Club Connection Volume 16 Issue 1

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INSIDE 4 8 20 24

Friends of NRA TV NRA Annual Meeting Club News Business News

NRA Foundation Grants make everyone a winner

Contents Come Experience Freedom in Pittsburg! By Ronald L. Schmeits, NRA President


Friends of NRA TV


ANJRPC Helps Local Sheriff continue Eddie Eagle


NRA Annual Meeting: Clubs & Associations Workshop


Ronald L. Schmeits

NRA ILA Update


Range Report


SPECIAL: USA Shooting Pull-Out Poster

Established 1995 and published quarterly by the Field Operations Division of the National Rifle Association of America.


State Association Spotlight New Mexico Shooting Sports Association


Club News


Business News


NRA Affiliated State Associations



David A. Keene

1st Vice President James W. Porter II

2nd Vice President

Wayne R. LaPierre

Executive Vice President Edward J. Land, Jr.

Secretary Wilson H. Phillips, Jr.


Kayne Robinson

Executive Director, General Operations Chris W. Cox

Executive Director, Institute for Legislative Action NRA-affiliated clubs and associations are authorized to reproduce all or parts of this newsletter. NRA Clubs & Associations

NRA Field Representatives


National Rifle Association Attn: Clubs & Associations 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax,VA 22030 (800) NRA – CLUB (672-2582) (703) 267-3939 fax Editors: Elizabeth Bush, National Manager Clubs, Associations, & Range Services (703) 267-1348 Son Nguyen, Marketing Manager (703) 267-1345 Design & layout: Melissa Betts, Marketing Coordinator (703) 267-1343

On Cover: Stillwater Firearms Association Pin Match, October 2, 2010 Super Unlimited Division Winners (left to right): 1st Place Scott Duncan, Fernley, NV; 2nd Place Steve Brackney, Winnemucca, NV; 3rd place Rodel Samonte, Fallon, NV. 2 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

© Copyright 2011 National Rifle Association

President’s Column

Come Experience Freedom In

Pittsburgh! By Ronald L. Schmeits, NRA President

We’re about two months away from convening in Pittsburgh, April 29-May 1, for the most exciting event on NRA’s calendar, our Annual Meetings & Exhibits. As always, a cast of stars will be on hand to entertain and enlighten. This year, Mike Huckabee, Michael Reagan, Jeff Foxworthy and Ted Nugent will be taking the stage on Saturday and Sunday. That same stage, in years past, has brought you the president and vice president of the United States, senators, governors, military leaders, top policy makers and awardwinning musicians. It’s brought you “from my cold, dead hands.” And it’s brought many a sleepless night to freedom’s enemies. But perhaps what’s most important is what you’ve brought to the stage: a passion for freedom from the grassroots level that, even in America, knows no equal. That passion draws leaders from our nation’s highest levels year after year. They come to see you and pay their respects to a grassroots movement that predates us all—and they leave inspired. That’s not the expectation at most other stops on the speaking circuit. But anyone who stands behind our podium in Pittsburgh this year will look out at tens of thousands of freedom’s greatest allies and see this nation’s heartbeat, steady and stirring with pride. They’ll see exactly what the Founding Fathers envisioned: Americans from all walks of life and every corner of the country coming together to celebrate and protect the precious liberty that unites us. And they’ll be reminded that power in this nation is not confined to the White House or Capitol Hill—it’s ours, so long as we continue to exercise it. Because while freedom has a number of more overt enemies, its most dangerous is apathy. As long as American liberties are exercised, they’ll never fall prey to the pack of gunbanners and anti-freedom extremists.

And every year, NRA members do just that. That’s what makes the Annual Meetings so special to me, and it’s why our nation’s leaders always want to make an appearance. Because their audience is filled with America’s greatest patriots—people like you, who refuse to sit idly by and entrust our country to those who don’t respect it. Come join me in Pittsburgh. We’ll celebrate both our firearm freedom and those who’ve made an active commitment to its defense. And while you’re there, I think you’ll find much to enjoy. The Exhibit Hall will play host to acres of the absolute latest firearms and hunting equipment for you to browse and sample, and representatives from nearly every manufacturer will be available to answer your questions. Not only is it one of the year’s greatest gun shows, it’s free for NRA members to enter!

“... celebrate both our firearm freedom and those who’ve made an active commitment to its defense.” I strongly encourage you to attend the Annual Meeting of Members on Saturday morning, where you can participate in the official business of our Association. You’ll hear firsthand from our Association’s officers about the challenges that lie ahead, and we’ll discuss strategies to meet those assaults head-on. The Celebration of American Values Freedom Experience, truly the weekend’s can’t-miss event, takes place Saturday night. Following opening remarks by my friends Wayne LaPierre and Chris W. Cox, comedian Jeff Foxworthy will have you rolling in your seats, former Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee will continued on page 13 Volume 16, Number 1l CLUB CONNECTION l 3

Friends of NRA

Tune In On The Most Tuned-In Show On Shooting By Amber Niblock Shorter, Event Services Coordinator Friends of NRA


ormer MLB baseball player and current television personality of the wildly-popular Buck Commander series, Matt Duff, teams up with world-class shooter and all-American girl, Jessie Abbate, for a brand new series unlike any other on the air waves. Traveling coast to coast, Duff and Abbate unveil one of NRA’s best kept secrets— the multi-million dollar, grassroots fundraising movement making up the heart of the shooting world— Friends of NRA. Every year, thousands of individuals and local businesses take charge of the nation’s shooting future by raising money through the ever-expansive Friends of NRA program, helping provide millions in grants for youth shooting teams, building shooting ranges, and implementing educational and training firearm programs. But the dynamic duo won’t just be attending Friends of NRA banquets; they’ll uncover every aspect of the shooting world inside and outside of Friends of NRA. “The show is about Friends of NRA, but it’s also covers everything NRA,” said Kyle Weaver, Managing Director of 4 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

NRA’s Field Operations Division and an Executive Producer of the new series. “Friends of NRA is really just the vehicle for the show. It exposes people to the rest of the NRA that they’ve never seen and known before and shows them what the real NRA and its program are all about. It is all of the NRA, brought to you by Friends of NRA.” Whether it be going behind the scenes at leading firearm-related enterprises, showcasing the world’s topnotch shooters and competitions, or introducing America to the unsung heroes who work everyday to keep shooting traditions alive— viewers never know what Duff and Abbate will uncover next about the unseen facets of the shooting sphere. The first season of Friends of NRA Presented by Brunton premiered the first Sunday in January on the Outdoor Channel. The episode line-up is jam-packed with fun and engaging accounts by Abbate and Duff, including a recent Texas hunt with two of NRA’s Youth Education Summit participants, a friendly-round of competitions by the alwaysdueling co-hosts at NRA’s Whittington Center, and a surprise

appearance by the two at the 2010 NRA Annual Meetings. “I get to travel all over the country, getting to do what I love the most- shooting, hunting, fishing, hanging out with friends and meeting new people— and all in the name of Friends of NRA,” said Abbate. “I love it!” The ever-smiling and lighthearted Abbate lights up on and off the camera as she talks about Friends of NRA. Exposing America to the Friends of NRA program is not only a passion of hers, but has become a deep-rooted way of life. “I am truly proud to say that I am an NRA member and a Friend of NRA,” said Abbate. “It doesn’t get any better than this.” “This is a passion for people,” Duff concurs. “People from all over the country work countless hours just to promote this organization; it is a really awesome thing to be a part of.” Together, Duff and Abbate are an electric pair; they’re back-and-forth commentary and wily sense of humor lends the show a playful energy that is both entertaining and engaging to watch unfold. The two really epitomize what Friends of NRA is all about— fun and fellowship. “The idea behind doing this type of show is that hopefully it will get more people interested in finding out about our program and eventually prompt more people to get involved,” said Weaver. “Matt and Jessie are going to give us a great face for the Friends of NRA program.” Behind the scenes is the award-winning Warm Springs Production Company and Executive Producer Marc Pierce along with a stand-out television crew led by seasoned Director, Producer, and Photographer David Abbott. The quality of both the show’s cutting-edge filming and editing techniques is indicative of the enthralling experience for which the first-rate outdoor and reality television producers are known. Airing every Sunday on the Outdoor Channel, 10:30 PM Eastern Time, Friends of NRA Presented by Brunton is already on its way to being an instantaneous hit. Nowhere else but with Friends of NRA will audiences be able to watch one series covering so many sides of the shooting industry. America will tune in to the most tuned-in show on shooting and finally get a taste of what really keeps our firearm industries and traditions thriving. Watch as Matt Duff and Jessie Abbate lead the way and introduce the world to Friends of NRA. There’s more to the NRA than meets the eye, and Friends of NRA TV hits all the marks. Get a jump start on Friends of NRA TV- enter the Friends of NRA X-Ring by visiting “”, becoming an official fan at facebook. com/XRingTV and following Matt and Jessie on Twitter at

Photos of Friends of NRA hosts, Matt Duff and Jessie Abbate

Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 5

Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs help local Sheriff continue Eddie Eagle

Eddie Eagle with Morris County, New Jersey Sherriff

There is a deep and abiding connection between law enforcement and the Second Amendment.

By Eric Lipp, Program Manager Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program


he Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program relies on a lot of great people in order to reach thousands of children each year with its important safety message. These folks range from police officers, teachers and guidance councilors, social workers, civic groups, and average citizens who choose to be Eddie Eagle volunteers. These groups and individuals do everything from teaching and promoting Eddie Eagle programs in local school or daycares, to raising money to support Eddie Eagle materials for their area. One group who has recently made a tremendous impact in their state is the Association of New Jersey Rifle and Pistol Clubs (ANJRPC). The ANJRPC recently donated $2,650 to pay for a brand new Eddie Eagle mascot costume for the Morris County Sheriff’s Office in New Jersey. The Morris County Sheriff’ Office has been using the program for a very long time and received their first Eddie Eagle mascot costume back in 2001. Well after many years and visits with lots of Morris County youth their costume was simply getting worn out. When the ANJRPC found this out they quickly volunteered to try and help the sheriff’s office obtain a new Eddie Eagle costume. Morris County, New Jersey Sheriff, Edward Rochford, is one of the few openly pro-Second Amendment sheriffs in the 6 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

Garden State. The Sheriff’s Office has long supported and implemented the Eddie Eagle gun safety program, despite operating in a part of the country that can be hostile to the Second Amendment and any program supported by NRA. When the ANJRPC learned that the Sheriff’s Office had used its Eddie Eagle mascot costume so much that it had become badly worn and needed to be replaced, ANJRPC and its charitable foundation raised the funds necessary to replace it. “There is a deep and abiding connection between law enforcement and the Second Amendment,” said ANJRPC president Scott Bach. “It is incumbent on all of us to support the message of firearms safety and freedom among law enforcement wherever and whenever we can. We are proud to support the efforts of Sheriff Rochford to deliver the Eddie Eagle gun safety message to the youths who need to hear it most,” said Bach. Within a month, ANJRPC had come up with the $2,650 to order a new costume and in December of 2010 the Morris County Sheriff’s Office received their new Eddie Eagle mascot costume. We truly thank the ANJRPC for their support of the Morris County Sheriff’s Office and their efforts to provide the Eddie Eagle program to the children in their community.

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NRA of the many topics covered at the NRA Clubs & Associations Workshop

9 a.m.-12 p.m.

The NRA Clubs Workshop will feature a panel of state association and NRA staff that will cover topics of concern related to clubs, ranges, and businesses.

The Westin Convention Center Allegheny Ballroom III (3rd Floor) 1000 Penn Ave. Pittsburgh, PA 15222 Breakfast & Registration start at 8am

Topics to be covered will include: • Benefits • Insurance • NRA Grants • NRA Recruiting • Friends of NRA • and much more! • Range Services

Sunday May 1, 2011

For info, please call (800) NRA-CLUB Pre-register at Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 7

CLUBS & ASSOCIATIONS WORKSHOP Sixty-one NRA supporters from all over the country gathered in Charlotte, NC last year to attend the Clubs & Associations Workshop at the 2010 NRA Annual Meeting. Attendees consisted of NRA affiliated clubs, as well as nonaffiliated clubs, NRA State Associations, business owners, or people just interested in the shooting sports. The three-hour workshop will cover topics such as: • Benefits of club affiliation • Importance of a State Association • Applying for grants • Range services • Insurance The workshop is a free event and a platform for attendees to network and exchange ideas with each other. Often times a club is faced with an obstacle that another club may have encountered in the past. These attendees are encouraged to share experiences on how to overcome these adversities. Many clubs are not aware of all the many benefits NRA has to offer such as receiving money for recruiting new NRA members, discount on credit card processing program, having an NRA certified Range Technical Team Advisor inspect the

range, or how to apply for a grant. Coming to the workshop is the perfect opportunity for them to learn new things and have all their questions answered. “The dedication, energy and enthusiasm of the attendees at the 2010 Clubs & Associations Workshop during the NRA annual meeting in Charlotte were contagious and inspiring. The capacity crowd of affiliated club and state association leaders from across the country were fully engaged, interacting with the exceptional presenters and the incredibly professional NRA staff members; sharing ideas, experiences and lessons learned with one another; and renewing old friendships while making many new ones. It was an exciting and extraordinarily beneficial way to spend the morning! I am genuinely proud to be associated with our affiliate leaders, and I am already looking forward to another great national workshop during the NRA’s 2011 annual meeting in Pittsburgh” said Herb Lanford, Chairman of the Clubs & Associations committee. Join us at this year’s workshop to be held from 9 am 12 noon on Sunday, May 1 in the Allegheny Ballroom III at the Westin Convention Center. To pre-register or for more information vist or call (800) NRA CLUB.

VOLUNTEER FOR NRA ANNUAL MEETING The 2011 NRA Annual Meeting & Exhibits will be an exciting weekend as thousands of NRA members will come together April 27 – May 1 in Pittsburgh, PA. You can contribute to the success of our meeting by participating as an Annual Meeting Volunteer. If you can spare a half-day or more while attending the Pittsburgh Annual Meeting, you can assist the NRA staff in making this year’s Annual Meeting our best yet! You will find that to participate in the Annual Meeting as a volunteer is one of the most satisfying and enjoyable activities you will ever experience as an NRA member. Volunteers are needed in a wide variety of activities including the NRA Store, Membership Services, the Airgun Range, Firearms Inspectors and many others. The store requires 8 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

lots of manpower; especially needed are volunteers who have cashier experience. Membership Services is a busy place as many members renew or upgrade their memberships. And we will need many NRA-certified instructors to assist young people at the air gun range. There are other jobs, too, and we can usually find one that you will enjoy. For more information, contact Dennis Eggers, Volunteer Coordinator, at 270-522-0909. Additional information and a registration form are available at If you would like to volunteer your time, please complete the Volunteer Registration Form and forward it to Dennis Eggers, 203 Choctaw Drive, Cadiz, KY 42211 or email Thank you. We hope to see you in Pittsburg! 144 Front street West, Suite 725 Toronto, Ontario, M5J 2L7, Canada

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Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 9

10 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1


Election Volunteer Coordinators


ince 1994, NRA-ILA’s Grassroots Division has recruited and trained over 500 Election Volunteer Coordinators (EVCs) to serve as important liaisons between NRA-ILA and the pro-gun community in their own congressional districts. EVCs aid in promoting NRA-ILA’s legislative agenda at state and federal levels, as well as serve as critical volunteer coordinators helping to elect pro-gun candidates to office. EVCs are the very tips of the grassroots arrows that ensure that Second Amendment communities remain strong and active throughout the country. EVCs are in continuous contact with NRA-ILA’s Grassroots staff at NRA Headquarters, constantly exchanging ideas and information to ensure the tools and opportunities are provided for the most effective activism in support of NRA and the Second Amendment. EVCs are also included on a secure e-mail server list, where EVC-related ideas and information can be exchanged, and all receive an exclusive EVC monthly newsletter published by the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division. Additionally, EVCs are heavily promoted to the Second Amendment community through NRA-ILA’s website, mailings, newsletters, political alerts, in the field, and via NRA’s national publications. To identify and contact the NRA-ILA EVC for your congressional district, please visit ActionCenter/GetInvolvedLocally and choose your state. If your congressional district is currently vacant and you’d like more information on the NRA-ILA EVC program, please contact the NRA-ILA Grassroots Division at (800) 392-VOTE (8683), and ask to speak to your state’s Grassroots Coordinator.

NRA Executive Vice President, Wayne LaPierre with JD Sparks, former EVC at Annual Meeting.

Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 11

Piles of Dirt in the Community Rebuilding the Pharr Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc.

Submitted by: Neo Canales Pharr Rifle & Pistol Club, Secretary/ Treasurer


ow do you turn piles of dirt into an accepted gun club? You build it into an asset for the community. That’s the issue that we’ve been faced with at the Pharr Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc. in south Texas. The club was incorporated as a Texas non-profit in 1946 when the Club was “way out in the country”. You could shoot... no fuss - no muss. Then things changed. Our county of Hidalgo became the largest populated area in Texas outside the big cities. It became obvious that we would not continue to be “way out in the country”. The Club had always been THE place for the average person to have a place to shoot. We decided that we needed to continue to be part of our community. The big decision was to start a range rebuilding program. We would rebuild our piles of dirt into part of the community. The locals needed to be able to point to us and say, “That nice looking place over there is our local shooting range.”

12 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

Building phase of Pharr Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc’s new range.

The planning part: • We called upon NRA Range Services for a range case and assessment of what we needed to do. Luckily, Bill Batson from the NRA Range Technical Team was only 60 miles away in Brownsville. • We all agreed to bring the range up to NRA recommendations and used the NRA Range Source Book to tell us how to do it. The projects: • Rebuild the berms and bullet stops to NRA suggested heights. • Install concrete pads, eyebrow catchers, shade covers and concrete shooting tables on the firing lines. • Build bullet catchers over the bullet stops. • Build bullet baffles on all the ranges. • Resurface the driveway and parking areas to accommodate wheel chairs.

Build a classroom for Hunter Safety and other firearm related courses. • Change the entry system from a padlock to an electric card access system. The money part: • The Club voted to double our yearly range fees until the project was done. • We applied for an NRA Foundation range grant. Our Club had been working for well over a decade with The NRA Foundation on their annual Friends of NRA fundraising dinners. • Then we applied to the Texas Parks & Wildlife Dept. which also has a range grant system. The muscle part: • We decided to be honest with ourselves. Everything always takes more time and money than you figured no matter how the estimate was done. • We also called upon Club members who have expertise in the fields needed. • We put the time and work into writing the grant proposals. We are currently about halfway through the process. We’ve installed the pads, shooting tables, eyebrow catchers, shade covers, and card entry system along with rebuilding the entire berm system with drainage. Still to go are the bullet catchers, bullet baffles, road work, parking lot work and classroom. Our Club members have been extremely supportive. If you tell folks that you’re rebuilding a gun range they all jump in to help. We also consider the folks with the NRA to be

our people. Bill Batson and Gayle Carter-Cook have been invaluable. We consider the folks at TPWD to be our people. Steve Hall could not have been nicer and more helpful. We’ve learned a lot. We’ve learned to simply put one foot in front of the other and not to stop. We’ve learned that we will indeed finish it all. That’s when we’ll be able to say, “Hey, remember those piles of dirt? They’re now bigger and we shoot into ‘em. They’re part of the community. Why don’t ‘cha come on in?”

President’s Column continued from page 3 deliver a powerful keynote address and best-selling author Michael Reagan will present the Ronald Reagan Leadership Award. It’ll be a night to remember. Throughout the weekend, you’ll have access to numerous receptions and seminars on a variety of specialized topics, featuring some of the leading authorities in their fields. Whether it’s the Annual Firearms Law Seminar, the NRAILA Grassroots Workshop or any number of others, you’ll leave Pittsburgh with a stronger understanding of Second Amendment issues and the battles that lie ahead. Most of all, I hope you’ll leave Pittsburgh with a renewed sense of appreciation for your freedom. What is simply

yours, as an American birthright, is envied around the world and unique throughout history—a fact we will celebrate all weekend long. For more details about this year’s Annual Meetings, as well as hotel information, please visit Join me in Pittsburgh!

Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 13

Printers Needed Submitted By Chip Lohman, Managing Editor NRA Publications Department

When Shooting Sports USA became a digital magazine, some members raised concerns because of their lack of computer access. In response, NRA Tournament News (NTN) was created to continue distribution of the match schedule in paper format. In the year that followed, fewer than 100 people subscribed to the new NTN, making it too expensive to continue. By keeping the magazine alive as a free, online journal, we have increased subscriptions from 8,000 in March, 2009, to 34,000 as of December, 2010. To help those without computer access, consider making a trip to the library a few times each year or ask a fellow club member to print selected pages, including match schedules, for use by the entire club. Thank you for your support in bringing increasing numbers to the competitive shooting sports.

Sign-up 4 FREE at:

NRA LeaD MaintenanCE Design Construction SAFETY insurance

14 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

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Business Alliance

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16 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 17

State Association Spotlight:

New Mexico

Shooting Sports Association Submitted By Anthony Trennel, President

Our New Mexico Shooting Sports Association (club) began in 1935. Unfortunately, much historical information has not been brought forward or has been lost. Consider WWII, the Korean War, and the Gun Control Act of 1968 that would be periods of interest as to the club’s activities then. When I took over the presidency in January I learned our club had a serious problem that took until late March to clarify. Our webmaster/newsletter person quit and he was the only person having the code access to our website. We now have distributed that information so more than one member has the information and I would suggest your club review your procedures in this regard. After we regained control our new webmaster/newsletter person overhauled and enhanced our website, NMSSA.ORG. We have published two newsletters that have significant advancements; advertizing, a column dedicated to political issues affecting shooting sports and enhanced Illustrations. This year has been productive with Eddie Eagle

18 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

presentations, extensive small bore activities, high power events at our associate club at the Capitan High Power Range, silhouette state championship at the NRA Whittington Center, legislative affairs input and a member of the Single Action Shooting Society ( SASS) taking over the Cowboy Action position. We also elected a person for the new Class III firearms position and added a second member to the Legislative Affairs position. Numerous gun shows were attended by NMSSA personnel providing information and acquiring memberships. The past several years we have held “fun shoots” at ranges (see photo) around the state. These shoots consisted of several executives attending shoots sponsored at the ranges where we usually provided for lunch and subsequently gave a talk on the NMSSA that would lead to understanding and new memberships. We also passed out donated prizes which was always a hit with the folks. Future activities will include interaction with the state game commission, exposing the impacts on shooting sportsmen from federal government usurpation and adverse regulation of public lands, and setting up member shoots and meetings at two nationally known facilities, the NRA Whittington Center and the SASS End of Trail Range.

“Fun Shoot” event at a range hosted by NMSSA.

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Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 19



with NRA Foundation Assistance

This will provide casual shooters with a place to shoot during scheduled formal competitions and expand SFA’s ability to promote, train and encourage firearms maksmanship, proficiency and safety among adults and youth.

Submitted By CPO J.L. Rhodes, USN (RET) Fallon, NV

Thanks to grants from The NRA Foundation, Stillwater Firearms Association (SFA) recently completed its range expansion project and acquired additional steel plate targets. Six additional shooting bays were constructed to facilitate continuous shooting in each bay without the need to halt shooting in adjacent bays. This will provide casual shooters with a place to shoot during scheduled formal competitions and expand SFA’s ability to promote, train and encourage firearms marksmanship, proficiency and safety among adults and youth. Participating in the northwestern Nevada circuit of handgun/falling steel plate competitions, the match season begins late March/early April and continues through mid October. In 2010, SFA conducted/scheduled 12 steel plate shooting events. The additional steel targets greatly enhance SFA’s ability to host shooting competitions and conduct handgun training.

A “victim” of its own success, SFA shooting events frequently attract a large number of shooters resulting in very long days of shooting. The additional steel targets will allow SFA to accommodate the increasing numbers of match competitors by conducting simultaneous competitions while allowing completion at a reasonable hour. SFA extends a sincere and hearty “Thank you!” to The NRA Foundation, the Nevada State Committee, and NRA Field Rep Steve Wilson. The NRA Foundation grant money has allowed SFA to expand its current posture in area-wide falling steel plate and bowling pin handgun competitions, provide ample space for both casual and competitive shooting, accommodate growth, and will allow expansion into other competitive and training endeavors in addition to existing Concealed Firearms Permit classes, Ladies/Youth Introduction to Firearms seminars, and youth programs.

For more information, visit or write: Stillwater Firearms Association P. O. Box 665 Fallon NV, 89407

20 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

Nati o n a l A r m o r y

Pompano Beach, FL


ational Armory just opened our new range to customers and are finishing the state-of-the-art green Florida gun range on the lower level and the upstairs gun range should open soon after. The gun range will have a 3mph wind at your back to draw any lead particles down the range and out. They will be filtered out with 16 HEPA filters providing clean air back to the outside. The range is designed to reduce the chance of ricochets with a rubber backstop that holds the bullets without breaking them up. Noise echo is reduced to improve range noise due to the rubber back stop and rubber baffle covers. This should be one of Florida’s most enjoyable shooting experiences. Target systems will be on an automated rotating computer controlled system like the most advanced government facilities to allow for qualifying for police and enhanced public shooting. The target distance is up to 75 feet. This should be one of Florida’s best, state-of-the-art ranges to insure a fantastic shooting experience. We also offer CCW classes for Florida concealed carry permits and classes for safety, handgun, rifle and shot gun in addition to self defense training.

NATIONAL ARMORY 1315 SW 1ST COURT POMPANO BEACH FLORIDA 33069 PHONE 954-915-8226 Corner of Atlantic and Andrews 1 block west of 95 Keeping America on Target

Building phase of National Armory’s new indoor range.

Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 21

Rocky Mountain 3-Gun Lite Submitted By Denise Johnson Raton, NM


tarting, or restarting a local, monthly 3-Gun match is always a challenge. You have to decide what scoring to use, when to set-up, when to sign-up, shooters briefings etc. My husband and I run Rocky Mountain 3-Gun, which is an annual National level match at the NRA Whittington Center in Raton, NM. It’s a match that was created on the coat tails of the old Soldier of Fortune 3-Gun matches. We have also been running local matches at a small local range in the Denver area. After a lot of thought, we decided to move our local matches so we could keep all our equipment and targets together. From our experience at the national match, we have learned that 33 gallon Rubbermaid trashcans for dump barrels for long guns and little bathroom wastebaskets for dump buckets for pistols are the easy, inexpensive and safest way to abandon guns on multi-gun stages. They really help new shooters and experienced shooters both with their

22 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

transitions from gun to gun. Everyone just abandons their guns, muzzle down in the barrel on safe. Then you can continue downrange and shoot and tape and reset steel and be completely safe! Our first match, we only had 11 shooters and a LOT of them were new. We had a quick meeting with the new people about scoring and safety, and then we were able to have one squad, so we could talk everyone through the stages! Another problem popped up, lots of new shooters is great for the sport, but not so many people to officiate. We shot from just after 10 a.m. until almost 5 p.m. It turned out to be a long day. We were so excited about getting to shoot out to longer than 300 yards, but some of our “newbies” weren’t quite prepared for that! Our second match, we had a little bigger turn out. We made two squads and at our “newbie lesson” we went over using the clock and keeping score, and we asked everybody to give it a try. It worked out very well. We still had 5 stages,

rifle out to 300 yards, and were done shooting by 3:30 p.m. We had more help tearing down and it went very smoothly. Everyone learned a lot, including us! It just goes to show you that even if you run a “big match” any time you start a new match, you have to go through the same growing pains as if it were your first match ever. If you’ve never tried 3-Gun, you should. There are lots of divisions so you can bring whatever firearms you have and enjoy the fun. There’s a website based out of the Bay Area to help you get started in 3-Gun: Our Website for the National Match is Our local match website is: The NRA is starting to join the excitement of 3-Gun. Their new Club Champion Challenge Series will have a 3-Gun Event. The Sports Shooting Committee is talking about 3-Gun and will some day have a “match in a box” for new people to try. Remember, exercise your Second Amendment rights and have a fun and safe time shooting

whatever sport you choose…but it’s hard to beat 3-Gun for fun and friends! Here’s our abandonment barrel for long guns and bucket for pistols. One of the beautiful areas where we can shoot the NRA Whittington Center.

Photos: Left- Outdoor shooting range. Top Right-History of the Southwest exhibit at the NRA Whittington Center. Bottom Right-Another History of the Southwest exhibit picture at the NRA Whittington Center.

Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 23

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USA Carry Announces

Business News

State Level Sponsorship Programs for Firearm Instructors

USA Carry, one of the Internet’s leading concealed carry resource communities announces its support for better firearm instructions and local firearm instructors by announcing its new state level sponsorship program. “As one of the larger concealed carry communities, we want to work closely with local instructors to provide them with a new avenue to get targeted exposure that is cost effective,” said USA Carry President, Luke McCoy. Since 2007, USA Carry has provided crucial information for firearm enthusiasts in all 50 states. The forum is an open and free environment where responsible firearm owners can ask questions, give advice, and learn the latest trends regarding their common interests and hobbies. Proudly comprised of over 20,000 members and growing, USA Carry gets over 8,000 hits a day. Mr. McCoy estimates that these figures will continue to grow in line with the general growth rate of the forum over the past three years. USA Carry is partnering with firearm instructors to be listed as Featured Instructors on State Law Pages and State Instructor List Pages. At a very affordable rate of $25 per month, firearm instructors can use USA Carry as a cost-effective partner in their highly targeted/niche-specific marketing efforts. Unlike traditional print media ads or local classifieds, advertising on USA Carry offers targeted views as well as accurate view and click through statistics. Multi-state spots and full site sponsorships are also available. To maximize value for firearm vendors and providers with fixed budgets, USA Carry also offers discounted rates for prepaying multiple months. For more information, please email info@usacarry.comnnor visit

Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 25

Training Children Submitted By International Firearm Safety Fort Myers, Florida


raining children is one of the most often overlooked aspects of firearm instruction. It can be a sensitive topic given the thought of whether it is politically correct. As instructors we can get caught up in the commercial aspect of training adults in the area of concealed carry and not consider the importance of youth training. In a recent review of firearm magazines I could not find a single article regarding the training of anyone under 18 in the safe use and handling of firearms. One question I am often asked as a Firearm Instructor is “How old should my child be before I begin to teach him to shoot, or take him with me to the range?” My answer is always the same, “I can’t answer that for you, because it is not based upon age, but, rather, upon several other criteria: some of which include maturity, size, and desire”. The correct approach to this should be formalized training - not simply being taken to the range with mom or dad, or grandpa. This is perfectly acceptable, but only after the child has been taught an established set of curriculum and recognized rules for firearm safety. It is absolutely imperative to provide any of your children that have expressed interest in shooting firearms with an accredited safety course before you ever take them to the range the first time, not after. This cannot be overemphasized.

stressed to me was that training courses are not truncated for children - instructors may emphasize different areas and training children may take a little longer, but “it is an adult responsibility and all the same safety rules, and parts and operation are the same for children and youths as it is for adults”. Mr. Southall recommends the very best way to obtain proper training in the safe usage of firearms is through the many programs available in the Boy Scouts of America at He indicated one of the biggest roles of the Boy Scouts is to present a positive image of firearms to our nations youth to combat the portrayals of firearms you see every day in the media and coming from Hollywood. As you can see we keep emphasizing the importance that the training should follow a standardized, established, set of curriculum. This is reflected in the programs available through the Boy Scouts of America: all BSA Firearm Instructors for Merit Badges must be NRA Firearm Instructors; and the curriculum utilized is the NRA standardized training materials. This is the gold standard worldwide. The Boy Scouts’ programs of responsible use of firearms begins at the age they have determined children are able to begin to differentiate right from wrong - age 7. At this age the Cub Scouts have a program for introducing the Fundamentals of Firearm Safety through the usage of BB Guns. It is very

“It is necessary to develop in children the basic essential elements of firearm safety.” In preparing for this article I contacted NRA Training Counselor David Southall. Mr. Southall is the Curator of Education for the Collier County Museum and is a finalist for the Remington Youth Hunter Safety ‘Mentor of the Year’. He has been certifying other instructors to train children for over 25 years and has been training children specifically since 1963. One of the many things that Mr. Southall

26 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

important to note that BB guns and air guns have the very same safety rules that anything else that fires a projectile has - the Fundamental Rules of Firearm Safety do not change. This is why they are called “fundamental” : the very meaning of this term is the basic essentials. And it is necessary to develop in children the basic essential elements of firearm safety. These programs are also where the child can be shown

the difference between toy guns and real guns, the difference between movies and video games and real life. Mr. Southall kept repeating the most important factors that need to be constantly stressed: safety and responsibility. There are a number of volunteers throughout the country that provide the National Rifle Association Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program on a volunteer level for children ages 3-10, including over 1,000 law enforcement agencies. The course description, as found at eddie reads : “The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program teaches children in pre-K through third grade four important steps to take if they find a gun. These steps are presented by the program’s mascot, Eddie Eagle®, in an easy-to-remember format consisting of the following simple rules: If you see a gun: STOP! Don’t Touch. Leave the Area. Tell an Adult. Anyone may teach The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program, and NRA membership is not required. The program may be readily incorporated into existing school curriculum, taught in a one- to five-day format, and used to reach both levels or simply one or two grades. Materials available through this program are: student workbooks, 7-minute animated video (available on DVD or VHS), instructor guides, brochures, and student reward stickers. Program materials are also available in Spanish. The NRA is committed to helping keep America’s young children safe. In efforts to do so, we offer our program at a nominal fee. Schools, law enforcement agencies, hospitals, daycare centers, and libraries may be eligible to receive grant funding to defray program costs. Grant funding is available in many states to these groups to cover the cost of all program curriculum materials. Training our youth is also the way to pass on the tradition to the next generation. Remember the first time your father or grandfather took you to the range or took you hunting? Firearms are used in Olympic Sports and the Paralympics. Certain college programs offer scholarships to the most proficient junior shooters. There are a great number of other organizations that offer programs specifically available to children, as I learned when I spoke with Claudia Olsen, Co-op Group Program Coordinator for NRA Youth Programs. There are many wonderful youth shooting programs at the state level, such as the 4H clubs, the National High School Rodeo Association, the FFA, and NRA Clubs & Associations. Even the NRA has different scholarship programs available. More information is available online at NRA has memberships available specifically for junior shooters, along with it’s very own monthly publication Insights: News For Young Shooters. The National Shooting Sports Foundation has it’s First Shots

program and they will actually provide free .22 rifles to clubs that participate in these programs. Please contact www.nssf. org for these and other programs. So the next time you think of training for you, or if you already have a firearm in your home, please make sure to get accredited, certified safety training for your young children in access prevention. The next time you go to the range, or when you get a concealed firearm license, find out if your child has interest in going to the range with you – whether for rifle, shotgun, or pistol. If so, make sure to take him to his first accredited firearm safety and training course. The next time you are leaving for a hunting trip, talk to your son or daughter about where you’re going and what you’ll be doing. Instructors, parents - this is up to both of you: you are responsible for our next generation of safe firearm owners. Alecs Dean is an NRA Training Counselor located in Fort Myers, Florida. He offers many commercially available courses as well as volunteer programs for youths and children through his company, International Firearm Safety, Inc. Mr. Dean actually provides instruction so that 18- ,19- , and 20-year-olds may obtain a concealed firearm license. He is available for questions at alecs@internationalfirearmsafety. com or 239-357-3437 or www.InternationalFirearmSafety. com.

Eddie Eagle visits with children at a school to teach them about the GunSafe Program.

Volume 16, Number 1 l CLUB CONNECTION l 27



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• •

2244 Central Point Pkwy Birmingham, AL 35215 Mr. James Moses, President Mr. Ramon J. Samaniego, Jr. Secretary/Treasurer 256-534-2644

ALASKA OUTDOOR COUNCIL, INC. PO Box 1069 Wasilla, AK 99687 (907) 841-6849 • Mr. Denny Hamann, NRA Liason • Mr. Rod Arno, Executive Director


PO Box 40962 Mesa, AZ 40962 Mr. Noble C. Hathaway, President (623) 687-4251 office Mr. John Hard, Vice President (480) 209-0518


PO Box 272 Clarksville, AR 72830 Mr. David Joyner, President (479) 263-6665 Mr. John Malinowski, Vice President (479) 484-7898


271 Imperial Highway, Ste 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 Mr. Walt Mansell, President (714) 992-2772 office Mr. John C. Fields, Executive Director (714) 992-2772


609 W. Littleton Blvd, Ste 206 Littleton, CO 80120 (720) 283-1376 Mr. Tony Fabian, President (303) 663-9339 office Mr. David Gill, Vice President (303) 663-9339 office 303-713-0785 fax

28 l CLUB CONNECTION l Volume 16, Number 1

PO Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 Mrs. Shelly Albino, President (203) 467-1150 Mr. Randy Bieler, Director (203) 272-1725


PO Box 1786 Wilmington, DE 19899 (302) 764-6899 Mr. John J. Thompson, President (302) 764-6899 Mr. Daniel Lindberg, Vice President (302) 475-4228


Mr. Thomas Brusherd, President P.O. Box 14024 Jacksonville, FL 32238 Mr. Michael D. Langfield, Secretary 5921 Blackthorn Road Jacksonville, FL 32244


PO Box 1733 Macon, GA 31202 (478) 275-2752 Tracy English, President Mr. Tom E. Patton, Treasurer


Mr. Harvey F. Gerwig, President 1039 Kupua Street Kailua, HI 96734 808-306-7194 Bill Richter, Secretary P.O. Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-261-2754 Info Line


Mr. Neill Goodfellow, President 8156 North Penn Avenue Fruitland, ID 83619 208-452-4183 home Mr. Jon Carter, Secretary 1065 River Heights Drive

Meridian, ID 83642 208-888-2829 phone/fax


PO Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 (815) 635-3198 office (815) 635-3723 fax Mr. Richard Pearson, Executive Director Mr. Don A. Moran, President


c/o 7527 State Route 56 Rising Sun, IN 47040 Mr. Jerry Wehner, Executive VP Mr. William B. Thomas, Secretary 812-948-8226


240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 (319) 626-2710 Mr. Bill Besgrove, Secretary Mr. John Klopfenstein, President


PO Box 219 Bonner, KS 66012-0219 Ms. Patricia Stoneking, President (913) 667-3044 Ms. Elizabeth Brown (913) 608-1910


Mr. Bill Haycraft, President 4902 Determine Lane Louisville, KY 40216 502-299-1929 Rev. Tom Cottingim, NRA Liaison 353 Atwood Dr. Lexington, KY 40515 859-533-8896


115 Pine Ridge Rd DeRidder, LA 70634 Mr. Daniel Zelnka II, President Mr. Danny Hudson, Secretary


Mr. Ronald Vaillancourt, President 307 Riverside Dr. Augusta, ME 04330 207-622-7989 Mr. Angus N. Norcross, Treasurer 14 Pine Road Wiscasset, ME 04578 207-882-4713


832 Bear Cabin Drive Forest Hill, MD 21050-2734 Mr. Richard Kussman, President Mr. Douglas Self, 1st Vice President


PO Box 567, 37 Pierce Street Northboro, MA 01532 (508) 393-5333 office (508) 393-5222 fax Mr. James Wallace, Executive Director Mr. Jon Green, Jr., Director Training & Edu.


PO Box 530637 Livonia, MI 48153-0637 (231) 781-1223 Mr. Mike Wesner, Secretary/Treasurer


MRRA Secretary 4737 CR 101, Box 114 Minnetonka, MN 55345-2634 Mr. George Minerich, President Mr. Mark Rohmann, Membership Sec.


Mr. Douglas Bowser, President P.O. Box 1061 McComb, MS 39649 601-249-3315 Mrs. Deborah Withers, Secretary P.O. Box 2486 Madison, MS 39130-2486 601-888-4973


Lee Koester, Secretary/Treasurer Po Box 10170 Columbia, MO 65205 Mr. Kevin Jamison, President 6140 N. Wagontrail Road Columbia, MO 65202 816-455-2669 816-413-0696 fax


PO Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 (406) 782-3450 Mr. Matt Egloff, President Ms. Zona Mowrer, Secretary/Membership


13105 Sky Park Drive Omaha, NE 68137 (402) 933-4881 Mr. Bill J. Keil, President Mr. W. Aaron Woehler, Secretary


PO Box 7512 Reno, NV 89501-7512 (775) 762-1494 office (775) 355-8088 fax Mr. Robert E. Smith, President Mr. Mark Geldmacher, Secretary/ Treasurer


P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 (603) 225-4664 Mr. Mitch Kopacz, President Mr. Ralph Demicco, Vice President


Mr. Scott L. Bach, President P.O. Box 651 Newfoundland, NJ 07435 973-697-9270 Ms. Judith Iorio, Recording Secretary P.O. Box 1397 Whitehouse Station, NJ 08889


76 Pinon Hill Pl, NE Albuquerque, NM 87122 Mr. Anthony Trennel, President (505) 856-6574 Ms. Karma Whelchel, Treasurer (505) 872-5364


PO Box 1023 Troy, NY 12181-1023 (518) 424-1349 (518) 449-1332 fax Mr. Thomas H. King, President Mr. Joseph P. DeBergalis, Jr., VP


P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 Mr. David McFarling, President Mr. David Prest, Secretary P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 (910) 639-4742 office


Mr. Eric Pueppke, President PO Box 228 Bismarck, ND 58502 (701) 967-8450 Mr. James Ladwig, Vice President 1102 Main Ave. Fargo, ND 58103 (701) 232-9440


P.O. Box 43083 Cincinnati, OH 45243-0083 (513) 891-1325 Mrs. Gwen Bailey, President Mr. Keith V. Bailey, Secretary


P.O. Box 850602 Yukon, OK 73085-0602 Mr. Charles Smtih, Executive Director (405) 324-2450 Mr. Rick N. Baker, Secretary

NRA-AFFILIATED STATE ASSOCIATIONS (405) 867-4460 x239 office/fax


Mr. Tim Pitzer, President 2815 South Shore Drive SE Albany, OR 97322 Mr. Stan Pate, Vice President (503) 652-9931


Mr. Jack Lee, President 100 Wycliff Way Butler, PA 16001 (724) 865-2597 phone/fax Mr. James G. Johnson, Secretary 405 Hilltop Road Paoli, PA 19301


Mr. Paul Boiani, President P.O. Box 41148 Providence, RI 02940 (401) 233-0771 office Mr. Donn C. DiBiasio, Secretary P.O. Box 17452 Smithfield, RI 02917 (401) 233-0771 office


PO Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 Mr. Gerald Stoudemire, President Ms. Peggy Bodner

SOUTH DAKOTA SHOOTING SPORTS ASSOCIATION PO Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 (605) 428-5488 • Mr. Dan Anderson, Comm. Dir. • Mr. Tom Raines, President


6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 Mr. Ray W. Harvey, Jr., President (615) 352-3954 Mr. Eugene Paranick, Membership Dir.


• •

Wi-FORCE (Wisconsin Rifle & Pistol

314 E. Highland Mall Blvd., Ste 300 Austin, TX 78752 (512) 615-4200 office Mr. Stephen Hall, Exec. Director Mr. Don Strickland, President


4834 Van Buren Avenue Ogden, UT 84403 Mr. Elwood P. Powell, President (801) 449-9763 office (801) 476-8274 fax Mr. Ralph Schamel, Vice President (801) 277-4016


Mr. Clint Gray, President PO Box 225 Lyndonville, VT 05851 (802) 467-8445 Mr. Evan Hughes, Vice President 16 Milestone Blvd. Barre, VT 05641 (802) 272-8544


P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 Mr. Lucien Charette, Executive Director (540) 672-5848 office Ms. Andrea T. Smith, Secretary/Treasurer


P.O. Box 382 DuPont, WA 98327 Mr. Duane Hatch, Secretary (253) 853-7533 Mr. James Crosier, Vice President (206) 853-4657


P.O. Box 2504 Buckhannon, WV 26201 (304) 472-5174 Ms. Amy Tenney, Treasurer (304) 472-5174 Mr. Gary Nichols, Secretary (304) 539-2617

• •

Association) Mr. Jeff Nass, President N615 Silver Lane Pulaski, WI 54162-8320 (920) 687-0505 Mr. Gary Nichols, Secretary W271N7055 Hansen Dr Sussex, WI 53089 (262) 246-3317


PO Box 94 Guernsey, WY 82214 Mr. Mark Spungin, President (307) 836-2188 Mrs. Mrs. Beverly Spungin, Vice President (307) 836-2188 Mr. Roger Sebesta, Secretary/Treasurer

NRA Endorsed Insurance Program Participant

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION

•Eastern Regional Director Area 1 (ME, NH,VT, N. NY) Area 2 (NY) Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, Lower NY) Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) Area 5 (Western PA) Area 6 (MD, NJ) Area 7 (DC, Western VA, WV) Area 8 (Eastern NC) Area 42 (Western NC) Area 45 (Eastern VA)

Brian Hyder Michael Langton Jay Rusnock Eric Bieler Kory Enck Thomas Baldrige Brian Swartz Jim Kilgore David Wells Robert Doug Merrill Bob Hipple

276-579-9828 603-938-2860 845-298-7233 860-426-1478 717-689-3200 724-861-0447 973-343-2104 304-255-2916 252-456-2097 828-628-0410 540-631-0633

Philip Gray Bryan Hoover Steve Teutsch Larry Summarell, Jr. Scott Taetsch Michael F. Huber Gregg Pearre Mike Webb Lloyd Edwards Allan Herman Chad Franklin

740-773-4119 740-297-4255 317-946-7260 270-586-5031 715-873-3360 815-652-0033 573-761-5466 901-382-4789 419-646-3669 989-686-3013 217-536-6978

Al Hammond Dale Carwile Brad Ward Howell Lancaster Dick Kingsafer Gene Newman Chris Griffin Liz Foley Mike Nevins Jack Cannon Tom Knight

386-462-5421 864-223-9900 770-228-8218 904-388-9782 601-794-0068 352-637-4574 817-637-4574 936-273-6397 479-754-0282 325-617-4460 941-923-7676

•Mid West Regional Director Area 20 (OK) Area 21 (MN) Area 23 (IA, NE) Area 24 (KS) Area 27 (NM) Area 28 (MT) Area 29 (WY) Area 30 (CO) Area 41 (ND, SD)

Tom Ulik Darren DeLong Scott Lembke Tim Bacon Rick Chrisman Peter Ide Joseph Crismore David Manzer Gwen Chermack Clay Pederson

509-895-9407 405-692-8672 218-844-2000 515-576-1285 913-294-9956 505-281-6721 406-293-2498 307-746-2520 719-539-9574 701-522-9622

WESTERN REGION •Western Regional Director Area 31 (AZ) Area 32 (S. ID, Eastern NV, UT) Area 33 (Northern ID, Eastern WA) Area 34 (HI, OR) Area 35 (Northern CA) Area 36 (Southern CA, S. NV) Area 37 (Central CA) Area 38 (AK) Area 40 (Western WA) Area 46 (E.CA, W. NV)

Brad Kruger Donna Cassity Jerald Olsen Steve Vreeland Mike Carey Daniel Wilhelm Mike Davis Jason Quick Marc Steinke Keifer Lewis Steve Wilson

907-235-9074 520-316-0620 801-317-4878 208-286-0950 541-385-9404 707-994-5877 714-368-0451 805-239-4246 719-322-4072 360-736-2838 209-847-4826


•Central Regional Director Area 12 (Southern OH) Area 14 (IN) Area 15 (KY) Area 17 (WI) Area 18 (Northern IL) Area 19 (MO) Area 43 (TN) Area 49 (Northern OH) Area 51 (Southern MI) Area 52 (Southern IL) SOUTHERN REGION

•Southern Regional Director Area 9 (SC) Area 10 (GA) Area 11 (Northern FL) Area 16 (LA, Southern MS) Area 22 (AL) Area 25 (Northern TX) Area 26 (Southern TX) Area 39 (AR, Northern MS) Area 47 (Western TX) Area 48 (Southern Florida) MID WEST REGION

CLUB CONNECTION National Rifle Association 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030

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