What’s the Truth Got to Do With It? with Alan Close
MON 2 AUG 10.00AM — 4.00PM Byron Community College $120/100 Members & Students Truth. Facts. Honesty. OMG! It’s not boring is it? Finding the ‘right’ way to tell our stories can be the hardest part of writing them – and the ‘truth’ of our lives is so challenging and elusive. This hands-on workshop will give you the tools to make your story both engaging and authentic.
Writing for the Screen with Benjamin Gilmour
TUES 3 AUG 10.00AM — 4.00PM Byron Community Centre $120/100 Members & Students Writer/director Benjamin Gilmour, whose script for his feature film Jirga won the 2019 NSW Premier’s Prize for Scriptwriting, hosts a workshop on the art of screenwriting. Participants will explore the growing of ideas, the importance of story, character development and structure. This workshop will provide skills required to work towards the first draft of a screenplay. 24 | WINTER 2021 northerly
Balancing Backstory
Nature Writing
with Laurel Cohn
with Sophie Hardcastle
10.00AM — 4.00PM Byron Community Centre $120/100 Members & Students
10.00AM — 4.00PM Byron Community College $120/100 Members & Students
There’s nothing worse than getting cornered at a party with a stranger telling you all about themselves – too much backstory! The same is true on the page. Backstory can bog down a manuscript, but it is also essential. This workshop helps writers manage the backstory balancing act.
Ideal for anyone who is curious about the world around them… whether that’s a curiosity for sea breezes, an interest in tree root systems, or a fascination for glacial ice, Sophie will help participants write landscapes to life.
The Golden Rules for Writing a Great Short Story
Making Truth from Story and Story from Truth
with Sunil Badami
WED 4 AUG 10.00AM — 4.00PM Byron Community College $120/100 Members & Students In an engaging, enlightening and entertaining day-long workshop, writer, broadcaster and academic Sunil Badami will reveal his Golden Rules for Writing a Great Short Story, which he tested by writing four short stories in four weeks — all of which were published in some of Australia’s most prestigious literary journals.
with Kathryn Heyman
WED 4 AUG 1.00PM — 4.00PM Byron Community Centre $60/50 Members & Students Award-winning novelist and memoirist Kathryn Heyman (Fury) helps you take a kernel of truth and turn it into a work of art: a novel, memoir or captivating work of narrative non-fiction. Using a mixture of example, discussion and carefully selected exercises Kathryn Heyman will help you discover the core of your story and how to make it sing.