Pasture Talk
P. O. Box 11816 Blacksburg, VA 24062 o: 540-961-2015
PUBLISHER Country Media, Inc. Phillip Vaught MANAGING EDITOR Joanne Anderson ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Sabrina Sexton ACCOUNT EXECUTIVE Kim Walsh DISTRIBUTION MANAGER Dennis Shelor WRITERS Joanne Anderson Karl Kazaks Krisha Chachra Emily Alberts Jennifer Cooper Becky Hepler Melody Warnick Nancy Moseley
PHOTOGRAPHERS Kristie Lea Photography Kevin Riley Always and Forever Photography Tom Wallace Billy Bowling Photography Nathan Cooke Photography © 2020 Country Media, Inc. Country Media, Inc. will not knowingly publish any advertisement that is illegal or misleading to its readers. Neither the advertiser nor Country Media, Inc. will be responsible or liable for misinformation, misprints, or typographical errors. The publisher assumes no financial liability for copy omissions by Country Media, Inc. other than the cost of the space occupied by the error. Corrections or cancellations to be made by an advertiser shall be received no later than 5 p.m. the 20th of each publishing month. No claim shall be allowed for errors not affecting the value of the advertisement. Paid advertising does not represent an endorsement by this publication. Content cannot be reproduced without written consent from Country Media, Inc. All rights reserved. Real Estate advertised in this publication is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act of 1968.
With this issue, we are kicking off – pun intended – a new regular column dubbed “NRV Small ‘n Bold ~ small businesses and bold entrepreneurs”. Let’s face it, you have to be bold to run a small business. It’s always been that way, but now every entrepreneur needs extra, healthy doses of bold, plus: • Common sense • Organizational skills • Passion • Leadership talent • Integrity • Moxie • And a whole bunch of customers ~ that’s US, all of us! Wow, the second Pasture Talk in a row and the only ones ever where I have used the word “moxie”. In my birthday package from my brother earlier this year, I received a bottle of “Moxie”. I haven’t opened it yet, but since it doesn’t age like nice wine, I guess it’s time to drink it and re-live a fun childhood memory. Besides ice
cream, Moxie was the only thing at our grandfather’s house fit to eat or drink, in our opinion. As a big football fan, pulling together the kicking story was, well, quite a kick. Surely, there was much rejoicing around the NRV and beyond with the news that the Hokies would play the ACC league games. Clay Corner Inn is holding exciting tailgate parties, and if you can, get out, patronize local businesses and cheer on the team! Cooler temps and sweatshirt weather will be welcome when it arrives, and autumn in the New River Valley is as lovely as ever dressed up in gold, orange, red and rusty browns. Nancy Moseley outlines leaf peeping places on page 32. Being the only college in the nation with maroon and orange school colors makes you wonder if fall football fun and fanaticism was on their minds when that unfolded. People among us never cease to amaze me, and it’s likely you will be impressed as well with the skills and talent of Peggy White, Bobby Lilly, Elly Pruden and this year’s Virginia Tech football kickers. Go Hokies!
CORRECTION: Nancy Moseley’s byline was inadvertently omitted in the July/August issue for “Distance Healing, history, uses and benefits of telemedicine.” We love Nancy’s style, value her professionalism and have apologized. S e p t - O c t 2 0 2 0
Joanne Anderson ManagingEditor