The following are marketing project examples produced and managed by Nancy Rago. Please contact 973-714-2635 to discuss any piece in more detail. Brigham & Rago had a long relationship with the Schindler Elevator Corporation North American Marketing Department.
Architectural Planning Guide
Technical Data Sheets
Product Brochure
Parts Catalog
Customer Magazine
Schindler’s headquarters in Switzerland launched multiple global rebranding efforts. The below work presents a sampling of B&R’s contribution to build the brand image in the North American market.
commitmen to tradit ona va ue They define how Sch nd e as a compan and t p y h d b h S h d conduc t bus nes a vit es n a respon b e and r ep oachab e manner A emp oyee ac oss he co pa y a e he e o e e pec ed o apply Schind e co e va ues n e e y aspect o the da y ork Safety The sa ety of our cus ome s and emp oyees a top p o y t s imp c
Employee Newsletter Event Invitation E-blast
Ads University Recruitment Brochure 2 Each day Schindler helps move more than a billion people and what matters to them most. Our trailblazing elevators, escalators and moving walks, supported by the industry’s most highly trained engineers and technicians, take them to the next experience in their life’s journey. Because life is a moving experience Schindler Elevator Corporation Street Address City, State 00000 Tel. 000.000.0000 Here. Every day, Schindler a leading intend an elevator, reliable Mo e than 140 ea s ago Robe t Schind er b t h fi t el y eng nee ng company n Lucerne Sw er and. Today Schind e s one o h d d g el t d manu acture s Schind e p oducts a e manu actured th ough a global ne wo k d- p d ti ci ti O p odu s ut ze cu ng-edge echno ogy a u ng opt mum pe o mance e ab fi y a d y De p th y changes o he pas 140 years ou va ue and amb tion rema n constan Sch nd e st a am - un compan bu t on am y va ues and pr ncip es We s ho d an g pp tio h pti ab ties and re ources o ou emp oyee wor dw de We move over 1 billion people every day. Come join us. Annual Global Sales $8.3 billion Global Employment 57,000 Market 100 countries on six continents P oducts E ev o s esca ators mov ng w k Services at on, mode on, North American ocations 250 North American Employment 5,000 Fast acts S hi d dri by
ou p oduc s erv ce and n he way we wo k We be eve hat n r e , work- e ated nesse and ac den are preven ab e and we s rive o he h ghe t tanda ds of a e y and health p Crea e va ue for the cus omer As a ser e company e e y on a s ong cu tome o enta ion as he bas for des gn and de ve y o a produc s and erv ce as h t pt f nterna proces e C t Ou u tome and k ed em pe p d st ailor he mo o u ons We he p o eade hip a d decis he an he p shape ou uccess u fu u e Schind e n t es a c t e here passion ambit on and co abora on a e ke n egr ty and Trus Rega d ess o pos o unc io o ocat o our emp oyees adhe e to the Sch nd e Code o Cond ct Schind e fos er open and u two thy e ationships be ween emp oyees and u tome s Quality Schind e a ms to eflec genu ne Sw s qua y not on y n prod ct des gn b t a so n t de ve y ma ntenance and mode n za on Ou en ury o d egacy and rack eco d n de g h g b a q o our abil y to de ver e ab e o ution Our product is innovative. Our values are traditional. ur emp oyees develop o ak g kil s o t t p s dese p oye d t e fic ova itio p d l p nt rve a en ed engaged So we make ure our h d h y en p oduc and serv e tive nal We don’t just move people. We move careers. Schindler Your First Choice NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY – NJIT SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION PUBLICATION UNIVERSITY RECRUITMENT BROCHURE POSTCARD CAPTURING CARBON FOR POSTERITY AND PROFIT More than 170 world leaders gathered at United Nations headquarters on Earth Day inApril to sign the Paris treaty on climate change, which calls for sharp reductions in carbon emissions linked to global warming. Despite their united appeal for action, however, there is little consensus so far over how best to meet the aggressive targets spelled out in the agreement. The Obama administration’s proposed Clean Power Plan, for example, focuses on capping emissions from electrical generation plants, among other measures.The U.K. has proposed replacing power plants nearing the end of their operational lives China’s leaders have targeted coal and heavy industry.While their approaches greenhouse gases while minimizing the impact on the economy and energy supply.
Distinguished Professor Zeynep Çelik is an internationally honored interpreter — of buildings. Çelik, who has a joint appointment in NJIT’s New Jersey School of Architecture and the Department of History, is an architectural historian whose career has been dedicated to interpreting the meanings buildings communicate about the cultures that create them.
lthough her lab is located in a very urban setting, in NJIT’s Central King Building, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Brooke Flammang is embarked on a scientific and technological quest that delves into the world’s oceans — and for that matter, potentially every environment inhabited by fish. Inother words,as Flammangputs it, the lab is dedicated to exploring howfish—andtherearemore than35,000 species — “doreallycoolthings, especially withtheir fins.” NJIT WOMEN IN RESEARCH CAPTURING CARBON FOR POSTERITY AND PROFIT BUILDINGS AND MEANINGS LOCOMOTION IN THE OCEAN SAVE THE DATE Alumni > Connect. Benefit. Engage. ALUMNI WEEKEND 2016 • May 20 – 22, 2016 Connect. Benefit. Engage > SAVE THE DATE
As the agency’s project manager, I use forms to track progress like Gantt Charts as well Style Sheets and Project Status Reports. Other forms include Brand Identity, Creative Briefs, Publishing Plans, Calendars, Marketing Audit/Plans, Media Measurement/Planning.
Project Status Reports Brand
Publishing Plans
Gantt Charts Style Sheets
Creative Briefs
P R O J E C T S C H E D U L E February 23 2012 Schindler Next Floor Magazine, 0612 Issue E d P h Article Writing Writing Review Writing Edits Writing Approvals P o d u c o n P h a e Photo Review Design Submit Design Review Design Revisions Design Approvals P n P h a e Database Submit Proofreading Printer Proofing Client Review Translation Print Distribution D g t a P h a e Website Flipbook E-mail SCHINDLER EDITORIAL STYLE NOTES Prepared By:Nancy Rago, 973-656-9006, Date:February 8,2011 For use in Schindler writing as well as the Next Floor Magazine C o m p a n y P r o p e r N a m e Schindler Elevator Corporation B u n e s s G r o u p : Schindler Service P o d u c t O f e s : My Schindler™ Schindler 330A™ elevators Schindler 400A® elevators Schindler 500A™ elevators Schindler 5400® AP elevators Schindler 7000™ elevators Schindler 9300® Advanced Edition escalators Schindler 9300® AE escalators Schindler 9300-20® escalators Schindler 9500® moving walks Schindler 9700® escalators Schindler Customer Clock™ Schindler Customer Score Card™ Schindler E-Vision® system Schindler FieldLink™ Schindler ID® access-control system Schindler Lobby Vision® Schindler Miconic 10® destination-dispatch system Miconic® GX controller Schindler Miconic® HXpress hydraulic elevator control modernization Schindler Miconic® TX traction elevator control modernization Schindler Miconic® TXpress Schindler Progard® L Light Curtains Schindler’s Remote Monitoring Center Schindler Remote Monitoring™ (SRM) Schindler Varidor 50A (V50A) door operator Schindler Variodyn® ACVF SchindlerDraw® SchindlerSpec® S T A T U S R E P O R T Date:September 7,2012 Job Title:Schindler Next Floor Magazine, 1212 Issue Size:8-1/2” 11” # of Pages:Cv + TOC + CEO + 24 pgs of articles + 1 pg of News + Back Cover = 28 pgs Stock:Gardia Silk, 80 lb. cover + 100 lb. text Ink:4/c both sides flood aqueous satin coating Print Run: 0712 Issue: ENG list size 57675 printed 63000 FC NA.) Database Size: 0712 Issue: Print 58497 email 6663). Start Date:July 17 2012 Target Distribution Date:December 21, 2012 Page Editorial Phase: July – August 24, 2012 Production Phase: August 27 – –1 Cover (1pg) - Design - Approval: 2 Table of Contents (1pg) - Design: - Approval: 3 CEO Message Züger Letter (1 page 325 words - Writing: - Approval: - Design: - Approval: DATABASE - Lists: maintenance report to SEC by 00/00/12, upload by 00/00/12. -Postage Adams submitted invoice to SEC on 00/00/12, SEC to send postage check by 00/00/12. 4–7 Marlins Park, Miami, FL (4 pages 900 words) - Writing: 3rd draft submitted 09 07/12. - Approval: - Photography: Supplied. - Design: - Approval: ENGLISH VERSION: - Proofreading: release by 00/00/12. - Print: release to printer by 00/00/12, proofing complete by 00/00/12, press target 00/00/12, delivery to mail house 00/00/12. 8– 11 Melchsee-Frutt Mountain Resort Village, Switzerland (3 pages 675 words) - Writing: 2nd draft submitted 09 07/12 - Approval: - Photography: Supplied. - Design: - Approval: - Distribution: Target mail date: 00/00 12. 973.656.9006 18 Bank Street, Suite 200 Morristown, NJ 07960 CREATIVEBRIEF Date: December 30, 2005 Event Title: Open House/Business Partners Innovation Center (BPIC) Grand Opening Event Goals and Objectives: Create and promote an event that will be entertaining enough to entice attendance, showcase the client’s newly renovated building as well as unveil their new IBM BPIC showroom. Event Date and Time: March 2, 2006. 4pm – 7pm Guest List Segmented: 500 Small/Medium Business Customers, 50 Large Enterprise Customers, 150 Partners (IBM, Sage, Interwoven, Microsoft sales representatives). Audience Assumptions: The client feels that their customers may not fully understand the full scope of their services. Their customers need to be made aware of the five service solutions. Creative Theme Ideas with Rationales: 1.The Five Pillars (IT Solutions). Whether it is five food stations, five branded stations or five areas for an actor to perform throughout the building, the purpose is to have guests visit five areas where a service solution is discussed. Guests required to get “stamped” at each station and then the guest would be entered in a drawing for a significant prize. 2. IT Idol. This may be the more entertaining idea were guests pick a song to perform (karaoke-style) and by the end of the night the “IT Idol” will be selected. In a more low-key way, there still could be five areas set up that educate guests. 3. IT Jeopardy. This idea requires an area set up where guest are invited to play this customized version of this game of knowledge. Winners of each round could be awarded a prize or entered in a chance to win at a grand prize. Creative/Graphics Needs: Creative Themes and Primary Graphic Invitations Pre- and post-promotion Decorations/Displays/Signage Entertainment Giveaways Prizes Follow-up Mailings / seminar Timing: Invitations should be mailed by Feb. 3, 2006. RSPV by Feb 16, 2006. Budget: $10,000 – $15,000 NJIT WINTER 16 36 - PGISSUE (Covers plus 32inside) Cover Executive Summary ii TOC 1 Abstracts 2 Abstracts 3 Abstracts 4 Abstracts 5 Abstracts 6 Point by Point 7 Point by Point 8 Point by Point 9 Giving 10 Giving 11 Giving 12 Giving 13 Feature 1 14 Feature 1 15 Feature 1 Center Spread 16 Feature 1 Center Spread 17 Feature 2 18 Feature 2 19 Feature 2 20 Feature 2 21 Feature 3 22 Feature 3 23 Feature 3 24 Feature 3 25 Alumni Circuit 26 Alumni Circuit 27 Alumni Circuit 28 Alumni Circuit 29 Alumni Circuit 30 Alumni Circuit 31 Calendar of Events 32 In Conclusion iii Back Cover Alumni Weekend iv As of April 21, 2017
More than 170 world leaders gathered at United Nations headquarters on Earth
Day inApril to sign the Paris treaty on climate change, which calls for sharp reductions in carbon emissions linked to global warming. Despite their united appeal for action, however, there is little consensus so far over how best to meet the aggressive targets spelled out in the agreement.
The Obama administration’s proposed Clean Power Plan, for example, focuses on capping emissions from electrical generation plants, among other measures.The U.K. has proposed replacing power plants nearing the end of their operational lives
China’s leaders have targeted coal and heavy industry.While their approaches greenhouse gases while minimizing the impact on the economy and energy supply.
Distinguished Professor Zeynep Çelik is an internationally honored of buildings. Çelik, who has a joint appointment in NJIT’s New Architecture and the Department of History, is an architectural has been dedicated to interpreting the meanings buildings cultures that create them.
4 We don’t just move people. We move careers. Schindler Your First Choice NEW JERSEY INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY – NJIT SCHINDLER ELEVATOR CORPORATION PUBLICATION UNIVERSITY RECRUITMENT BROCHURE POSTCARD CAPTURING CARBON More than 170 world leaders gathered at United Nations headquarters on Earth Day inApril to sign the Paris treaty on climate change, which calls for sharp reductions in carbon emissions linked to global warming. Despite their united appeal for action, however, there is little consensus so far over how best to meet for action gets spelled out in the ag The Obama administ ation s p oposed Clean Power Plan for example focuses on capping emissions f tion plants among other measu es The AND MEANINGS Ç in N 99 o ing oess nal ath that at b T hnica si in k h d hi Altho di ualify p icin hi sh ys that hecia at d hi y ma ns oa hi and h d ci w d be w p he ith mi M hea y in his y d th h hi c de d n dep the ci wa AT A C SMOPO AN CROSS OADS ing up tanb h inmaj p dis osing Ç ik hi hisnt n the hi al th O man Empi th 19th 0th h ht thi ina ilin litan ds Eas at in inc ing in st st de standab the h the o tu d Ç lik h k ha g nifican ni th NJIT m y ha c ps the ohn Sim G ge im M m ial nda th A C nci d o ie d th N End fo the mani ies S is ci nt the V h oç d d fo C d th S d d d by the S h in ing A hi e Gh nt so hold an ho y d o o içi U INTERPRETING CULTURAL EXPRESSION IN ARCHITECTURE PAST AND PRESENT Distinguished Professor Zeynep Çelik is an internationally honored interpreter — of buildings. Çelik, who has a joint appointment in NJIT’s New Jersey School of Architecture and the Department of History, is an architectural historian whose career has been dedicated to interpreting the meanings buildings communicate about the cultures that create them. bul: P it Ot C y in th in nth Ç lik d d 4 MA G STUDYING IN
Although her lab is located in a very urban setting, in NJIT’s Central King Building, Assistant Professor of Biological Sciences Brooke Flammang is embarked on a scientific and technological quest that delves into the world’s oceans — and for that matter, potentially every environment inhabited by fish. Flamm g who me to N T n 2014 a ter pos do t Ha d s Museum of Comp ra ve Z o ogy nd Dep ment of Organisma and E l iona y Biology s he fo nd ng di ector of the F a mang lab a he univ ity wh h ocu on fluid ocom tion W th he e thus as assis e of a pos doc N IT und grads nd g ad te stud s and STEM-f used h gh scho s ude t she s k g a m lt d sciplina y ook at na s ma prop ion k t g a es mpara e anato y and physiolog ally nsp r d Assistant Professor Brooke Flammang takes a multidisciplinary look at nature’s marine propulsion systems. NJIT WOMEN IN RESEARCH WINTER/SPRING 2016 CAPTURING CARBON FOR POSTERITY AND PROFIT MAGAZINE SAVE THE DATE Alumni > Connect. Benefit. Engage. THE DATE
Alumni MagazineNEW
Brigham & Rago had the opportunity to work with the marketing communication group at NJIT just prior to an internal decision to bring work in-house.
NJIT WOMEN IN RESEARCH WINTER/SPRING 2016 CAPTURING CARBON FOR POSTERITY AND PROFIT BUILDINGS AND MEANINGS LOCOMOTION IN THE OCEAN Return to NJIT and reunite with your friends and classmates on Friday, May 20 –Sunday, May 22, 2016! Office of Alumni Relations University Heights Newark, NJ 07102-1982 FIRST CLASS MAIL PRESORTED U.S. POSTAGE PAID NEWARK, N.J. PERMIT NO. 625 SAVE THE DATE ALUMNI WEEKEND 2016 Alumni > Connect. Benefit. Engage. ALUMNI WEEKEND 2016 • May 20 – 22, 2016 Connect. Benefit. Engage > SAVE THE DATE Alumni Postcard
CMIC CMO USA is a contract manufacturing organization that specializes in the formulation development and commercial services for oral solid dosage products. B&R developed the following assets for CMIC to use in their attempt to expanded their development, commercial, and analytical services.
Capabilities Brochure
20-foot Tradeshow Booth
Brigham & Rago supported this expansion effort with new trade ads, capabilities brochure, trade show exhibits and website. A unique brand image was developed and incorporated into an effective awareness building campaign.
Trade Ads
10-foot Tradeshow Booth
Brigham & Rago enjoyed many years working with CYRO and particularly this project of materials created to support the Magic Creative Box campaign.
Direct Mail Campaign
Sample Kit
The following is a sampling of miscellaneous sales support materials created just prior to their acquisition by Evonik. We continue working with them as Evonik.
Data Sheets
StarTrak recognized it suffered from a perceptual disconnect between its pubic image and its ability. Less capable competitors were successfully projecting a more convincing image.
Full-authority wireless control for improved supply chain management
New Corporate Logo with Positioning Statement
Sales Literature Design and Production
We helped to develop a StarTrak brand identity that reflected the superior substance of its solutions.
Media Research, Planning and Placement
Print Advertising
Tradeshow Graphics
Trugman Valuation Associates delivered extensive experience in business valuation and economic damages and were a longtime Brigham & Rago client. Gary and Linda Trugman are recognized authorities and frequently called upon as lecturers, expert witnesses, and advisors to the bench, the bar, and the CPA community.
Website / Presentation
Trade Show Graphics Audio Series Flash
Brochure with pocket
The following are a sampling of the many successful B-to-B trade magazine ads developed by Brigham & Rago for its various clients. The New BioFlo® 4500 Fermentor... Its Power Will Blow You Away. The New BioFlo® 4500 Fermentor... Its Power You NEW BRUNSWICK SCIENTIFIC WHERE QUALITY & INNOVATION HAVE BECOME TRADITION 800-631-5417 P.O. BOX 4005 • 44 TALMADGE RD. • EDISON, NJ 08818-4005 PHONE: 732-287-1200 • FAX: 732-287-4222 INTERNET:• E-MAIL: Introducing New Brunswick Scientific’s BioFlo 4500 for microbial, insect and mammalian cell culture; from R&D through small-scale production. Fully configurable to meet your exacting requirements; and complete with a multi-loop instrument controller for advanced control capability with touch-screen simplicity. Versatile, reliable, easy to use. Serious power for serious work. Is your lab getting a little cramped? SAVE SPACE WITH NBSSTACKABLE SHAKERS! We offer the most extensive range of space-saving shakers in the business. Seven models…numerous options. And still the best designed, most reliable shakers ever built. New Brunswick Scientific Where Quality and Innovation Have Become Tradition 800-631-5417 Edison, NJ USA• Fax 732-287-4222 • THE EXTRA MARGIN OF NITRATE SAFETY IONAC® SR-7 ADVANCED ION-EXCHANGE RESIN WON’T RELEASE HARMFUL NITRATES, EVEN AFTER EXHAUSTION. When standard ion exchange resins are not regenerated after reaching their capacity for nitrate, sulfate ions present will push nitrate back into the finished water. This “dumping” effect can raise nitrate levels above safe limits set by the EPA. Nitrates can threaten the health of the young, the elderly and those with compromised immune systems. REDUCE THE COST OF HEALTHIER WATER. But new SR-7 ion exchange resin from Sybron Chemicals is different. Its highly selective chemistry has triple the nitrate-attracting power of even the best competitive resins. With this extra margin of safety, Sybron SR-7 holds onto nitrates even when challenged by high sulfate levels. And because with Sybron’s SR-7 your water remains nitrate-safe, you reduce the need for costly monitoring equipment or round-the-clock supervision. So with Sybron’s SR-7, healthier water can cost less. How much would your system benefit from keeping water nitrate-safe and reducing costs? Get more facts about how the Sybron SR-7 extra margin of safety can perform for you. Call us today for more information. The preferred name for ion exchange PO Box 66 • Birmingham,NJ 08011 Toll Free:1 800 678-0020 Telephone:609 893-1100 FAX:609 894-8641 WORTH THE WAIT… IONAC® C-249NS Ionac resins are soft on water P.O. Box 66,Birmingham,NJ 08011 Telephone:609-893-1100 Fax:609-894-8641 .ione hange The fact is, it took time to produce a resin good enough to be called C-249NS. But we think you’ll be very pleased with the results. New Ionac C-249NS is the premium quality non-solvent resin for residential, commercial and municipal water softening systems where residual manuacturing solvents may be a concern. C-249NS delivers significantly higher whole bead content compared to other solvent-free resins.It’s stronger, so there’s less washout, less loss in capacity or reduced pressure drop. And C-249NS is smoother so funnel filling is easier. So, we’re happy to say the wait is over. Now you can switch to the only premiumquality non-solvent resin with the performance heritage of the industry leader, new Sybron C-249NS.Available in bags or cartons, all conveniently palletized, and backed by the Sybron commitment to quality and responsive service. To learn more, call Sybron today. 1-800-678-0020 COMPONENT C-249NS is tested and certified by NSF International under ANSI/NSF 44 for materials only. Pick a Door. Any Door. Besam offers automatic doors and sensors for virtually any application – retail, hotel, transit, hospital, commercial, or industrial. You can choose from a complete range of door configurations including swing, sliding, folding or revolving. We even have special hurricane resistant packages. Every Besam automatic door utilizes dependable microprocessor technology for reliable performance. To help insure trouble-free operation, our doors are backed by planned diagnostic inspections and maintenance visits. If you need them, our AAADM certified technicians are on 24-hour call to service any brand of automatic or manual door, anywhere in North America. For nearly four decades, Besam has been providing technologically-advanced automatic entrance systems worldwide. To receive help in choosing the Besam door that’s right for you or to arrange a no obligation ADA compliance evaluation, simply call: 800 752-9290 Swing Doors For one-way traffic Pick a Door. Any Door. Folding Doors For narrow opening, two-way traffic Sliding Doors For wide opening, two-way traffic Besam Support Services One phone number for nationwide repairs Revolving Doors For energy-saving, two-way traffic AUTOMATED ENTRANCE SYSTEMS INC. 84 Twin Rivers Drive • Hightstown, NJ • 08520-5212 E-mail: Member American Association of Automatic Door Manufacturers THE BEAUTY OF ALKYDS WITHOUT THE BEAST. ULTRA WATERBORNE FINISHES. It’s a jungle out there. But specify our breakthrough waterborne product line and you can help the environment and capture the mighty advantage you’ve been looking for. Our new line of Ultra Waterborne Finishes offers the high performance you need with none of the drawbacks of alkyds. Designed for every type of interior use, they include high gloss, semi gloss, eggshell and even a hard, stain-resistant, scrubbable flat — each available in thousands of colors. Muralo Ultra formulas dry quickly to a hard, tile-like finish and are mold-, mildew-, stain-, and chip-resistant. Because they’re non-yellowing, whites stay white. Excellent flow and leveling provide a rich, smooth finish, too. What’s more, the Ultra breakthrough means: •no hazardous fumes •no solvent disposal problems •no flammability risks. Competitively priced, environmentally sound, high-performance Ultra Waterborne Finishes. To see what all the chest-pounding’s about, let us show you samples and fill you in on the details. Call 1-800-631-3440 (ext. 311) today. mura o paints and coatings I The Muralo Company, Inc. 148 East 5th Street Bayonne, New Jersey 07002 130 Industrial Parkway, Somerville, NJ 08876-6004 •Ph: 908 707-0707 Fx: 908 707-1704 • Internet: Over the past decade, our customers have kept us a rather closely guarded secret. You can’t blame them. You see, in many cases, Aroma Tech helped to create their competitive advantage. Whether it was a unique fragrance, the quickest lead time in the industry or one of our proprietary fragrance delivery systems - Aroma Tech gave them the edge. So, if you haven’t been tipped off yet, give us a call at800542-7662 and we’ll let you in on the secret. The best kept secret in the fragrance industry. For Packaging As Distinctive As Your Product CHOOSE PEERLESS ALUMINUM CONTAINERS Distinctive aluminum containers since 1905 Recyclable aluminum containers from Peerless create lasting consumer appeal.With exceptional designs, we’ll help you repackage existing products or launch new ones.Our stylish and patented Slim Top can is a striking example of our industry-leading creativity and innovation. Test our capabilities with your imagination! Come to us with a new container design idea,and we’ll help bring it to life.In some instances,we will even negotiate exclusivity agreements on the design to guarantee your product’s unique indentity. We’re big enough to handle your most demanding requirements,but small enough to provide the personalized service your projects deserve. Call us today. C p e H dquart 58-76 Locust Ave • Bloomfield,NJ 07003 Phone: 973-743-5100 • Fax: 973-743-6169 Mid-West Sales Of ice PO Box 790 • Lake Forest,IL60045 Phone: 847-234-9330 Fax: 847-234-8723 E-mail: Internet: US Patent #09/251,577 Whether you’re planning to SPRAY, SQUEEZE, SHAKE, PUMP OR POUR your way to success, let Peerless provide the right package for your product. Spray your product from a standard 1”, 20mm or 13mm valve on aluminum cans, available in 38 standard plus intermediate and miniature sizes. Squeeze your product from collapsible aluminum tubes, in diameters from 1/2” to 1 1/2”, after opening one of many neck and cap combinations. Shake your powder from a talc container sized to meet your volumetric requirements. Pump your product from an aluminum screwthreaded bottle, 13mm, 20mm or 1” snap-in or crimp-on actuator using finger pressure. Pour your liquid from a screw-threaded bottle or from a standard, snap-in, tamper-evident pour cap. Whatever you need to put into, and get out of, a one-piece, recyclable aluminum aerosol can or collapsible tube, you’ll find the best way to do it at Peerless. Corporate Headquarters 58-76 Locust Ave Bloomfield, NJ 07003 Phone: 973-743-5100 • Fax: 973-743-6169 Mid-West Sales Office PO Box 790 Lake Forest, IL 60045 Phone: 847-234-9330 • Fax: 847-234-8723 For samples contact us today. E-mail: Internet:
While with Korn Hynes, I worked on an integrated campaign for Summit Medical Groups with the message that they partnered with MD Anderson Cancer Center. Korn Hynes developed an awareness campaign that focused on their #1 status in cancer care.
13 Digital OOH Print Ads Digital Ads
TO THINK ABOUT #1 Since 1929, Summit Medical Group has provided a higher level of care to our patients. Now we’re able to provide America’s leading cancer care through our partnership with MD Anderson Cancer Center. For our patients, this means direct access to world-class physicians working in collaboration with MD Anderson to ensure access to leading-edge treatment plans and clinical trials from the nation’s top cancer researchers. We’ve joined forces to provide patients with a higher level of care – close to home. PARTNERS FOR LIFE Summit Medical Group has partnered with MD Anderson, ranked #1 in America for cancer care WORK
#1 We’ve joined forces to provide patients with a higher level of care – close to home.
#1 We’ve joined forces to provide patients with a higher level of care – close to home.
As the Membership Manager, I maintain and analyze the Great Swamp Watershed Association’s membership database. Additionally, I manage their social media and website by creating content, scheduling campaigns, and maintaining analytics.
Giving Tuesday Campaign
Volunteer Call Posts
Year-end Appeal
Gala & Silent Auction
Event Posts
Post-Event Story with Photos
Mission Story Post
Post-event Story with Video
Membership Post
The following are digital marketing project examples that Nancy Rago has been involved with. To discuss any piece in more detail, feel free to contact me at 973-714-2635.
Integrated Marketing Campaign
Using segmented data, an industry-targeted direct mail and email program was created to promote Infocrossing’s outsourcing. The emails had hyperlinks that took the reader to case histories that fit their industry.
Direct Mail - Letter and Pamphlet Emails
Social Media
Using a consistent branded look, I have created new and updated existing LinkedIn, Twitter, Facebook, Instagram social media profiles and YouTube channels. I also developed and scheduled a social media calendar. I produced a monthly synopsis from analytic reporting.
Customer Publication
I was part of the team that produced a customer magazine that ranged from 28 — 32 pages for each biannual issue. I developed a flipbook version published online that included hyperlinks and video links to further engage the reader. A drip email with article hyperlinks was sent out to an opt-in database, on average of three times.
Digital flipbook
Subject: Schindler
live Date: Tuesday,
Time From: Schindler
Magazine To: Dear Nancy, The latest issue of Schindler's Next Floor magazine is available for your online viewing. This issue explores life as a moving experience and how we rely on unseen technology to transport us safely and reliably through buildings as we travel to our destinations. We thank you for reading the digital edition of Next Floor and helping to conserve our natural resources. The Next Floor Editorial Team To read the full issue > click here Follow Schindler U.S. on social media Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn Twitter and YouTube Towering Expectations. September 2014. Click on a headline to read the article. > Life ... a moving experience A message from Jakob Züger, CEO of Schindler Americas. > Soaring Symbol Lower Manhattan and 4 World Trade Center. > Musical Theatre The Georgia Theatre located in Athens, Georgia. > The HART of Honolulu Hawaii's new elevated light metro rail system. > Just One Question... Schindler's director of Marketing and Communications. > Portland Looks East Rental apartment builders, Dennis and Mary Sackhoff. > Know Your Score Schindler Customer Score Card gets major improvements. > Schindler Award Goes Global For students of architecture, urban design and planning. > Schindler Captures Gold Schindler named 2014 Manufacturer of the Year. > Solar Impulse 2 Will Circumnavigate Earth The zero-fuel aircraft unveiled in Switzerland. > Be Prepared for Extreme Weather Checklists to help you prepare your elevators. > Next News Schindler news from North America and beyond. Forward email Forward email This email was sent to by | Rapid removal with SafeUnsubscribe™ | Privacy Policy
18 Website Design and Production Sampling (2013) (2016) (2012) 30 Click Image to View (2018)