NRA Sports - Winter 2015/2016

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DAY Opens the Doors to Hearts & Minds of the Next Generations Pg. 19

Strategies That Will Keep Kids Safe Pg. 12

m a g a z i n e President's Column: China's Anti-Gun Stance Doesn't Stop Mass Killings




Plan An Event For YOUR CLUB!

The Y.E.S. Crew is Back!


Look Out, Washington!

The National School Shield


Strategies That WILL Keep Kids Safe

Eddie Eagle® The Bird, The Myth, The Legend Travels to MD

Safe Holiday Travel Tips Brought To You By Refuse To Be A Victim®

YHEC Not Just An After-School Activity...

NRA Public Range Spotlight:

15 19 22

South Dakota

Adaptive Shooting Programs: Disabled Awareness Shoot Goes Off Without A Hitch

Published quarterly by the National Rifle Association of America Recreational Programs & Ranges




Son Nguyen, National Manager Clubs & Associations and Ranges

(800) NRA-Club (672-2582)

Design & Layout: © Copyright 2015 National Rifle Association

Stephen Czarnik, Program Coordinator Clubs & Associations

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 • (800) NRA-Club •

China's Anti-Gun Stance Doesn't Stop Mass Killings

By Allan D. Cors, NRA President


fter each rampage or mass murder by a lone-wolf killer, President Barack Obama always spins a variation of his unseemly, knee-jerk threat to erase the right to keep and bear arms: "We as a country will have to reckon with the fact that this type of mass violence does not happen in other advanced countries." As with everything that Obama says about the Second Amendment, this is a lie. And it is repeated and amplified by Obama’s acolyte, Hillary Clinton, in her bid to capture the White House in 2016.

“have been hacked to death at a kindergarten in China” and chronicled a steady series of mass killings and maimings in schools. “Another 11 children were injured in the attack near Hanzhong city, Shaanxi province. ... The children were all thought to be under the age of six. Their attacker later killed himself.” The story continues, “There have been five violent school attacks in the past two months in China, leaving dozens of people dead or injured."

Does the total absence of guns prevent mass carnage, especially in schools? Look no further than China to find out that the answer is “no.”

Always laying more groundwork for the embrace of an Australian model for national confiscation of firearms from strictly law-abiding citizens on our soil, Obama recently claimed, “What’s different is not every country is awash with easily accessible guns.” (Emphasis added.) What about a nation where there are no firearms in private hands? Does the total absence of guns prevent mass carnage, especially in schools? The answer is something we as well-informed citizens must tell others to counter the big lie. It is, in fact, astonishing. Look no further than China. That nation is a cradle-to-grave police state that defines the utopian dream of a universal gun-free zone envisioned for Americans by our home-grown gun banners. Yet mass killers abound in the total absence of citizens’ firearms. Rampage murder and maiming by attackers armed with knives in China is epidemic. A few of the many deeply disturbing headlines tell the story far better than I can relate it, especially when it comes to the now-common attacks at schools. “China searches for answers after school attacks.” That was a BBC headline on a story declaring, “China is reeling from a surge of attacks on innocent children and the country is searching for answers while beefing up security for schools.” The BBC story recounted a litany of rampage murders and maimings of children including this one: “A middleaged man armed with a knife wounded 28 children and three adults at a kindergarten in Jiangsu province, eastern China. Five children were left in a critical condition.” An additional BBC piece—headlined “China children ‘hacked to death’ in new school attack”—is especially chilling. The coverage went beyond describing one horrific incident where seven children and two adults

Then there is this, also from the BBC, headline: “Man held over fatal knife attack at China kindergarten.” The story says, “A man who killed at least three children in a knife attack at a Chinese kindergarten has been arrested. ... More than 20 children and staff were hurt at the school in the eastern city of Zibo, Shandong province.” This news coverage occurs with regularity. Such articles are a fact of life. But China has no more of a knife problem than we have a gun problem. We have a common problem—evil. And no law, no edict, no government power can prevent evil. As NRA members, we have a responsibility. Armed with the truth, we must be prepared to counter lies about our rights and freedom. None of this knife murder and mayhem in China gets anything but a blip of coverage, if that, in our media. It doesn’t fit the gun control agenda of the likes of Obama, Hillary and billionaire gun-banner Michael Bloomberg. The fact that such appalling, insane violence exists in China or any other society shatters the gun-ban claim that it is unique to our national character. It is not. What is unique to the American character are the rights enumerated and sustained by our Constitution. What is uniquely American is the freedom secured by those Godgiven rights. As NRA members, we must assure that those rights and freedoms—that belong to all Americans whether they exercise them or not—are ever-protected. Armed with the truth, it is our duty as informed citizens to counter corrosive lies wherever and whenever liberty is under attack. So, next time you hear someone say our Second Amendment is the cause of mass violence, tell them about China. Winter 2015/2016 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 1

Planning Your 2016

Brownells/NRA Day Event

By Samantha Olsen, Lead Program Specialist, Recreational Programs and Ranges


t’s that time of year again to start making preparations for the 2016 shooting sports season. Don’t wait until the last minute to get started. Remember, the earlier your club plans an event, the more options of facilities, equipment, and dates you will have to choose from. If your club doesn’t know where to begin, below are some suggestions to help start your shooting sports year in the right direction.

REQUEST 2016 INFORMATION If you have not planned a Brownells/NRA Day Event before, contact the Brownells/NRA Day Program Specialist at (703) 267-1472 or and request the Brownells/NRA Day Planning Guide or visit the website for a digital download of the Planning Guide at: The event themes offered in the program are designed for discovery. They provide exposure to the many different activities available in shooting sports and offer participants the opportunity to explore them in a safe and controlled environment.

FORM A PLANNING COMMITTEE Planning a Brownells/NRA Day can be easy if you start early and have help. Form a committee dedicated to organizing the event. With a team, tasks can be divided and given to the members of the committee. Each person could be assigned chair positions of subcommittees (for example, the Event Director can be the head of the Planning Committee and the smaller subcommittees can include volunteer committee, 2 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015/2016

safety committee, equipment and facilities committee, advertising committee, etc.). This way, members are responsible for one task and can focus their time and energy on achieving the goals of the subcommittee and planning committee.

SELECT EVENT TYPE There are many event themes to choose from, however, the committee should choose the type that best fits the club and its firearm specialty.

• Safety and Firearm Education Event (Family event, open to everyone) Participants learn how to safely handle, load, shoot, and unload a variety of different guns.

• Basic Shooting Event (Family event, open to everyone) Participants complete a formal NRA Basic Course of Instruction (10-14 hours) or an NRA First Steps Course of Instruction (3 hours) enhanced with plenty of range time to apply lessons learned, receive personalized instruction, and develop confidence on the range.

• Hunters Event

• Special Interest Event

(Family event, open to everyone) Participants explore a variety of informative and educational topics such as hunting ethics and responsibility, wildlife identification, field techniques, orienteering, gun handling/shooting, and gun and bow hunting.

(Closed event, limited to a specific audience.) Sponsors promote new or locally popular shooting activities, or design programs that meet the needs of more specialized segments of the population, such as scouts, youth conservation clubs, and high adventure groups.

• Competition Event (Family event, open to everyone) Participants learn how to hone the skills and techniques that give a competitive edge in matches and championships. Competition camps can be conducted at beginner, intermediate or advanced skill levels.

• Youth Sportsfest Event (Closed event, limited to youth attendees) Youth participants are introduced to the fun and excitement of shooting sports in a safe, positive, and educational environment. Each SportsFest has its own specialized program based on the resources, expertise, and facilities at the sponsor’s disposal.

• Shotgun Event (Family event, open to everyone) Participants learn the ins and outs of shotgun shooting and the specifics of the game of Trap, Skeet, Sporting Clays, or 5-Stand.

• NRA 3 Gun Experience Event (Family event, open to everyone.) This is a safe, family-fun, mildly competitive recreational event. Utilizing modern sporting .22 rifles, .22 pistols, and shotguns, as well as AirSoft rifles, pistols and shotguns, this activity is designed to fully equip each participant with the same firearms and ammunition to give them a level playing field. Depending how the shooting course is staged, participants may also have to demonstrate their athletic and tactical abilities.

SET EVENT DATE After knowing the event type and possible volunteers, plan for several possible event dates and schedule your event with a facility as soon as possible. The desired range or center may hold several events per year. Plan early to get the best possible date to make your camp a success.

Left: These three youngsters became fast friends at their club's NRA Day Event. Below: Shooting Trap with 20 gauge semiautomatic shotguns is good practice and a lot of fun with a little less kick for a beginner clays shooter.

Winter 2015/2016 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 3

FILL OUT 2016 Brownells/NRA Day APPLICATION After the date is set, the facility is booked, and camp type has been selected, now it’s time to fill out the 2016 Brownells/NRA Day Event Application. The application must have the following criteria to be accepted: • Event Name (the words Brownells/NRA Day MUST be in the event name)

• Event(s) Date(s) • Location (Including the range name, city and state) • Event Director with contact information • Contact Person with contact information (It may be event director) • Select only ONE event theme

It is required to have a rough draft of the camp flyer, the materials order form sheet (included with application), and a $20 application fee. It is very important to fill out the form correctly; any mistakes may delay processing your application. The application is available online at You must register as an Event Director first before the application can be submitted. Please remember to submit the application 60 days before the event. If you have any questions or need help with the planning process or the event application, contact the Brownells/NRA Day Program Specialist at (703)267-1472 or Have a safe and wonderful 2016 shooting sports season!

Archery marksmanship has just as much nuance as f irearms.

These three boys received trophies for their acheivements.

Under the watchful eye of an NRA Instructor, this young man is learning how to use iron sights on a .22 rimf ire rifle for some fun plinking action. 4 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015 /2016

Whether you are a novice or seasoned outdoor enthusiast, it’s an experience that will prepare you for your next adventure! No experience is necessary. Reservations fill quickly, so grab a friend and come join us for the NRA Women’s Wilderness Escape!

Seven Springs Resort ° Pennsylvania ° June 3-6, 2016

For more information

Come Join Us For a Great Adventure!

Call: 800-672-7435 opt.5 or email: Fall 2015 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 5

Is the Youth Education Summit Awesome?

A Thunderous The Class of

2 0 1 5 t o o k D. C . b y s t o r m … l i t e ra l l y.

By Wendy LaFever and Kylie Vess, Managing Editor and Assistant Editor, NRA Family InSights

6 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015 /2016

Photos by: Forrest MacCormack, Emily Rupertus, and Catherine Barsanti.


e have said it many times before, but this year was just no different: The 2015 Youth Education Summit (Y.E.S.), sponsored by The NRA Foundation, was a success! Students arrived from across the country to take part in the experience of a lifetime…and to compete for $30,000 in scholarships. The Y.E.S. adventure began on Monday when all the students flew into the Washington, D.C. area and partook in icebreakers and orientation activities. On Tuesday the summit officially kicked off at NRA headquarters in Fairfax, Va., with a presentation on the NRA and what

it does. NRA staff presented discussions on Friends of NRA volunteer fundraising, the beloved Eddie Eagle Gunsafe® program, NRA Clubs and Associations, Youth Programs, and Refuse To Be A Victim®. During the presentations, NRA President Allan D. Cors and Executive Director of NRA General Operations Kyle Weaver spoke to the students about how their support and involvement is vital to the future of the Second Amendment and the National Rifle Association of America. Later, the Y.E.S. summiteers explored the National Firearms Museum, then made their way down

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8 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015 /2016

to the NRA Range. First, all passed the NRA Range test and received thorough reviews of each gun, proper handling, correct stance, and safety by the experienced staff at the range. Then it was time for the fun! They shot handguns and rifles of various calibers. As the sun rose on Wednesday, so did the students. The bus’ first stop was the Hillsdale College Kirby Center, located less than a mile from the United States Capitol. The students began their day under a painting called “The Signing of the American Constitution” by Sam Knecht, which set the tone for the debate on principles and civil liberties about to commence. In teams of five or six, students debated on the topics of race relations within communities, permitting firearms on college campuses, the power of sports governing bodies and the requirement of passing a preliminary test to vote. Every student had a few minutes at the podium to speak on behalf of their team. “This has been a really cool experience to see kids like us [debate] at a high level,” Cole Diggins from Missouri said. “I love watching these debates. On each team, everyone is looking out for one another,” stated Natalie Fox from Nevada. The Y.E.S. group got back on the bus...then off again as it pulled up to the National Archives Museum. The National Archives is the permanent home of the Declaration of Independence, Constitution of the United States and the Bill of Rights, collectively known as the Charters of Freedom. Marisa Laudadio of Mississippi noted, “I want to work in politics, and it just gave me chills reading these documents in our Founders’ own handwriting.” Now on to the monuments and memorials! For once D.C.’s summer weather could not have been more perfect: clear blue skies, around 85 degrees Fahrenheit and a slight breeze. We hoped it would hold. The group met their guide, David Elliott, at the first stop on the tour— the National WWII Memorial. Elliott explained the arrangement of the state pillars, what the 4,048 gold stars behind "Here We Mark the Price of Freedom” represent, the meaning of the wreaths on the pillars and who Kilroy was. The Korean War Veterans Memorial came next. Elliott gave a detailed description of the 19 stainless-steel statues, the Mural Wall, and the image they create when viewed together. Later, the group formed a circle around our guide at the Lincoln Memorial and the Reflecting Pool. It being one of the most recognized structures in the United States, Elliott had much to say about the white stone memorial honoring the “Great Emancipator.” A big, bright moon rose over the Vietnam Veterans Memorial, the final stop. The students were solemn as they listened and paid tribute to The Three Soldiers

statue. The Y.E.S. group then followed alongside the Memorial Wall, which honors our veterans who died in the Vietnam War. Emotions rose as the students took in the numerous names upon the wall, and a humbled feeling overtook the group. Ruby Stith from California truly felt the impact of the memorial: “When I go back home, I’m going to be talking about this for years to come,” she said. “I never had any connection to wars. Then today, seeing the memorials, gave me that connection,” Hayden Rash of Texas said. “The memorials put into perspective the freedoms we take for granted.” The next morning dawned sunny and very, very hot. But the Y.E.S. summiteers broiled patiently in D.C.’s signature summer humidity knowing that they were in for a very special treat: Just outside the Capitol Building, they would be meeting with Arkansas' Congressman Bruce Westerman for a personal question-and-answer session. “It’s great to see a group of young people like yourselves here to learn about our freedoms, especially our Second Amendment freedoms,” said Westerman. Later, the group’s visit moved inside the Capitol Building to the House and Senate galleries. As the students gazed down into the very same rooms where representatives and senators have been debating legislation since the nineteenth century, the security guard (who clearly missed his calling as a docent) stepped forward to give an impromptu lecture on the history of the chambers. That same personal touch was in evidence as Y.E.S. made its way to the Supreme Court building. Among the echoing white marble and rich draperies of the chamber where the nine Justices meet throughout the year, the teens heard inside stories of how the highest court in the land actually functions from day-to-day. Included among these facts was that it’s not actually the highest court in the land—the basketball court just above the chamber claims that title. In fact, a faint booming could be heard from somewhere above. Was a game in session?

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Sadly, no, it wasn’t a game. As the group jogged down those famous marble steps and back to the bus, the skies opened in an earth-shattering thunderstorm. Within seconds the entire group was utterly drenched, hurrying through sidewalks that had turned to rivers. Looking at the students, each sitting in their own personal puddle, the chaperones decided that it would be best to skip the National Museum of American History and head back to the hotel so everyone could get into some dry clothes. Once comfortably dry and fed, the teens took part in seminar sessions for over three hours, discussing firearm regulations, environment and climate change as well as international affairs and foreign policy. Afterwards, they were off to bed, because the next morning would feature a perennial highlight of the Youth Education Summit: a tour of the Marine Corps Base in Quantico. “Quantico Day,” as it’s affectionately known, is a chance to experience what life as a Marine might be like, but in perfect safety. The students started their day with a bang—literally—by participating in what has to be the coolest virtual-reality training around. Called the VCCT, or Virtual Combat Convoy Trainer, students sit in a real (albeit stripped-down) HMMV equipped with real (albeit altered so they use lasers, not bullets) M16s. Surrounded by a virtual-reality display, students must communicate with and protect one another from attacks on their convoy. It’s a dizzyingly exciting exercise. Later the Y.E.S. summiteers made their way to the National Museum of the Marine Corps, which offers fascinating history combined with hands-on attractions. There’s nothing that brings home the somber reality of battle like the display dedicated to the Battle of Chosin Reservoir, which is super-cooled to replicate the frozen conditions of that battle. Then, after a dinner of real Meals-Ready-to-Eat (MREs) at the feet of the Iwo Jima Memorial, the students got to enjoy the worldfamous “8th and I Parade.” It’s a spectacle in which Marines perform dazzling displays of synchronized marching and rifle drills. (Luckily there was no inclement weather this time to rain on anyone’s parade.) The week closed on a solemnly beautiful note as the students decamped at Arlington National Cemetery at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, where they participated in a wreath-laying ceremony dedicated to, as is inscribed on the back of the tomb, “…an American soldier known but to God.” It’s a terrific honor to do this, and the students were also lucky enough to have one of the Tomb Guards take half an hour after the ceremony to talk with them. All good things, it’s said, must come to an end, and soon it was time for the summiteers and chaperones to say good-bye. It’s a bittersweet time for all. “I’ve been part of many camps and trips, but 10 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015/2016

this trip and group of people are high quality,” said Oregon’s Ben Swanson. “We’re all from different states, but that doesn’t matter—we all mesh and I’ve made some really close friends. [Y.E.S.] represents the greatness of people and this country.” Of course, there’s also the matter of scholarships. At the close of the week, $16,000 in scholarships were allocated to the teens who shone the brightest, with an additional $15,000 up for grabs to the students who best bring the lessons they’ve learned to their communities back home. “These students are among some of the best and brightest in the country,” smiled Program Coordinator David Helmer. “It’s such an honor to see them experience our nation’s capital and learn about our freedoms. And it’s always so hard to say good-bye to them at the end of the week.”, continued Helmer, “I have no doubt that they’re going to do great things in the future…and that we’ll be hearing from them again.”

Now it’s your turn! NRA is issuing a call for all young leaders interested in making a difference for the 2016 Youth Education Summit! The summit will run Monday, July 25, through Sunday, July 31, 2016. To apply please call (800) 672-3888 ext. 1351 or email yes@ Application deadline is February 1, 2016.


$3,500: Caleb Daniels, Lee’s Summit, Missouri $2,500: Hunter Hackworth, Pax, West Virginia $2,500: Elijah Sheff ield, Harrison, Arkansas $2,500: Bonita Wyatt, Clover, South Carolina $1,000: Cole Diggins, Moundville, Missouri $1,000: Savannah Easter, Amelia, Virginia $1,000: Riaz Lane, Tyner, North Carolina $1,000: Marisa Laudadio, Walnut, Mississippi $1,000: Nicholas McGrath, Hampton, Minnesota

Winter 2015/2016 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 11

Engaging communities and empowering leaders to help make our schools more secure

By Sheila Brantley National School Shield Program Director, National Rifle Association


ounded on the premise of education and training, the NRA has upheld a commitment to delivering vital programs and services in support of firearm and public safety since 1871. Through groundbreaking and successful initiatives like the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® and Refuse To Be A Victim® Programs, the NRA has helped save lives by educating millions of men, women and children on how to stay safe in their homes and communities. In December 2012, the NRA launched its latest initiative dedicated to protecting our children: the National School Shield Program. Recognizing that there is no onesize-fits-all approach to school security, National School Shield 12 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015 /2016

(NSS) is committed to addressing the many facets of school security, including best practices in security infrastructure, technology, personnel, training and policy. Through this multidimensional effort, NSS seeks to engage communities and empower leaders to help make our schools more secure. Armed with the belief that nothing trumps the security and well-being of our children and schools, the NRA provided a multi-million dollar investment in support of school vulnerability assessments across our nation—including campuses large and small, urban and rural, private and public—in order to better identify common vulnerabilities and best practices observed at various K-12

facilities across America. This was a significant and necessary down payment that we know will help save lives. But the NRA’s commitment does not end there. Thanks to Friends of NRA and The NRA Foundation, NSS was able to award more than $200,000 to schools across the nation in its first year, allowing grant recipients to address security improvements that they might not have otherwise been able to afford. Funded projects included improvements to main entrances, visitor management systems, and emergency response training. The gratitude and positive response from communities throughout the country who were able to make their schools more secure has been overwhelming.

“The School Shield grant has made it possible to do in one year what would have taken us five. Thanks so much.” – Grant Recipient in Arkansas

The NRA understands that school security is a complex issue with no simple, single solution. So, in addition to grant funding, NSS will also offer a dedicated online resource

“Our kids are our responsibility. It’s not just our duty to protect them, it’s our right to protect them.” - Wayne LaPierre

“[We are] a rural, high-poverty school district with limited financial means. We have taken proactive security measures to ensure the safety of our students and staff. There were some big items that we needed to address to finalize our safety plan. Our school district was able to complete the safety plan without sacrifice, and it was all made possible by a grant provided by [The NRA Foundation for] the National School Shield. Thank you very much for this grant. It has been a godsend.” – Grant Recipient in Ohio “The NRA [Foundation] has been very generous in funding these security grants to make our schools safer. The school and community appreciate this as it becomes harder to fund these projects with a tight budget.” – Grant Recipient in Virginia

center highlighting best practices in school security as well as a selfassessment tool to help schools identify potential areas for improvement and to empower community members to advocate for more secure schools. NSS is also partnering with local law enforcement agencies to offer training on how to conduct standardized school vulnerability assessments. This will allow schools to work directly with local law enforcement officers to evaluate and improve their emergency preparedness in a shared commitment to keeping children safe. Millions of NRA supporters wholeheartedly believe there is nothing more critical to our nation’s well-being than our children’s safety, and the National School Shield is the National Rifle Association’s commitment to that effort.



In Fall 2015, about 55 million K-12 students are expected to be enrolled in public and private schools in the US.

There are approximately 129,400 K-12 public and private schools in the US.

65% of public schools reported that at least one violent incident occurred at school during the 2013–14 school year.

In 2013-2014, only 48% of public schools provided training to classroom teachers or aides on recognizing early warning signs of students likely to become violent.

25% of schools report inadequate funding as a top factor limiting the schools’ efforts to reduce or prevent crime.

For more information about the National School Shield program and ways you can help us protect our nation’s children, please visit

National School Shield was the highest funded NRA program at the state fund level in 2015

Winter 2015/2016 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 13

Members of the Frederick County 4H Shooting Sports Club with Eddie Eagle at the Great American Outdoor Show in 2014.

“We could be saving one of these kids’ lives” The Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program in Frederick County, Maryland


By Marianne Johnson, Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program Coordinator

y dad would impress gun safety on us until it was annoying,” Chuck Farmer recalls. Now, almost two decades later, Chuck is still teaching the importance of firearms safety, with help from the National Rifle Association’s Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program and the Frederick 4H Shooting Sports Program. The 4H Shooting Sports Program of Frederick County, Maryland has worked tirelessly to promote the Eddie Eagle GunSafe® Program. After partnering with the Frederick County Sheriff ’s Office, the 4H Club was able to use the Eddie Eagle mascot costume. When they approached Frederick County Sheriff, Charles A. Jenkins, about revitalizing the program and getting Eddie at events around the county, he said “I support the Eddie Eagle Program 100% and I think it’s wonderful!” Now, volunteers and Eddie can be seen all over the county including at the County Fair, “Ag Week” at Francis Scott Key Mall and The Great American Outdoor Show, held in Harrisburg, PA every February. Though Eddie’s “true identity” is never revealed, club officers have earned the responsibility of masquerading as Eddie, while several of the younger members help by passing out Eddie Eagle workbooks and stickers to the children. 14 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE •Winter 2015/2016

With bags full of DVDs, workbooks, and stickers, members of the Frederick County 4H Club fearlessly approach every child they see at The Great American Outdoor Show. Members will first explain the Eddie Eagle Program and emphasize Eddie’s GunSafe message: STOP! Don’t touch. Run away. Tell a grown-up. Then quiz the attendee before rewarding them with program material. “Ultimately, we could be saving one of these kids’ lives and that’s why I do it,” Chuck says. We sincerely appreciate the efforts of Chuck, Joe, and the entire Frederick County 4H Shooting Sports Program with their help spreading the Eddie Eagle message. The Eddie Eagle Program relies heavily on its national grassroots network of volunteers to promote and teach the program in their communities. With the help of these volunteers and more than 26,000 schools, law enforcement agencies, and civic organizations, Eddie Eagle’s message has reached over 28 million children, making it the most widely taught firearm accident prevention program in the world. If you are interested in becoming a volunteer for the Eddie Eagle GunSafe Program or think your organization or club could partner well with the program, please contact us at or call (800) 231-0752.

Are You a Safe

Holiday Traveler? Brought to you by NRA’s Community Outreach Department


he holidays are a crazy time. From planning trips to family events to buying gifts, we sometimes tend to overlook one very important thing: our safety. When it comes to safety, it’s all about being proactive. NRA’s Refuse To Be A Victim® program teaches just that. Refuse To Be A Victim® seminars provide tips and techniques to help you stay alert and be vigilant in dangerous situations. To find a seminar near you please visit Take this quiz to see if you are a safe holiday traveler!

2) If someone claiming to be from the front desk of your hotel calls your room saying there is an issue with your bill you should: a. Read them your credit card information over the phone b. Go down to the front desk to go deal with the problem in person 3) Before you leave for a long car trip away from home, make sure that… a. Your cell phone is charged and you have your car charger b. You have a map or directions in case you lose GPS service c. Inform friends or relative of your departure and when you should arrive d. Make sure your home is properly secure and looks occupied e. All of the above

4) If someone is tailgating you, move over and let them pass. If the driver stays on top of your rear bumper, you should… a. Slow down to encourage the driver to pass or pull of the road to a safe, well-lit area where there are other people b. Make gestures at the driver to back off and then speed up to try to lose the other car c. Slam on the brakes to encourage them to get away 5) Some personal protection devices which are legal in your hometown may be prohibited in other towns and states. Therefore, it is important to learn about your destination’s ____. a. Laws b. Police Enforcement 6) When you are away from home, you best option is to have ____check your house. a. A trusted friend b. Neighbor c. Relative d. All of the above

7) True or False: Make sure you post to all your social media accounts that you will be away from home for a while: a. True b. False

ANSWERS: 1: b. 2: b. 3: e. 4: a. 5: a. 6: d. 7: b.

1) Use a luggage tag that has a flap over it to conceal your name and address. You should always use your ____ address especially if your luggage is stolen or is inspected by a criminal. a. Home b. Office

Winter 2015/2016 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 15

Announcing the Winners of the

Outstanding Achievement Youth Award

Bailey Urbach being presented with the Outstanding chievement Youth Award by NRA Executive Director of General Operations, R. Kyle Weaver along with NRA President, Allan D. Cors.


he Brownells/NRA Outstanding Achievement Youth Award recognizes junior shooters who best meet the standards of excellence in both the shooting sports and educational achievements. Requirements include: outstanding academic achievement, completion of an NRA Firearm Training Course, participation in a Winchester/NRA Marksmanship Qualification Program, and the submission of an essay on: “What the Shooting Sports has Taught Me” The winner of the 2015 Brownells/NRA Outstanding Achievement Youth Award is: Bailey Urbach from Hudson, New Hampshire. Bailey is a freshman at Ohio State University and a member of their rifle team. Bailey works hard and strives for excellence not only at the range, but also in the classroom. Bailey is a special young woman who gets as much from coaching younger members of her team as from her own shooting achievements. She is planning on one day becoming a doctor and specializing in brain surgery. Second place winner, Samuel Houston Cavender from Stafford, Virginia is an active competitor and was a member of his high school JROTC rifle team. Now a freshman at the University of Utah, he plans to continue his shooting career as a member of their rifle team. Third place winner, Remington Little from Crosswicks, New Jersey, is a young man who wants to make a career out of his passion for firearms. He would like to become a firearms engineer. Remington not only was involved with several shooting teams and clubs but is also very active in his community with programs such as Meals on Wheels. NRA’s Youth Programs wants to wish all participants the best for their future endeavors.

Samuel Cavender

Remington Little 16 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015/2016



he National Rifle Association’s Youth Programs Department is pleased to announce the selection of six young people to serve as the 2016 Brownells/NRA National Youth Shooting Sports Ambassadors. During their terms, these Ambassadors will provide a young person’s perspective on the shooting sports and serve as youth advisors on shooting sports topics involving young people. NRA’s Youth Cooperative Organizations, such as Boy Scouts of America, National High School Rodeo Association, Royal Rangers, BSA Venturing, and USA Shooting nominated outstanding young people to represent their


organization, Brownells, and the NRA at national-level events. Not only does the Youth Ambassador program encourage growth of the shooting sports, but it also encourages increased industry support of youth shooting. “Each of these young people embodies excellence at the scholastic level, within their communities, and also in the shooting sports. Their ideas and perspectives can help us get more youth involved in shooting and they serve as an example of what young people can accomplish through participation in the shooting sports,” said Claudia Olsen, NRA Co-op Program Coordinator.

The f ive young men and one young lady chosen to serve as Ambassadors in 2016 are:

Christian Miller Royal Rangers

Jacob Hochhausler Jackson Wiggs BSA Venturing

Katy Davis NHSRA

Tony Chung USA Shooting

Remington Little USA Shooting

NRA Recruiting Programs Year in Review By Randy Clark, Manager, Recruiting Programs


was an incredibly fruitful year for NRA Recruiters. Participating clubs, instructors, ranges, and retailers were asked to fortify NRA before the 2016 elections and they delivered. Our NRA Recruiters brought in over 200,000 new members in 2015 and in the process, put over $1.2 million back into their pockets! Now recruiters must look forward towards 2016. The next administration will more than likely appoint multiple Supreme Court justices; further solidifying our Second Amendment freedoms or putting the freedom we cherish in peril. NRA must be at full strength approaching next November and NRA Recruiters will have a direct impact on that

strength. Make sure to have a specific goal in mind for next year and a plan for how to achieve it. If you’re a recruiting club, aim for 100% NRA membership. Instructors, take a look at your schedule and figure out how many students you need to recruit out of each class to achieve your desired growth. Retailers, set sales incentives for your employees and reward them when they achieve the desired amount of members. Together, we can make 2016 a historic year for NRA Membership Recruiting. It will be imperative that we fortify NRA membership as we gear up for the general election in 2016! The NRA Recruiting program provides an opportunity to strengthen

NRA by signing up and renewing members during everyday activities. It’s free to join and the necessary materials are free of charge. For every member signed up, recruiters earn up to $25 per membership to go back into their club, business or personal bank account. For more information on how to join the NRA Recruiting Program call us at (800) 672-0004 (option 2), email us at or visit us on the web at Are you already a part of the NRA Recruiting Program? We’d like to hear from you too. Please email your suggestions to recruiter@ and tell us how we can help you recruit more members. Winter 2015/2016 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 17

18 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015 /2016

Not Just an After-School Activity, YHEC is a Hunter's Training Camp By Jon Draper, Associate Editor, American Hunter Magazine

NRA’s YHEC program across the country, hunting is life. Casey’s gaze was steady. Her form exemplary. Raising Since 1985, the NRA YHEC program has been proand drawing her bow, the world around her faded to black. viding an exciting and practical environment for kids to The coyote took off, reaching full stride in mere seconds. Tracking the predator for a fraction of a moment, Casey’s develop and improve their hunting, marksmanship and trigger finger reacted on instinct and her arrow sailed and safety skills. Deemed a “graduate” hunter education hit home. A perfect shot behind the shoulder. Under nor- course, YHEC, through its simulated hunting scenarios, mal circumstances, Casey’s next action would be admiring live-fire exercises, and educational and responsibility a trophy and a shot few hunters ever get a chance to take, events builds upon skills learned in basic hunter education let alone make. Today, however, 15-year-old Casey would courses and encourages safer, lifelong hunting habits. simply move on, pleased with the addition of 10 points to NRA’s YHEC program is developing the next generation her score, and the coyote-on-a-string target would be reset of hunters. These are hunters who will buy licenses, practice ethical hunting, and eventually pass along their for the next hunter. knowledge of the outdoors to the next generation. And The girl I just described, though fictitious, is as real as they come, and the feat she displayed occurs all across the they are impressive. While it’s true there are increasing challenges that country at various NRA Youth Hunter Education Challenge stand in the way of youth participation in the hunting (YHEC) events. “If they could just get off the computer and stop playing sports, technology, and in turn a lack of desire, are not those darned video games! In my day, kids played outside solely responsible for this decline. Urbanization plays a bigger role. Places to hunt are becoming more difficult to and actually learned something.” find, and the hunting culture itself is beginning to fade. Despite the particulars of the criticism, we’ve all heard Historically, hunting was a tradition passed on to youngit at some point in our lives. The message: Today’s youth aren’t spending as much time outdoors as we did. Is there sters by older, experienced hunters, be they family members, mentors or friends. Unfortunately, in the some truth to it? Of course. Is technology to blame? In technology-filled, time-strapped world we live in, many part, perhaps. Have we gone past the point of no return? adults, faced with longer work hours and growing costs Are the youth of tomorrow doomed to couch-potato of living, are finding it harder and harder to make time status? Mobile device zombies with pop culture consuto take kids afield. Some kids, despite their interest, may meristic dribble forced into their minds? Whoa, let’s not get carried away. While the fear of raising a generation of be part of a family where hunting wasn’t a tradition and have no one to turn to. “indoor” children who may not chose to have hunting as So, are you a parent who wishes you a part of their lives is certainly justified, had more time and opporthere is a segment of kids today DID YOU KNOW? tunities to share the that still see the woods as Along with registration fees outdoors with your their playground and and sponsorships, you can apply for a children? Perhaps can probably teach grant through The NRA Foundation to help cover the cost of funding your YHEC you work for a you a thing or two program? NRA Foundation grants can state game agency about wildlife. help cover the cost of ammo, clays, 3-D or are a hunter Because for the more targets, shooting supplies—even bows education instructor than 6,000 kids 18 and and firearms. To apply online and are looking for ways under participating in visit Winter 2015/2016 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 19


Once a year, YHEC participants who have competed at the state level are invited to compete against other states during the International Youth Hunter Education Challenge (IYHEC). Considered the “championships” of YHEC, the weeklong event attracts thousands of youths from across the country.

to get more young people involved in the sport we love. Maybe you’re searching for ways to increase your hunting or shooting club’s outreach to the local community. Or maybe you’re just an adult who, as a kid, realized the value of time spent with grown-ups in the field, and you want to make sure the next generation is able to enjoy the benefits of hunting and the outdoors as well. In any case, the NRA YHEC program is the answer. START YOUR OWN YHEC PROGRAM Locally run programs are the heart of YHEC, and thanks to the help of more than 2,000 dedicated volunteers, local YHEC programs currently exist in 27 states across the country teaching youths to be responsible ethical, “outdoor” children. But we need your help. With an ultimate goal of hosting 10-15 local events in every state, the NRA YHEC program is currently seeking interested individuals. Here’s a great chance to spread the tradition of hunting to the adult hunters of tomorrow. HOW TO GET STARTED Contact NRA YHEC at 800-492-4868, to request an info packet or visit Locate a club/facility that may be able to host an event. Pitch the idea to your club. YHEC staff may be able to meet with your club to answer questions. Design a program of a scope and size that works for you. YHEC EVENTS It is always recommended to start a new YHEC program with just a few events and build on the program in the coming years. The events you choose to offer should be based on available range facilities, volunteers able to assist, participant numbers and equipment needs. Local YHEC programs are required to offer a minimum of two events, including one shooting event and one responsibility or educational event. State-level YHEC programs are encouraged to offer all events.


Hunting Archery Challenge Hunting Muzzleloader Challenge Hunting Shotgun Challenge Light Hunting Rifle Challenge

Hunter Responsibility Exam Hunter Safety Trail Challenge Hunting Orienteering Skills Challenge Hunting Wildlife Identif ication Challenge


For more information on the YHEC Program, visit or call 800-492-4868. Ask your club's leadership if members would like to participate in acclimating our next generations of responsible and ethical hunters. 20 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015/2016

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No matter what kind of firearms-related business you have, we’ve got you covered with customized business insurance to meet your needs. We understand your specific business needs and we can put together an affordable insurance package to make sure you’re covered. We cover a wide range of NRA Business Alliance affiliates including: • Retail gun stores and pawn shops • Commercial shooting ranges • Gun shows and gunsmiths • Game preserves and RV parks • And many more

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NRA Public Range Fund Spotlight: South Dakota By Brian Hyder, National Liaison, General Operations


outh Dakota is a beautiful, diverse and historically rich state. Named after the Lakota and Dakota Sioux Native American tribes, its Native American culture is still strong today. In 1874, gold was discovered in the Black Hills during an expedition led by George A. Custer. The U.S. had granted the entire western half of South Dakota, including the sacred Black Hills, to the Sioux by treaty in 1868. Miners entered the area illegally resulting in war that eventually broke up the Great Sioux Reservation into 5 smaller reservations. A total of 7 reservations exist today. Today, the Black Hills have become an important tourist destination. Mount Rushmore was established in 1925 and the area also features the Chief Crazy Horse Memorial. Tourism along with agriculture, government and financial services make up the majority of the state’s economy. Another critically important part of the state’s economy is hunting. Hunting contributes over $190 million dollars annually to the state’s economy with 50% of the licenses sold to non-residents. Kelly Hepler manages the state’s wildlife resources as director of the South Dakota Department of Game, Fish and Parks (South Dakota DGFP). Seven species of small game, as well as three species of grouse and two species of partridge provide the small game hunter with an assortment of outdoor recreation. Abundant waterfowl and nine species of big game round out the tremendous variety of game found in South 22 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015/2016

Dakota. No other species is as important to the state as the ring-necked pheasant. Hunters from all over the world “flock” to the state each year in pursuit of this prized game bird. The annual harvest is over 1 million roosters each year, contributing greatly to the state’s economy. This visitor from China (the pheasant) came to South Dakota and liked its new surroundings. The staff at South Dakota DGFP , from Director Hepler on down, recognize the importance that hunting and shooting play in the management and health of wildlife populations in the state. Hunters and recreational shooters need a place to train, to educate, and to practice their skills. South Dakota DGFP is working hard to expand shooting facilities for the public. The Department currently has four ranges that they manage: Fall River County, Oahe Downstream, Mobridge, and North Point. In recent years, the NRA Public Range Fund has assisted with three of these ranges. Even in a state with only 845,000 people, it is still difficult for residents to find a safe shooting range. It is the goal of the agency to identify and develop a public shooting facility within a short distance of most residents especially for residents of the urban areas like Sioux Falls and Rapid City. It is also a priority to upgrade “plinking areas” into developed micro ranges statewide. Jordon Kitts is the Federal Aid Coordinator for South Dakota DGFP and has become a strong ally in the state’s efforts to provide shooting facilities. Jordon recently dec-

lared his agency’s position on shooting ranges by stating, “ We believe that the future of hunting can be positively influenced based upon expanded, convenient, safe sport shooting opportunities and the continued development of broad based public support for both hunting and sport shooting. The availability of safe shooting facilities, even in South Dakota, is limited. Urban development and encroachment have limited or eliminated many recreational shooting opportunities on federal, state, county, and private lands. Increased public demand for multiple forms of outdoor recreational use, including recreational shooting, necessitates a need to work together to address this issue. The projects we have recently completed would not be possible without the support of the NRA, local donations and Pittman Robertson Funds.” South Dakota is another example of the cooperative spirit that exists between the game and fish agencies and the NRA today. The NRA’s Public Range Fund was established in 2009 to provide the much needed match to the state agencies to enable them to secure the Pittman Robertson funds available for range development. Scott Simpson, Administrative Resources Chief, South Dakota DGFP, had this to say recently about NRA’s Public Range Fund, “Creating a public shooting facility is not an easy endeavor, even in a less populated state like South Dakota. The support we have received from NRA

has helped not only to clear financial hurdles, but also with providing technical assistance to ensure our ranges are safe. We are thankful for our partnership with the NRA’s Public Range program, and look forward to future collaboration to expand shooting opportunities for the public.” I recently had the pleasure of meeting both Kitts and Simpson and being dedicated hunters and shooters themselves, they know the challenges and are up to the task of improving and developing facilities in the state. The South Dakota DGFP and the NRA make great partners and working together, the sportsmen and women of the state have much to look forward to. The health of the wildlife agency and the wildlife itself is dependent upon the financial security of the agency. Providing good facilities for hunters and shooters is a goal of the NRA and the agency that will ensure that the ring-necked pheasant and other wildlife of South Dakota will be around for generations to come. For more information on South Dakota’s public shooting ranges contact Jordon Kitts at 605-773-4675, email: To apply for the NRA Public Range Fund Grant visit

Winter 2015/2016 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 23

Disability Awareness Shoot

Goes Off Without a Hitch By Joseph Logar, National Manager, Adaptive Shooting Programs


t was a postcard late-summer day in Lehigh Valley, Pennsylvania. The sun was bright with clear skies and the near constant breeze held the mercury in the mid-eighties. Bill Bachenberg could not have asked for better weather for his second annual Disability Awareness Shoot (NDAS) held on September 13-14, 2015, at Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays and Bear Creek Mountain Resort. As the owner of the host shooting range and an NRA Board Member and Chair of the Disabled Shooting Sports Committee at the NRA, he had high hopes and a lot of work to do to make this event a success. The significant proceeds from the shoot go to benefit The NRA Foundation’s Disabled Shooting Services Endowment. These funds help to improve existing programs, build new ranges, and create educational curriculum to enhance participation in the shooting sports by members of the disabled community. Raising money for such a noble cause is commendable but that is only one of the two objectives for the NDAS. The other goal is to obtain feedback and learn from the people with the most to gain from an event like this – the wheelchair user with an interest in the shooting sports. There were approximately a dozen participants that used wheelchairs as their primary mode of ambulation. They were a diverse group drawn from the surrounding communities with some using elaborate power chairs and others operating a more basic manually propelled design. Some were very familiar with the shooting sports, while others had never held a shotgun before in their lives. Either way, they attended the event free of charge with their only obligations being to have fun and to provide their opinion of the range and it accommodations.With this information, Mr. Bachenberg and the NRA Disabled Shooting Committee hope to create something unheard of in the world of shooting range design. The Committee has a single objective: make the shooting sports more accessible to people with disabilities. But like any groundbreaking endeavor, smaller pieces are needed to fit together to create a masterpiece. The elem24 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • Winter 2015/2016

ents in this case are to develop a guiding document for the design of accessible outdoor shooting ranges and to create a rating system to evaluate the accessibility of existing ranges. The Americans with Disabilities Act was originally signed into law in July of 1990 and, while it does govern the design of public spaces to ensure accessibility to individuals with disabilities, it is of little use when designing outdoor shooting ranges. Longtime NRA Board Member, Graham Hill, points out that the ADA’s influence ends once you leave the parking area and clubhouse at most ranges. That leaves well-intentioned range owners and engineers with questions and little more than anecdotal evidence for answers. This lack of factual guidance led Mr. Bachenberg down a long and winding road as he sought to make the range at Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays into the accessible Eden it is today. Through years of trial and error, he has a range unlike any other in the region. It boasts wide paved trails, immaculate grounds, adapted shooting stations, and a challenging course of fire that will challenge any participant’s shooting skill – not their mobility. The exhaustive fine tuning and expense would likely be a barrier to others interested in starting a new range or updating their existing location. That is where the NRA hopes to make a difference by creating not only a guide for developing and upgrading ranges to make them more accessible but by also designing a rating system for existing ranges. Mr. Bachenberg’s Disability Awareness Shoot was successful by any metric used to judge such an endeavor. Funds were raised to provide resources for the Disabled Shooting Services Endowment, Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays showcased what an accessible range can be and, perhaps most importantly, hundreds of people were able to get out, enjoy the weather, and break a few clays. For more information about disability awareness and adaptive shooting, or to give his team your input and experiences, contact Dr. Joseph Logar at


Sun Tzu, the famous Chinese general and philosopher said that “strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory and tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat.” Therefore it is obvious that the combination of strategy and tactics are necessary for success. With the current all-out attack on our f irearms rights, the f irearms community should take some lessons from Sun Tzu. Based on several years of experience in f ighting and advocating for gun rights and shooting ranges, it is apparent that there are f ive critical components for the successful deployment of strategy and tactics. The strategic application of these f ive components is necessary for success. Since each topic is the subject of considerable written works, for the sake of brevity, only the signif icant points are mentioned. All f ive must be managed together for success.


Every strategy and tactic takes money to execute. It is not the volume of money gathered, but rather its strategic application that yields success. Just throwing money at an issue will not necessarily arrive at a successful outcome. To begin an advocacy program, fund raising programs must be developed and implemented. In addition, funds must be legally managed beyond reproach so your opponents will not able to file charges against you or destroy your reputation.


The target market must be identified. Who are the players that will provide the successful outcome that you are seeking? What is the opposition? You may have more than one market or more than one opposition group. If so, the following two components must be developed together for each targeted market. You must identify and target the markets that will yield the most successful return for your efforts. For instance only targeting gun owners for a pro-gun issue may not be a successful strategy if they are of low influence to the outcome.


What message will influence the previously identified market(s) to support your position? This message MUST be crafted to gain their support. What can you say to get them to support you? Timing of the message is also critical, too soon it is forgotten, too late is just too late.


What media needs to be used to get the message to the target market? Social media, print media, bill boards, bumper stickers, door messages, demonstrations, TV slots, interviews, etc. They must be the media that is utilized by the above identified critical target market(s).


You must have a highly motivated and talented team committed to fight the fight until success is achieved. Lackluster efforts or broken promises will cetainly only yield poor results.

Winter 2015/2016 • NRA SPORTS MAGAZINE • 25

NRA Affiliated State Associations AL STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 2009 Rogers Dr Huntsville, AL 35811 256-534-7968 • James Moses, President Website currently unavailable AK OUTDOOR COUNCIL, INC. 310 K St Ste 200 Anchorage, AK 99501 907-264-6645 • Bill Iverson, President AZ STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N P.O. Box 74424 New River, AZ 85087 623-687-4251 • Noble C. Hathaway, President AR RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 2348 Conway, AR 72033 501-327-4702 • Ann Fairless, Sec./Treas. CA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N, INC. 271 E Imperial Hwy Ste 620 Fullerton, CA 92835 714-992-2772 • Alan Edwards , Treasurer CO STATE SHOOTING ASS'N 609 W Littleton Blvd Ste 206 Littleton, CO 80120 303-663-9339 • Tony Fabian, President CT STATE RIFLE & REVOLVER ASS'N P.O. Box 754 North Haven, CT 06473 860-480-4600 • Bradford Palmer, Vice President DE STATE SPORTSMEN’S ASS'N P.O. Box 94 Lincoln, DE 19960 302-475-4228 • Daniel Lindberg, Vice President FL SPORT SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. 5915 Viking Rd Orlando, FL 32808 407-295-5115 • Robert Stokes, President

GA SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N PO Box 1733 Macon, GA 31202 478-955-7068 • Tom Patton, Secretary/Treasurer HI RIFLE ASSOCIATION PO Box 543 Kailua, HI 96734 808-306-7194 • Harvey F. Gerwig, President ID STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N PO Box 140293 Boise, ID 83714-4183 208-452-4183 • Neill Goodfellow, President IL STATE RIFLE ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 637 Chatsworth, IL 60921 815-635-3198 • Richard Pearson, Exe. Director IN STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N, INC. 7527 State Route 56 W Rising Sun, IN 47040 812-534-3258 • Jerry Wehner, President IA STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 240 Prospect Road North Liberty, IA 52317-9660 319-626-2710 • Bill Besgrove, Sec./Treas. KS STATE RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 219 Bonner Springs, KS 66012 913-608-1910 • Patricia Stoneking, President L OF KY SPORTSMEN, INC. 1116 Hume Road Lexington, KY 40516 859-351-7113 • Thomas J. Mansfield, NRA Liaison LA SHOOTING ASS'N 350 Quill Ct. Slidell, LA 70461 985-781-4174 • Daniel Zelenka II, President

(ME) PINE TREE STATE R&P ASS'N, INC PO Box 373 Yarmouth, ME 04096 207-882-4713 • Angus Norcross, Treasurer MD STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 341 Whitfield Rd Catonsville, MD 21228 410-838-1734 • James Bowen, President (MA) GUN OWNERS’ ACTION L PO Box 567, 361 W Main St Northboro, MA 01606 508-393-5333 • James Wallace, Exe. Director MI RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 71 Marshall, MI 49068-0071 269-781-1223 • Charles Hayes, Secretary MN RIFLE & REVOLVER ASS'N, INC. 4737 CR 101, Box 114 Minnetonka, MN 55345-2634 320-968-6898 • George Minerich, President MS STATE FIREARM OWNERS ASS'N PO Box 1061 McComb, MS 39649 601-341-8797 • Douglas Bowser, President MO SPORT SHOOTING ASS’N PO Box 209 Winfield, MO 63389 314-440-3811 • Mike Kight, Secretary MT RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 48 Ramsay, MT 59748 406-868-4181 • Zona Mowrer, Secretary NE MARKSMANSHIP ASS’N PO Box 390311 Omaha, NE 68139 402-933-4881 • Bill Keil, Secretary

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Affiliated State Associations NV FIREARMS COALITION 5575 Simmons St, Ste I-176 North Las Vegas, NV 89031 702-353-5935 • Don Turner, President GUN OWNERS OF NH, INC. P.O. Box 847 Concord, NH 03302-0487 603-225-4664 • Mitch Kopacz, President ASS'N OF NJ R&P CLUBS, INC. 5 Sicomac Rd Ste 292 North Haledon, NJ 07508 973-697-9270 • Scott L. Bach, Exe. Director NM SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. P.O. Box 20787 Albuquerque, NM 87154 505-286-8449 • Gayle Dye, President NY STATE R&P ASS’N, INC. 90 S. Swan Street Suite 395 Albany, NY 12210 518-272-2654 • Tom King, President NC RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N P.O. Box 4116 Pinehurst, NC 28374 910-295-7220 • David Prest, Secretary ND SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N P.O. Box 228 Bismarck, ND 58502 701-255-4601 • Rich Butler, President OH RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 6116 Misty Creek Dr Loveland, OH 45140 513-426-7944 • Bob Sacco, President OK RIFLE ASS'N P.O. Box 850927 Yukon, OK 73085-0927 405-324-2450 • Charles Smith, Executive Director

OR STATE SHOOTING ASS’N 34423 Brewster Rd Lebanon, OR 97333 541-409-3358 • Nelson Shaw, President PA RIFLE & PISTOL ASS'N 1573 Chestnut Grove Hwy Grampian, PA 16838 814-236-0708 • Jack Lee, President GUN RIGHTS & SAFETY ASS'N OF PR PO Box 191919 San Juan, PR 00919-1919 • Rafael Torres, President 787-691-1919 RI 2ⁿd AMENDMENT COALITION 928 Atwood Ave Johnston, RI 02919 401-944-1600 • Frank Saccoccio, President GUN OWNERS OF SC P.O. Box 211 Little Mountain, SC 29075 803-345-5761 • Gerald Stoudemire, President SD SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N PO Box 3 Dell Rapids, SD 57022 605-428-5488 • Tom Raines, President TN SHOOTING SPORTS ASS'N, INC. 6653 Jocelyn Hollow Road Nashville, TN 37205 615-491-2633 • Ray Harvey, President

VT FED'N OF SPRTMN’S CLUBS, INC. 16 Millstone Blvd Barre, VT 05641 802-272-8544 • Evan Hughes, Vice President VA SHOOTING SPORTS ASS’N P.O. Box 1258 Orange, VA 22960 540-672-5848 • Lucien Charette, Exec. Director WA STATE R&P ASS'N, INC. 17541 Fremont Ave N Shore Line, WA 98113 206-427-8257 • James Crosier, President WV SRPA P.O. Box 120 Eleanor, WV 25070 304-586-3116 • Amy Tenney, Treasurer WI F.O.R.C.E. PO Box 130 Seymour, WI 54165 888-337-3534 • Jeff Nass, Executive Director WY STATE SHOOTING ASS'N, INC. 625 Sweetwater St Lander, WY 82520-3044 307-335-9323 • Roger Sebesta, Secy/Treas

TX STATE RIFLE ASS'N 8411 N. IH 35 Austin, TX 78753 512-615-4200 • Jan Jumper, Asst. Director UT STATE RIFLE & PISTOL ASS’N 4834 Van Buren Ave Ogden, UT 84403 801-499-9763 • Elwood P. Powell, President

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Field Representative Directory EASTERN REGION Eastern Regional Director

Bryan Hoover

Area 1 (ME, NH, VT)

Brian Smith

Area 2 (NY) Jay Rusnock

Area 3 (CT, MA, RI, NJ, Lower NY)

Jim Reardon

Area 4 (DE, Eastern PA)

Kory Enck

Area 5 (Western PA)

Thomas Baldrige

Area 7 (WV, Western VA, Western MD)

Jim Kilgore

Area 12 (Southern OH)

Andrew Root

Area 45 (DC, Eatern MD, Eastern VA)

David Wells

Area 49 (Northern OH)

Marc Peugeot

Central Regional Director

Chad Franklin

Area 13 (Northern MO)

Travis Scott


Area 14 (IN) Craig Haggard

Area 15 (KY) John LaRowe

Area 17 (WI) Scott Taetsch

Area 18 (Northern IL)

Michael Huber

Area 19 (MO)

Gregg Pearre

Area 23 (IA, NE)

Tim Bacon

Area 51 (MI) Allan Herman Area 52 (Southern IL)

Donald Higgs

Southern Regional Director

Al Hammond

Area 8 (Eastern NC)

Lloyd Edwards

Area 9 (SC)

Freeman Coleman


Area 10 (GA) Neely Raper Area 11 (Northern FL)

Bret Eldridge

Area 16 (LA) Chad Bowen Area 22 (AL, MS)

Gene Newman

Area 42 (Western NC)

Robert Doug Merrill

Area 43 (TN) Mike Webb

Area 48 (Southern FL)

Tom Knight

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

NRA Field Representative Directory MID WEST REGION Mid West Regional Director

Tom Ulik

Area 20 (OK) Darren DeLong

Area 24 (KS) Christine Sharp

Area 25 (Northern TX)

Terry Free

Area 26 (Southern TX)

Liz Foley

Area 27 (NM) Kevin Post

Area 30 (CO) Brad Dreier

Area 39 (AR) Erica Willard-Dunn

Area 47 (Western TX)

Jack Cannon

Brad Kruger

WESTERN REGION Western Regional Director

Area 21 (MN) Eric Linder

Area 28 (MT) Joseph Crismore

Area 29 (WY) David Manzer

Area 33 (ID) Steve Vreeland

Area 34 (HI, OR)

Mike Carey

Area 38 (Southern AK)

Greg Stephens

Area 40 (WA) Michael Herrera

Area 41 (ND, SD)

Clay Pederson

Area 53 (Northern AK)

Josh Toennessen

SOUTHWESTERN REGION Southwestern Regional Director

Jason Quick

Area 6 (NV) Steve Wilson

Area 31 (AZ) Winston Pendelton

Area 32 (UT) John Kendall

Area 35 (Northern CA)

Daniel Wilhelm

Area 36 (Southern CA)

Mike Davis

Area 37 (Central CA)

Paul Rodarmel

Area 46 (Eastern CA)

Cole Beverly

Area 50 (Mid California)

Bob Anderson

NRA Clubs & Associations • 11250 Waples Mill Road, Fairfax, VA 22030 •

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Recreational Programs & Ranges 11250 Waples Mill Road Fairfax, VA 22030 m a g a z i n e

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