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Safe-Guard Dewormer

10% Suspension

1 L 001-809751


Safe-Guard Drench Gun 001-124277


Zoetis Cattle Dewormers

CATTLE DEWORMING IS AS EASY AS 123 Grazing cattle is a sight that every cattle producer loves. But the hidden threat of internal parasites can reduce the health and performance of cattle on pasture in a big way, said Bert Stromberg, PhD, professor of parasitology at the University of Minnesota College of Veterinary Medicine. He believes a strategic approach to deworming cattle is a simple, three-pronged approach: identification of prevalent parasites, proper timing of deworming and understanding product labels. “Parasites really need to be controlled or parasitism can run rampant,” Dr. Stromberg said. “Parasite control is continuously changing both in the way we manage animals, as well as the compounds available to control parasite loads. Proper parasite control helps keep cattle productive, looking good and growing.” And it doesn’t stop with implementation of a strategic deworming plan. To get the best bang for the buck, Dr. Stromberg emphasizes veterinarian follow-up to ensure parasites are controlled and producer expectations are aligned with label indications. ”Parasite control adds value in many ways,” Dr. Stromberg said. “You certainly end up weaning heavier calves.”

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