just so.

Volume 17, Number 4 l club connection l 7

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Learn More About NRA Collegiate & School Programs!

NRA Intercollegiate



NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Championships

The purpose of the NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Championships is to determine the National Collegiate Individual and Team Champions in NRA Intercollegiate Free Pistol, Standard Pistol, Open Air Pistol, Women’s Air Pistol and Women’s Sport Pistol. Qualifications for an invitation to the Championships are determined from scores fired in the annual NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Sectionals held throughout the U.S. between January and February. The Championships attract competitors and schools nationwide. Over 100 competitors annually compete in the championships.

Invitations to the NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Championships To be eligible for participation in the NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Championships a shooter must be a regularly enrolled undergraduate student who complies with the eligibility rules of his/her institution and NRA rule 2.8.

The top thirty ranking individuals and top ten teams are invited. Teams qualifying in two of the three team events may participate in all three team events in order to compete for national aggregate March 10-15 • Ft. Benning, GA championship for awards only. The top fifteen ranking women are invited to compete for the title of Women’s Collegiate Air Pistol National Champion and Women’s Collegiate Sport Pistol National Champion. The top five teams in Women’s Air Pistol and Women’s Sport Pistol will be invited to the Championships. ROTC teams will be invited in Standard Pistol granted enough participate in the Intercollegiate Pistol Sectionals. NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championships

2 0 1 3

The purpose of the NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championship is to determine the National Collegiate Individual and Team Champions in the NRA Club Division in Air Rifle and Smallbore Rifle. Qualifications for an invitation to the Championship are determined from scores fired annually in the NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Sectionals held throughout the U.S. between January and February. The Championships attract competitors and schools nationwide.

Invitations to the NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championships

To be eligible for participation in the NRA Intercollegiate Pistol Championships a shooter must be a regularly enrolled undergraduate student who complies with the eligibility rules of his/her institution and NRA rule 2.8. The top ten ranking teams and the top thirty ranking individuals in each event in the NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Sectionals are invited to compete in the NRA Intercollegiate Rifle Club Championship. Teams qualifying in one of the two team events may participate in both team events in order to compete for national aggregate championship awards only.

Fort Benning Georgia March 15-17

ROTC Teams and Individuals will be invited in both disciplines granted enough participate in the Intercollegiate Rifle Sectionals.

Click Here to go to the NRA Collegiate & Schools Website! For more Information, contact the NRA Collegiate & School Programs Department at 703-267-1473, or 703-267-1484 or email:

How to run an


Action Pisto l Competition

By Damien Orsinger Pistol Pogram Coordinator, Competitive Shooting Div.

Do you want to see competitive pistol competitions started at your local club? Do you know how to use the Internet? If you answered yes to both of these questions, then you should be running NRA Action Pistol competitions at your club or a club near you! Registering for an NRA Action Pistol competition, as well as all other disciplines offered by the NRA Competitive Shooting Division, has never been easier. All you have to do is go to this link tournaments/ and follow the steps provided. That’s how easy it is to get your tournament officially registered and sanctioned by the NRA. If you do not have an NRA Certified Range Safety Officer at your club, you can call the NRA Training Department at 703-267-1430 to find an NRA certified instructor near you. You might be saying to yourself, “Well that sounds easy, but what about actually setting up the range and physically running the competition? Don’t I need a lot of staff to help run it and don’t I have to have a nice new state-of-the-art range?” The answer is no. You can run an NRA Action Pistol competition on any pistol range. If you have a range with at least a 15 yard shooting distance, you can run a few 10 l club connection l Volume 17, Number 4

of the approved NRA Action Pistol courses of fire (COF). Your options for COF will increase depending on the length of your range. The Moving Target Event, where you shoot at a running target that moves 60 feet in 6 seconds (10 feet per second) is the only COF that requires a motor of some sort to conduct the event. All other events can be run using NRA AP-1 targets ( and basic metal target stands commonly used in IDPA and USPSA. You can purchase high quality Falling Plate Racks from Action Target Company (http://www.actiontarget. com/) at a very reasonable price. Action Target is the official target sponsor of the MidwayUSA & NRA Bianchi Cup (sometimes referred to as the NRA Action Pistol National Championship). If you have any questions regarding NRA Action Pistol competitions or how to conduct one at your club, please call the Pistol Program Coordinator at 703.267.1478 or email We are happy to assist you in any way possible in order to grow the sport of NRA Action Pistol!

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Volume 17, Number 4 l club connection l 11

Clockwise from top left: National Rifle Association: Dillon Ward 19, Nacogdoches, TX USA Shooting: McKenna Dahl 16, Arlington, WA National High School Rodeo Association: Dallas Beshears 17, Gilbert, AZ


Boy Scouts of America: Maxson Boyd 16, Austin, TX Royal Rangers: Christobal “Cris” Herrera 17, Lafeyette, LA BSA’s Venturing: Ryan Mitchell 20, Grapevine, TX


Brownells/NRA Ambassadors By Claudia Olsen Youth Co-Op Program Coordinator

The Brownells/NRA National Youth Shooting Sports Ambassador Program is an opportunity for our Co-op youth organization to showcase their Shooting Sports program and the quality of youth that are members of their organization. It also gives a youth’s prospective of the shooting sports. Our youth group partners, Boy Scouts of America, National High School Rodeo Association, Royal Rangers, Venturing (BSA) and USA Shooting are given the opportunity to select the outstanding youth from their organization to represent them. If you are a member of one of these youth groups and meet the criteria, please contact your organization directly to apply for this program. The NRA’s Ambassador is selected from the top three finalist of the Brownells/NRA Outstanding Youth Achievement Award. Youth that are interested must be: 12 l club connection l Volume 17, Number 4

• At least 16 years old and no older than 21 years. • Able to travel one week in mid January to Las Vegas to attend the SHOT Show and one week in late April or early May to attend the National Rifle Association’s Annual Meetings • Successful public speaker • Enjoy writing articles • Active in a Youth Program that promotes Shooting Sports For additional requirements, please check locally with your respective youth organization for details. To apply with your youth organization co-op youth organization partners please contact:

Boy Scouts of America and BSA Venturing contact: National High School Rodeo Assoc.: Royal Rangers: To apply for the Outstanding Achievement Youth Award please visit: If you have questions about the Brownells/NRA Ambassador Program please contact

continued from page 6 The facility also serves as an educational forum to the public. Offering courses such as NRA Basic Firearm Training, junior shooting programs, NRA Instructor Training Courses, shooting clinics, and many others, the NRA Range makes strong efforts to meet the needs of the public year round. Three times a week, local law enforcement groups and government agencies gather at the range for training. Neighboring and corporate groups also find reason to visit the nationally known range for an enjoyable team bonding exercise. “Individuals from around the area of various types have all made an appearance here,” said Johns. “I’ve even seen birthday parties hosted for an afternoon on the firing line.” For those waiting for their turn on the range, an event board is prominently displayed in the lobby. Adorn with a monthly event calendar and a plethora of various services, Johns sums up this board to be a “market for instruction” for visitors. “With the high traffic of guests coming through the facility, we want to keep everyone up-to-date with what’s going on,” said Johns.

Customer Service Specialist, Debbie Crews, has been with the NRA Range for over a year and has creatively developed relations with others in the metropolitan area. Crews reflects on one particular project that stands out among the rest; hosting a “Day at the NRA” for amputee patients from Walter Reed and Fort Belvoir hospitals. Crews teamed up with Project Enduring Pride, a nonprofit that arranges outings and fun events for the wounded who have just returned from overseas. The “Day at the NRA” was arranged for these soldiers and their families for an outing at NRA Headquarters that started off with lunch at the NRA Café, a guided tour at the museum, and a grand finale’ of several hours at the range including a full-auto fire. “Being at the range with these wounded participants was a humbling experience,” shared Crews. “These wounded soldiers have not held a firearm since being injured overseas, so giving them an opportunity to do so again in a fun, supportive environment at the NRA was simply amazing to be a part of.”

“Its experiences such as these that make the NRA Range a special place,” said Johns. Crewes adds, “Being able to reach out to others in the community and host events like a ‘Day at the NRA,’ makes me proud to work for this organization.” Among a lengthy list of accomplishments at the range, Johns further shared his proudest; the amount of first time shooters who come in on the weekend. With an average percentage of around 60 percent cycling through, Johns states, “the range has truly become a positive asset to its community.” Attendance continues to blossom with the relationships built at the range. The welcoming environment leaves visitors eager to return along with their friends. “I’ve been truly blessed with the generous and professional staff,” said Johns. “Nobody wants to attend an unfriendly, unsafe place and the hospitable employees at the range putting the needs of guests first have created the family-friendly reputation we are proud to call our own.” Volume 17, Number 4 l club connection l 13

By Melissa Betts Event Services Coordinator, Field Operations

Mark your calendars! The Friends of NRA TV show is back in January 2013 with its third action-packed season on Outdoor Channel. Featuring co-hosts, Matt and Jessie, the upcoming new season follows the dynamic duo as they hit the open road leading them to new places and new friends.

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he upcoming season guarantees a variety of new adventures as Matt and Jessie explore the efforts of the fastest growing fundraising organization in the shooting sports industry. The pair expanded their travel miles as they journeyed to places like Missouri, for the 20th Anniversary of the Friends of NRA program, North Carolina, to tour the facilities of Legacy Quest, Alabama, for the Wildlife Federation Cook-off, Hawaii, for a special sheep hunt, and even traveling out of the country for the first time to Brazil and Argentina. “The most amazing thing about our job is seeing the positive impact the Friends program is making all over,” said Jessie. “Matt and I thoroughly enjoy meeting all the volunteers who do so much for this program.” Friends of NRA had plenty to celebrate this past year in honor of its 20th Anniversary. Bringing the celebration back to its birth place in Missouri, Matt and Jessie got to join in on the commemoration in Columbia, Mo at the 20th Anniversary banquet. “It was amazing to see where it all started,” said Jessie. Friends of NRA banquets are “not just about raising the dollar,” said Matt. “It’s about bringing people together for what they believe in and encouraging them to stand up and fight for the Second Amendment.” As they continued their journey in Missouri, they stopped in at the NRA Annual Meetings in St. Louis. In a packed convention hall with a plethora of activities to indulge in, Matt and Jessie made their way to the National NRA Foundation Banquet which recognizes the Friends of NRA Volunteers of the Year. The pair had a special treat up their sleeves to present one of the recognized recipients with a turkey hunt in nearby Hannibal, Mo. Southern Region volunteers, Jeremie and Stephanie Wallace from Georgia were the lucky couple and Matt and Jessie were thrilled to spend some oneon-one time with a few special individuals who selflessly volunteer their time and efforts to Friends of NRA. “It’s nice spending time with Volunteers who are so passionate about the Friends program,” said Matt. In their travels across the country, Matt and Jessie got to see what America’s youth was up to in the shooting sports. With each group of kids Matt and Jessie met up with, they observed first-handedly how Friends of NRA is making a huge difference. Trailing south along the Appalachian Mountains, Matt journeyed solo to Chattanooga, Tenn., where he met up with the Soddy Daisy


shooting team comprised of talented teenagers. “The range facilities for this group were on the verge of shutting down until funding was received from NRA grants,” said Matt. “Now these kids have a steady place to practice and can move on to the collegiate level as they continue their education and love of the shooting sports in college.” Providing for America’s youth across the country is a main objective of the program. “The Friends of NRA program is 20 years old with $400 million in, and that just means there are that many more kids out there getting involved in the shooting sports, that many more ranges being built, that much more safety being taught and that much more fun being had in communities,” shared Kyle Weaver, NRA Executive Director of General Operations. Matt and Jessie were elated when presented with the opportunity to travel to Argentina and Brazil to dove hunt with TV sponsor Taurus. “We’ve seen the positive impact the Friends of NRA program is having in North America. But we felt so lucky to be invited by Taurus to see the shooting sports on a global level,” said Matt. “It was really neat to see the culture of the country everywhere you went,” said Jessie. “This is something Matt and I won’t forget.” Upon arriving in Argentina, Matt and Jessie met up with Mark Kresser, President and CEO of Taurus. The three took in a 3 day dove hunt where competition brewed between Matt and Jessie. When the weather finally cleared on their last day of the hunt, Kresser started a friendly shoot off competition to see who could shoot the most doves throughout the day. In the midst of the competition, Matt discovered a frog that he gave to Jessie as a peace offering. As Jessie was distracted playing with the frog, Matt took her gun and kept knocking down birds. She finally caught on to his ply and was beside herself. “He was dropping them left and right so I couldn’t be too upset with him,” said Jessie. “Jessie initiates most of the competitions on our trips. It was nice to show her up during our dove hunt,” said Matt. From a cook-off in Alabama, to a bet on a 2013 Merchandise Package item’s success throughout the year, there is plenty of friendly rivalry and excitement from this duo in Season 3. Be sure to catch all the action of Friends of NRA TV: Season 3 on The Outdoor Channel every Sunday at 10:00 PM EST starting in January. This is one season you won’t want to miss!

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2012 Isaacs Challenge By Samantha Olsen Youth Co-Op Group Program Coordinator

The Isaacs Challenge has been made possible by the generous donation from the Isaacs family to The NRA Foundation. The Isaacs Challenge Program is designed to encourage individuals to expand their shooting experience and clubs to expand their shooting programs, by providing incentive to shoot in several different shooting events in the Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program. There are both individual and NRA club awards within the Isaacs Challenge Program. There is an award rifle for the individual who achieves the most Distinguished Expert (DE) ratings in a single calendar year in the individual award category. Some individuals will also receive the Isaacs Challenge Certificate for each person who achieves three or more Distinguished Expert ratings also in a calendar year. This year there was a four way tie between Joseph Cummings, Jackie Bastine, Cynthia Wright, and Eric Hoskins, all of whom have earned 16 l club connection l Volume 17, Number 4

three Distinguished Expert Ratings. The 2011 Henry Award Rifle will go to Joseph Cummings for completing his three Distinguished Expert medals before the others. Jackie Bastine, Cynthia Wright and Eric Hoskins will receive the Isaacs Challenge Certificate for their efforts The Isaacs Challenge’s NRA Club Award is for NRA Clubs that have the most Distinguished Expert ratings earned in one of three categories: rifle, pistol or shotgun in a calendar year. “Achieving proficiency in marksmanship is an achievement. Achieving multiple distinguished expert statuses is a credit to commitment, skill and focus. Those of us that pursue that multiple distinguished expert goal, elevate themselves, shooting sports and firearm ownership to a highly respected level both here in the USA and around the free world. It sets a standard we invite all marksmen to pursue and find their own “personal best”. - Jonathan Isaacs

2011 Isaacs Challenge’s NRA Club Award Rifles go to: • Rifle and pistol category winner is Centennial State Shooting Club in Aurora, Colorado with 16 Pistol DEs and six Rifle DEs. Shotgun category • Angels Gun Club, Angels Camp, California with 11 DEs Individual Winners:: • Joseph Cummings Rifle 9/24/2011 Shotgun 3/15/2011 Pistol 3/15/2011 • Jackie Bastine Rifle 7/20/2011 Shotgun 5/6/2011 Pistol 8/3/2011 • Cynthia Wright Rifle 6/4/2011 Pistol 9/24/2011 Handgun 5/26/2011 • Eric Hoskins Rifle 9/14/2011 Shotgun 10/22/2011 Pistol 7/2/2011

By Suzanne Anglewicz ILA Grassroots-Political & Legislative Action

The dust is still settling from Tuesday’s voting, but one thing is clear: NRA-ILA’s 2012 election effort was one of the most sophisticated and targeted endeavors in our history. Though President Obama was able to secure a second term, pro-gun voters did turn out to the polls in significant numbers, making the difference in several down-ballot races and ballot measures. Prior to Tuesday, our country had an anti-gun president, a questionable U.S. Senate majority, and a pro-gun U.S. House majority. Today, America still has an anti-gun president, questionable U.S. Senate majority, and pro-gun U.S. House majority. As Ronald Reagan once famously said:

“Status Quo is, you know, Latin

Voters in Idaho, Kentucky, and Nebraska passed meaningful right to hunt constitutional amendments. We hired 25 Campaign Field Representatives in 13 battleground states, who in turn marshaled thousands of volunteers, who participated in precinct walks, volunteer phone banks, and marshaled support at gun shows. Fred Barnes, executive editor of the Weekly Standard, singled out the NRA’s work in a coalition of organizations as having “put together a massive GOTV effort focused on swing voters in key states” which “averaged 1.8 million phone calls per day in recent days.” In the races in which a CFR was deployed, we were victorious 70% of the time.

U.S. Senate

Nine of NRA-PVF’s 20 endorsed U.S. Senate candidates won their races (Arizona, Mississippi, Nebraska, Nevada, Tennessee, Texas, Utah, West Virginia, and Wyoming). In addition, we saw pro-gun upgrades in Indiana, Here is a breakdown of other North Dakota and New Mexico. results from Tuesday’s contests: The only pro-gun downgrade was in Virginia. We won a significant pro-Second

for the mess

we’re in.”

Amendment constitutional amendment in Louisiana. Louisiana now has the strongest state constitutional protection of the right to keep and bear arms in the country. We will use this as a template to pass similar constitutional amendments wherever we can. This amendment was approved by a 74% majority.

U.S. House

Of the 270 candidates endorsed by the NRA-PVF for the U.S. House, 225 were victorious, for a winning percentage of 83%. As of this writing, eight House races remain too close to call.

Gubernatorial & State Legislatures

Of the nine gubernatorial candidates endorsed by the NRA-PVF, five were victorious (North Dakota, Indiana, Utah, Vermont, and West Virginia). Gains were also made in many state legislative races, although we also suffered some disappointing losses as well, notably in Colorado and New York. While disappointing, it is important to remember that President Obama did not win reelection because he is anti-gun and Governor Romney did not lose because he ran as pro-gun. Make no mistake, with Obama’s reelection, we face a perilous four years when it comes to the future of our Second Amendment rights. There will be battles ahead, and NRA members and their fellow gun owners must remain vigilant. We must let our representatives, both Democrat and Republican, know one thing: We expect our Second Amendment rights to be respected. Like you, NRA will remain totally focused on fighting the good fight to ensure our Second Amendment rights remain intact. We want to thank all of the gun owners who volunteered for pro-gun candidates, sacrificed their time, and contributed their hard-earned money in support of the Second Amendment. Your efforts and sacrifices are truly irreplaceable, and we are profoundly grateful that you were “All In” on November 6th.

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Protecting Your Gun Club or Business

NRA-endorsed insurance policies designed specifically for NRA affiliates. No one likes to deal with insurance, but it could mean the difference between saving or losing your business or club. The NRA has made finding an insurance plan designed specifically to meet your needs a simple task by offering the NRA Endorsed Insurance Program that is administered by Lockton Risk Services. The program was developed exclusively for NRA Business Alliance and Club Affiliates and currently insures over 8,000 clubs and 2,500 firearm businesses. As the only insurance program endorsed by the NRA, the program understands the nature of your business and the coverages you need to be properly insured. The program offers a broad range of insurance products, whether its basic coverage for your club’s firearms or million dollar liability coverage for your retail operation. The NRA Endorsed Insurance Program offers one-source for your insurance including Property, General Liability, Business Auto (auto in select states) and more. One of the key elements in your club’s success is its protection if someone is injured. That means securing a liability insurance policy. Because clubs are involved in a potentially dangerous activity, concerns about liability should be a priority for not only the club, but the landowner as well. Despite how well the club promotes safety, accidents including guest members and the club will happen. The NRA program includes coverage for various situations. Club activities occurring away from the club: Coverage is not restricted to activities held just at the club premises like other policies. Whether it’s attending a shooting competition at another club, participating in a fundraiser, or other normal club activities that occur away from the club premises, your club is covered.

Coverage for club activities that are conducted in other states: General liability coverage applies in the coverage territory which includes the U.S. and its territories, Puerto Rico and Canada. Worldwide coverage applies for an insured, whose home is in the coverage territory, while away for a short time on your business. The policy excludes any premises used for the purpose of holding one or more gun or firearm shows. These can be insured separately. Coverage for club member: Coverage includes club members as insureds. This means an individual member, as well as the club, would be defended for allegations of negligence relating to club activities. Coverage for guests: One of the most common questions is how guests are covered. Remember that members are insureds on the clubs policy; guests are not given the same treatment. A common scenario would be if a guest is using your range and causes injury or damage to someone or something else. In these types of cases, the guest is named in the complaint and, since it happened on club grounds, the club is also named. In this example, the club has protection for the guests actions, but the guest is not covered under the clubs policy. The same would hold true for a trespasser that is injured on club property. The club has coverage, the trespasser does not. Medical Payments: The general liability policy has a sub-limit of $5,000 for Medical Payments per person regardless of whether or not an injury is the result of an accident caused by the club’s negligence. Recently made available for online purchase, the NRA Endorsed Insurance Program offers a simple solution for insuring your Hunt Club. The Limited Liability Coverage is designed for clubs that need liability

coverage for the landowner and hunt club, but only covers operations on the designated premises. Broad Liability Coverage is also available for clubs who may need coverage off the designated premises. Developed exclusively for NRA Business Alliance Members, the NRA Endorsed Insurance Program’s business insurance package is designed to cover the risks of doing business in the firearm industry. Whether you sell and service firearms or operate a commercial shooting range, there is a customized package based on the insurance needs of your business. The NRA’s program offers affordable property and liability coverage for a broad range of businesses, including: Gun Stores, FFL Holders, Gun Ranges, Firearm Instruction Businesses, Guides and Outfitters and Gunsmiths. The NRA Endorsed Insurance Program also offers individual property and casualty products including ArmsCare Firearms Insurance, Gun Collectors Coverage, Excess Personal Liability, Firearms Instructors Insurance, Gun Show Liability, and Self-Defense Coverage. For more information on these coverages, or to learn how to properly insure your club or business, visiting the website at or get a free quote by calling a representative at (877) NRA-3006. NRA Endorsed Property & Casualty Insurance Program Administered by Lockton Risk Services, Inc. All coverage descriptions are a summary and not complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions and conditions in the master policy on file at NRA Headquarters. NRA Member dues or contributions are not used for this promotion, program or any other related expenses. Volume 17, Number 4 l club connection l 19

GO the Distance... Go for By Son Nguyen

Marketing Manager, Clubs & Associations

The NRA offers special recognition by awarding Gold Medal status to NRA affiliated organizations that promote and support the purposes, objectives, policies, and programs of the NRA. Each year numerous organizations apply to achieve the Gold Medal status; an honor presented to clubs that meet the five specific criteria. • Be a 100% NRA Club • Have a club newsletter • Belong to the NRA State Association of your state • Have administered, or currently incorporate an NRA Youth Program within the club’s agenda • Actively participate in NRA’s Membership Recruiting Program Clubs that meet the criteria above will be awarded a plaque along with an inscribed bar pertaining to the awarded year. Current Gold Medal clubs are encouraged to renew their status each year and will continue 20 l club connection l Volume 17, Number 4


to receive an inscribed bar for each renewed year that follows. Becoming a Gold Medal club is a superior status every club should strive for each year. Clubs are granted this award for its continual participation at the club level and are honored for their great efforts and support to the NRA. This elite status will also give clubs a higher preference of standing when applying for an NRA Range Grant. The Forks Rifle Club in Grand Forks, ND has been a continuous NRA Gold Medal club over the past 6 years. “Maintaining NRA Gold Medal status helps the Forks Rifle Club both directly and indirectly. First, by requiring individual NRA memberships, it helps the NRA continue the battle to protect our Second Amendment rights. The club requirement provides an incentive for individuals to become members and maintain their NRA memberships,

which otherwise might be overlooked. Secondly, it helps the club qualify for NRA Range Development Grants, which help the club improve its facilities. That in turn helps the club attract more members, so everyone benefits”, said Tom Reiten, Secretary-Treasurer. Clubs continue to make every effort in gaining an advanced standing upon others, and having the Gold Medal Club status is superlative for NRA Clubs to maintain. The annual deadline for the NRA Gold Medal Awards is February 15. Applications will be mailed out to all NRA affiliated clubs that have given proof of 100% NRA Membership in the month of December. To access the application online, please go to http:// For more information please contact the NRA Clubs & Associations department at 1-800-672-2582 or email us at

Matinecock Rod &GunClub The Matinecock Rod and Gun Club of Glen Cove, NY recently hosted their first NRA Women On Target® event at their clubhouse and the Glen Cove Pistol Range. 55 women received several hours of classroom instruction on firearms safety and marksmanship under the instruction of NRA Women’s Instructor Jackie Emslie. “We wanted to host a quality program for local women, so we asked Jackie if she would come to Glen Cove and teach the program. She was incredible. The response in attendance and reviews is something our club should be proud of.” said Club President Jimmy Oates. The day started out with breakfast and was immediately fol-

lowed by classroom instruction which included a Power Point presentation, firearm handling safety, loading and unloading, and marksmanship. “The classroom instruction is designed to give the women enough information and firearms handling time, so that by the time they get to the range they are more than comfortable.” said Jackie Emslie. The women were served lunch after the classroom portion of the program and were shuttled to the Glen Cove Range. “By the time they arrived at the range they were ready to go”, said Vice President and firing line instructor John Grella. “It was impressive how much they all knew and it was fun to

By Brian Pemberton

see them shoot quality shots on each target. They were so proud of their performance on the firing line that some began to score their targets.” The Matinecock Rod and Gun Club will be hosting future programs for women in an effort to increase firearm safety and to introduce them to the shooting sports. “Women are the fastest growing segment of the population who are purchasing firearms.” said Program Coordinator Brian Pemberton. “We at the Matinecock Rod and Club will continue to provide these programs and promote their training in safety and marksmanship”.

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4 Ways to Make Sure Your Organization Stays Current on Membership with the NRA

Keeping up with primary contact information is a key element in maintaining your membership with the NRA. Communication between organizations and the NRA become interrupted when the we are not properly notified that there is or was an update to the primary contact person. Out dated bits of information such as the names, addresses, emails, and phone numbers all create a barrier between an organization and the NRA. Without up to date contact information, clubs and businesses alike stand to miss out on promotional deals, and new benefits as well as not receiving renewal invoices. Have multiple contacts play active roles in your organization. The more informed your members are, the more likely they will be diligent record keepers and take ownership of their positions. Often times a club has one officer that takes upon all the responsibilities within the organization. If that officer 22 l club connection l Volume 17, Number 4

steps down one day or is no longer with affiliated with the club, valuable information and records could be lost. It is especially important to have a successor ready to step into the leadership role and notify the NRA of a new contact. There have been instances where mail and email gets sent to the incorrect address. This miscommunication sometimes leaves a club’s membership expired for several years without them knowing. Affiliated clubs are sent a renewal invoice every month where they have the opportunity to update their contact information. It is important at that time to notify us if any sort of contact information has changed. Make sure to verify the address provided is able to receive mail. We receive a lot of returned mail due to a closed PO Box, no mailbox available, or the address is just an intersection where the outdoor range is. Even when the information is correct,

it is important to make sure everything written is legible. Specifically, phone numbers and emails need to be legible. If these are clear, then at least we can get ahold of someone to verify other criteria. The easiest way to reach the NRA Clubs & Associations department is to call our 800-hotline or email. You will be able review your information, make updates, renew, or get advice. Feel free to contact us at 1-800-NRA-Club or We thank you for your support. Sincerely, Stephen Czarnik Clubs & Associations

Club Leadership & Development Webinar Series All Webinars are broadcast on Thursdays at 1:00pm Eastern Standard Time

January 10, 2013 February 7, 2013 March 21, 2013 May 30, 2013 July 18, 2013 August 22, 2013 September 26, 2013 November 7, 2013

NRA Youth Education Summit NRA Endorsed Merchant Services NRA Day Media Relations So you want to open a range ‌ NRA Endorsed Insurance NRA Collegiate Shooting/NRA Club Champion Program Membership Recruitment and Retention

Missed the last club webinar? Go to www. to view it now. If you have questions, or would like more information, please contact us at (800) NRA-CLUB (672-2582) or by email at


The Great Lot Sportsman’s Club located in upstate New York in the Town of Lewis was recently awarded a grant from the National Rifle Association in the amount of $2,244. The grant was for the construction of a shooting pavilion with benches. This will be open to the public once complete. On Columbus Day weekend, 15 former military veterans from the Air

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Force and Army donated their time and fought the elements to help build the pavilion. This grant will give sportsmen and sportswomen that don’t have a safe place to shoot or target practice somewhere to go and do just that. Club President, Guy Case, stated “I believe this grant will also help the Great Lot Sportsman’s Club grow after the construction of the shooting pavil-

ion due to the increased use by the public and community groups.” The Great Lot Sportsman’s Club is a member of the NYSRPA, NRA affiliated and a three year NRA Gold Medal Club Award winner. For more information on upcoming events, contact Guy Case at 315-378-7592.

NRA Range Grants

are keeping America’s Ranges Open! By Elizabeth Bush National Manager, Clubs & Associations/Range Services

The National Rifle Association has awarded over $95,000 to 22 ranges this year for the purpose of facility improvements with focus on safety related projects through the NRA Range Loan Endowment Grant program. Since this range grant program’s inception in 2000, over 288 ranges have received over $859,000 in grants to help keep their facilities open. Applicants must be a 100% NRA membership NRA-Affiliated Club, with preference given to Gold Medal Clubs. This Range Grant program is limited to $5,000 per applicant per year, and the deadline for submission is August 1 annually. Applications may be submitted online at http://www. after May 1.

For public range facilities, NRA also hosts a Public Range Fund Grant program, a matching program of up to $25,000, for City, County, State, and Federal agencies with the primary focus of building shooting ranges available for public use. Applications are available year round for this program by visiting . Since inception in 2009, this program has provided over $590,000 to 26 qualifying public range projects. Additional range improvement grants are available to all qualifying clubs and ranges through The NRA Foundation by contacting your local NRA Field Representative and by visiting for application and deadline information.

Since 1994, The NRA Foundation program has helped to improve over 2,191 ranges with over $11.3 million in grants. With all grant programs combined, that’s an impressive total of over $12.7 million that has gone towards the development and improvement of shooting ranges across the United States. NRA is doing our part to help preserve America’s ranges so that all firearm owners have a place to shoot and exercise their Second Amendment rights! Know a range that could use NRA’s help? For more information, please contact us at (877) NRA RANGE (672-7264) or email us at

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Women on Target® Pistol

Shooting Clinic a big hit in Illinois By Kristen Monroe The Illinois State Rifle Association has done it again. Richard Pearson, Executive Director of the ISRA spent another Saturday successfully educating 34 ladies at the Women on Target Pistol® Shooting Clinic. Pearson has been teaching all women shooting classes since 1990 and has taught approximately 3,000 ladies since then. Luckily, he has several NRA instructors willing to donate their time to assist him at the ISRA range located in Bonfield, IL. Pearson said, “Every human is born with two fears in life, loud noises and falling.” People often fear what they don’t understand or lack knowledge in. Picking up a handgun can be intimidating and it’s the job of the class instructors to eliminate the distress with education and fun”. What makes the class most enjoyable are the instructors way of teaching, not preaching. Pearson’s right hand man Kevin Monk, a highly experienced NRA instructor, did a great job of mixing humor with the lessons. “I am not suggesting that learning safety and the internal mechanics of a gun isn’t incredibly fascinating; but the humor sure did help keep the attention of the class”. Half the battle was over after being taught gun jargon and safety. After learning basic shooting fundamentals, the class took to the range to put the new found knowledge to the test.

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Many ladies were shooting a handgun for their first time like Carol Horak. Before the class Horak was very apprehensive about shooting. She actually had a little anxiety attack before it was her turn to shoot. After the education and some one-on-one attention at the range with Pearson, she was ready to shoot. Her groupings were pretty tight. According to Horak, Pearson stressed the idea of accuracy over speed. “It’s not how fast you miss the target but how slow you hit it,” he said. Starting off slow with a .22 semi-automatic was the best option; only firing one round then taking a step back and talking with the instructors. By the end of the class all the students were loading the gun and shooting off as many rounds as they were given. All of the women walked off the firing range with big smiles. If there were three words to describe the look on their faces they would be, I did it! The class attendees all had different reasons for being there. Some were there because they had guns in the house, and they felt it was a wise decision to know about how to use a gun. One lady was retired and simply wanted it off her “Bucket list.” And some women just wanted a means to protect themselves. Now they can.

Trust Your Ears to SoundGear Whether you’re in the woods or on the range, hearing clearly is key to communication, success and your safety. Yet the competing need to simultaneously protect your hearing from the deafening sound of muzzle blasts has — until now — created a unique noise management challenge. SoundGear Electronic Hearing Protection changes all that.

Instant. Digital. Incredible. • Up to 8X high definition sound enhancement over traditional hearing protection products

• Switchless operation — comes optimized to work in any setting

• Noise Reduction Rating (NRR) of 25 dB

• So small that it will not interfere with how you hold, aim and point your gun

• Packaged as a set to optimize environmental scanning from all angles

• Easy to wear under a winter hat or mask during chilly fall and winter seasons

Visit and use coupon code NRA2012 to get $200 off the purchase price of a set of SoundGear.

“If you like to shoot firearms, you need to protect your hearing. Whether it’s safety at the range or success in the field, sound matters.” Wayne LaPierre Executive Vice President & CEO, National Rifle Association

Volume 17, Number 4 l club connection l 27

© 2012 All Rights Reserved. 11/12 TJAD0153-01-EE-XX

Alabama State Rifle & Pistol Association

NRA Affiliated

• Mr. James Moses, President 256-5347968 • Mr. Ramon J. Samaniego, Jr. Secretary/Treasurer 256-534-2644

Alaska Outdoor Council, Inc. PO Box 87-1069 Wasilla, AK 99687 907-841-6849 • Mr. Rod Arno, Executive Director

Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association

PO Box 74424 New River, AZ 85087 623-687-4251 • Mr. Noble C. Hathaway, President 623-6874251 • Mr. Ed Roberts, Vice President 480-694-5090

Arkansas Rifle & Pistol Association

PO Box 2348 Conway, AR 72033 501-327-4702 • Mr. David Joyner, President 479-263-6665 • Ms. Ann Fairless, Sec./Treas.

California Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

• Mr. Silvio M. Montanarella, President 951-736-0156 • Mr. John C. Fields, Executive Director 714-992-2772

Colorado State Shooting Association 609 W. Littleton Blvd, Ste 206 Littleton, CO 80120 720-283-1376 • Mr. Tony Fabian, President 303-663-9339 office • Mr. David Gill, Vice President 303-378-8608

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Connecticut State Rifle & Revolver Association PO Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 • Mr. Brad Palmer, President 860-480-4600 • Mr. Randy Bieler, Director 203-272-1725

Delaware State Sportsmen’s Association PO Box 1786 Wilmington, DE 19899 • Mr. Daniel Lindberg, Vice President 302-475-4228 • Mr. Daniel Lindberg, Vice President 302-475-4228

Florida Sport Shooting Association, Inc. PO Box 65353 Orange Park, FL 32065 407-701-1030 • Mr. Al Dart, Secretary • Mr. Robert Stokes, President

Georgia Sport Shooting Association

PO Box 1733 Macon, GA 31202 478-955-7068 • Barbara Senbertrand, President • Mr. Tom E. Patton, Sec./Treasurer

Hawaii Rifle Association

PO Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-2754 info line • Mr. Harvey F. Gerwig, President • Bill Richter, Secretary

Idaho State Rifle & Pistol Association • Mr. Neill Goodfellow, President • Mr. Jon Carter, Secretary

Illinois State Rifle Association, Inc.

PO Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 office 815-635-3723 fax • Mr. Richard Pearson, Exec. Dir. • Mr. Donald A. Moran, President

Indiana State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

c/o 7527 State Route 56 Rising Sun, IN 47040 812-534-3258 • Mr. Jerry Wehner, Executive VP • Mr. William B. Thomas, Secretary 812-948-8226

Iowa State Rifle & Pistol Association

240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-626-2710 • Mr. Bill Besgrove, Secretary • Mr. John Klopfenstein, President

Kansas State Rifle Association PO Box 219 Bonner Springs, KS 66012-0219 • Ms. Patricia Stoneking, President 913-667-3044 • Ms. Elizabeth Brown, Secretary 913-608-1910

League of Kentucky Sportsmen, Inc.

2500 Handy’s Bend Road Wilmore, KY 40390 859-858-0135 • Rev. Tom Cottingim, NRA Liaison • Mr. Mark Nethery, President

Louisiana Shooting Association

350 Quill Court Slidell, LA 70461 985-781-4174 • Mr. Daniel Zelenka II, President • Mr. Danny Hudson, Secretary

State Associations

(Maine) Pine Tree State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. • Mr. Ronald Vaillancourt, President • Mr. Angus N. Norcross, Treasurer

Maryland State Rifle & Pistol Association • Mr. Richard Kussman, President • Mr. Douglas Self, 1st Vice President

(Massachusetts) Gun Owners’ Action League – G.O.A.L.

PO Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 508-393-5333 office 508-393-5222 fax • Mr. James Wallace, Executive Director • Mr. Jon Green, Jr., Dir. Training & Edu.

Michigan Rifle & Pistol Association PO Box 530637 Livonia, MI 48153-0637 • Mr. Leo Cebula, President • Mr. Gary Duda, Sec./Tres.

Minnesota Rifle & Revolver Association, Inc. MRRA Secretary 4737 CR 101, Box 114 Minnetonka, MN 55345-2634 • Mr. George Minerich, President

Mississippi State Firearm Owners Association

• Mr. Douglas Bowser, President • Ms. Deborah Withers, Secretary

Missouri Sport Shooting Association

PO Box 10170 Columbia, MO 65205-4002 573-449-2849 • Lee Koester, Secretary/Treasurer • Mr. Kevin Jamison, President

Montana Rifle & Pistol Association

New York State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc.

Nebraska Marksmanship Association

North Carolina Rifle & Pistol Association

PO Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 406-782-3450 • Mr. Jamey Williams, President • Ms. Zona Mowrer, Sec./Membership

13105 Sky Park Drive Omaha, NE 68137 402-933-4881 • Mr. Bill J. Keil, President • Mr. W. Aaron Woehler, Secretary

Nevada Firearms Coalition 5575 Simmons St, Ste I-176 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 • Mr. Don Turner, President • Mrs. Megan Ferrante, Secretary

Gun Owners of New Hampshire, Inc.

P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 (GO-NH) • Mr. Mitch Kopacz, President • Mr. Ralph Demicco, Vice President

Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs, Inc. 5 Sicomac Road, Suite 292 North Haledon, NJ 07508 • Mr. Scott L. Bach, President • Ms. Kathy Chatterton, Exec. VP

New Mexico Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

PO Box 30850 Albuquerque, NM 87190-0850 505-856-6574 • Mr. Ed Dresner, President • Mr. Ken Laintz, Membership Secretary

90 S. Swan Street, Suite 395 Albany, NY 12210 510-272-2654 • Mr. Tom H. King, President • Mr. Joseph P. DeBergalis, Jr., VP

P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-295-7220 • Mr. David McFarling, President • Mr. David Prest, Membership Sec. 910-639-4742 office

North Dakota Shooting Sports Association

PO Box 228 Bismark, ND 58502-0028 • Mr. Rick Jorgenson, Exec. Director • Mr. James Ladwig, President

Ohio Rifle & Pistol Association P.O. Box 43083 Cincinnati, OH 45243-0083 513-891-1325 • Ms. Gwen Bailey, President • Mr. Keith V. Bailey, Secretary

Oklahoma Rifle Association

P.O. Box 850927 Yukon, OK 73085-0927 405-324-8498 • Mr. Charles Smith, Executive Director 405-324-2450 office/fax • Mr. Rick N. Baker, Secretary 405-867-4460 x239 office/fax

Oregon State Shooting Association

• Mr. Tim Pitzer, Vice President • Mr. Stan Pate, President

Volume 17, Number 4 l club connection l 29

NRA-affiliated state associations Cont’d Pennsylvania Rifle & Pistol Association • Mr. Jack Lee, President 724-865-2597 phone/fax • Mrs. Becky Dutra, Secretary

Rhode Island State Rifle & Revolver Association PO Box 10177 Cranston, RI 02910 • Mrs. Gail Hogan, Secretary • Mr. Charles Hawkins, President

Gun Owners of South Carolina PO Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 • Mr. Gerald Stoudemire, President • Ms. Peggy Bodner

South Dakota Shooting Sports Association PO Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 605-428-5488 • Mr. Dan Anderson, Comm. Dir. • Mr. Tom Raines, President

Tennessee Shooting Sports Association, Inc.

6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 • Dr. Ray Harvey, President 615-352-3954 • Mr. Eugene Paranick, Membership Dir. www.

Texas State Rifle Association 314 E. Highland Mall Blvd., Ste 300 Austin, TX 78752 512-615-4116 office • Mr. Stephen Hall, Exec. Director • Mr. Robert Butler, President

Utah State Rifle & Pistol Association


4834 Van Buren Avenue Ogden, UT 84403 801-449-9763 office 801-476-8274 fax • Mr. Elwood P. Powell, President • Mr. Ralph Schamel, Vice President

PO Box 94 Guernsey, WY 82214 • Mr. Mark Spungin, President • Mr. Roger Sebesta, Secretary/Treasurer

Vermont Federation of Sportsmen’s Clubs, Inc.

PO Box 225 Lyndonville, VT 05851 • Mr. Clint Gray, President • Mr. Evan Hughes, VP/NRA Liason

Virginia Shooting Sports Association

P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848 • Mr. Lucien Charette, Executive Director • Ms. Andrea T. Smith, Sec./Treas. www.myvssa.orgsa.

Washington State Rifle & Pistol Association, Inc. P.O. Box 382 DuPont, WA 98327 • Mr. Duane Hatch, Secretary • Mr. James Crosier, President

West Virginia State Rifle & Pistol Association P.O. Box 2504 Buckhannon, WV 26201 304-472-5174 • Ms. Amy Tenney, Treasurer • Mr. Gary Bailey, President

WISCONSIN FIREARM OWNERS, RANGES, CLUBS & EDUCATORS • Mr. Jeff Nass, President 920-687-0505 • Mr. Gary Nichols, Secretary 262-246-3317

NRA Endorsed Insurance Program Participant 30 l club connection l Volume 17, Number 4

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION Eastern Regional Director Brian Hyder 276-579-9828 Area 1 (ME, NH, VT) Lauralee Pearson 207-375-5143 Area 2 (NY) Jay Rusnock 845-298-7233 Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, Lower NY) Louis Fico 914-337-0196 Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) Kory Enck 717-689-3200 Area 5 (Western PA) Thomas Baldrige 724-861-0447 Area 6 (MD, NJ) VACANT ---------------Area 7 (DC, Western VA, WV) Jim Kilgore 304-255-2916 Area 8 (Eastern NC) Lloyd Edwards 919-776-0922 Area 42 (Western NC) Robert Doug Merrill 828-628-0410 Area 45 (Eastern VA) David Wells 434-696-2189 CENTRAL REGION Central Regional Director Chad Franklin 217-536-6978 Area 12 (Southern OH) Bryan Hoover 740-297-4255 Area 14 (IN) John Crone 317-837-5673 Area 15 (KY) John LaRowe 859-363-7681 Area 17 (WI) Scott Taetsch 715-873-3360 Area 18 (Northern IL) Michael F. Huber 815-652-0033 Area 19 (MO) Gregg Pearre 573-761-5466 Area 43 (TN) Mike Webb 901-382-4789 Area 49 (Northern OH) Marc Peugeot 419-636-3171 Area 51 (MI) Allan Herman 989-686-3013 Area 52 (Southern IL) Donald Higgs 217-720-4424 SOUTHERN REGION Southern Regional Director Al Hammond 386-462-5421 Area 9 (SC) Dale Carwile 864-223-9900 Area 10 (GA) Brad Ward 770-228-8218 Area 11 (Northern FL) VACANT ---------------Area 16 (LA, Southern MS) Dick Kingsafer 601-794-0068 Area 22 (AL) Gene Newman 205-489-1288 Area 25 (Northern TX) Chris Griffin 817-441-7700 936-273-6397 Area 26 (Southern TX) Liz Foley Area 39 (AR) Greg Stephens 479-705-1815 Area 47 (Western TX) Jack Cannon 325-617-4460 Area 48 (Southern FL) Tom Knight 941-748-7676 MID WEST REGION Mid West Regional Director Tom Ulik 507-993-1824 Area 20 (OK) Darren DeLong 405-692-8672 Area 21 (MN) Scott Lembke 218-844-2000 Area 23 (IA, NE) Tim Bacon 515-576-1285 Area 24 (KS) Rick Chrisman 913-294-9956 Area 27 (NM) Peter Ide 505-281-6721 Area 28 (MT) Joseph Crismore 406-293-2498 Area 29 (WY) David Manzer 307-746-2520 Area 30 (CO) Gwen Chermack 719-539-9574 Area 41 (ND, SD) Clay Pederson 701-522-9622 WESTERN REGION Western Regional Director Brad Kruger 208-305-0945 Area 31 (AZ) VACANT ---------------Area 32 (Eastern NV, UT) John Kendall 435-652-3062 Area 33 (ID) Steve Vreeland 208-286-0950 Area 34 (HI, OR) Mike Carey 541-385-9404 Area 35 (Northern CA) Daniel Wilhelm 707-994-5877 Area 36 (S. CA, S. NV) Mike Davis 714-368-0451 Area 37 (Central CA) Jason Quick 805-239-4246 Area 38 (AK) Chris Peters 907-222-3998 Area 40 (Western WA) Keifer Lewis 360-985-7749 Area 46 (E. CA, W. NV) Steve Wilson 209-847-4826 Area 50 (Mid California) Bob Anderson 209-723-0233 Volume 17, Number 4 l club connection l 31

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Club Connection National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030

Range Development and Operations Conference The NRA Range Development & Operations Conference is designed to educate potential and current range owners and operators in identifying potential problems associated with range development, environmental issues, and safety. Join us at one of next year’s conferences by visiting http://www.nrahq. org/shootingrange/development.asp or call (877) NRA RANGE.

2013 Conference Schedule

April 7-10 Sept. 29- Oct. 2

Denver, CO Fairfax,VA

** Check back in March 2013 for information on the launch of our NEW Online Range Conference**

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