The Groundbreaker: Issue 16

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FROM THE CEO Welcome back to the 16th edition of The Groundbreaker for 2015. For those who missed the recent company email update, we are pleased to announce that following several months of negotiations with Middlemount Coal, a three year extension was awarded to NRW at the Middlemount Project valued at approximately $330 million. Read more on page two. On another positive development, we have formed a Joint venture with Salini Impregilo – a large international multi discipline contractor – on the Forrestfield Airport Link Project, for which we are now on the shortlist to bid this large and high profile project. Details of this project are on page two. 2015 sees Action Drill & Blast’s fifth year in the industry, and in this short time, they have grown to be one of Australia’s leading drill and blast contractors. Take a look at page four for an insight into how they have progressed from working in dongers in the back of NRW’s Welshpool offices, to the second largest drill and blast contractor in Australia. Congratulations to the North Star team on their Project of the Quarter Award. Also on safety, I encourage you to watch the “A Safe Day. Every Day.” Charity Video on page six to learn how charities benefited from last year’s donations.


Looking forward, as per the market update issued in February we anticipate the remainder of the 2015 calendar year to continue to be challenging due to the number and timing of opportunities available to bid and the high level of competitiveness in the industry. That said, there are solid prospects for the Mining Division and Action Drill & Blast in the medium term and a potential major opportunity in Queensland for Civil with Adani, although this project is unlikely to start in earnest until 2016. Consequently, the tender pipeline at $2.5 billion provides some optimism particularly towards the end of this year. As we re-focus the organisation to suit the current environment, I ask all of you to please keep frugality at the front of mind. If you have any questions in regard to the above please direct them through your managers in the first instance and I will also be happy to respond to any questions or concerns you may have.

Jules Pemberton Chief Executive Office




MIDDLEMOUNT COAL CONTRACT EXTENSION In February NRW was awarded an extension to its Middlemount Dry Hire Contract in Queensland. Following negotiations with the client (Middlemount Coal), NRW secured a three year extension valued at approximately $330 million. Jules Pemberton NRW Holdings Managing Director and CEO said, “We worked closely with Middlemount to deliver a new operating model which will provide significant benefit to both parties during the remaining contract term. I am also happy that our client has shown confidence in our ability to provide a very safe and productive service offering by extending the contract to June 2020 from its current expiry date of June 2017. The extension of this contract provides a great base to continue our long term commitment to building a sustainable business in Queensland and will also help support our growth aspirations across the eastern states.”

Grant Wise, Maintenance Manager, says the extension award is a reflection of the great work the NRW Middlemount team have done to date. “The extension is a reflection of the hard work not just from the team on site, but also Cameron Featherstone and his team in Makcay and Russell Bensley and his team in Brisbane, as a team we have gained Middlemount’s trust in our ability to deliver fit for purpose equipment in a safe manner,” Grant said.

NRW began work on the Dry Hire Contract in February 2013 and will continue to provide ongoing maintenance services for the fleet which consists of: • • • • •

2 x 550T excavators 2 x 190T excavators 1 x 350T shovel 17 x 220T dump trucks 6 x 140T rigid dump trucks

• • • • • •

9 x 190T dump truck 2 x D11 dozers 4 x D11 dozers 3 x waters carts 1 x 24M grader 4 x 16M graders

Middlemount Mine Site.

FORRESTFIELD AIRPORT LINK PROJECT NRW has teamed up with Italian contractor, Salini Impregilo for the Public Transport Authority’s Forrestfield Airport Link Project. On April 30, it was announced that the NRW-SI Joint Venture had been successful in their EOI and were invited to tender. With an overall project budget exceeding $2billion, the EOI was for the Design and Construction of tunnel works, civil infrastructure, track, stations and rail systems. The Project will see two rail tunnels bored underground from Bayswater, beneath the Swan River and Perth Airport, to Forrestfield. Our Joint Venture partner, Salini Impregilo, is a large international tunnelling contractor, who has worked on major

infrastructure projects such as the new AV Ankara-Istanbul rail line in Turkey, the Milan-Genoa rail line in Italy and the Sydney North West Rail Link in Australia. Our JV is supported by GHD, Weston Williamson, CH2MHill, Geodata, Coffey, Georgiou, Coleman Rail, Downer and Ansaldo, providing a strong blend of international, national and local designers and contractors. There were a total of five submissions, of which only three were selected to move through to the Tender phase. The Tender is due for submission in November 2015.

The planned Forrestfield Airport Link route.

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AES INNOVATION BOARDS AES has implemented four Innovation boards in each business division to drive continuous improvement. The Innovation Boards showcase AES’s core values in action; Excellence, Innovation, Frugality, Integrity, and Safe Productivity. The Innovation Program seeks to encourage individual imagination, creativity and continuous improvement by rewarding individuals who have generated ideas/innovation. In order to focus these suggestions, employees’ ideas should impact at least one of the following: quality, products, people, efficiency or cost. This focus allows management to clearly see how the suggestion delivers benefit.

HOW IT WORKS: Employees submit an idea/innovation, either as a team or individual, using the “I Card” and post it on the Innovation Board. The “I Review” team collect all “I Cards” for review on a weekly basis and determine which ones are pursued further. If the idea/innovation is to be implemented, an employee (I Driver) is allocated to lead the change along with the custodian. Details and progress is documented on the reverse side of the “I Card” and posted on the Innovation Board. The “I Driver” and the custodians are responsible for ensuring the idea is implemented according to the plan and reports progress to the “I Review Team”.

Employees immediately jumped on board with the implementation of the Innovation boards and in the first month, there were: 35 employee innovations reviewed; five innovations implemented; and 24 innovations in motion. Since its introduction, at least 50 ideas have been generated and 25 already implemented. The Innovation Boards have already proven to be an effective tool for engaging employees in continuous workplace improvement. AES recognise that often the best practical ideas don’t come from management but from those closest to the task at hand.

DEREK’S BRAVERY Congratulations to Derek Bowers, NRW Transport & Logistics Operations Manager, who received a commendation in the Australian Bravery Awards, announced on 30 March 2015. When Derek was faced with saving the life of a 21 year old, whose motorbike had been engulfed in flames due to a collision with a SUV, Derek did not hesitate and used his instinct to drag the victim from the wreckage. Derek disregarded his own safety as he put out the flames whilst loosening the helmet to prevent strangling the rider all in less than 15 seconds. “I have dealt with some scary situations so I was able to shift my thinking into emergency mode pretty quickly,” Derek told The West Australian on 30 March 2015. CEO Jules Pemberton said “Derek, who has been with NRW for over eleven years, is an inspiration to us. His actions saved a life and I commend him on his bravery and selflessness.” Derek Bowers. Picture: Michael O’Brien/The West Australian

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ACTION DRILL & BLAST TURNS FIVE Action Drill & Blast (ADB) was established in 2010, just before the start of one of the largest mining booms in Australia. Over the last five years, ADB have used this opportunity to build a company that: can withstand inevitable cyclical downturns; is looked upon favourably by potential clients; and is an employer of choice. ADB have seen great success and achievements. They have: operated on over 50 contracts around Australia (WA, QLD, SA and NSW); created strong relationships with their clients and suppliers; assembled a fleet of the newest and most capable drill and blast rigs of any contractor fleet in Australia; and recruited and trained a great drill and blast crew. Warren Fair, ADB General Manager, says he is pleased with the success Action Drill & Blast has achieved. “Five years ago we didn’t exist and we are now one the largest and most successful drill and blast contractors in Australia. This is testament to the dedication, strength and vision of our whole team. I am extremely proud of what we have achieved so far, and I look forward to the next five years of continued success,” said Warren. In early 2011, ADB established an east coast regional office, in Rockhampton, Queensland, to support their diversification strategy to work in the coal industry. In February 2011, ADB commenced their first coal contract at the Middlemount Mine, located in the Bowen Basin, Queensland. Action Drill & Blast look forward to the next five years and are focussed on continuing to provide the highest level of safety and services to their clients whilst providing a positive, inclusive and safe workplace for personnel.

LEUKAEMIA FOUNDATION ROADSHOW Through the support of NRW, the Leukaemia Foundation ran a Pilbara Roadshow on 23 – 24 Febraury 2015. Two employees from the Leukaemia Foundation travelled to Karratha and Broome to raise awareness of blood cancer and the Leukaemia Foundation’s free support services within the local community. Local residents and their families living with blood cancers, health professionals and local residents who support the Foundation were able to access disease specific health education. Two days after the Karratha roadshow a participant contacted the Leukaemia Foundation with details of a work colleague who had just been diagnosed, the second recent diagnosis in Karratha. Another attendee, a woman living with a blood cancer and her support person were extremely grateful for the information and one on one time. Andrew York, GM Leukaemia Foundation WA, said the support from NRW was greatly appreciated. “On behalf of the Leukaemia Foundation, I’d like to thank NRW. We are extremely grateful for the funds they provided allowing us to provide extra services to the Pilbara region.” The funds were donated to the Leukaemia Foundation through the “A Safe Day. Every Day.” Program.

Local community members at the Leukaemia Foundation Pilbara Roadshow in Karratha.

Deb Wilkins, Community Relationships Manager Leukaemia Foundation WA, Krystal Barnett, Michelle Beard and Julie Tovey, Blood Cancer Support Services Coordinator Leukaemia Foundation WA at the Broome Pilbara Roadhshow.

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PROJECT OF THE QUARTER Q1! Congratulations to North Star for winning the first Project of the Quarter for 2015! The team at North Star has achieved excellent safety results through perseverance and adhering to safety procedures and policies on site. Warren Cragie, Project Manager, says that the team has been trying to win Project of the Quarter for a long time and it is great that they have finally reached their goal. “The push from the HSE Department has been quite strong to bring us up to speed on our safety performance and has helped us achieve this milestone. The guys have been working together as a cohesive team for a long time and their efforts are what have won us Project of the Quarter. Congratulations to the team on their hard work,” Warren said. HSE General Manager, David McCaughey, congratulates the team on their deserving win. “What I see at North Star is a team commited to having ‘A Safe Day, Every Day.’ They do so by diligently following the HSE management systems and through good job planning. The team at North Star have now completed over 280,000 hours on the project with a rolled ankle being their only Recordable Injury. It is no coincidence that sites with high levels of compliance with the HSE systems have very few injuries and with a TRIFR of 0.0 North Star are a great example of this.” Well done to the North Star Crew!

WATCH NOW! Click here to Watch the NRW 2014 “A Safe Day. Every Day.” Charity Video.


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Earlier this year, an employee fell onto his shoulder whilst positioning a workshop dome cover. The employee was pulling on the rope when the attachment tab that the rope was secured to tore free from the dome cover, resulting in a recordable injury. There were no signs of deterioration when the tab was inspected as excessive force was not applied. Two additional tabs were subsequently tried and both failed. The fabric used in these covers typically has a five year manufacturer’s warranty against deterioration due to ultraviolet exposure. The cover involved did not have any labelling to indicate date of manufacture or an NRW asset number to determine date of purchase. Actions to prevent reoccurrence: •

All dome covers should be inspected to determine if they have exceeded their warranty life. If date of purchase or manufacturer’s details are not available, they must be thoroughly inspected and the date of inspection should be marked on the cover.

Where dome cover life cannot be determined, replacement should occur at the end of the current project or next time the dome is dismantled, whichever comes first.

People using tag lines or guide ropes need to consider failure of attachment points and devise suitable controls in their Take 5 individual risk assessment, such as position stance to counter failure of attachments.

Procurement specialists should source cover systems that do not require manual adjustment to fit.


Torn dome cover.

Tab from dome cover.



Pre-cast concrete units.

The crew at the Roy Hill Concrete Project engineered a ‘cradle’ for the transportation of pre-cast concrete units. The 400 units were required for the construction of five conveyor tunnel sections and had been previously transported and stockpiled onsite by the manufacturer. The NRW team were then faced with the challenge of transporting them all from the storage area to the work area in a safe manner. The manufacturer recommendation for transportation involved working at height risks and EWP operation for both loading and unloading.

Transportation frame.

A solution to eliminate the risks presented itself by using a leftover transportation frame used to deliver conveyor sections to site for another sub-contractor. The crew added steps, handrail and supports to hold the tunnel units in place and in just a few days a solution had been engineered that eliminated working at height risks, the use of two EWPs, the risk of load shifting over rough terrain and more than halved the loading and unloading time of each unit.

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NRW 2015 GRADUATE INDUCTION On Monday 19 January, NRW Civil and Mining held their annual Graduate Induction Week welcoming five new graduates to the company; Stephen Borovac (Civil Engineer), Kelsie Brennan (Human Resources), Tony Wilson-Haffenden (Civil Engineer), Jessica Williamson (Marketing) and Caleb Woodcock (Mining Engineer). Throughout the week, the grads were introduced to the business, NRW people and their Graduate Program which was very valuable to their roles within the company. The week started with a corporate induction and was followed by the Grad Program learning sessions where a senior manager spoke to the Grads about their individual department’s key functions. This ranged from safety, environment and systems training to procurement, plant, costing, engineering and surveying.

NRW Grads and management at the Wildcats game in NRW’s Corporate Suite.

On Wednesday, the grads went for a 4WD course. Tony said the grad induction week was great and he enjoyed learning 4wd techniques that will benefit him on site. “We were introduced to the company and met many important members of the NRW community who were all willing to share valuable past experiences and advice. Part of the induction week was a 4wd course and as well as learning basic 4wd techniques we also learnt how to use a snatch strap to recover a bogged LV.” On Wednesday evening the grads were treated to a Wildcats game in NRW’s corporate suite at Perth Arena. This was a fantastic networking opportunity as NRW executives were in attendance.

NRW’s 2015 Grads (L-R): Caleb Woodcock, Kelsie Brennan, Stephen Borovac, Jessica Williamson and Tony Wilson-Haffenden.

Thursday was a first aid course which was a great opportunity for the new grads. Kelsie explains the importance of the first aid course in any situation and how valuable the skill is to have. “I got a lot out of completing the First Aid Course. I feel this will benefit me both in the workplace and in my personal life as I am now more confident in what to do when someone is injured, sick or needs any help,” Kelsie said. To finish off the week, there was an internal Fire extinguisher training course on Friday where the grads learnt to deal with the different types of fires and fire extinguishers. They even tried their hand at firefighting using a simulator. After the fire extinguisher course, the engineers had a meeting with Engineers Australia. Tony explains what they learnt in this session and how it will help them in the future. “The meeting with Engineers Australia was very beneficial. During the meeting we learnt about the benefits of being a Chartered Engineer as well as learning the existing procedure to become a Chartered Engineer through Engineers Australia. Becoming a Chartered Engineer is definitely an option I will explore in the future,” said Tony. Welcome to the new NRW graduates! Stephen Borovac at the Fire Extinguisher Course.

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APPRENTICE SPOTLIGHT Sam Self, an AES Heavy Duty Fitter Apprentice, started with AES Equipment Solutions in July 2013 and is currently working in the company’s workshop. He took the time to tell the Groundbreaker about his experience in the role.

Sam Self, AES Heavy Duty Fitter Apprentice.

“I have always enjoyed mechanics and working on cars, so I decided to start a heavy duty fitter apprenticeship. I completed a pre-apprenticeship at Tafe, and through that, I did two weeks of work experience with AES. At the end of my work experience, I was offered an apprenticeship. In total, my apprenticeship was three and a half years but has been reduced by three months because I completed all my first year courses in the pre-apprenticeship. I now have about a year and half to go.

My role includes anything to do with fixing machinery and large vehicles; from large mining trucks to excavators. The most significant thing I have learnt is safety, you’ve got to be really careful and remember to follow safety procedures before starting a job otherwise people get hurt. I enjoy working with the people at AES; everyone is nice, friendly and always try their best to help me out. I think the Innovation Boards that AES have put in are a good idea and even though they haven’t been implemented for long, I have contributed an iCard to the board. After I complete my apprenticeship I am thinking of moving to England for a while. I was born there and have citizenship so I thought it’d be good to work there and experience something different. Outside of work: I have an interest in nutrition and am currently doing a course from home; I like playing soccer; and enjoy motorbike riding too.” Chris Dolbel, Mechanical Supervisor, congratulates Sam on his dedication to the role. “Sam is a great apprentice. He is hard working with a positive, can do, attitude and has great attention to detail. He is a valued member of our team.”

HAVE YOU NOMINATED A BENEFICIARY ON YOUR SUPER FUND? It can be tough financially and emotionally for a family when they lose a loved one. If you are an employee of NRW and a member of our preferred super fund MLC, we encourage you to complete a Nomination of Beneficiary form to make it easier for your family should something happen to you. By filling in the form, you confirm who you want your superannuation insurace to go to in the event of your death. By doing this, you will help facilitate faster payment of the monies to your loved ones. Please note, a Will is not always reliable when it comes to superannuation, hence why nominating a beneficiary is so important. Only 6% of members in NRW’s company super fund (MLC) have nominated a beneficiary on their account. Have you? If you have any questions or require a beneficiary form, please contact our Superannuation Advisers, Super Advice Services on 1300 557 782 or email for assistance.

QUALITY TIME WITH YOUR FAMILY HAVE YOU TRIED THIS NEW APP? Family Time Kids Games is an app helping parents to spend more quality time with their children whilst away from home. The app is particularly beneficial for FIFO families and allows parents to play games, read and draw with their children via a smart phone or tablet. Parents can share a bed time story with their children and turn the pages through screen sharing and an audio platform. The app also has a ‘Dinner Time’ function where families can enjoy meals and celebrate special occasions together. The app’s content is created for children between the ages of two and ten and includes carefully curated videos for kids. By connecting FIFO workers to their families, the app helps to overcome one of the biggest challenges of working away and benefits children, who can sometimes feel isolated from their parents. Family Time Kids Games was developed by Quality Time Labs, who are Perth based, and launched recently in the Apple store. The app is now available to download free or for purchase at $3.99 for the added video sharing component. Share your technology stories and FIFO family tips with us at communications@nrw.!

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GRADUATE CATCHUP CALEB WOODCOCK Mining Engineering Graduate, Caleb Woodcock spoke with The Groundbreaker about his experience as a Graduate with the Company. Caleb Woodcock, Graduate Mining Engineering

HOW LONG HAVE YOU BEEN WITH NRW? I began working for NRW in 2011 as part of the Vacation program. Since then, I have been working on and off through my uni summer and winter breaks. I am now in my fourth year with NRW and have been in the Grad Program for about a month now.



The practical side. The four wheel drive course was really enjoyable and meeting the other grads was good too. Being in a small company, it’s good to meet people first up before I start work.

The outdoors and practical part of it. Growing up I was more of an outdoors kid and was good at science and maths too so it was the best way to combine both.



I look forward to: gaining exposure to different types of work; the challenge of working on a new site; and different problems I’ll have to solve. I have more responsibilities as a Grad than I did as a Vac student and they expect more of me as I’ve been here for a while now.

I had positive Vac work experiences and got to learn a lot in that time. I enjoyed working for NRW and with the people.



I’ve done a bit of everything, I’ve worked on the trucks, and with drills, blast crews, they’ve thrown me around a bit. That’s what’s good about working for NRW, you get a diversity of roles. At uni it’s very technical and books based, whereas in the real world it’s more about the people.

I was working in the Belmont office for my first two weeks and I am now at the Nova Boxcut Project. I have worked with a few of the people up here throughout my Vac program which is comforting when starting a new project.


Rottnest Express is offering The Groundbreaker readers return ferry trips to Rottnest for up to ten people at just $25 per person! If you would like to take advantage of this great family deal and experience WA’s little piece of paradise, please contact communications@nrw. for your unique discount code (valid to 30 June 2015).

Taste of Perth, a restaurant festival taking place in Langley Park from the 15 - 17 May 2015, is offering The Groundbreaker readers a special price of $50 for two general admin tickets (a saving of $22). Simply use the code FOODIE when purchasing tickets via Ticketek.


HAVE YOU FOUND THAT BEING AN ENGINEER IS WHAT YOU THOUGHT IT WOULD BE? Not really, it’s a lot less technical than you first think. I have learnt that it’s harder work than uni and that you work a lot with people as an engineer. You get moved around into other environments and you’re out of your comfort zone a fair bit. I never thought I’d be out driving trucks around but it’s been good and I’ve enjoyed every minute of it. There’s a lot of work to do and I want to get as much exposure at different sites and jobs as I can. WHAT’S YOUR ADVICE TO SOMEONE CONSIDERING A GRAD POSITION WITH NRW? Probably the biggest one is, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there and meet new people. Take any opportunity that comes your way, if they ask you to go out and jump on the trucks, just do it.

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