my chosen pattern is based on plant pattern which is flower. The head of flower is based on triangular and circular shape in different sizes and directions.By applying kanadisky›s analytical approach i analyse this pattern based on three basises such as:movement,rotation,scales. indeed this pattern can be simplyfied in to triangular and circular shapes.which are rotated in different angles and
In the first emerging form i used the foundation of pattern and basic shape which was circle and triangle in different direction and different sizes. this emerging form is -2D extention image of palnt pattern.
in to different scales.This analytical darwings helps me to develope my model and emerging form and makes me to think more widely in to my pattern and get an idea of how parametric design made and how it arised.
In this emerging form i use roattion,scale and movement idea to extend the pattern in to 3-D this extension the basic shape is circle and triangle.
In the left side building which is ‹Burj Dubai› inspired by plant pattern and this pattern applyed on the structural part of building.this building has inspired me to develope my pattern based on circle shape to arrange my form based on plant
pattern.the top image is palm island dubai i get the idea from this design to form my final shape on clay model to represent the plant pattern and i found that how i can represent the natural inspiration in the overall shape of my
model.the last image is ‹14-0 tower›was designed by shaba lutfi,represent the natureby its skin .i used this idea in my lighting effect in final model.
in order to develpe my model i decided to to consider the tension which was one the steps in analatycal drawing in KNDERSKY›s declaration,i consider the movement of growth according to reading «pattern formation in nature» by Philip Ball where was shown that some natural pattern created sponstously.based on the concept of movemnet which was founded in analytical drawing i move circles in vertical direction and change their size in to small size and set smallest circle in the centre in order to show growth from centre of my form .based on the reading and analytical drawing i use ratation of triangles.first i rotate it in 45,90 and lastly i rotate it in to 180 degree i found my final form.based on these reciepies adn simplyfying my pattern in to geometrical shape i developed my model.
In this step according to the readings i found that the real idea in to modeling form is kind of simplyfying the original order to degetising clay model in to rhino i produced countours by tracing profile curve.In this part we needed orthographic images which are taken from four different view point of model.
when i degetised the clay model i found that i need to recreate my model in order to increase the accuracy.i faced this problem when i implemented default and custom pattern s on my model in 2-D and 3-D dimension.before that i found some uneven point which are faced me to order to simlify my model i used cage coomand to make it more semmytric.
first creating paneling grid-surface domain number-U:10,V:10
2-D Brick pattern,default pattern,add faces,panel shape is straight.
2-D Diamond pattern,default pattern,add faces,panel shape is straight
3-D Hexagonal pattern,based on hexagonal extrude object,custom patternby applying offset point (U:10,V:10)
3-D Diamond pattern,applying fin edge,custom pattern by applying offset point (U:10,V:10)
2-D Wave psttern,default pattern,add faces,panel shape is straight
2-D Triangular pattern,default pattern,add faces,add edges,add faces border,panel shape is straight
3-D cone pattern,based on cone solid object,custom pattern by applying offset point (U:10,V:10)
according to lectures in module two i found that how importat effect light effect has on model and how should i consider it in developing my model according my original pattern to represent my original idea of patter. Within this underestanding i inspired by archietectural building and the way that they implement effects in to their design.According
to the left imag which is ‹14»0 tower» and down image which is Esrawe Studio build by Rojkind Arquitectos i decided to use two layer light effect to represent natural pattern in my final model. As i learnt different light effect in reading such as diffusion,direct efferct and extrude effect i decide two use extrude effect to
increase the effeciency of light in my model deeper. according to Metaform Architect design i found how to apply this effect in to my final model
Based on readings week 4 i used the key meaning of abstraction to develope my final model by useing this idea that the absteraction from reality is a way to simplify an object or pattern(Scherurer and stehling 2o11).According to my chosen effect which was two layers effect i decided to make my model in to two layers in the way to keep its make seccond layer on top of first one i used offset surface command. the distance between these two was 5cm. The inner layer has extrude light effect .i used fin edge command with distance of 5cm to avoid overlapping between two layers.i used fin edge command with diamond curve for second layer which has less deep light effect.rather than representing nature in the shape of model i show this concept in skin of model as well.