IDEATION NATURAL PATTERN my chosen pattern was based on plant pattern which is flower.The head of flower is based on triangular and circular shape in different sizes and directions. By applying kanadisky›s analytical drawing i analyse this pattern based on three basises such
as:movement,rotation,scales. indeed this pattern can be simplyfied in to triangular and circular shapes.which are rotated in different angles and changed in to different scales. This analytical darwings helps me to develope my model and emerging form and makes me to think more
In the first emerging form i used the foundation of pattern and basic shape which was circle and triangle in different direction and different sizes.this emerging form is -2D extention image of palnt pattern.
widely in to my pattern and get an idea of how parametric design made and how it arised.
In this emerging form i use roattion,scale and movement idea to extend the pattern in to 3-D this extension the basic shape is circle and triangle.
2. palm island-Dubai
In the left side building which is ‹Burj Dubai› inspired by plant pattern and this pattern applyed on the structural part of building.this building has inspired me to develope my pattern based on circle shape to arrange my form based on plant pattern.the top image is palm island dubai i get the idea from this design to form my final shape on clay model to represent the plant pattern and i found that how i can represent the natural inspiration in the overall shape of my
1.Burj Dubai,Dubai
3. 14-0tower,build by Shaba Lutfi
model.the last image is ‹14-0 tower›was designed by shaba lutfi,represent the natureby its skin .i used this idea in my lighting effect in final model.
IDEATION CONCEPT TO CLAY MODEL in order to develpe my model i decided to to consider the tension which was one the steps in analatycal drawing in KNDERSKY›s declaration,i consider the movement of growth according to reading «pattern formation in nature» by Philip Ball where was shown that some natural pattern created sponstously.based on the concept of movemnet which was founded in analytical drawing i move circles in vertical direction and change their size in to small size and set smallest circle in the centre in order to show growth from centre of my form .based on the reading and analytical drawing i use ratation of triangles.first i rotate it in 45,90 and lastly i rotate it in to 180 degree i found my final form. based on these reciepies adn simplyfying my pattern in to geometrical shape i developed my model.
when i digitised the clay model i found that i need to recreate my model in order to increase its accuracy.i faced this problem when i implemented default and custom patterns on my model in 2-D and 3-D dimension. before that, i found some uneven points= which are faced me to order to simlify my model i used cage coomand to make it more semmytric. In this step according to the readings i found that the real idea in to modeling form is kind of simplyfying the original order to degetising clay model in to rhino i produced countours by tracing profile curve.In this part we needed orthographic images which are taken from four different view point of model.
first creating paneling grid-surface domain number-U:10,V:10
2-D Diamond pattern,default pattern,add faces,panel shape is straight
3-D Hexagonal pattern,based on hexagonal extrude object,custom patternby applying offset point (U:10,V:10)
2-D Brick pattern,default pattern,add faces,panel shape is straight.
2-D Triangular pattern,default pattern,add faces,add edges,add faces border,panel shape is straight
3-D Diamond pattern,applying fin edge,custom pattern by applying offset point (U:10,V:10)
2-D Wave psttern,default pattern,add faces,panel shape is straight
3-D cone pattern,based on cone solid object,custom pattern by applying offset point (U:10,V:10)
according to lectures in module two i found that how importat effect light effect has on model and how should i consider it in developing my model according my original pattern to represent my original idea of patter. Within this underestanding i inspired by archietectural building and the way that they implement effects in to their design.According Esrawe Studio build by Rojkind Arquitectos
to the left imag which is ‹14»0 tower» and down image which is Esrawe Studio build by Rojkind Arquitectos i decided to use two layer light effect to represent natural pattern in my final model. As i learnt different light effect in reading such as diffusion,direct efferct and extrude effect i decide two use extrude effect to
increase the effeciency of light in my model deeper. according to Metaform Architect design i found how to apply this effect in to my final model
Based on readings in week 4 i used the key meaning of abstraction to develope my final model by using this idea that absteraction from reality is one of the way to simplify an object or pattern(Scherurer and stehling 2o11).According to my chosen effect which was two layers effect i decided to make my model in to two layers in the way to keep its make seccond layer on top of first one i used offset surface command.the distance between these two layers was 5cm.
The inner layer has extrude light effect .i used fin edge command with distance of 5cm to avoid overlapping between two layers.i used fin edge command with diamond curve for second layer which has less deep light effect.rather than representing nature in the shape of model i show this concept in skin of model as well.
in this stage by using panneling tools i unrolled faces through unroll faces command .based on two layers structure i devided my inner layer in to two parts which contain curved and zigzag strips.i faced ovelapping in zigzag strps. in order to solve this problem i had to separate them in to outer layeri devidethe layer in two curved strips and separated surfaces which acted as bridge between strips.
fold page cut
in this step i prepared my unroll faces to cut and print. in order to clarify folding and cut line i used grashopper by divided them in to two layers which one of them was red and the other was black .red lines are fold lines and black line are cut.printer which cut and fold my cards just can read pink,red and black make tabs
i used polyline command and make them black for cutting. because i wanted to use different colors for my layers to make the border between them more visible.i use black card for outer layer and white card for inner one.i separate unrolled faces of each layer in cards.
the main problem of my model was about how two layers are attached together to avoid falling down of inner layer in to outer layer,i desided to apply extra triangular surface between them. in the image it has shown by blue color.
The other problem that i struggled with was about how the zigzag strips attached to curved shape strips.bye using poly line command i made triangulat tabs on diagonal folded this part the base sides eof triangle are folded.
in the second layer the model has five curve shape strips which are connected to each other by rectangular surface which is shown in image above.these rectangular parts are attached to each strips by tabs which are made by applying polyline command.
Scissors Uhu glue Cutter Cutting mat Card cutter Grasshopper in order to cut through laser cuter
i used uhu glue in inner layer where the model has bigger tabs to stick, compare to the outer layer.
i use supper glue in making second layer due its thin base because this glue is suitable for high stressed part.
after cutting my unrolled faces i decided to attache stips of inner layer first by uhu first time in process i planned to set each curves strips then attach each zigzag strips to them.but i realized that its better to make zigzg and curve strips sequatially.for second layer i make whole layer in to surface then i shaped it according to inner layer
FABRICATION LIGHTING INSTALLATION • 10 x 5 mm,3V LED›s • Masking tape • copper electrical wire for the circuit • 2xAA (3V) battery pack contain on/off switch • cutter • white electrical tape • 2 x 2 volt batteries
REFLECTION By doing tis sunject i learn how to develop my idea through different ways.Virtual teach me how to connect my idea and image of objects around me with reality and how can i make them in real world.i get this ability through three main module which were IDEATION,DESIGNE and FABRICATION.In module one i learnt how to shape and progress my idea manually by basic equipment such as paper and clariy of overal shape of my model.Module two had impressive influence on me.i understand that how important is techonological disign is. digital technology has changed my view over context and digitising process i changed and developed my design.In this module i think that the prototype part was connection between virtual deisgn and physical designe.i realized that the concept of craft has changed over time.actually its metheod has changed,for example one of the new method is appkying technology( Bernstein and Deamer,2008).Apllying digital technology showed me errors in model.During fabrication process which was module 3 i derived that i should consider the importance of constructiong process in the same level as digitizing. fabrication process showed me transition between digitisng model n to reality and
how it can be this level i found many errors in my model such as lack of tabbing,unsuitable scale. in the last reading i derived that uncertainity could push my overall design in to fail situation and it is important to decrease the its design satage i found that prototype part avoid increasing uncertainity by showing us the errors (Deamer and Bernstein,2008). This subject teaches me how to use different tools from physical such as clay,paper,card to digital one succh as rhino,photoshop in order to develope my idea in to reality.i understand that both physical and digital model have impressive role in making model.i learnt that the initial design will not stay the same and can be changed many times.I found that module 1 to module 2 was transition between physical design to digital design and modeule 2 to module 3 was about digitised model in to physical. from this transition between these two stage i can found my errors and its efficient way to develope my design.
REFRENCES • Architecture in the Digital Age - Design and Manufacturing /Branko Kolarevic. Spon Press, London, 2003. • Ball, Philip (2012): Pattern Formation in Nature, AD: Architectural Design, Wiley, 2( 82), March, pp. 27-22. • Building the Future: Recasting Labor in Architecture/ Philip Bernstein, Peggy Deamer. Princeton Architectural Press. c2008. pp 42-38. • Ching, Francis D. K. (1990): Basic Orthographic Methods. In Drawing- A Creative Process,Van Nostrand Reinold, pp. 159-146. • Digital fabrications: architectural and material techniques / Lisa Iwamoto. New York : Princeton Architectural Press, 2009. • Gracia, Mark (2009): Prologue for a History, Theory and Future of Patterns of architecture, AD: Patterns of Architecture, Wiley, June, pp. 17-6. • Poling, Clark (1987): Analytical Drawing In Kandisky’s Teaching at the Bauhaus Rizzoli, New York, pp. 122-107 • Scheurer, F. and Stehling, H. (2011):Lost in Parameter Space? IAD: Architectural Design, Wiley, 4( 81), July, pp. 79-70 • The third Industrial Revolution / Jeremy Rifkin. Palgrave Macmillan, C2011.pp126-107.