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Food Fare
Real Whipped Cream Compiled by Joanne M. Anderson
When we were kids, my brother (age 11) and I (age 9) attended a very fancy (by our standards) summer cookout where we were introduced to two stunning concepts. (1) You could have Jell-o with fruit in it and call it salad. (2) Whipped cream came in a can. Of course, we now know that what we enjoyed in our humble home was the real thing ~ heavy cream from a creamery whipped by our mother by hand with an egg beater. If you have somehow settled for canned whipped cream – or heaven forbid, the frozen stuff - this holiday season is the perfect time to savor the real thing. One cup of heavy or whipping cream yields 2 cups of whipped cream, so choose a deep bowl. Confectioners (or powdered) sugar contains corn starch which stabilizes the final result and contributes to the ultra-smooth texture. • 1 cup heavy cream, chilled • 2-4 Tbl. confectioners sugar • 1 tsp. vanilla extract
Start on low with electric mixer to reduce spatters, then ramp up speed until it forms soft peaks. Stop and sprinkle the sugar and add vanilla. Whip a little more to stiffer peaks, but not too much. Always add sugar and flavorings at the soft peak stage. You can add:
1 Tbl. bourbon or liqueur (replace vanilla, adult version) 2 tsp. espresso or instant coffee granules (might be crunchy) 1 tsp. orange or lemon zest (tropical) ½ tsp. ground cinnamon (autumn’s finest spice) 3 Tbl. maple syrup (replace vanilla and most of the sugar) Coconut extract (replace vanilla)
Pumpkin Pie Add-ons
The basic and one of the best pumpkin pie recipes still comes on the Libby’s pumpkin can label. But you can do oh so many other things to ramp up this season’s most popular dessert -- under it, in it and over it. On top of the pie crust, before pouring in the pumpkin part, consider a layer of melted chocolate, crushed gingersnaps, freshly chopped cranberries or pecan pieces. Or use a gingersnap crust. Inside the pumpkin filling, add a cream cheese swirl for a complementary taste and marbled appearance. On top of pumpkin pie, add: Toasted nuts drizzled with real maple syrup or caramel sauce Happy face with little marshmallows Meringue Streusel topping of nuts, brown sugar and butter Crushed peanut brittle Chocolate shavings Real whipped cream, of course!

years ago, he opened Christiansburg Pharmacy on Franklin Street. While Sen spends most of his time in Blacksburg, he stops in at the Christiansburg location every day. He is confident that the staff there provides the same level of service because they have all worked with him at the Blacksburg site and know his values. In addition, Sen is looking into opening a third location in Shawsville. His philosophy at every store is one of consummate service to the customer. Sen offers vaccinations and flu shots, as well as the usual array of over-the-counter medicines, supplements and therapy items. Deliveries are free in the area, and there is a drive-through window. He sells pet medicines and does compounding which involves reformulating medicines, e.g.,turningtabletsintoliquidsforeasieringestingorchangingthestrength of a commercially available product. He can use an active ingredient within a commercially available item to customize a medication for a patient, or make a concoction of something not commercially available but which the doctor thinks could help a patient. Where Sen and his staff excel is in helping customers navigate insurance issues and find the prescriptions that best fit both their medical and financial needs. He does this by being part of the doctor-patient team. Dr. Matthew McCarthy explains: “They have been fantastic about patient advocacy. The pharmacy works very hard to find alternatives and ways to save money. That goes a long way for my patients. As physicians, we’re sort of systemically blinded to what some of these medications cost.” McCarthy also appreciates the free deliveries. “I do a lot of house calls for elderly shut-ins in Blacksburg who cannot get out. So let’s say, I’ll be there at 11 a.m., we’ll talk through the medicines and then the pharmacy will come by at 3 p.m. to drop them off,” he states. “People are blown away by that level of care.” Sen sees it this way. “Across the board, people are coming in with certain expectations and they’re not looking for quick answers, they’re looking for solutions. I think that solutions are more important than answers.” For providing information and good results, Sen has earned the loyalty and support of his customers for which he marvels. “ It’s the people. You make a huge difference, and you don’t expect gratitude for it but the gratitude from people humbles you.” 15 48 21 39 45 23 6 43 5 33 41 21 25 4 8 35 29 17 37 41 8 3 39 29 35 2 17 35 43 47 29 35 15 25 31 17 17 15 43 35 27 29 13 41 27 13 A-1 Heating & Cooling Albimino & Stenger Allure Spa American National Bank Blue Ridge Heating & Air Bonomo's Plaza Brown Insurance BT's Radford Carilion Clinic Celco Citizens Coldwell Banker Collision Plus Corner Market DeHart Tile DogTown Roadhouse Dwight Atkinson Eyes on Main First & Main Floyd Virginia Freedom First Inn at Virginia Tech Joba Kelly Griffin Kesler Contracting Long & Foster Macado's Matrix Gallery Meg's & Garrett's Mitchell Law Firm Nest Realty New River Art & Fiber Northpoint Insurance NRV IP Law NRV Public Health Task Force P. Buckley Moss Pearis Mercantile Progress Street Builders Radford Welcome Center Sapphire Ballroom Shaheen Firm, P.C. Shelter Alternatives, Inc. Skyline National Bank Slaughter's Supermarket Sugar Magnolia Weigh Station