3 minute read
Pasture Talk
P. O. Box 11816 Blacksburg, VA 24062 o: 540-961-2015 nrvmagazine@msn.com www.nrvmagazine.com
PUBLISHER Country Media, Inc. Phillip Vaught
WRITERS Joanne Anderson Emily Alberts Jo Clark Becky Hepler Nancy Moseley Kameron Bryant
PHOTOGRAPHERS Kristie Lea Photography Kevin Riley Tom Wallace Billy Bowling Photography Nathan Cooke Photography
COVER PHOTO Photo by Tom and Christy Wallace RealPixs LLC
© 2022 Country Media, Inc. Country Media, Inc. will not knowingly publish any advertisement that is illegal or misleading to its readers. Neither the advertiser nor Country Media, Inc. will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publisher assumes no financial liability for copy omissions by Country Media, Inc. other than the cost of the space occupied by the error. Corrections or cancellations to be made by an advertiser shall be received no later than 5 p.m. the 20th of each publishing month. No claim shall be allowed for errors not affecting the value of the advertisement. Paid advertising does not represent an endorsement by this publication. Content cannot be reproduced without written consent from Country Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Real Estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968. SSeveral years ago, one of my favorite restaurants closed. I was very disappointed because I loved the food, service, location, atmosphere. Then I pondered my patronage history. Had I been there in the past two years? How many times had I enjoyed a meal in five years? Did I recommend it often? Did I mention it to friends? Had I ever told the owner how much I liked it or doubletipped the server? Small business still contributes mightily to the big engine that drives our economy.
The latest statistics from the
Small Business Administration indicates there are 32.5 million small businesses (fewer than 500 employees), comprising 99.9% of all U.S. businesses.
From the same source is the fact that small companies create 64% of the jobs in the country. I think it is incumbent upon each one of us to patronize them all year long.
For birthdays, holidays, anniversaries, dog-sitting and welcome-to-your-new-home gifts. For ourselves and our neighbors.
For friends and colleagues. For showing appreciation to the entrepreneurs who easily work 60+ hour work weeks. For their employees who often are loyal and supportive across decades. Maybe for no reason beyond appreciating the merchandise and contributing to their success.
Here are 2020 population figures:
• Montgomery County 98,495 • Pulaski, 34,113 • City of Radford, 17, 833 • Giles County, 16,760 • Floyd County, 15,766
The total is 182,967. Let’s round that down to 180,000 and take away half for children and non-shoppers. If every one of 90,000 committed an extra $50/ month to spend in a small business, that would add a tidal wave of $54 million to our local economy. You could go out one day a month with your $50, or keep it in a jar or envelope in your car and take it out in small bills. A good place to start shopping is with our advertisers, because without
Pasture Talk
them, there is no New River Valley Magazine, or 2023 See & Do New River Valley book (coming very soon), or NRV Map (spring 2023). They support us. We support them. It’s not rocket science. It’s being a good resident and positive force in the community. If small businesses can add up to such a significant impact nationally, we can each do our part for a powerful impact locally.
Veterans Day, Nov. 11, was originally Armistice Day and marked the temporary cessation of hostilities in 1918, in the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month. It became a federal holiday in 1938, and the name was changed after World War II and the Korean War, embracing all veterans. It’s so easy to take our freedom for granted because many of us know nothing else. We have the luxury of getting mired in mundane non-essentials of daily life, like if our pillowcases have a seasonal theme in the fabric or pumpkin beer is on tap. Freedom and veterans should be remembered and celebrated every day. Small businesses must be patronized often for our communities to remain vibrant and successful. As Thanksgiving bears down upon us, let’s commit to being thankful every day and not let thanksgiving reside one day of the year, but e.v.e.r.y. d.a.y.
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!