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Meeting the climate challenge

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NRC Group is in the business of constructing sustainable and resilient infrastructure. The majority of our projects is specifically designed to enable efficient and low carbon mobility and transport solutions, such as railway, light rail systems, cycleways and walking paths. We are focused on reducing our own greenhouse gas emissions and are working to create infrastructure that enables others to do the same.

Our business is committed to meeting Paris agreement climate goals by reducing our emissions and achieving net zero by 2050. We will pursue these reductions through shifting our heavy vehicle fleet to biogas and other renewable fuel sources, electrifying suitable equipment and implementing operational efficiency measures to reduce the idling time of machinery. In all of our emission reduction efforts, we will focus on practical and proven technology and behaviour change. We will transparently report our performance progress against our targets.


We work closely with our clients to achieve their shared climate goals. The expectations of many of our customers, including local authorities, are changing. Environmental and climate-friendly business credentials are moving from a nice to have, to an essential requirement. We have been and will continue to take lead on meaningful climate actions in line with our emission reduction ambitions. The infrastructure we build is designed to be robust and resilient to withstand the present and predicted future climate conditions. Our own assets and operations are also being future proofed and adapted to the changing climate. We regularly review our climate risks and report them using the Taskforce on Climate-related Financial Disclosures (TCFD) framework.

To achieve the climate goals, we continuously evaluate relevant investments in equipment, systems and training and increase competence in our organisation. The most important part of our climate plan will be unleashing the potential of our employees to make low and no-carbon opportunities a reality. Being a learning organisation will be key as we build knowledge and human capital to deliver climate solutions that work.

Between now and 2050 we are cognisant of the significant work we must do to meet our own climate goals. Only by reaching our own goals, we can contribute achieving the Paris agreement aligned target of 1.5 degrees of global warming. We are up for the challenge and stand ready to support our customers and partners in achieving their Paris-aligned climate goals.

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