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Unique Patterns
Much like leather tooling and silver engraving, this design is based on the cowboy's appreciation of nature.
1-Red 1466-5 | 2-Chocolate 1466-2
3-Blue 1466-3
38" x 34" $124.99
1-Chocolate1465-3 | 2-Turquoise 1465-4
3-Grey 1465-5
Reining Glory Saddle Blanket
Honor and communication with our creator was symbolized by decorating bridles and horse masks with feathers. Additionally, the feather symbolized prayer and a higher power. Feather icons line the bottom sides of the pattern. The repeating parallelograms on the front and the back convey the realization of goals (left slant) and enlightenment (right slant). Together they create a butterfly – the symbol of transformation and dreams coming true. The power of putting a concept or idea into practice is represented by the X symbol. These also line the front and back of the pattern. When saddled with Reining Glory, the horse and rider are united and in communion with each other. The blanket conveys realized dreams and goals with trust built on mutual communication.
38" x 34" 1306 $129.99
BJ Midnight/Sapphire/Bronze | CD-Chestnut/White Cloud/Dun DV-Ocean Blue/White Cloud/Scarlet
JV-Agean/Blue Duck/Copper
Blended acrylic fiber blanket is 85% acrylic/15% poly. 64" x 32" open, 32" x 32" folded. Sand/Black/White 1340-162 (shown) | Sand/Brown/Rust 1340-17 | Hunter/Rust/Black
Green 1340-5 | Blue 1340-4 | Burgundy 1340-9 | Red 1340-1 | Navy 1340-10
Turquoise/Black/Cream 1340-6 | Tan/Hunter/Burgundy 1340-14
Rust/ Black 1340-3 | Black/Grey 1340-2