NRA Sports - Summer 2015

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NRA Annual Meeting

President's Column: Hillary Clinton's Attacks On First Amendment Could Have Ramifications For Second

The NEW Eddie Eagle速 ...And The Wing Team

Gold Medal Clubs of 2015 Thank You for All Your Hard Work!

m a g a z i n e President's Column: Hillary Clinton's Attacks On First Could Have Ramifications For Second


Nashville 2015


NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits

NRA's Public Range Fund Spotlight: Nebraska Game and Parks Commission

Gold Medal Clubs of 2015

6 12

Thank You for All Your Hard Work!

Wildlife Commission and Cleveland County Break Ground on Shooting Range


The NEW Eddie Eagle ...And The Wing Team!


Ashe County Wildlife Club


Now Hosts National Shoots

Bullets & Bagels


Ready, Aim, Schmear!

Practical Hunting and Rifleman Schools at Peacemaker National Training Center

Published quarterly by the National Rifle Association of America Recreational Programs & Ranges



Son Nguyen, Manager Clubs & Associations

(800) NRA-Club (672-2582)

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Stephen Czarnik, Program Coordinator Clubs & Associations

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 • (800) NRA-Club •

Hillary Clinton’s Attacks On First Amendment Could Have Ramifications For Second By Allan D. Cors, NRA President


iven Hillary Clinton’s history of attacks on the Second Amendment, it’s no surprise that she promises to erase the First Amendment’s essential protection of political speech. In their ultimate wisdom, the Founders listed the right to keep and bear arms and rights of free speech and assembly at the top of the Bill of Rights. The two are entwined, each existing to protect the other. NRA is the essence of a wellorganized assembly as protected by the First Amendment. As individual citizens, we pool our knowledge, our beliefs, our energy and, perhaps most importantly, our funds to influence the course of our nation. Hillary’s gun-ban machine sees our role all too clearly. Hillary knows that the best way to liquidate the Second Amendment is by ending free speech. Hillary’s target is the funds we raise and how we spend it to influence others. The irony is that while Hillary would ban expenditures in support of our issues, her political machine brags it will spend $2.5 billion to buy the U.S. presidency. As Hillary put it in an op-ed in The Des Moines (Iowa) Register: “We can fix our dysfunctional political system and get unaccountable money out of it once and for all, even if that takes a constitutional amendment.” (Emphasis added.) Clearly, her view of freedom is what is “dysfunctional.” By “unaccountable money” she means contributions to NRA. Hillary is taking her lead from former U.S. Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid. In September 2014, Reid attempted to begin the process of diminishing the First Amendment through a Senate vote. Reid’s substitute for our First Amendment would have given Congress power to define at will what would be legal or illegal expenditures for political speech. Reid’s losing effort, which garnered 42 party-line votes, was designed to moot a 2010 landmark U.S. Supreme Court decision—Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission—that struck down federal provisions criminalizing use of corporate or union resources to speak for or against a candidate within specified blackout periods before elections. In that case, Citizens United, a grassroots group, had produced and distributed an unflattering documentary about Hillary. It did not specifically advocate a vote for or against her presidential bid, but merely explored her negative role as a national figure. Even so, the FEC had declared the film and its distribution before an election to be illegal under federal campaign finance laws. In ultimately declaring the FEC action unconstitutional, the high court unleashed a crescendo of “progressive” ire, which Hillary is now attempting to tap.

And that gets us back to Hillary’s newspeak about “unaccountable money.” Largely through the painstaking research by Hoover Institute fellow, Peter Schweizer in his new book, Clinton Cash, a firestorm of inquiry has erupted into a growing series of Hillary scandals. At issue is her tenure as U.S. Secretary of State and the involvement of the Clinton Foundation, which was created by her husband, former President Bill Clinton. At the heart of the scandals are huge sums of “unaccounted money,” contributed by foreign governments, foreign and domestic corporations, and shadowy billionaires to the family foundation while Hillary and her State Department were dealing with these individuals and entities. The serious nature of these scandals is illustrated by the fact that The New York Times and The Washington Post are actually leading the charge—along with Fox News. A case in point is the Times’ pursuit of the relationship between Russian President Vladimir Putin’s state-owned mining conglomerate and the State Department-approved Russian control of 20 percent of U.S. uranium production. The alleged deep improprieties involving the State Department’s role in clearing this Russian deal—which was arranged by a Canadian billionaire who contributed $31 million in mostly unreported contributions to the Clinton Foundation—will not go away. At the same time Hillary’s State Department was okaying this arrangement, her husband was paid $500,000 for a single speech in Russia before a group with ties to the deal. And this brings us back to Hillary’s pledge to gut the First Amendment. A late April Washington Free Beacon report says it all: “Hillary Clinton’s proposal to get money out of politics could allow the federal government to restrict or ban the publication of a book [Clinton Cash] that has embroiled her presidential campaign in controversy.” Were Hillary to capture the White House, and were we to lose our majorities in Congress, we could well expect to be living in a Clinton Brave New World. We must urge all our Second Amendment colleagues to warn others of this grave danger to our liberty and to ultimately vote to assure the sanctity of the First Amendment in the upcoming 2016 elections. We cannot continue to save the Second without the First being intact.

Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 1

By Lars Dalseide, Manager, Media Liason, ILA PR/Communications


early 80,000 people walked into the Music City Center in Nashville this April for one thing and one thing only… NRA’s 144th Annual Meetings & Exhibits. Floor after floor of vendors, seminars, and demonstrations waiting for a national collection of Second Amendment supporters. “We came down from Kansas City,”said Julie, a mom of 2. “It’s been an incredible experience and I can’t wait to see everything.” With a tip of the hat to the soul of Nashville, the Annual Meeting was plastered with the look and sound of honky tonk including a number of live shows inside and outside of the convention center. In fact, you’d have been hard pressed to make it through any of the three days without a couple of notes from Willie Nelson, Carrie Underwood, or Alan Jackson plucking away at your heart strings. Performers could be found everywhere from inside the exhibit hall, outside on Fifth Street, or following Jeff Foxworthy’s hilarious opening at Saturday night’s Freedom Festival. One of the biggest musical highlights had to be Friday night’s NRA Country Jam featuring Hank Williams, Jr. That’s right, Bocephus himself commanded the attention of thousands from the makeshift stage on Broadway. 2 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015

To say it was packed would be an understatement. “There was...what? Ten? Twenty? Thirty thousand (probably much more) people in the streets last night?” recalled NRA member, Chris from California. “That was so unreal. And Hank? Hank was Hank… as great as ever!” Despite taking place in the heart of America’s country music capital, there was more than music to keep the crowd’s attention. People came to Nashville for the seminars such as Picking a Proper Conceal Carry Holster, How to Make Deer Sausages, an NRA Certified Instructors workshop attended by hundreds, and the Annual National Firearms Law Seminar. They came for the celebrities like Jerry Miculeck, Top Shot® contestant Gabby Franco, Shooting USA’s Jim Scoutten, "Uncle Ted" Nugent, and "The Gunny" R. Lee Ermey. And they came for the exhibits. Exhibits from the big industrial names such as Smith & Wesson, Colt, Barrett, and GLOCK. Optic makers like Bushnell and Hawke, holsters manufacturers such as DeSantis and Mako Group, and the best in blades from Buck and Real Avid. Basically, if you were in search of something from the firearm and outdoor market then this was the place to be. This was also the place to be if you were hoping to hear

Everyone loves The Gunny. Or else... from the 2016 Republican candidates for President. Top contenders like Florida's Senator Marco Rubio, Wisconsin's Governor Scott Walker, former Senator Rick Santorum, and Louisiana's Governor Bobby Jindal were among the favorites. Taking the stage at the NRA-ILA Leadership forum, each had the opportunity to share their views on foreign affairs, international commerce, national defense, and (of course) the Second Amendment. But one of the biggest political names to jump start the event hasn’t even run, much less held an office. Who would that be? Mr. Donald Trump himself. Making an entrance that only “The Donald” could,

...And no one... out-classes "The Donald." Mr. Trump burned a path to the exhibit floor with an entourage that included trusted advisors along with a couple of sons. After an interview with NRA News, Trump was quick to answer questions, flash a smile, and pose for a couple of pictures during his stops at the NRA, Aimpoint, and Brownells booths. “It was a real treat to have Mr. Trump spend a little time in our booth,” said Ryan Repp, communications manager for Brownells. “And I was pretty happy that he didn’t fire me.” On the final day, the place to be for anyone under 18 was the NRA Youth Day. Filled to the brim with a variety

Former NRA President, James W. Porter II speaks before formally opening the 144th NRA Annual Meetings & Exhibits. The Potterf ield Family was there to do the honors of the ribbon cutting. Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 3

of interactive activities, the Family Fun Zone was a chance for the kids to experience a little excitement and the parents to catch a breather. “We created the Youth Day so our younger patrons could experience what the NRA has to offer on their level,” explained Lead Program Specialist, Samantha Olsen. “At the end we saw a lot of smiles on a lot of faces … young and old.” Roping lessons from members of the Youth High School Rodeo Association, knot tying tricks from the Boys Scouts of America, camo face painting by a cadre of volunteers, and more. There’s always more.

More to see, more to do, and more to experience in a thrilling three-day NRA weekend. More like the NRA Shooting Sports Ambassadors, the celebrity appearances, the ad-hoc concerts, and political stump speeches. More like Wayne LaPierre’s speech at the Meeting of Members, the National NRA Foundation Banquet, Women’s Leadership Forum, and NRA Country Jam. More, more, and even more. The point I’m trying to make is that if you didn’t make it to Nashville then you missed a lot. Heck, if you made it to Nashville you probably missed a lot. But if you didn’t make it to this year's NRA Convention then you missed more than you’ll ever know. But don’t get discouraged if you didn’t see us in Nashville. You’ll have a chance to make up for it as we have plans to head to Louisville in 2016. Check out for upcoming event information!

On point as always, NRA Exective Vice President, Wayne LaPierre eloquently addressed the crowds at the Annual Meeting of Members. 4 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015

Those who attended this year's Annual Meeting of Members had the pleasure of listening to some very inspirational and compelling presentations.

Living legend, Hank Williams Jr. ROCKED the crowds with his brand of honky tonkin' down on Broadway in downtown Nashville.

A young shooter gets some help steadying for her next shot at the NRA Air Rifle Range. Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 5

NRA's Public Range Fund

Spotlight: Nebraska Game and Parks Commission By Brian Hyder, National Liaison, General Operations Programs


hen I think of Nebraska, I think of corn, soybeans and great college sports. After all, Nebraska has a large agriculture sector; being one of the major producers of beef, pork, corn, soybeans and sorghum in the country. The University of Nebraska Cornhuskers have won 19 national titles in Division I sports in the Big Ten Conference. Nebraska also supports a booming business sector and Omaha is the state’s business center. It is home to Berkshire Hathaway, where CEO Warren Buffett is ranked as the second richest person in the world. Omaha is also home to Con Agra, Mutual of Omaha, TD Ameritrade, Woodmen of the World and Union Pacific Railroad. Sidney is the national headquarters for Cabela’s and the world’s largest train yard, Union Pacific’s Bailey Yard is in N. Platte. Nebraska also has a rich history. The Lewis and Clark Expedition explored the state and the historic tribes of the Omaha, Missouria, Ponca, Pawnee, Otoe and Lakota 6 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015

Sioux occupied the state for thousands of years before Europeans arrived. The Native Americans have continued to preserve their culture through the development of community schools and tribal colleges and universities. Besides all of the business and history, there is something else exciting going on in Nebraska - shooting sports and hunting. Loss of access is probably the number one reason why Americans step away from their hunting, fishing and shooting roots. When the places we have hunted for generations are lost, our connection to the past and a part of our identity is lost as well. Nebraska Game and Parks Commission in partnership with the NRA, is doing its part to ensure that hunters and shooters have access to quality facilities. Jeff Rawlinson, Outdoor Education Manager with the Nebraska Game and Parks Commission, is the guiding force behind range development in the state. Jeff had this to say recently about his range program in Nebraska,

“Public ranges are critical to Nebraska. With an estimated 158,000 target shooters in NE spending nearly 6 million days shooting and providing nearly $124 million to the state, the shooting sports are incredibly important not only for quality family recreation, but also the Nebraska economy. Without public ranges, citizens have few places to engage in safe and fun shooting activities, sight in a deer rifle for hunting, or teach new hunters and shooting sports enthusiasts. Shooting sports enthusiasts are a significant contributor to the Pittman-Robertson Wildlife Restoration Fund. This fund provides the bulk of wildlife conservation funding in the United States.”

Nebraska has 21 archery ranges and 8 firearm ranges managed by the NE Game and Parks Commission. Many of these have been developed in the last 10 years. Since 2011, the NRA Public Range Fund has assisted in the development of the Eric Weibe Shooting Complex on the Ponca State Park, the Wildcat Hills Outdoor Heritage Education Complex, and the Lincoln Shooting Park and Education Center. The development of facilities is being guided by the “Plan for Shooting Range Needs of Nebraska” and plans are to continue building shooting ranges and educational shooting facilities in key areas of the state. Long range shooters should be pleased to know that the state plans to build another facility with them in mind in the near future. This facility will appeal to the more advanced shooter. The NRA has been and will continue to be an important partner in the development of these shooting facilities in Nebraska. The NRA’s Public Range Fund has played an important role in assisting

states like NE with their range development programs. Since inception in 2009, the NRA has assisted in over 50 projects expending over $1.2M for ranges from Florida to Alaska. Rawlinson had this to say recently about what the Fund has done to help ranges in his state, “The NRA Public Range Fund has become an important partner in our efforts to build new or enhance existing shooting sports facilities. The Fund, when leveraged with federal grant dollars, allows us to greatly extend our reach in providing hunters and shooting sports enthusiasts with safe, quality shooting facilities. The support of the NRA Public Range Fund is greatly appreciated.” The hunters and shooters of Nebraska are lucky to have the Game and Parks Commission working hard to provide them with quality facilities. The Cornhusker State is a national leader on many fronts and now support for hunting and shooting can be listed among them as well.

For more information on ranges in Nebraska, go to their website at For more information on the NRA Public Range Fund visit

Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 7

How can NRA help your Range? NRA Range Services offers a number of resources to commercial, public, and private ranges across the country including on-site assistance, educational seminars, grants and much more. NRA Range Technical Team: Providing on-site assistance to shooting range facilities, the NRA Range Technical Team is a nationwide network of volunteers trained in the field of shooting range development, design, and operations. Services provided by Range Technical Team Advisors (RTTA's) include: • Range planning assistance • Range use and procedural evaluation assistance • Range safety and design evaluation assistance NRA Range Development & Operations Conferences: The Range Development & Operations Conference is a four-day industry seminar designed to educate range owners and operators, of both existing and proposed range facilities, to identify potential problems associated with designing, environmental issues, and safety. NRA Range Development & Operations Online Course: • Complete on your busy schedule • Certificate provided at completion of course • $300 fee The NRA Range Source Book: NRA's guide to planning and constructing shooting ranges: The NRA Range Source Book provides both basic and advanced guidance to assist in the planning, design, construction and maintenance of shooting range facilities. The source book discusses methods and technologies which may result in a fuller use of range operations.

Find a Local Range Look up local ranges in your state with the NRA National Registry of Places to Shoot The NRA Range Services Department has compiled this listing of shooting range facilities to help our members find places to shoot. If you would like to have your range added to our listing, contact us at (877) NRA RANGE (672-7264). Apply for an NRA Range Grant: Range grant funds are made available at NRA's sole discretion to qualifying NRA-affiliated clubs and associations by approval of the Range Development Committee to assist with acquisition, development, and improvement of shooting facilities. Applicants must be a 100% NRA membership NRA-Affiliated Club. This program is limited to $5,000 per application per year. Deadline for submission is August 1 annually. Apply for an NRA Public Range Grant: A matching grant program for up to $25,000 in funding for entities opening a Public Range.

For more information, visit or contact NRA Range Services today at (877) NRA RANGE (672-7264) or via email at

8 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015

Cudahy Sportsman's Club

Receives Help from NRA Range Technical Team By Tom Ahmad, President, Cudahy Sportsman's Club


he Cudahy Sportsmen’s Club (CSC) has been in existence since 1932 and is a volunteer based trapshooting club located on the shores of Lake Michigan in Cudahy, Wisconsin, a small, primarily blue collar community located in the South Eastern corner of the state. The land we occupy was originally deeded to the club by the family of Michael Cudahy, whose patriarch, Patrick, founded the city. During some especially hard financial times a number of years ago, the club entered into an agreement with Milwaukee County to turn over the deed to the property to the county to satisfy unpaid tax bills and since then we have operated under a lease agreement with the County. For the past 82 years the club has offered recreational opportunities for local residents, and supported local high schools by providing the home grounds for our area Scholastic Clays Trap Team. Students from six local schools are represented and the team competes across the state and northern Illinois. We have drawn the support of local law enforcement agencies which use our facilities as a training base. The club offers Wisconsin DNR certified Hunter Safety classes for young hunters and their families. Organized trap leagues for members shoot throughout the year. We are also open to the general public.

The club has the distinction of being the only trap facility located in Milwaukee County. During the last few years we, like so many other small clubs, have come under increased scrutiny and criticism from local activists groups who are convinced they know and understand what is best for all. They have been a formidable opponent and had convinced the local Parks Commission, which has jurisdiction over our lease, that guns and the shooting sports have no place in the local community. The Parks Commission notified the club that they would not be renewing the lease at the end of 2014 when it expired, effectively ending our 82 year existence. Not being experienced in matters such as these the club was unsure on how to approach the problem. One of our first efforts was to contact NRA Range Services, explaining our plight and asking for your help. The NRA responded almost immediately and has unselfishly provided us guidance and information over a broad spectrum of areas. We extend our sincere thanks to the NRA Range Technical Team, who have supplied us with excellent guidance and suggestions in regard to the technical aspects of range management. Our fight with the local activist group has proved to be a complicated endeavor entering into many facets of Federal Law. We believe our attorney explained it best when he stated;

“The Cudahy Sportsmen’s Club is facing complicated issues involving its lease with the county and the environmental issues associated with operations. Attorney Lee Smith of Michel & Associates, P.C. has provided expert insight on a number of issues that our club has faced. He has assisted both in strategy and preparation of documents.Although the club’s issues have not yet been resolved, we are moving forward with several different options in order to keep the club operating. The NRA’s assistance in providing the funds [through the NRA Civil Rights Defense Fund] towards this legal assistance has been invaluable.” As our attorney, John Dobogai, has stated, our battle isn’t over yet! But, through the tireless efforts of you, the staff of the RTTA, Michel & Associates, P.C. and the financial assistance provided by the NRA we will continue the fight. Through these labors we have managed to convince the Milwaukee County Board of Supervisors, which has oversight of the Parks Commission, to extend our lease for an additional year during which time we can continue the process of due diligence. The CSC Board of Directors, again, extends it's thanks for the help of the NRA during the course of our fight. We believe it offers one of the strongest examples of the importance of membership in an organization like the NRA who is committed to the fight for the rights of shooting enthusiasts everywhere.

Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 9

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10 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015

Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 11

Congratulations to all the 2015 Gold Medal Clubs!!! The NRA offers special recognition by awarding Gold Medal status to NRA affiliated organizations that promote and support the purposes, objectives, policies, and programs of the NRA. Reaching this elite level sets your club apart from others in the area. Each year numerous organizations apply to achieve the Gold Medal status; an honor presented to clubs that meet the following 5 specific criteria: • Be a 100% NRA Club - Acheiving 100% NRA enrollment amongst club members helps make the NRA stronger by increasing its membership numbers and providing a larger representation of the shooting public. A good show of force helps make any argument more compelling.

• Have a club newsletter – A newsletter helps the club communicate to its members. Help keep club members "in the loop" of club activities and community issues as well as what is current in the world of NRA, Freedom and Second Amendment rights issues.

Airfield Shooting Club Alaska Interior Marksmanship Committee American 1800 Adventure Club Apple Valley Gun Club Arlington Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc. Arnold Rifle and Pistol Club Ashe County Wildlife Club Asheville Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc. Athens Rifle Club Blue Ridge Cherry Valley Rod & Gun Club Branford Gun Club, Inc. Cairo Sportsman Club Castleton Fish & Game Protective Assn. Citizens Range & Rec'n Club of Central NJ Coastal Georgia Gun Club Colorado West Gun Club JR Div. Cumberland Riflemen Devil's Hollow Gun Club Douglas Ridge Rifle Club & Jr Div. Downers Grove Sportsman's Club East Hook Sportsmen Assn, Inc. Eastern Nebraska Gun Club, Inc. Eaton Employee's Gun Club Elgin Rifle Club, Inc. Emerald Empire Gun Club Escondido Fish & Game Assn. Estacada Rod & Gun Club

• Belong to the NRA State Association of your state – Joining NRA State Association shows support on the state level. Their mission is to promote and support the purpose and objectives of the NRA while providing programs and support to clubs on the local level.

• Have administered, or currently incorporate, an NRA Youth Program within the club’s agenda - Incorporating a youth program helps introduce f irearms safety to younger shooters. Encouraging them to shoot at an early age will help keep the shooting sports going for future generations.

Factoryville Sportsman Club Florence Gun Club, Inc. Georgia Competitive Shooters, Inc. High Rock Shooting Assn, Inc. Hollywood Rifle and Pistol Club, Inc. HomeSafety Academy Humboldt Rifle And Pistol Club Jefferson State Shooting Association Kalicoontie Rod & Gun Club, Inc. Kern Shooting Sports, Inc. Lima Sabres Shooting Assn. Manatee County Gun & Archery Club Martin County Sportsmen's Assn, Inc. Miamisburg Sportsmen's Club, Inc. Michigan City Rifle Club, Inc. Monumental Rifle and Pistol Club Negaunee Rod and Gun Club, Inc. Nescopeck Hunting & Rifle Club, Inc. New Milford Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc. New Sportsman Club Northern Dutchess Rod & Gun Club, Inc. Northwestern Gun Club Old Post Rifle and Pistol Club Old Trails Rifle & Pistol Club, Inc. Paradise Rod & Gun Club, Inc. Peconic River Sportsman's Club Inc. Putnam County Fish & Game Assn Inc. Richwood Gun & Game Club

• Actively participate in NRA’s Membership Recruiting Program - participating in the NRA recruiting program helps bring new members in at a reduced price, helps generate income for your club, and helps to grow NRA numbers.

Ridge Rifle Association Roanoke Rifle & Revolver Club Rochester Rod & Gun Club Safe Shooting Educational Foundation Sandia Gun Club Inc. Sandusky County Sportmen's Club Santa Clara Valley Rifle Club Scotts Valley Sportsmen's Club, Inc. Shoshone County Public Shooting Range Inc. Silver State Shooting Sport Association Southampton Pistol & Rifle Club, Inc. Southport Gun Club, Inc. Stone Bank Sportsmen's Club, Inc. Stonycreek Shooting Center Inc. Streetsboro Sportsman Association The Great Lot Sportsman's Club, Inc. Tremont Sportsman's Club Tri-City Gun Club Van Wert Co. Outdoorsmen Assn. Vancouver Rifle and Pistol Club Walla Walla Gun Club, Inc. West Liberty Gun Club, Inc. Wilkes Barre Pistol & Rifle Club Willmar Rifle & Pistol Club

Clubs that meet the criteria above will be awarded a plaque along with an inscribed bar listing the year. Current Gold Medal clubs are encouraged to renew their status every year and will be given an inscribed bar with the renewal year. Clubs that are applying for an NRA Range Grant will be given preference if they achieve and maintain Gold Medal status. The annual deadline for the NRA Gold Medal Awards is February 15. To access the application online, please go to 12 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015


New Recruiters Making a Difference

By Randy Clark-Manager, Recruiting Programs


he NRA Recruiting program continues to grow in 2015. So far this year, over 300 new instructors, clubs, ranges and retailers have joined the program. These new recruiters have added thousands of new members to NRA to go with the over 100,000 members brought in by more seasoned recruiters. It’s safe to say that new recruiters are making an incredible impact on the strength of NRA! One instructor alone has recruited 140 members in just 3 short months. Imagine how powerful NRA would be if we all recruited just a fraction of that into the organization. You too can help to make a difference as well as put a few dollars back into your pocket. NRA Recruiters have put over $500,000 back into their coffers to use for club house improvements, range development, instructor mat-

erials and other vital programs on a local level by simply asking the question “How’d you like to join NRA today?” So what are you waiting for? If you are an Instructor, own a gun shop, are part of a club or just an individual looking to make a difference than this is the program for you. It provides a year round opportunity to raise money while strengthening the NRA; a win for everyone involved. For more information on how to become a recruiter and to be involved in the NRA Recruiting Program call us at (800) 672-0004 (option 2), email us at or visit us on the web at Are you already a part of the NRA Recruiting Program? We’d like to hear from you too. Please email your suggestions to and tell us how we can help you to recruit more members.

Club Leadership Development O












Is your club looking for new leadership? Are you a current club officer and need an update? Check out the NEW NRA Club Leadership Development Online Course to obtain your NRA Approved Club Officer Certificate. The NRA Club Leadership & Development Online Course is designed to educate current and incoming club officers and leaders in club operations, programs, and membership development.

Sign up today by visiting

Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 13

Wildlife Commission and Cleveland County

Break Ground on Shooting Range Reprinted with permission from the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission


ith a symbolic turn of earth from 15 shovels, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission and the Cleveland County Board of Commissioners officially broke ground Monday for a new state-of-the-art public shooting range, just north of Shelby, North Carolina. The range, which is located at 250 Fielding Road, will have a 250-yard rifle range, five 50-yard pistol ranges, two skeet/trap courses and a 3D archery course. The facility will be available to the general public, shooting sports teams and law enforcement for practice, training and recreational use. The expected completion date is some time in early fall.

14 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015

Partnerships played a key role in planning the shooting range, said Mallory Martin, chief deputy director of the wildlife Commission, who was one of several speakers at the ceremony. “The shooting range speaks to the power of partnerships and what can be accomplished with partners, such as Cleveland County,” Martin said. “The result of this partnership will be increased opportunities for the public to participate in shooting sports, as well as enhanced facilities for training, certification and education.” Under the terms of a memorandum of agreement signed in 2013, funding from the Wildlife Commission will be used to construct the facility, grade

the site, and build berms, roads and parking lots. Cleveland County provided the property for the shooting range. The county will refurbish an existing house located on the property and is constructing another building that will have restrooms and concessions. The county also will handle routine maintenance of the site and will be responsible for the day-to-day operational oversight of the facility. “The shooting range is going to be enjoyed by citizens of Cleveland County, as well as those across the region and the entire state of North Carolina,” said County Commissioner Johnny Hutchins. “The range will be

a destination Cleveland County will be proud of.” The Wildlife Commission and Cleveland County are sharing the cost of the project, with the Commission using money from the Wildlife Endowment Fund, as well a $25,000 grant from the National Rifle Association through its Public Range Fund, which was established in 2009 to provide funding for the construction of public ranges across the country. “Despite the rise in gun ownership, it is still tough to find a place to shoot in this country because of lack of access,” said Brian Hyder, the National Liaison for General Operations for the NRA. “We’re doing something

about access here today, and I want to extend a big thank you to the Wildlife Commission for stepping up to the plate and making a shooting range a priority. “And a huge thank you to Cleveland County for having the wisdom and foresight to complete the project.” The Cleveland County Shooting Range is one of several ranges the Commission will construct this year to provide the public with places to shoot. Range construction is part of the agency’s mission to provide statewide public shooting opportunities, according to Erik Christofferson, Chief of the Commission’s Division of Engineering and Lands Management.

“Shooting sports,particularly recreational shooting, are growing in popularity and providing shooting ranges that are open to the public is very important to our mission to recruit and retain hunters and shooters of all ages,” Christofferson said. “By combining resources with like-minded partners such as Cleveland County and the NRA, we’re able to provide and maintain more shooting ranges across the state than ever before.”

About the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission Since 1947, the N.C. Wildlife Resources Commission has been dedicated to the conservation and sustainability of the state’s fish and wildlife resources through research, scientific management, wise use, and public input. The Commission is the state regulatory agency responsible for the enforcement of fishing, hunting, trapping and boating laws and provides programs and opportunities for wildliferelated educational, recreational and sporting activities. To learn more, visit Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 15

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16 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015

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NRA Endorsed Property & Casualty Insurance Program is administered by Lockton Affinity, LLC. All coverage descriptions are a summary and not complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions and conditions in the master policy on file at NRA Headquarters. NRA Member dues or contributions are not used for this promotion, program or any other related expenses.

Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 17

NRA Endorsed Property & Casualty Insurance Program is administered by Lockton Affinity, LLC. All coverage descriptions are a summary and not complete descriptions of all terms, exclusions and conditions in the master policy on file at NRA Headquarters. NRA Member dues or contributions are not used for this promotion, program or any other related expenses.

The New Eddie Eagle and the Wing Team


Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program is proud to announce the launch of a brand new online resource just for kids - The new website features an updated video with a modernized Eddie Eagle and his friends, the Wing Team. Together they learn the right thing to do if they ever come across a gun:

STOP! Don’t touch. Run away. Tell a grown-up.

The video also features a discussion between the Wing Team, parents and law enforcement to answer questions children might have in such a situation. The new website aims to make the program even more accessible to children, adding to the 28 million children who have already learned Eddie’s message since 1988. The new video was released during the NRA 144th Annual Meetings and Exhibits in Nashville, TN. Prior to the convention, the Eddie Eagle Program staff partnered with Metro Nashville Police to bring Eddie’s safety message to almost 2,000 students. The children also got a chance to be some of the first to watch the new DVD and

Sgt. Bourque, Sgt. Blue, and Officer White of Metro Nashville Police pictured promoting Eddie Eagle and the Wing Team’s new DVD. 18 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015

were singing along with Eddie and the Wing Team. “It’s about safety—nothing more, nothing less,” said Wayne LaPierre, NRA Executive Vice President. “And when it comes to our children, nothing is more important.” Eddie’s Tree House includes resources for kids like the new video, sing-along songs, coloring pages, discussion questions, games and more at The update is the result of a year-long research and development process involving focus groups in cities across the country. Moms, children, teachers, principals and superintendents vetted the characters, storylines and songs in order to create the finished product. Resources for parents and instructors including more information about the program, parent testimonials and frequently asked questions can be found on the updated website. For questions or to learn about our grant funded materials for schools, law enforcement, hospitals, daycares and libraries, you can email or call (800) 231-0752.

ASHE COUNTY WILDLIFE CLUB Now Hosts National Shoots By Clint Johnson, Ashe County Wildlife Club Public Relations Chair


she County, North Carolina, bills itself as “The coolest corner in North Carolina”, since it is in the mountains and is one of only two of the state’s 100 counties to border on two states (Virginia to the north and Tennessee to the west). While the county’s attraction to leisure tourists may be that it is 10 degrees cooler in the hot summer than it is on the “flat lands” below, the Ashe County Wildlife Club’s shooting ranges are almost always “hot.” Those rifle, shotgun and pistol ranges are proving to be attractions to shooters living in the county, and also those visiting from elsewhere. That is thanks to the club membership making several decisions. Two years ago, the Club asked members to donate money to help build a new, large club house, and expand a 100-yard rifle range to 300 yards. Once the club house was finished with its 30 shooting benches under an overhang, the Club asked to be considered by International Benchrest Shooting for state, regional and national championships. It hosted the 100 & 200 Yard National IBS Championship in 2014 and will host the 200 Yard & 300 Yard Championship on September 12-13, 2015. About the same time as the club house was under construction, Club leadership realized it was missing out on NRA Gold Club status, so it changed its bylaws to require that all members become members of the NRA. Once NRA Gold Club membership was achieved in 2014, the Ashe County Wildlife Club applied for an NRA Range Grant and received $3,000. That money was used to totally revamp its pistol range,

taking down the shot-up wooden 2x4s holding up shot-up rubber backers, and buying a dozen portable steel target frames now kept in a new storage building. Shotgun sports participants have plenty of opportunity to shoot here too. The Ashe County Wildlife Club has skeet and sporting clays fields, a pyramid trap stand, a new 5-stand shelter, and will finish a regular trap field by the end of summer. The new trap field is being sponsored by local members who realized that the Ashe County 4-H Shooting Sports Team was at a disadvantage to “flat land” teams. The Ashe County kids practice with drop-offs from the mountain ridges on which the skeet and pyramid traps are placed. That messes with their depth perception compared to kids who shoot on flat courses. “We’re proud of what we’ve been able to accomplish with our little club. Our county only has 23,000 people in it, yet we have a strong shooting community who live here full-time, and from our summer residents,” said E.T. “Truitt” Weaver, Ashe County Wildlife Club President. “Now that the club house is finished, we will be looking for ways to use it to expand our service to the community by making sure people know that there is a club that can accommodate just about any kind of shooting activity they enjoy. Even though we are a private member club, we strive to make public participation available and are planning to take public use even farther by soon offering weekend shooting for a fee. We also have a variety of lifetime memberships that are available. An application can be found on our website”

The Club does more for the community than just provide shooting ranges. Each fall the Club sponsors Hunters for the Hungry, a national program where deer hunters can fill their own freezers then continue to hunt and donate their harvested deer to five local Ashe County charities. The meat is processed into wrapped meals and given away to those who need it. Over the five years the Club has participated, its hunters have provided thousands of free meals in Ashe County.

Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 19

By Fred Kogen, President, Bullets & Bagels


ullets & Bagels is a fairly new non-profit organization based in California. With a membership of 150 people, the club is growing rapidly and feedback about the unique club and ideas they promote has been quite positive. At this time, their events are held at various indoor and outdoor ranges in Southern California on Sundays only, on a bimonthly basis. “Provide great food and they will come”, is sage advice they always follow. At their events, Bullets & Bagels provides gourmet, delectable food along with interesting guest speakers; many of whom are exmilitary, law enforcement, gun experts or clergy. They maintain a cadre of experienced NRA instructors who graciously donate their valuable time volunteering to assist and train shooters.

20 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015

Bullets & Bagels strives to conduct shooting events that are fun, safe, educational, social, and hunger satiating in a supportive, supervised setting. Above all, they always focus on safety while remaining true to their goal of providing an entertaining and engaging experience with like-minded folks. The club, Bullets & Bagels, brings a new dimension in the effort to garnish more interest in the shooting sports by introducing a growing number of adults who previously had a negative impression of firearms and those who shoot to support our cause and reverse their unfounded impression. Visit for more information.


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Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 21

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Hernando Sportsman's Club Hosts


Florida 4-H Shooting Sports Smallbore Rifle Shoot

lorida’s Hernando County Youth WIN BIG at the 2015 State of Florida 4-H Shooting Sports Smallbore Rifle competition, hosted at the Hernando Sportsman's Club, in Brooksville, FL –March 7th, 2015. Several of Hernando County's youth won titles!. Winners included Victor Hili, Tyler Crossley, Faith Hughes, Miguel Reyes, Madison Prack, Hannah Prack, Kyle Curabba, Marie Aguele and Cari Lovett.

Victor Hili won 1st place as the overall winner and Tyler Crossley won 2ⁿd place in the Individual competitions Intermediate age division for the whole state of Florida. Victor Hili, Tyler Crossley, and Faith Hughes won 1st place as a team for the Intermediate age division. Miguel Reyes won 1st place as the overall winner in the Individual competitions – Senior age division, with Kyle Curabba winning 2ⁿd place, Hannah Prack winning 3rd place, and

Madison Prack winning 4th overall. Kyle Curabba, Miguel Reyes, and Marie Aguele won 1st place as a team for the Senior age division. Special thanks to the Hernando Sportsman’s Club, Hernando 4-H Coach Bob Bacon, and all the Florida 4-H parents for encouraging and supporting all the participants.

2015 Florida 4-H Small Bore Rifle Competition Results include: INTERMEDIATE DIVISION (Ages 11-13) 3-Position competition: 1st place – Victor Hili 2ⁿd place – Tyler Crossley 3rd place – Faith Hughes CMP competition: 1st place – Victor Hili 2ⁿd place- Tyler Crossley Silhouettes competition: 1st place – Victor Hili 3rd place – Tyler Crossley SENIOR DIVISION (Ages 14-18) 3-Position competition: 1st place – Miguel Reyes 2ⁿd place - Madison Prack 3rd place – Hannah Prack 4th place – Kyle Curabba CMP competition: 1st place – Kyle Curabba 2ⁿd place – Madison Prack 3rd place – Miguel Reyes 5th place – Hannah Prack Silhouettes competition: 2ⁿd place – Hannah Prack 3rd place – Kyle Curabba



1st place –Victor Hili 2ⁿd place – Tyler Crossley


1st place TEAM – Faith Hughes Tyler Crossley Victor Hili SENIOR SMALLBORE


1st place - Miguel Reyes 2ⁿd place – Kyle Curabba 3rd place – Hannah Prack 4th place – Madison Prack


1st place TEAM – Kyle Curabba Marie Aguele Miguel Reyes 3rd place TEAM – Cari Lovett Hannah Prack Madison Prack

For more info about Florida 4-H Shooting Sports, please visit: Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 23

Practical Hunting and Rifleman Schools at Peacemaker National Training Center

By Peter Churchborne, Director, NRA Hunter Services


ou might think of NRA Outdoors as a top shelf service that can and will help you find the perfect fit with an outfitter to fulfill your hunting and fishing trip dreams. What you might not know is that NRA Outdoors is rolling out many new special events and featured trips in the next year to expand our offerings. By utilizing our deep industry ties, our knowledge of the outdoors, and our passion to help members be better outdoorsmen and women; we are creating opportunities that will allow people to learn needed skills and experience new adventures.

The first of these special events was our long distance schools in Utah that have been part of our offerings for over a year now. Because of the immense popularity of this class we went in search of a partner that could provide a similar experience in a different part of the country. We found that partnership with the Peacemaker National Training Center (PNTC) in Gerrardstown, West Virginia. Located less then two hours from our headquarters in Fairfax and only an hour and a half drive from Dulles International Airport, their facility was perfect for us.

From the cover of simulated hunting blinds, students are put to the test on multiple targets at varying distances. 24 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Summer 2015

From benchrest positions along a high plateau, shooters prepare to engage their target on a 1000 yard range.

The first of four scheduled Practical Hunting and Rifleman Schools was held on May 16 & 17, 2015 to a sold out class of 14 students. Class size is kept small to allow for close instructor/student interaction and to utilize all that the facility has to offer. The curriculum is designed to allow hunters and shooters of all skill levels to expand their knowledge and then apply that knowledge behind the rifle. Day one consisted of classroom lessons to help understand the importance of the complete rifle system. Also discussed were the importance of ammunition, rifle and scope selection together. Because the course has a heavy hunting theme, students are taught about terminal ballistics and shot placement. Topics such as positional shooting, drop compensation, cartridge selection, external ballistics, spotting basics, range estimation and wind compensation are all part of the lesson plan. The rest of day one and the morning of day two are spent on the range leaning more and sharpening those newly learned skills. The second half of day two is spent on a predesigned field course thru the woods where students get to apply their knowledge in a simulated hunting scenario. Targets were set up in distances between 70 and

650 yards, requiring students to shoot from standing, knelling, braced, or prone positions. The field course was designed to both allow students to test their ability and to demonstrate their knowledge. They also learned their limitations, which is vital when hunting and ethical shots are important. At the end of the field course the students were placed on a plateau overlooking a large section of clearcut hardwoods in the West Virginia mountains where a target at over 1000 yards awaited. Because of the great partnerships with companies like Swarovski, Weatherby, Huskemaw, and Kestrel; NRA Outdoors can provide these types of events and many more in the future. Stay tuned to our website for all the 2016 event offerings. Are you up for the challenge? We are looking forward to seeing you and your friends at an upcoming NRA Outdoors event! For more information, call us at 844-672-6883 or visit

Summer 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 25

NRA Affiliated State Associations AL STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 2009 Rogers Dr Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-7968 • James Moses, President Website currently unavailable AK OUTDOOR COUNCIL, INC. 310 K St Ste 200 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-264-6645 • Bill Iverson, President AZ STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N P.O. Box 74424 New River, AZ 85087 623-687-4251 • Noble C. Hathaway, President AR RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 2348 Conway, AR 72033 501-327-4702 • Ann Fairless, Sec./Treas. CA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N, INC. 271 E Imperial Hwy Ste 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 • Alan Edwards , Treasurer CO STATE SHOOTING ASS'N 609 W Littleton Blvd Ste 206 Littleton, CO 80120 303-663-9339 • Tony Fabian, President CT STATE RIFLE & REVOLVER ASS'N P.O. Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 860-480-4600 • Bradford Palmer, Vice President DE STATE SPORTSMEN’S ASS'N P.O. Box 94 Lincoln, DE 19960 302-475-4228 • Daniel Lindberg, Vice President FL SPORT SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. 5915 Viking Rd Orlando, FL 32808 407-295-5115 • Robert Stokes, President

GA SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N PO Box 1733 Macon, GA 31202 478-955-7068 • Tom Patton, Secretary/Treasurer HI RIFLE ASSOCIATION PO Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-306-7194 • Harvey F. Gerwig, President ID STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N PO Box 140293 Boise, ID 83714-4183 208-452-4183 • Neill Goodfellow, President IL STATE RIFLE ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 • Richard Pearson, Exe. Director IN STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N, INC. 7527 State Route 56 W Rising Sun, IN 47040 812-534-3258 • Jerry Wehner, President IA STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-626-2710 • Bill Besgrove, Sec./Treas. KS STATE RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 219 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-608-1910 • Patricia Stoneking, President L OF KY SPORTSMEN, INC. 1116 Hume Road Lexington, KY 40516 859-351-7113 • Thomas J. Mansfield, NRA Liaison LA SHOOTING ASS'N 350 Quill Ct. Slidell, LA 70461 985-781-4174 • Daniel Zelenka II, President

(ME) PINE TREE STATE R&P ASS'N, INC PO Box 373 Yarmouth, ME 04096 207-882-4713 • Angus Norcross, Treasurer MD STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 341 Whitfield Rd Catonsville, MD 21228 410-838-1734 • James Bowen, President (MA) GUN OWNERS’ ACTION L PO Box 567, 361 W Main St Northboro, MA 01606 508-393-5333 • James Wallace, Exe. Director MI RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 71 Marshall, MI 49068-0071 269-781-1223 • Charles Hayes, Secretary MN RIFLE & REVOLVER ASS'N, INC. 4737 CR 101, Box 114 Minnetonka, MN 55345-2634 320-968-6898 • George Minerich, President MS STATE FIREARM OWNERS ASS'N PO Box 1061 McComb, MS 39649 601-341-8797 • Douglas Bowser, President MO SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N PO Box 209 Winfield, MO 63389 314-440-3811 • Mike Kight, Secretary MT RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 406-868-4181 • Zona Mowrer, Secretary NE MARKSMANSHIP ASS’N PO Box 390311 Omaha, NE 68139 402-933-4881 • Bill Keil, Secretary

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Affiliated State Associations NV FIREARMS COALITION 5575 Simmons St, Ste I-176 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 702-353-5935 • Don Turner, President GUN OWNERS OF NH, INC. P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 • Mitch Kopacz, President ASS'N OF NJ R&P CLUBS, INC. 5 Sicomac Rd Ste 292 North Haledon, NJ 07508 973-697-9270 • Scott L. Bach, Exe. Director NM SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 20787 Albuquerque, NM 87154 505-286-8449 • Gayle Dye, President NY STATE R&P ASS’N, INC. 90 S. Swan Street Suite 395 Albany, NY 12210 518-272-2654 • Tom King, President NC RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-295-7220 • David Prest, Secretary ND SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N P.O. Box 228 Bismarck, ND 58502 701-255-4601 • Rich Butler, President OH RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 6116 Misty Creek Dr Loveland, OH 45140 513-426-7944 • Bob Sacco, President OK RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 850927 Yukon, OK 73085-0927 405-324-2450 • Charles Smith, Executive Director

OR STATE SHOOTING ASS’N 34423 Brewster Rd Lebanon, OR 97333 541-409-3358 • Nelson Shaw, President PA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 1573 Chestnut Grove Hwy Grampian, PA 16838 814-236-0708 • Jack Lee, President GUN RIGHTS & SAFETY ASS'N OF PR PO Box 191919 San Juan, PR 00919-1919 • Rafael Torres, President 787-691-1919 RI 2ⁿd AMENDMENT COALITION 928 Atwood Ave Johnston, RI 02919 401-944-1600 • Frank Saccoccio, President GUN OWNERS OF SC P.O. Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-345-5761 • Gerald Stoudemire, President SD SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N PO Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 605-428-5488 • Tom Raines, President TN SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. 6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 615-491-2633 • Ray Harvey, President

VT FED'N OF SPRTMN’S CLUBS, INC. 16 Millstone Blvd Barre, VT 05641 802-272-8544 • Evan Hughes, Vice President VA SHOOTING SPORTS ASS’N P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848 • Lucien Charette, Exec. Director WA STATE R&P ASS'N, INC. 17541 Fremont Ave N Shore Line, WA 98113 206-427-8257 • James Crosier, President WV SRPA P.O. Box 120 Eleanor, WV 25070 304-586-3116 • Amy Tenney, Treasurer WI F.O.R.C.E. PO Box 130 Seymour, WI 54165 888-337-3534 • Jeff Nass, Executive Director WY STATE SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. 625 Sweetwater St Lander, WY 82520-3044 307-335-9323 • Roger Sebesta, Secy/Treas

TX STATE RIFLE ASS'N 8411 N. IH 35 Austin, TX 78753 512-615-4200 • Jan Jumper, Asst. Director UT STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 4834 Van Buren Ave Ogden, UT 84403 801-499-9763 • Elwood P. Powell, President

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION Eastern Regional Director Bryan Hoover Area 1 (ME, NH, VT) Brian Smith Area 2 (NY) Jay Rusnock Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, NJ, Lower NY) Jim Reardon Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA) Kory Enck Area 5 (Western PA) Thomas Baldrige Area 7 (WV, Western VA, Western MD) Jim Kilgore Area 12 (Southern OH) Andrew Root Area 45 (DC, Eatern MD, Eastern VA) David Wells Area 49 (Northern OH) Marc Peugeot

CENTRAL REGION Central Regional Director Chad Franklin Area 13 (Northern MO) Travis Scott Area 14 (IN) Craig Haggard Area 15 (KY) John LaRowe Area 17 (WI) Scott Taetsch Area 18 (Northern IL) Michael Huber Area 19 (MO) Gregg Pearre Area 23 (IA, NE) Tim Bacon Area 51 (MI) Allan Herman Area 52 (Southern IL) Donald Higgs

SOUTHERN REGION Southern Regional Director Al Hammond Area 8 (Eastern NC) Lloyd Edwards Area 9 (SC) VACANT ---------------------------------------------Area 10 (GA) Neely Raper Area 11 (Northern FL) Bret Eldridge Area 16 (LA) Chad Bowen Area 22 (AL, MS) Gene Newman Area 42 (Western NC) Robert Doug Merrill Area 43 (TN) Mike Webb Area 48 (Southern FL) Tom Knight

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Field Representative Directory MID WEST REGION Mid West Regional Director Tom Ulik Area 20 (OK) Darren DeLong Area 24 (KS) Rick Chrisman Area 25 (Northern TX) Terry Free Area 26 (Southern TX) Liz Foley Area 27 (NM) Kevin Post Area 30 (CO) Brad Dreier Area 39 (AR) Erica Willard-Dunn Area 47 (Western TX) Jack Cannon

WESTERN REGION Western Regional Director Brad Kruger Area 21 (MN) Eric Linder Area 28 (MT) Joseph Crismore Area 29 (WY) David Manzer Area 33 (ID) Steve Vreeland Area 34 (HI, OR) Mike Carey Area 38 (Southern AK) Greg Stephens Area 40 (WA) Michael Herrera Area 41 (ND, SD) Clay Pederson Area 53 (Northern AK) Josh Toennessen

SOUTHWESTERN REGION Southwestern Regional Director Jason Quick Area 6 (NV) Steve Wilson Area 31 (AZ) Winston Pendelton Area 32 (UT) John Kendall Area 35 (Northern CA) Daniel Wilhelm Area 36 (Southern CA) Mike Davis Area 37 (Central CA) Paul Rodarmel Area 46 (Eastern CA) Cole Beverly Area 50 (Mid California) Bob Anderson

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

Recreational Programs & Ranges 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030

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