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Band Together
NeanderthalsN used twigs and and no divisions, making it the perfect be associated an age-old symbol of forever Text by Nancy S. Moseley with the durability and bits of grass, usually secured around symbol of completeness, eternity and permanence of marriage. the ankle. The Egyptians used bone, the soul. The circle symbolism most In order of most expensive to leather, ivory and sometimes hemp. familiartousisthatoftheweddingring, least expensive: Platinum is among the Early Romans used iron. Colonial which symbolizes not just a pledge of strongest, white in color and resistant Americans, believing jewelry to be eternal love, but the enclosure of the to oxidation and corrosion. Palladium is trivial, used thimbles. When the wife heart – a pledge of fidelity.” up next, related to platinum in strength, was finished using the thimble to sew The ancient Egyptians wore never tarnishes and is naturally white linens for the couple’s new home, the their wedding rings on the left hand’s in color. It’s also hypoallergenic. Both top was sawed off to create a ring. fourth finger because they believed in yellow gold and white gold are leading No matter the material, from the “vena amoris,” or the vein of love, ring metals for their traditional look the earliest iterations to today, the which runs directly from the heart to and durability. Tungsten is 10x harder wedding ring is viewed as a contract this finger. No such vein exists, but the than 18K gold, and you can choose of sorts, signifying love, loyalty and tradition of wearing wedding bands on between gray, platinum white or black. even friendship. The fact that a ring, the “ring finger” continues today. Titanium is extremely durable and or something of circular shape, Wedding rings are typically long-lasting which makes it hard to was chosen to represent a conjugal made out of select “noble metals,” resize or repair if needed. Silver has a covenant is not incidental. or, elements that exhibit outstanding high conductivity to heat and electricity Accordingtosymboldictionary. resistance to adverse chemical and and is easily engraved. net,thecircle“hasnobeginningorend, temperature forces. This strength can Austin Capone of Capone’s


Jewelry in Blacksburg says the leading metal today is white and yellow gold – similar to their popularity 20 years ago. And for men, titanium is a top choice because it’s very light weight and darker in color. Though men didn’t historically wear bands at all until World War II, American and European soldiers began wearing rings as a way to remember their betrothed back home. When it comes time to choose wedding bands, several factors should be considered, not the least of which is cost. Do a little soul-searching with your soulmate to gauge what factors are most important to you. Capone offers: “There are a couple factors that always go into a large purchase. The main considerations with wedding rings are cost as well as following trends and popular styles. We like to consider something that is timeless and durable enough to withstand everyday wear for many years.” A recent, some might say, bohemian trend is to don a band made of silicone. They rose in popularity with the surge of fitness and outdoor adventure gurus who needed a ring to keep up with their active lifestyle. Silicone is extremely flexible and safe to wear in most all industry environments, from machinists and chefs to healthcare professionals and construction workers. Silicone prevents ring avulsion, or injuries caused by a ring getting caught on an object and getting yanked off rapidly. In 2015 host of The Tonight Show, Jimmy Fallon, almost lost a finger due to ring avulsion. Troy Whittier of Pulaski chose silicone for this very reason.HeownsacattlefarmandmanagestheGilesCounty Land Lab, constantly working with his hands often in tight spaces. He found himself removing his tungsten carbide ring and eventually lost it. “I had heard about silicone rings but hadn't ever worn one. I ordered a box of 12 silicone rings for $10 and now have the option of switching colors or damaging them without any worry at all. It's nice to always look married without the hassle of other jewelry,” Whittier states. A quick buzz around the Internet will lead to any number of alternative wedding band materials: wood, dinosaur bones, meteorites and even rings made from whiskey barrels. Ultimately, the value and symbolic importance placed on a wedding band is entirely up to the happy couple. The visual representation of your commitment to and love for each other is entirely customizable. However, if the idea of having to wear jewelry all the time is not in your comfort zone (but hundreds of tiny needle pricks are), some folks have chosen to have their ring finger tattooed. It’s hard to get more permanent than that. Other Cultures Marriage Symbols of Marriage

Celtic Nations: Rings often come in the Claddagh design, showing the gesture of a crowned heart clasped by two hands. The hands represent friendship, the heart represents love and the crown represents loyalty.
Indian Cultures: The Mangala Sutra is tied around the bride’s neck instead of exchanging rings. The Mangala Sutra is a cord with two gold pendants that is tied in three knots by the groom. It symbolizes the bonding of souls.
Hindu: Hindu wives wear bangles on both hands that are either red or white. Often made of glass, if the marriage ends or the woman becomes single again, the bangles will be shattered.
Mexico: During the exchange of vows during a Mexican marriage ceremony a “lazo” or lasso made of rosary beads and flowers is draped around the couples’ shoulders in the shape of a figure eight, the infinity symbol.
Nancy S. Moseley is a writer from Blacksburg who spent time in her early 20s giggling with girlfriends and poring over wedding magazines for the “perfect” ring.