Panorama 20march2015

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60th year, No. 11

Serving the NATO, Naples and Gaeta Military Community in Italy

Friday, March 20, 2015

CIA Director John Brennan

CIA Chief: Terrorism Morphing Into Different Threats By Jim Garamone DoD News, Defense Media Activity Naples-based Sailors performed a good, old-fashioned Navy field day on Christ Church Naples March 14. This is the only church in Naples which offers services in English, and this year it is celebrating 150 years of worship. The Sailors helped to bring the church back to its former glory, just in time for the anniversary. Photo courtesy of Peter Knights


Terrorism is morphing into different types of threats, including cyberattacks that can impact nations across the globe, the director of central intelligence said in New York last week. John Brennan told the Council on Foreign Relations that terror attacks in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Central Asia show the terror threat is changing. The CIA working with foreign partners is key to defeating the terror threat, he added. “These attacks underscore a disturbing trend that we have been monitoring for some time -- the emergence of a terrorist threat that is increasingly decentralized, difficult to track and even more difficult to thwart,” Brennan said. Though the United States and its partners have had considerable success in attacking core al-Qaida, affiliates have risen, said Brennan, pointing to alQaida groups in Libya, Egypt, Somalia, Nigeria “and especially Yemen where al-Qaida in the Arabian Peninsula has demonstrated a capability to plot attacks well beyond Yemen’s borders, including in our homeland.” ISIL a ‘Serious Danger’ Beyond Region But the heartland of terror, the director said, now operates in Syria and Iraq

JOBS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14


Area Sailors Perform Field Day at Christ Church Naples By Peter Knights Christ Church

Naples-based Sailors performed a good, old-fashioned Navy field day on a 150-year old church March 14. Christ Church is the only Church in Naples which of-

fers services exclusively in English. This year it is celebrating 150 years of worship, but there was one problem: The new Chaplain, Reverend Jon Backhouse, and his congregation knew the church was looking a bit

shoddy, a bit dusty and ready for a thorough spring cleaning, or in Navy terminology, a field day. Even with a very enthusiastic congregation, it’s not easy to get older church members running up and

down ladders to rid of cobwebs. Lifting down a large brass crucifix to polish it with Brasso doesn’t come easy to aging limbs. So you can imagine the CHRIST CHURCH Page 11

Annual Housing Allowance Survey Underway In Italy From NSA Public Affairs

The Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Utility/ Recurring Maintenance and Move-In Housing Allowance (MIHA) Survey is being conducted through the month of March for Italy. The MIHA survey is conducted once every three years as part of this combined survey. The data gathered by service members residing in private housing will help ensure proper allowances are being paid for both allowances. If you’ve been stationed in Italy for three months, reside SURVEY Page 7

Participants of all ages took part in this year’s ShamRock ‘n’ Roll 5K run at the Support Site March 17. MWR hosted the run and followed it up with an Irish buffet in the Striker’s Bowling Center. Photo by Lt. j.g. Alexander Perrien

CAPTAIN’S CORNER. . . . . . . . . 2 BASE NOTES. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 ITALIAN NEWS . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 NAVY HISTORY / SPOTLIGHT. . 4 FFSC CALENDAR . . . . . . . . . . . 5 SOUND OFF . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 MOVIES . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 USO TOURS . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12

uSS Laboon SaiLorS at GaEta . . . . . . . . . . . page 7

EuropEan union . page 12


PANOrAMA March 20, 2015



By Fleet Master Chief of U.S. Naval Forces Europe-Africa JoAnn Ortloff

Pope Francis Visiting Naples Saturday

When I joined the Navy in 1982, the Navy’s campaign was “Navy, it’s not just a job, it’s an adventure.” My intention was to serve my country and move on to a civilian career in air traffic control at the end of my enlistment. Like many of us, that was the intent. However, the many opportunities the Navy offered me motivated me to continue. I enjoyed a responsibility I had never known on such a scale before the Navy. It was Leadership. Rear Admiral Grace Hopper said “You manage things – you lead people.” What a wise woman who nailed it for me in just a few words. Along the way, the Navy has gone to great lengths to strengthen my leadership ability through formal school, trial by fire and Mentors who passed on a legacy of Navy skills and tradition. Later in life, I found myself in positions where I would put together leadership classes, facilitate them, and help other Shipmates learn the nuances of leading. Being a Sailor isn’t easy; it wasn’t meant to be. If it was easy, anybody could do it, and we’re not just anybody. I have found five quick insights collected over the years have made things a little smoother. 1. Don’t wait for things to happen TO you, make them happen FOR you. Find a part of yes to every no, for yourself and for others. 2. You have to know small failure to know great success, to see what it looks like, feels like, how to recover from it and how to lead others out of it or away from it. 3. Leadership is not a popularity contest. If you have built trust with those you are responsible to, they will trust your instinct and your decision. 4. You have to be that great follower in order to be a great leader. It’s not about seniority; it’s about team pride, it’s about purpose. 5. Lead in peacetime on shore duty just as hard and as motivated as you would at sea in combat. Both require your full attention and dedication to save a career, a program or a life. Throughout my career as a Sailor, I have been fortunate to be raised by great leaders. There were many situations I found myself in as a young Sailor as well as an older more experienced leader that I didn’t understand, but I was fortunate to have the help of great mentors, dedicated leaders, cherished friends and my family that have helped me grow, and fulfill my “adventure.” We are all someone’s “first” leader. The first Sponsor, first ship LPO, first school instructor, first Chief or Division Officer; we get what we groom – so we must groom wisely. I am proud to have been a part of shaping our great Navy and proud of our young Sailors today who are leading our new “firsts” into the future.

The Overseas Housing Allowance (OHA) Utility/ Recurring Maintenance and Move-In Housing Allowance (MIHA) Survey will be conducted through the month of March for Italy. The MIHA survey is conducted once every three years as part of this combined survey. The data gathered by service members residing in private housing will help ensure proper allowances are being paid for both allowances. If you’ve been stationed in Italy for three months, reside in private housing and receive OHA, then please visit www.dePartial Solar Eclipse Friday Morning during the month of March and contribute to the A partial solar eclipse, with the moon passing survey. For the utilities portion, you will be between the Earth and Sun, will be visible in asked to report the average monthly cost of each Naples from 9:25 until 11:42 a.m. on March 20. of your utilities and the average monthly cost of The peak of the eclipse will be around 10:30 a.m. with 50 percent coverage of the sun. To avoid seri- any routine maintenance expenses incurred over the last 12 months. For the MIHA portion of the ous eye damage, do not look directly at the sun survey, you will be asked to report actual exand don't try to take a “selfie” during the eclipse, penses incurred when moving into your private as just lining up the projection on your phone could still put you at risk. The safest way to view residence. The electronic survey takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and should be the eclipse is to make a small hole in a card or completed by you or your spouse, whoever has piece of paper, hold it up to the sun and project knowledge of utility/recurring maintenance and the image on the ground or a second piece of MIHA expenses. If you are able to access the surwhite paper. If using a camera or telescope, you vey from home, it is recommended that you take will need stronger filters and should not look the survey together. For details call Loredana through them to directly view the sun. In Italy, the next partial solar eclipse will happen in 2022, Avino at DSN 626-2551 or Chief Hector Aspurias at DSN 626-6219. with a total solar eclipse happening in 2081.

Pope Francis will be celebrating Mass in Piazza del Plebiscito in Naples at 11 a.m. and addressing crowds along the Lungomare at 5 p.m. during his one-day visit on Saturday. The pope will also be at the Shrine of the Virgin of the Rosary in Pompeii at 8 a.m. Authorities predict a few hundred thousand participants. Expect heightened security and extensive traffic delays in the Naples area. If attending any events, remain alert and follow directions of security personnel. Also ensure you bring water, snacks and other essentials.

Your $$’s Go Far with MWR

Women’s History Month at Base Libraries

Community members are now able to save money at MWR facilities through reduced fees and with increased programs. These discounts include free fitness classes, reduced bowling fees, reduced movie admission, reduced ITT cultural immersion trips, free recreational pool entry (for eligible patrons) and increased entertainment and special events for our area. For details visit the MWR Naples Facebook page at

Celebrate Women's History Month at the MWR Libraries with special displays, bibliographies and biographies on famous women in history. This year’s theme is “Weaving the Stories of Women’s Lives.” Enter the library’s quiz contest when you stop by. Check out the National Women’s History project web site for additional resources at For details call DSN 629-4360 or 081-811-4360.

Security Tips for Vehicle-Related Incidents Here are a few tips from NSA Naples Security to utilize when involved in vehicle-related incidents. - Immediately write down the vehicle’s license plate, color, make and model. This can also be done with a cellphone or your cellphone camera. - Contact Emergency Dispatch at 081-568-4911 and provide them the location of the accident and your current location, along with the vehicle details. Please do this before getting out of your vehicle to exchange information. - If you do not feel safe getting out of your vehicle, wait in the vehicle until assistance arrives or drive to the nearest open gas station or police station and request support.

Kinder Surprise Eggs Banned by U.S. Customs Community members are advised that Kinder Surprise chocolate eggs are banned from import to the U.S. by customs regulations. U.S. Customs and Border Protection agents will remove the eggs from your package and the sender can be fined. The popular treats in Europe have a toy-filled plastic capsule inside, which has been determined to be a choking hazard for young children and the FDA issued an import alert because they are a confectionery product with an imbedded non-nutritive object. Other Kinder brand candy products that do not contain the small toy can be mailed without restriction. Shippers have an obligation to declare items they are mailing on the customs declaration forms to avoid penalties. Contact the local U.S. military customs office for more information or visit

PANOrAMA Associato all’uSPI unione Stampa Periodica Italiana

Naval Support Activity Naples Italy Capt. Doug Carpenter Cmdr. Jay Driskell MCC Travis Simmons Teresa Merola

Commanding Officer Executive Officer Public Affairs Officer Public Affairs/COMREL Specialist

Editorial Staff Gary Nichols, Editor: Free Mercato Ads: Paid Advertising: Tel. 081/568-5335 Tel. 081/568-5912 Tel. 081/568-7884 Fax 081/568-7887 E-mail:

OHA and MIHA Survey for Italy Conducted in March

This civilian enterprise (CE) newspaper is an authorized publication for members of the military services overseas. Contents of Panorama are not necessarily the official views of, or endorsed by, the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U. S. Navy. The appearance of advertising in this newspaper, including inserts or supplements, does not constitute endorsement by the Department of Defense, or Stampa Generale S.r.l. of the products or services advertised. Everything advertised in this publication shall be made available for purchase, use, or patronage without regard to race, color, religion, sex, national origin, age, marital status, physical handicap, political affiliation, or any other nonmerit factor of the purchaser, user, or patron. A confirmed violation or rejection of this equal opportunity policy by an advertiser will result in the refusal to print advertising from that source until the violation is corrected. The Panorama editorial office is located at Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy, PSC 817, Box 1, FPO AE 09622-0001. Telephone: commercial 081-568-5335/5912; DSN 626-5335/5912. Email:

Support Site Woodshop Now Open The Support Site Woodshop (located in the Auto/Wood Skills Center) is open. Cost to use the Woodshop is $5 per hour. Various days and times are available for customers who are already certified to use the shop as well as new customers. New customers can set up an appointment to get certified by calling the center. Build a wooden battleship for this month’s project. This is a hammer and glue project and all materials are pre-cut and sanded. Children (must be 5 years or older) and adults can attend on Saturday, March 28. Children must be accompanied by an adult during the entire workshop. The workshop fee is $25 and includes all materials for one battleship. Call to register for the workshop as the class is limited to 8 participants. For details call DSN 629-4971 or 081-811-4971.

March 20, 21: Naples Middle High School Production of ‘Beauty and the Beast, Jr.’ “Beauty and the Beast, Jr.” will be performed on Friday, March 20 and Saturday, March 21 at 7 p.m. in the Naples Middle High School cafeteria. Tickets are $6 for adults, $3 for students aged six and above, and children under five are free. Funds cover the costumes, set and material needed for the performance. Community members are able to buy tickets now at by searching "Naples Middle High School" and selecting “Beauty and the Beast, Jr.” For details call Lisa Corey at DSN 629-4061 or 081-811-4061.

See BASE NOTES Page 13

Panorama is published weekly on Friday by Stampa Generale S.r.l. Sig. Bruno Brandi, Publisher, Naval Support Activity, Capodichino (Naples), Italy Tel. 081-568-7884, Fax 081-568-7887. E-mail: - Autorizzazione Tribunale di Napoli No. 3404 del 3.4.1985. Direttore Responsabile: Bruno Brandi. Stampa: Arti Grafiche Boccia SpA, Salerno; Fotocomposizione: Stampa Generale S.r.l. - Tel. 081-568-7884. Stampa Generale is a private firm in no way connected with the U. S. Navy under exclusive written contract with the U. S. Navy. The editorial content is edited, prepared and provided by the Public Affairs Office of the Naval Support Activity, Naples, Italy. All news and feature articles and announcements submitted to Panorama are subject to editing to conform with contemporary standards of journalistic objectivity, clarity and relevance. We welcome any contributions, suggestions or comments dealing with community issues. Submissions for publication in Panorama will be accepted on the basis of newsworthiness, timeliness and space available. All copy must be submitted in Microsoft Word format in an e-mail to the editor at: Each submission must include the name and telephone number of the author. DEADLINE FOR ALL COPy AND PhOTOS IS AT CLOSE OF BuSINESS FRIDAy PRIOR TO PuBLICATION DATE.

PANOrAMA March 20, 2015


eruption of Vesuvius in 79 A.D. which covered it in a layer of more than 30 feet of volcanic ash.

Pope Francis in Naples Tomorrow Pope Francis will be in Naples tomorrow. During his pastoral visit a few hundred thousand people are expected to attend. The pope will visit the Shrine of the Virgin of the Rosary in Pompeii at 8 a.m. first, and then he will arrive to Naples by helicopter at the suburb of Scampia. Some 1,500 volunteers were recruited to assist the flock of pilgrims, and organizers will distribute 100,000 flags, 10,000 pope visit hats, 10,000 scarves and 10,000 plastic mackintoshes. In addition, 50,000 bottles of mineral water will be distributed to pilgrims. Hundreds of church bells will ring to mark his arrival. The pope will celebrate Mass in Piazza del Plebiscito in Naples at 11 a.m. The Archbishop of Naples, Cardinal Crescenzio Sepe gave permission to 68 cloistered nuns to leave their convent in the Naples area and meet the pope personally during his visit at the Naples cathedral at 3 p.m. The pope will address people at the Lungomare Caracciolo at 5 p.m. and he will depart at 6:15 p.m. from the port of Naples by helicopter.

Partial Solar Eclipse this Morning A partial solar eclipse will begin in Italy today. In Naples, the moon will touch the sun at 9:25 a.m. It will peak at 10:31 a.m., and end at 11:42 a.m. with coverage of about 50 percent. To avoid serious eye damage, do not look directly at the sun through binoculars or a telescope without special filters or glasses. In Italy, the next partial solar eclipse will happen in 2022 and for a total solar eclipse we need to wait until 2081

Villa dei Misteri to Open to Public Today Today the Villa dei Misteri, Pompeii’s biggest house will open to the public completely restored after two years of restoration work that began in May 2013. The restoration involved 70 rooms of the Villa, corrected some of the damage inflicted by previous restoration techniques that were found harmful to the Villa’s frescoes over the years. For example, during the 1930s wax was applied to preserve the frescoes but lately it faded the colors. The Villa was first discovered in excavations in 1909 and was exceptionally well-preserved despite the

Italy Now Third Place in Solar Power Worldwide Italy gained the third place worldwide for solar power installation, following Germany and China. At the end of 2014, Italy reached 650,000 solar energy installations representing 18,325 potential megawatts. The growth in this sector include a 50 percent government tax deduction extended until the end of 2015, and the costs of installation having fallen about 75 percent when compared to a few years ago.

Naples and Capri Voted Most Beautiful Parks in Italy The Villa San Michele private park in Capri and the Real Bosco Park in Capodimonte in Naples are the winners of the 12th edition of “The most beautiful park in Italy.” This competition has promoted a green tourism for the discovery of the jewels of landscape in botanical places in Italy. This year more than 1,000 participants enrolled in the network of the most beautiful parks in Italy. Villa San Michele is a small botanical jewel which is administered by a private foundation while the Real Bosco of Capodimonte is a historical and botanical park managed by the Ministry of Cultural Heritage. The garden of the Royal Palace of Caserta won the 2009 edition of the competition and the Ischia Mortella gardens won the 2004 edition.

Spring FAI Days Moved to March 28-29 for Pope’s Visit March 21 and Sunday 22, Spring FAI Days will be held in Italy in 340 towns in every region. It’s the 23rd edition event dedicated to the discovery and endorsement of Italy’s artistic and monumental patrimony. There are two days dedicated to art and culture in which palaces, museums, residences, parks and sites, which are usually closed, are open to the public. With a single touch from either Google or Apple you can download a free Spring FAI Days app ( that will recognize your location and will make a map of the places to visit near you. The Spring FAI Days in Naples have moved to March 28 and 29 due to Pope Francis’s papal visit.


A Pocket Guide to Useful Phrases while on the Road Emergency Issues . . 081-568-4911 Security Dispatch . . . 081-568-5638 Italian Police: . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 112 Italian Ambulance: . . . . . . . . . . 118 Italian Fire Department: . . . . . . 115



Call an ambulance . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chiamate un'ambulanza Where is a hospital? . . . . . . . . . . . Dov’è l’ospedale? We need a doctor . . . . . . . . . . . . . Abbiamo bisogno di un medico I cannot find my family . . . . . . . . . Non trovo la mia famiglia I am American . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Sono Americano/a Where is the reporting point? . . . . Dov’è il centro raccolta? Which roads are open? . . . . . . . . . Quali strade sono aperte? I need a phone . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ho bisogno di un telefono Help! It’s an emergency . . . . . . . . . Aiuto! È un’emergenza


THE INSIDE PAGE Volunteers Needed Science Expo Volunteers Needed at Naples Elementary School to help set up, breakdown tables, and be present during the Science Expo. Set up is April 29, 2:45 to 3:30 p.m. Breakdown is May 1, noon to 1 p.m. We need volunteers to be present during the Expo to circulate and talk to visiting students about what they are learning from the projects and to monitor the area. Volunteers needed April 30, 8:30 to 11:30 a.m., 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. and May 1, 8 to 10:30 a.m. For details call Jackie Whited at DSN 629-4685 or Naples Elementary School at DSN 629-4037. AFN Naples is looking for four children between the ages of five and 10 to participate in a 30 second commercial about sexual assault awareness. Participants will need to recite short scripted lines while standing in front of a camera. For details call MC3 Erica Yelland at 629-6913 or message the AFN Naples Facebook page. USO Naples is looking for outgoing and enthusiastic volunteers to join their committee to make a tangible difference in the community through special events and outreach. If interested, email or call the USO Capodichino office at DSN 626-5713. The Transatlantic Council Of The Boy Scouts Of America is looking for Eagle Scouts in the Naples community to update the National Eagle Scout Association database. All Eagle Scouts, both active and not active in scouting are asked to send an email with their last name, first name, email address, hometown/community, and council/district name where they earned their Eagle rank, to “Once an Eagle, always an Eagle.” Naples American Red Cross (ARC) needs volunteers. For detials or to register for a CPR/First Aid class, call 081-568-4788 or 626-4788 or visit American Red Cross Naples on Facebook. Fleet and Family Support Center is looking for volunteers to assist in the event of an emergency. Volunteers could be called upon if families are relocated to Support Site due to a natural disaster or similar emergency that exceeds what the FFSC staff can support. Volunteers may greet families, inquire about needs, organize supplies, complete paperwork, etc. Being on the list does not obligate anyone to a future event. For details call 081811-6372 or email mil. Navy-Marine Corps Relief Society Operation Clip & Save (coupons): 081-568-3913. Club Beyond is searching for volunteers to serve as adult leaders. Leaders assist in planning, setup and conducting small group meetings with students in grades 7 through 12. Leadership training lasts a month. If interested, email for an appointment. Animals Without Limits (AWL) is searching for volunteers who want to help at our Animal Hospice in Lago Patria. We also need volunteers for different projects on the Support Site base. For details email awlrescueteam@ or

More “Inside Page” on Page 9


PANOrAMA March 20, 2015


Raising the Flag on Iwo Jima from the top of Mount Suribachi, Feb. 23, 1945, four days after the invasion by the U.S. Marines. This photo was later used by Felix de Weldon to sculpt the Marine Corps War Memorial which was dedicated in 1954 to all Marines who died for their country past and present, and is located adjacent to Arlington National Cemetery just outside Washington, D.C. Photo by Associated Press Photographer Joe Rosenthal

Story by Gary Nichols

Iwo Jima. It is a speck of an island, only two miles wide and four miles long; a lonely, desolate place located far out in the Western Pacific. It was virtually unknown until the spring of 1945 when it became the most important eight square miles of real estate on the planet for 70,000 Marines who sacrificed everything to capture Iwo Jima from the Japanese who were ready to fight to the last man to defend the island. Iwo Jima was used by the Japanese as a lookout station and fighter base, where they could transmit intelligence about incoming American bombers to the Japanese homeland, and where Japanese fighters could intercept and attack those bombers. It was in a strategically perfect location: 660 miles south of Tokyo, Japan’s capital, which translated into two flying hours from the Japanese homeland. Plus, it was halfway between Japan and the Mariana Islands, where

the American long-range B29 bombers were based. These factors made it absolutely crucial that Iwo Jima had to be captured by the Americans, and defended by the Japanese. The Japanese knew Iwo Jima would be attacked. But more importantly, it would become the first Japanese homeland soil to be directly attacked, and possibly captured by the Americans, and it was a matter of honor for the Japanese to prevent Iwo Jima from falling at any cost. Under the command of Lt. Gen. Tadamichi Kuribayashi, Japan’s most capable mining engineers turned Iwo Jima into what they thought was an impregnable fortress. It was a monumental project. Over the course of several months, laborers blasted out 16 miles of tunnels, connecting 1,500 rooms. The engineers built underground hospitals and supply rooms under hundreds of feet of solid impenetrable rock. These were linked to more than a thousand fortified ar-

tillery and anti-aircraft batteries, along with machinegun and mortar bunkers. During the winter of 1944, the Army Air Corps and Navy 16-inch guns pounded Iwo Jima in the longest sustained aerial offensive of the war; but the effect on the newlybuilt underground island fortress was insignificant. The Japanese strategy was more than just fight to the death, but to kill 10 Americans before he was killed. On Feb. 19, 1945, approximately 70,000 Marines launched their attack of Iwo Jima against 18,000 firmlyentrenched Japanese soldiers. From hundreds of fortifications, many atop the island’s high point, the fortress-like 550-foot high Mount Suribachi, Japanese troops poured withering fire from rockets, artillery, mortar and automatic weapons on the Marines. The soft sand prevented the Marines from digging fox holes for protection, yet with casualties piling up, the determined Marines grimly ad-

vanced, yard-by-yard. Four days later, Mount Suribachi was captured. It took a month of exceptionally heavy fighting for the island to be completely taken. Within days of the invasion, a chance photograph of a group of Marines raising a large flag to celebrate the capture of Mount Suribachi was taken by Associated Press photographer Joe Rosenthal. The next morning that photo was on the front page of newspapers around the world: The sacrifices being made by the Marines and the fight for Iwo Jima instantly became world famous. “In that moment, Rosenthal’s camera recorded the soul of a nation,” US Camera magazine reported. But it did more than that, after three years of war, public support was beginning to wear down, and Rosenthal’s photo provided much needed support when the military needed it the most. The losses from that campaign were staggering: In 36

days of fighting on the island, nearly 7,000 U.S. Marines were killed. Another 20,000 were wounded. Marines captured 216 Japanese soldiers; the rest were killed in action. More Marines were awarded the Medal of Honor – 27 seven in all, for action at Iwo Jima – than any other battle in U.S. history. The island was finally declared secured on March 16, 1945. But, it had also become one of the bloodiest battles in Marine Corps history. After the battle, Iwo Jima served as an emergency landing site for more than 2,200 American B-29 bombers, resulting in saving the lives of 24,000 U.S. airmen. Securing Iwo Jima also prepared the way for the last and largest battle in the Pacific: The invasion of Okinawa, and ultimately, the defeat of the Japanese empire. “Among the men who fought on Iwo Jima, uncommon valor was a common virtue,” said Commander in Chief, Pacific Ocean Areas Fleet Adm. Chester W. Nimitz.

SPOTLIGHT: HOSPITALMAN HENDRIK LARA HN HENDRIK LARA Hospitalman Hendrik Lara enlisted in the Navy March 2012 after graduating from Paloma Valley High School in Menifee, Calif. He reported to United States Naval Hospital Naples in October 2012, where he spent his first two years working in the Patient Administration Department. There he worked as a medical records and ambulatory patient visit clerk. In an effort to expand his Hospital Corpsman expertise, he has since relocated to the General Surgery Clinic where he has been for the past four months. He now spends his days assisting in both the pre-operation and minor outpatient surgeries. During Lara’s off time, he enjoys traveling around Europe and hitting the gym. His favorite saying is by Bruce Lee: “Life itself is your teacher and you are in a state of constant learning.” This is a virtue Lara tries to live by in both his personal life and professional career. If you ask him, he’ll tell you how much he loves Europe and its unique culture and how he hopes to one day call Spain his forever home. His aspirations while here include continuing to learn Italian, picking up Petty Officer Third Class and, hopefully, attending Biomedical Engineering School by the end of the year.



Naples Middle High School Registration Naples Middle High School will conduct registration for next school year in the Media Center Conference Room 122 from March 23 to April 3, for returning students and new rising seventh graders. For new rising seventh graders, please bring with you a copy of your supporting documentation. Please see the NES Registrar to have a copy of your supporting documentation. School year 2015-2016 registrations will be “All Call” as posted below:

Returning Students / New rising Seventh Graders Week 1: March 23-27 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. Returning Students / New Rising Seventh Graders Week 2: March 30 to April 3from 8:30 to 1 p.m. Registration is a very important process for the school. Sponsors’ failure to re-register during Re-Registration may result in a delay of your child’s start of school and could impact course selections. Student registration after posted dates will be by appointment only.

NATO Secretary General visits Allied Joint Force Command Naples

For more information about local Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) events, visit • Mar. 20: Employment Opportunities in Naples, 1 to 3 p.m., SS FFSC. • Mar. 20: Victim Advocate Refresher Training, 2 to 4 p.m., SS FFSC (to register, please use this link • Mar. 23: Making Italian Dessert Zeppole, 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., carpool Meeting point at Support Site TLA Lobby. Cost is 6 euro to be paid at restaurant. • Mar. 23 to 27: Victim Advocate Basic Training, 8:30 a.m. to 4 p.m., SS FFSC (to register, please use this link • Mar. 24: Couples Communication 101, 4:30 to 7:30 p.m., SS FFSC. • Mar. 24: Easy Italian (3 Sessions), 9 a.m. to noon, SS FFSC, (3 of 3). • Mar. 25: Becoming a Love & Logic Parent (7 Sessions), 11 a.m. to 1 p.m., SS FFSC (6 of 7). • Mar. 26: Ceramic Class in Aversa, 9 a.m. to noon, carpool Meeting point at Support Site TLA Lobby. • Mar. 26: Labor & Delivery Relaxation Techniques, noon to 3 p.m., SS FFSC. • Mar. 26: Ombudsman Assembly Meeting, 6 to 8 p.m., SS FFSC. • Mar. 27: Federal Employment Process, 1 to 3 p.m., SS FFSC. • Mar. 27: Nurturing Touch: Child & Infant Massage, 10 to 11:30 a.m., SS FFSC. • Mar. 30 to Apr. 3: Pre-Retirement, 8 a.m. to 4 p.m., SS FFSC. • Mar. 31: Botanical Gardens, 8:30 a.m. to 2 p.m., meeting point at McDonalds Café outside of Capo

Call 081-811-6372 for more information or to register. all classes require registration.

ENERGY CONSERVATION U.S. Navy Leading the Way with Renewable Energy From the NSA Naples Energy Management Team

NATO Secretary General Mr. Jens Stoltenberg visited Joint Force Command Naples Feb. 27. Photo by SGT 1st Class Lovelace

Story and photos by Allied Joint Force Command Naples Public Affairs

NATO Secretary General Mr. Jens Stoltenberg was received with honors by Commander Allied Joint Force Command Naples, U.S. Navy Adm. Mark Ferguson during his visit to the headquarters in Italy, Feb. 27. This is the first visit of Mr. Stoltenberg to JFC Naples since taking over his duties as Secretary General in October 2014. “I really see a state-of-the-art headquarters with excellent people and highly skilled personnel,” said the Secretary General. “The headquarters here in Naples is key, and is a very important component because it is contributing both to collective defense and leading the NATO Response Force 2015.” During Mr. Stoltenberg’s visit he received a tour of the new Joint Operations Center and was briefed on operational capabilities

and the current missions led by JFC Naples. He also addressed the entire JFC staff in the community theatre, during which he held a question and answer session. “You are helping to keep our Alliance safe, and our world more secure,” he said. “Every one of you here today, and every one of your colleagues, can be proud of the work you do.” On Thursday, Mr. Stoltenberg was in Rome for talks with President Sergio Mattarella, Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, Foreign Minister Paolo Gentiloni and other senior Italian government officials. JFC Naples’ mission is to prepare for, plan and conduct military operations in order to preserve the peace, security and territorial integrity of Alliance member states and freedom of the seas and economic lifelines throughout the Supreme Allied Commander Europe’s Area of Responsibility and beyond.

The U.S. military has shown much determination to accomplish the federal energy goals by exploring a variety of new innovated technologies. These technologies are applied to the field and base facilities to increase energy security and efficiency overseas and in the continental United States. The U.S. Navy has recently signed a contract that will allow the installation of solar panels to provide power for almost 6,000 base housing residences in San Diego, Calif. The contracted company will design, install and maintain the residential solar power plants (CECOS). The excess power that is not consumed by the housing units will be sold to partnership companies at prices lower than local utility rates. In 2013, Naval Support Activity Naples installed approximately 1,300 photovoltaic panels on top of a base parking garage to collect solar energy. The renewable energy is tied into the base electrical grid and aids to supply the military facilities with power. The above examples are just a few of the many actions taken by U.S. Navy to comply with the latest Federal energy initiatives. The Department of Defense, as a whole, strives to obtain energy security and reliability for facilities, ships, aircraft and other applications.


PANOrAMA March 20, 2015


Lt. James Shambley “No. I’ll be on watch all weekend.”

Tessa Ponce “No. I’ll be doing household PCS / retirement preparations all weekend.”

Bryan Welch “Neither one; I’ll be traveling this weekend.”

YN1 Kenya Williams “I’m going to try to see the eclipse, but getting into Naples will be too hectic with the pope’s visit.”

Steve Slater “I might see him on TV. I’ll try to see the eclipse if the weather holds out.”

Naples Sailors Gather for Navywide Advancement Exams More than 120 Sailors take the Navywide advancement exam March 19 in the Child and Youth Programs gym on the Support Site. Each Navy examination consists of 25 Professional Military Knowledge and 150 job-specific technical questions. Photo by MCC Travis Simmons

PANOrAMA March 20, 2015


Laboon Sailors Lend a Helping Hand Dozens of Laboon sailors participated in community relations at Cooperativa La Valle’s Community Center.

An Arleigh Burke-class destroyer, the ship is named in honor of Jake Laboon, a former Navy Chaplain and Silver-Star recipient. Laboon is

on a brief port visit in Gaeta, Italy in the U.S. 6th Fleet area of operations in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe.

Lt. Cmdr. Jeffrey M. Sirkin, Officer in Charge, Naval Support Activity Naples Detachment Gaeta, and his team of motivated sea-warriors did a phenomenal job welcoming the USS Laboon (DDG 58) to Gaeta.

Story / photos by Chaplain Don Biadog Jr.

Sailors from USS Laboon (DDG 58) teamed up with Naval Support Activity (NSA) Naples shipmates and extended a helping hand to physically and mentally challenged individuals in La Valle, a rehabilitation center located in the North Country side of the gorgeous Gaeta, Italy, March 9. The outreach event started with the La Valle Staff’s

leading a “pow-wow,” a fun session experience among the center’s users and Sailors. Everyone had a good time. Most participants were smiling and laughing with the wholesome Italian quips. Following this event, the staff gave a brief tour of the facility. Next, Sailors joined some of the adult daycare students in a ceramic hobby shop. The young adult participants and Sailors worked

hand in hand creating something beautiful and colorful out of mud from Florence, Italy, to something special souvenirs that would last for in a lifetime. “This is very therapeutic experience,” said Laboon Chaplain Marquis Jones. The community relations trip concluded with a visit with the new-found friends with a delicious Italian luncheon, compliments of the La Valle staff.

Chaplain Tung Tran, a Roman Catholic priest, leads Mass on board USS Laboon.

SURVEY from page 1 in private housing and receive OHA, then please visit during the month of March and contribute to the survey. For the utilities portion, you will be asked to report the average monthly cost of each of your utilities and the average monthly cost of any routine maintenance expenses incurred over the last 12 months. For the MIHA portion of the survey, you will be asked to report actual expenses incurred when moving into your private residence. The electronic survey takes approximately 45 minutes to complete and should be completed by you or your spouse, whoever has knowledge of utility/recurring maintenance and MIHA expenses. If you are able to access the survey from home, it is recommended that you take the survey together.

The Defense Travel Management Office will use the data to set OHA allowances. This survey is important because it can have a direct effect on service members’ paychecks in Italy Items that are reported in the survey include: electricity, heating fuels, water for residence, trash pick-up, sewer charges, maintenance and minor repairs, insurance coverage required by customs or law, condo fees, police protection, guards, and taxes for which the tenant is responsible and must make a separately identifiable payment. Cable TV, telephone bills, and automotive expenses, including fuel, are not included in this survey. Navy Region Europe, Africa, Southwest Asia is will be coordinating survey participation for all installations in Italy. For questions or additional information call Loredana Avino at DSN 626-2551 or Chief Hector Aspurias at DSN 626-6219.

Naples Elementary School Registration Naples Elementary School will conduct registration for next school year in the Atrium from March 23 to April 3, for returning students. Parents with new Kindergarten students for next school year (2015-2016) can register their students from April 13-16, during the hours posted below. No child will be allowed to attend school next year until this process is completed, so please be sure to enter the dates and times below in your planning calendar. School year 2015-2016 registrations will be “All Call” as posted below: Returning Students Week 1: March 23-27 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m.

Returning Students Week 2: March 30 to April 3 from 8:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. New Kindergarten only: April 13-16 from 8 to 11 a.m. and 1 to 3 p.m. Registration is a very important process for the school. Yearly registration of students is required as a means to establish eligibility for tuition-free or tuition enrollment. However, more importantly, we need to be sure that we can establish grade level class enrollments as close as possible to pupil-teacher ratio benchmarks. Therefore, we need exact counts of students returning to our school next year, in order to plan future classes. Student registration after posted dates will be by appointment only.

PANOrAMA March 20, 2015

MORE THE INSIDE PAGE The American Soccer Club (ASC) of Napoli is looking for qualified coaches. For details email

ONGOING/ON THE HORIZON The Naples Middle High School Music Boosters Is your Naples Middle High School student in Band, Choir, Orchestra, or Flag Team? If so, then he / she benefits from NMHS Music Boosters. We are a growing organization that ensures all Naples Middle High School music programs continue performing at the highest levels. Help support Music Boosters with your yearly family membership of $25 (other membership levels also available). Volunteers are continuously needed to assist with several projects. For details email or visit NMHS Music Boosters on Facebook. The Naples Middle High School PTSA is looking for volunteers to help provide information, resources and events that strengthen the connections between students, parents, the school and the community. A yearly membership is $10 and joining is a great way to get involved, meet the teachers, other parents and your child’s friends. For details email NaplesPTSAteam@ or Naples Middle High School PTSA on Facebook. Boy Scout Troop 007 holds troop meetings every Monday from 6:30 to 8 p.m. at the Support Site Community Center. For details email or visit: https://www.facebook. com/BSATroop007; or https://www. Troop007Naples. Girl Scouts Overseas Naples is excited to support young leaders in action. We are much more than cookies; we show girls how to contribute positively in this world. From arts and crafts to camping trips and more Naples Girl Scouts wants girls to be have fun learning. For details visit or USA Girl Scouts - Naples, Italy on Facebook. Coalition of Sailors Against Destructive Decisions (CSADD), Naples Chapter meets every second and fourth Wednesday of each month at 1 p.m. in the NSA Naples Chiefs Mess, near the quarterdeck in Admin I. CSADD’s mission is to create a culture in which our shipmates are helping shipmates maintain a course of success through good decision-making. For details call MC2 Ramsaran at DSN 626-5249. Navy League Naples has three missions: to enhance the morale of active duty personnel and their families; to inform Congress and the American public on the importance of strong sea services; and to support youth through programs such as the Junior ROTC that expose young people to the values of our sea services. For details call Betty Reese at 081-526-8051 or visit The Naples Toastmasters Club provides materials and experience to improve competent communication and leadership skills. Meetings are at 6:30 p.m. on the first & third Tuesdays of the month at the Support Site Community Center. Guests welcome. For details visit or Toastmasters Naples Italy on Facebook. Naples Area First Class Petty Officers Association is composed of members from different rates with one mission: To enhance community relations, promote awareness of our duties as Sailors, and fortify the professional and social welfare of our service members. We normally convene every other week alternating Tuesdays and Thursdays. Visit us and bring a friend. For details call YN1 Gordon at DSN: 626-7733. Club Beyond is a youth group run by Naval Support Activity Naples Religious Ministries, and is open to children in grades 7 through 12. Meeting are Wednesdays at 5:30 p.m. at the Chapel Fellowship Hall at the Support Site. For details email Arturo at Alcoholics Anonymous hosts English-speaking AA meetings on and off base in the Naples area. For details call 339267-7075 or visit countries/italy.htm.

More “Inside Page” on Page 10


MOVIE SCHEDULE Friday, March 20 4:30 p.m. Seventh Son, PG-13 5:30 p.m. Black or White, PG-13 7:30 p.m. Focus, R 8:30 p.m. Divergent Series: Insurgent, PG-13, 3-D Saturday, March 21 3 p.m. Cinderella, PG, 4 p.m. Jupiter Ascending, PG-13 5:30 p.m. Project Almanac, PG-13 7 p.m. Chappie, R 8:30 p.m. The DUFF, PG-13 Sunday, March 22 3 p.m. Cinderella, PG 4 p.m. McFarland, USA, PG 6 p.m. Divergent Series: Insurgent, PG-13 7 p.m. Hot Tub Time Machine 2, R

Monday, March 23 Closed, No Movies Tuesday, March 24 Closed, No Movies Wednesday, March 25 4:30 p.m. Project Almanac, PG-13 6 p.m. Cinderella, PG 7 p.m. Focus, R Thursday, March 26 4:30 p.m. Divergent Series: Insurgent, PG-13 6 p.m. Black or White, PG-13 7 p.m. Run All Night, R

No Children Under 10 Admitted to R-Rated Movies he abandoned long ago. With Mike on the run, Black or White Last Showing Jimmy’s only penance for his past mistakes may be to PG-13, Drama, 121 min. Cast: Kevin Costner, Octavia keep his son from the same fate Jimmy is certain he’ll Spencer, Gillian Jacobs, Jennifer Ehle, Anthony face himself at the wrong end of a gun. Now, with Mackie. This is the story of a grandfather who is sudnowhere safe to turn, Jimmy just has one night to figdenly left to care for his beloved granddaughter. When ure out exactly where his loyalties lie and to see if he her paternal grandmother seeks custody with the help can finally make things right. of her brother, the little girl is torn between two families who love her deeply. With the best intentions at The DUFF Premiere heart, both families fight for what they feel is right and PG-13, Comedy, 101 min. Cast: Mae Whitman, Robbie are soon forced to confront their true feelings about Amell, Bella Thorne, Bianca Santos, Skyler Samuels. race, forgiveness, and understanding. Anchored by an Bianca is a content high school senior whose world is all-star cast and based on real events, the movie is a shattered when she learns the student body refers to her look at two seemingly different worlds, in which nothas The DUFF’ (Designated Ugly Fat Friend) to her preting is as simple as black or white. tier, more popular friends. With her universe turned upside down, she ignores words of wisdom from her Chappie favorite teacher and enlists Wesley, a slick but charming R, Action-Adventure, 120 min. Cast: Sharlto Copley, jock, to help set her apart from the pack and erase her Dev Patel, Yo-Landi Visser, Ninja, Jose Pablo Cantillo. label forever. In doing so, she hopes to land her crush In the near future, crime is patrolled by an oppressive Toby, and find the confidence to overthrow the school’s mechanized police force. But now, the people are fightruthless label maker Madison by reminding everyone ing back. When one police droid, Chappie, is stolen and that no matter what people look or act like, we are all given new programming, he becomes the first robot someone’s DUFF, and that’s totally fine. with the ability to think and feel for himself. As powerful, destructive forces start to see Chappie as a danger Focus to mankind and order, they will stop at nothing to R, Comedy-Crime-Drama, 105 min. Cast: Will Smith, maintain the status quo and ensure that Chappie is the Margo Robbie, Rodrigo Santoro, BD Wong, Gerald last of his kind. McRaney. Nicky, a seasoned master of misdirection, becomes romantically involved with novice con artist Jess. Cinderella As he’s teaching her the tricks of the trade, she gets too PG, SciFi-Fantasy, 113 min. Cast: Cate Blanchett, Lily close for comfort and he abruptly breaks it off. Three James, Richard Madden, Bella Heathcote, Helena Bonyears later, the former flame-now an accomplished ham Carter. The story follows the fortunes of young Ella femme fatale-shows up in Buenos Aires in the middle of whose merchant father remarries following the tragic death of her mother. Keen to support her loving father, the high stakes race car circuit. In the midst of Nicky’s Ella welcomes her new stepmother Lady Tremaine and latest, very dangerous scheme, she throws his plans for her daughters Anastasia and Drizella into the family a loop, and the consummate con man off his game. home. But when Ella’s father suddenly and unexpectedly Hot Tub Time Machine 2 passes away, she finds herself at the mercy of a jealous R, Comedy, 94 min. Cast: Rob Corddry, Adam Scott, and cruel new family. Ella could easily begin to lose Craig Robinson, Clark Duke, Gillian Jacobs. When Lou hope. Yet, despite the cruelty inflicted upon her, Ella is finds himself in trouble, Nick and Jacob fire up the hot determined to honor her mother’s dying words and to tub time machine in an attempt to get back to the past. “have courage and be kind.” And then there is the dashBut they inadvertently land in the future with Adam Jr. ing stranger she meets in the woods. Unaware that he is Now they have to alter the future in order to save the really a prince, not merely an employee at the palace, past ... which is really the present, in the sequel from Ella finally feels she has met a kindred soul. the same team that brought you the original cult hit.

McFarland, USA

PG, Drama, 129 min. Cast: Maria Bello, Kevin Costner, Carlos Pratts, Hector Duran, Chad Mountain. A track coach in a small California town transforms a team of athletes into championship contenders.

Divergent Series: Insurgent Premiere PG-13, Action-Adventure 119 min. Cast: Shailene Woodley, Theo James, Kate Winslet, Octavia Spencer, Zo Kravitz. This film raises the stakes for Tris as she searches for allies and answers in the ruins of a futuristic Chicago. Tris and Four are now fugitives on the run, hunted by Jeanine (Winslet), the leader of the powerhungry Erudite elite. Racing against time, they must find out what Tris’s family sacrificed their lives to protect, and why the Erudite leaders will do anything to stop them. Haunted by her past choices but desperate to protect the ones she loves, Tris, with Four at her side, faces one impossible challenge after another as they unlock the truth about the past and ultimately the future of their world.

Run All Night R, Action-Adventure, 120 min. Cast: Liam Neeson, Joel Kinnaman, Genesis Rodriguez, Vincent D’Onofrio, Ed Harris. Brooklyn mobster and prolific hit man Jimmy Conlon, once known as The Gravedigger, has seen better days. Longtime best friend of mob boss Shawn Maguire, Jimmy, now 55, is haunted by the sins of his past-as well as a dogged police detective who’s been one step behind Jimmy for 30 years. Lately, it seems Jimmy’s only solace can be found at the bottom of a whiskey glass. But when Jimmy’s estranged son, Mike, becomes a target, Jimmy must make a choice between the crime family he chose and the real family

Jupiter Ascending PG-13, Action-Adventure, 125 min. Cast: Channing Tatum, Mila Kunis, Sean Bean, Eddie Redmayne, Douglas Booth. Jupiter was born under a night sky and signs predicted she was destined for great things. Now grown up, Jupiter still dreams of the stars, but wakes up each day to the cold reality of a job cleaning toilets and an endless run of bad breaks. But when Caine, a genetically engineered ex-military hunter, arrives on Earth to track her down, Jupiter begins to glimpse the fate that has been waiting for her all along – her genetic signature marks her as next in line for an extraordinary inheritance that could alter the balance of the cosmos.

Project Almanac Last Showing PG-13, SciFi-Fantasy, 106 min. Cast: Jonny Weston, Sofia Black D’Elia, Michelle DeFraites, Patrick Johnson, Allen Evangelista. A brilliant high school student and his friends uncover blueprints for a mysterious device with limitless potential, inadvertently putting lives in danger.

Seventh Son PG-13, Action-Adventure, 102 min. Cast: Jeff Bridges, Julianne Moore, Ben Barnes, Alicia Vikander, Antje Thruway. In a time of enchantments when legends and magic collide, the sole remaining warrior of a mystical order travels to find a prophesized hero born with incredible powers, the last Seventh Son. Torn from his quiet life as a farmhand, the unlikely young hero embarks on a daring adventure with his battlehardened mentor to vanquish a dark queen and the army of supernatural assassins she has dispatched against their kingdom.

If you have been sexually assaulted or need to speak with a S.A.P.R. victim advocate, call 335-640-6621 24/7 for information and support. The DoD Safe Helpline can be reached toll-free at 001-877-995-5247.


PANOrAMA March 20, 2015

Nato Lions Rugby Club is looking for new players. All abilities wanted. Practice is held every Wednesday at Carney Park at 5:45 p.m. Show up with shoes, shorts and a mouth guard. Training and development will be provided. For details email Mark Woodall or comanager Andrew Bohnsack at or andrew.bohnsack@ Naples Officials Association Needs Referees For details call Nigel Alexander at 081-721-5413 or 346-680-3282 or e-mail nalexander@ Harry S. Truman Lodge No. 649 meets 6:30 p.m. every second and fourth Friday of the month at 6:30 p.m. For details call Kevin Baker at 338-479-7023 or email hst649sec@ or visit group/HST649. Women, Infants, Children (Wic) Overseas Program is offered at NSA Naples. Women who are pregnant, breastfeeding, postpartum or have an infant or child under the age of five may qualify for the program. WIC Overseas is a nutrition education program that provides nutritious supplemental foods. For deails call 081-811-4962. The Naples Area Second Class Petty Officers Association meets twice a month to discuss upcoming community outreach opportunities and charity events. For details call MA2 Aaron Kurschner at DSN 626-2871 or ABH2 Brent Paucke at DSN 626-5382. Napoli Nation Fan Club is a group that helps community members attend SSC Napoli soccer games, promotes intercultural relations and provides SSC Napoli information to the community. Membership benefits include SSC Napoli gear, discounted tickets and entry to Napoli Nation functions. For details visit USASSCNapoli on Facebook. Seventh Day Adventist Worship Service takes place Saturdays at Support Site Chapel from 9 a.m. to noon. The schedule is: Sabbath School lessons, 9:30 to 10:45 a.m.; songs and praise, 10:45 to 11 a.m.; Divine Service, 11 a.m. to noon. For details call Paolo Fleurant at 328-

MORE THE INSIDE PAGE 194-6897 or email naplesadventistsgroup@ yahoo. com. Connect The Tots Club unites families with children from newborn to pre-school age within the Naples military community. Club events include monthly coffee mornings and birthday parties, weekly playgroups, craft activities and more. For details visit www. Catholic Women Of The Chapel meets monthly in the Support Site Fellowship Hall for prayer, fellowship, and learning. Child care provided. We also meet Wednesdays at 10:30 a.m. for Rosary and Thursdays at 9:30 a.m. for bible study. For details email cwocnaples@ or visit Catholic Women of the Chapel - NSA Naples, Italy on Facebook. Gaeta/Naples Area Girl Scouts is in need of leaders and co-leaders. Training and support provided. For details email Filipino-American Association Of Naples, Italy meets at noon the first Sunday of every month at the Support Site Fellowship Hall. For details call Ron Nacianceno at 081568-1746 or 335-760-4446 or visit Fil-Am Naples on Facebook. The U.S. Military Retiree Association of Southern Italy (USMRA-SI) is the only association in Southern Italy representing the interests of U.S. retired military personnel and their survivors. If you are not a member and are eligible, visit the USMRA-SI at or call Wylie Miller at 329-208-7315. The Naples Christian Homeschool Association meets every month to support families who have chosen to educate their own children. We offer weekly park/pool days, a moms’ night out and field trips to explore Bella Napoli and beyond. For details email Natalie Mack at Meditation Sitting Group meets from 7 to 7:30 p.m. each Monday at the Support Site side chapel. Newcomers should stop by at 6:30 p.m.

Participation is free. For details email Laura Hitchcock at laura.poodle@

Roman Catholic Mass (11:30 a.m.12 p.m.) in the hospital chapel (call 081-811-6451 to confirm that Mass is being held); and Thursday Men’s Fellowship and Bible Study (6-7 a.m.) in the hospital galley.

University of Oklahoma Graduate Degrees The University of Oklahoma offers the master of human relations on-site graduate degree program. Courses meet in a series of four evenings and one weekend. For details call the OU office at DSN: 626-6672 or visit the office at Capodichino in the Admin II building.

Sure Start is a unique program committed to providing the highest quality of education for commandsponsored children of enlisted personnel (priority to E1-E4) who are four years old by Sept. 1. For details, call Karen Rodrigues at 081811-4682 or the school at 081-811-4037.

Register For On-Site Undergraduate Classes Visit the colleges for more information about what classes and programs are offered. Call UMUC Maryland at 081-568-6673/74/75; Central Texas College at 081-568-6761.

The Knights Of Columbus, San Gennaro Council 14853, meets at noon on the third Sunday of each month at the Support Site Chapel Offices. For details email robert Kenney at kofcnaples

Naples Area Nurses Association (NANA) is an organization of nurses that work together to fundraise, participate in social events, and provide support throughout the U.S. Naval Hospital Naples and NSA Naples community. For details email Lt. Shelley Beltz at shelley.beltz@ or Lt. Jenny Paul at The Welfare & Recreation Association is available to meet associates every Thursday from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. at its location on the first floor of Building 450 upstairs from Capo Landing. For details visit Security Note: All DoD military or civilian personnel hosting an event off base must complete a Special Event Force Protection Plan (SEFPP) 45 days in advance, regardless of organization, if the event will involve 50 or more personnel, include distinguished visitors or involve personnel wearing uniforms. For details call the AT/FP Division at 081-568-5525 or visit the division office in the Capodichino Security Precinct, Bldg. 403. Naval Hospital Religious Services Tuesday: Silent prayer (7:157:45 a.m.) in the hospital chapel. Traditional hymn and praise and worship music will be provided during this time; Wednesday

Carney Park Ladies Golf Association meets at 9 a.m. Mondays. All skill levels welcome. Discounted play with membership. For details call Carol Borkowski at 081-804-3345 or Carney Park Golf Course at 081-526-4296. Educational & Developmental Intervention Service Screenings Now Available Room W09, Support Site Village Forum. For eligible children who have not reached their third birthday. If you are concerned about your child’s development, contact EDIS at 081811-4676. Latinos Unidos Welcomes New Members Meetings are 2 p.m. on the first Sunday of every month at the Support Site park. For details email or call 334-6771-0327, or gabriel.sermeno@eu. or call 081-811-5554. Cub Scout Pack 007 Want to camp in Nettuno, hike in Cuma, go bowling or participate in swimming and archery? Then Cub Scouts is the place for you! Boys in first through fifth grade meet three times per month to learn skills that they apply on hiking, camping and service outings. For details email or visit

PANOrAMA March 20, 2015

CIA CHIEF from page 1 where the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant is waging a campaign of unspeakable brutality against the local population and anyone who does not share its ideology. Left unchecked, ISIL poses a serious danger not only to Syria and Iraq, but to the wider region and beyond, including the threat of attacks on the U.S. homeland and the homelands of its partners, Brennan said. The intelligence chief echoed DoD leaders in saying the fight against ISIL will be a long one. “If there is one thing we have learned over the years, it is that success against terrorism requires patience and determination,” he said. “Clearly our country will be dealing with terrorism in one form or another for many

the globe can instantly spark a reyears to come.” action thousands of miles away, and Threats in the Cyber Realm where a lone extremist can go onModern communications technololine and learn how to carry out an gies complicate the fight against attack without ever leaving home.” ISIL and its ilk, Brennan said. The cyber domain brings tremen“New technologies can help groups dous benefits, like ISIL coorbut also brings dinate operatremendous tions, attract dangers, he new recruits, “Clearly our country said. disseminate “Threats in the propaganda will be dealing with cyber realm are and inspire an urgent nasympathizers terrorism in one form tional security across the priority, as globe to act in or another for many America has no their name,” he equivalent to said. the two wide “The overall years to come.” oceans that threat of terhave helped rorism is safeguard our greatly amplified by today’s interconnected world country’s physical, maritime and aviation domains for centuries,” where an incident in one corner of

CHRIST CHURCH from page 1 pleasure when the dedicated group of cleaning parishioners witnessed the arrival of Sailors from area commands – Naval Support Activity Naples, Naval Computer and Telecommunications Station Naples, U.S. Naval Hospital Naples, Filipino-American Association Naples – who marched into the church and awaited instructions. From the moment they arrived, their enthusiasm and commitment to getting Christ Church shipshape was apparent. They were split into groups and set-to cleaning precious crucifixes, candlesticks, pulpits, pews, floors and most spectacular of all, the large brass lectern forged into the shape of an eagle. They talked among themselves as they stripped the layers of time to bring a lustre back to the church which it hadn’t seen for many a year. What was so exciting about their cleaning

energy was that they were bringing history back to life. Many of the objects they sat around, sat upon or polished to within an inch of their life, were milestones in the church’s long tradition since the day it was built. As they polished the pulpit, they didn’t know that when the church was built the original architect insisted that all the wood would be Scottish pine. The roof beams, the pews and especially the pulpit were transported as wood from the British Isles to ensure the Anglican theme ran throughout the DNA of the English church. You should see it now. It glows like an autumn fire. So the old parishioners might not be able to lift a heavy crucifix but sure can put on a good lunch. The Sailors were rewarded with an English and American spread which they attached with gusto. Then they got on their coaches and buzzed off. But their work is not forgotten. On Sunday morning, the congregation of Christ Church looked in amazement at the bright shiny jewel which is now Christ Church Naples. Christ Church Naples will be hosting a number of events to which representatives and dignitaries from all faiths will be invited to recognize the worship of Anglicans and Episcopalians in Italy and especially in Naples. The celebrations begin on Palm Sunday – March 29 – when the Bishop in Europe will officiate a morning service.


Brennan added. Nations, terrorist organizations, criminals and hackers are trying to penetrate U.S. digital networks, he said. “Government institutions are under constant assault, and private companies are spending enormous sums of money to defend against hacking attempts, denial of service attacks and other efforts to disrupt their networks,” Brennan said. The North Korean attack on Sony last year highlighted the cyber threat, he said. “CIA is working with our partners across the federal government to strengthen cyber defenses, to share expertise and to collaborate with the private sector to mitigate these threats,” Brennan said. “Together we have advanced our understanding of the threats in the cyber realm.”

Naples-based Sailors performed a good, old-fashioned Navy field day on Christ Church Naples March 14. This is the only church in Naples which offers services in English, and this year it is celebrating 150 years of worship. The Sailors helped to bring the church back to its former glory, just in time for the anniversary. Photo courtesy of Peter Knights


PANOrAMA March 20, 2015


Le citta’ deL mondo / cities of the worLd Practice your vocabulary. Find the Italian words. Z X U D V N O S O H D N U U G















MoSCa / Moscow PariGi / Paris PeChiNo / Beijing PraGa / Prague SaN PieTroBurGo / St. Petersburg

BerLiNo / Berlin CiTTa’ deL CaPo / Capetown duBLiNo / Dublin LiSBoNa / Lisbon LoNdra / London

SAINT PATRICK’S DAY answer to last week’s puzzle

(Over, Down, Direction) a + + + + + V + + + + S + + +


M r + + + + e + a + + a + + +

+ a C + + + r + + d + N + + +

+ + r o + + d + + o N P + + +

+ + + Z B + e + + T + a + + +

+ + + + o a + + + T + T L + +

T r i F o G L i o e + r + r +

+ + + + + + + e r L + i + + i

+ + + + + + + a N L + Z + + +

+ + + + + + r + + o + i + + +

+ + + + + B + + + F + o F + +

+ + + + e a T a r a P e + + +

+ + + L + + + + + + S o r o +

+ + e + + + + + + T + + + + +

+ C + + + + + + a + + + + + +

DAILY TOURS Mar 21 Family Day at the Farm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €25

Mar 22 Positano and Amalfi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €45

What is the European Union? From the EU

When World War II ended last century, Europe’s leaders decided to work together to resolve their problems. They wanted to put an end to fighting once and for all, so that people could rebuild their lives and create new and better ways to support themselves and trade with each other. One way to do this, the leaders thought, was to control how much coal and steel each country could receive, this was important because coal was needed to power the factories which made all the things that people needed, including steel for machines, houses, roads and buildings. Coal and steel are also necessary when producing war machines like guns and tanks. So with these countries all deciding together what to do with Europe’s coal and steel, no single nation could build these weapons without the other nations knowing about it. The leaders also hoped that countries which depended on each other like this would have no reason to fight because the economy would be stronger across the region and people would have good jobs, food and security. And do you know what? They were right. Over 50 years have passed and Europe’s wars are now things you read in your history books. The European Union (EU) has come a long way. There are now 28 Member States in the European Union. It’s a bit like in a school class. As in a good community, the stronger ones help the weaker ones. And as in a class where some children like math and others prefer music, some EU countries have interests that are different to others. To live together peacefully, everybody must accept everybody else as they are. Each country lives according to its own traditions, language and culture. This approach is summed up nicely in the EU’s motto” United in diversity.” Despite this diversity, EU countries have common goals:

- They want all EU countries to prosper and improve living condition. The EU already boasts the world’s largest economic area. - They want peace and security in Europe and in the world. Instead of fighting each other with weapons, they would rather sit around a table and talk things through. - They want all EU citizens to enjoy the same fundamental rights and liberties, to live without discrimination and to enjoy equal opportunities. In this respect, maybe you already know that the EU has its own Parliament, where people can democratically elect whoever they like best? And you might have seen your prime minister on the news, meeting in Brussels with his or her colleagues from other countries. Together, they form the European Council and make important decisions. European laws are made by the European Parliament (751 directlyelected members) and the Council (which is made up of ministers from each EU country). The European Commission proposes new laws and takes care to see that they are respected. Many EU countries now use the same money, the euro, which makes it easier for everyone to travel around Europe without always having to change their money from once currency to another. And in the say way, EU citizens may travel without border controls, may study and work in other EU countries, and buy goods and services all over the EU. But the EU is not only about security, money and economics. It also promotes ways to improve the environment. It supports research and actions which can lead to breakthroughs in science and technology. The EU also regulates how products should be made and packaged, so we know the things we buy are always good quality, no matter where they come from. There is so much that the EU does to keep you and your family happy, healthy and safe.

upcoming uSo Tours Capodichino office 081-568-5713 Support Site office 081-811-4903 TourS oPeN To BoTh u.S. MiLiTarY aNd NaTo i.d. Card hoLderS

Mar 27 Wine & Dine in the Cave . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €46 Mar 28 Grand Tour of Mount Vesuvius . . . . . . . . . €62 Mar 29 Hiking the Path of Gods . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . €36


Apr 4-5

Easter in Florence and Pisa . . . . . . . . . €192

Apr 24-27 Spring Weekend in Venice . . . . . . . . . . €237 May 9-10 Mother’s Day Weekend in Ischia . . . . . €149 May 22-25 Memorial Day in Athens . . . . . . . . . . . €195 Jul 26-Aug 2 Greek Islands of Zakynthos . . . . . . €779

PANOrAMA March 20, 2015

MORE BASE NOTES March 25: ADHD Parent Support Group Meeting An ADHD Parent Support Group meeting will be held in the Naples Elementary School room 106 on Wednesday, March 25 at 6 p.m. The guest speaker will be Donna Varbero, occupational therapist from the EDIS Clinic, who will be presenting “Learning to Slow Down and Pay Attention.” It provides many practical ideas for helping children with ADHD become "Can-do Kids" at home and at school. These ideas will be shared and discussed, along with ways guests have found to help their child become more successful. This meeting is for adults only. For details call DSN 629-4682 or 081-811-4682.

March 26: Free Vehicle Maintenance Workshop at AWSC Keep your vehicle running with a free workshop on Thursday, March 26 at the Auto/ Wood Skills Center on the Support Site. The workshop will be held from 3:30 to 5:30 p.m. (every 30 minutes). The March special at the skill center is $2 off each brake rotor re-surfaced at the AWSC. For details call DSN 629-4971 or 081-811-4971.

March 27: USO Open Mic Night Community members are invited to join the USO at the Old Towne Pub at Capodichino for an evening of singing, dancing, poetry and more. Open Mic Night will be held on Friday, March 27 at 8:30 p.m. and all entertainers are welcome. For details call the USO at DSN: 626-5713.

March 28: Run with the Chiefs 5K Run Run with the Chiefs for their 122nd year celebration on Saturday, March 28. Registration begins at the Support Site Central Park at 7:15 a.m. and the run begins at 8 a.m. Cost is $5 per participant and includes a T-shirt. All chiefs run free and the first 30 chiefs to register receive a free T-shirt. For details, call the Support Site Fitness Forum at DSN 629-6604 or 081-811-6604.

March 28: Easter Eggstravaganza Easter Eggstravaganza will be celebrated at Carney Park field #1 on Saturday, March 28 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m. There will be candy & egg hunts for all ages, a bounce house, games, arts & crafts, concession sales and professional pictures with the

Easter Bunny, for a small fee. Transportation will depart from the Support Site Youth Center at 10 a.m. and will depart Carney Park at 2 p.m. for the return trip. Bus registration is available at the Capo or Support Site ITT office, or online at at a pre-registration cost of $5 per seat, which will be exchanged for a $5 MWR voucher to be used at any MWR facility. Deadline to sign up is March 24. After this date patrons are welcome to ride on a spaceavailable basis. The event is open to U.S. ID card holders who can sponsor up to 4 guests per family, paying $5 or 5 euro per guest. Guests under 3 years are free, but are included in the count. Local National Carney Park access ID card holders and their immediate family members are welcome paying the regular fees and are not eligible to bring guests. JFC Carney Park Privilege card holders are welcome, but are not eligible to bring guests. For details, call the Youth Center at DSN 629-4722 or 081-8114722.

March 28: Trekking Day Trips with NOR Center Join a group of enthusiastic hikers for the NOR’s trek on the ‘Valley of the Mills’ on Saturday, March 28. No previous mountaineering experience is required. Must be 15 years or older to participate (ages 15-17 must be accompanied by adult/legal guardian). $30 per person includes guide and transportation from the Support Site. Wear sturdy hiking boots and bring snacks, lunch, water and euros for incidentals. Sign up by five days prior to trip at the NOR Center. For details, call DSN 629-4947 or 081-811-4947.

April 18: Carney Park Flea Market It’s spring cleaning time! Sell some of your unwanted items at the Carney Park Flea Market on April 18. Cost is $15 per space, which includes one table. Extra tables cost $5 and chairs are also available at $1 each. U.S. ID card holders can sign up now through April 7, while Carney Park local national access card holders can reserve their space (if available) beginning April 8. The Flea Market in in conjunction with the Youth Sports Spring Opening Day and WRA & Fire Department Home Safety Day. For details or to register your space, call Carney Park at 081-526-1579 or 081-526-3395.


Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group Enters U.S. 6th Fleet

The Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group (TRCSG) entered 6th Fleet in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe March 16. U.S. Navy photo

From USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71) Public Affairs

The Theodore Roosevelt Carrier Strike Group (TRCSG) entered 6th Fleet in support of U.S. national security interests in Europe March 16. The TRCSG consists of Carrier Strike Group (CSG) 12, Carrier Air Wing (CVW) 1, Destroyer Squadron (DESRON) 2 staff, the Nimitz-class aircraft carrier USS Theodore Roosevelt (CVN 71), the guided-missile cruiser USS Normandy (CG 60), and the guided-missile destroyers USS Farragut (DDG 99), USS Forrest Sherman (DDG 98) and USS Winston S. Churchill (DDG 81). “Operating in 6th Fleet is a great opportunity for us to work with our partners to build our capability and capacity to ensure a safe, secure and prosperous Europe,” said Rear Adm. Andrew Lewis, commander, Carrier Strike Group 12. “No one nation can confront global threats alone, but by working together, we can promote freedom and security around the globe.” The strike group’s various ships will work with allied and partner nations throughout Europe in order to continue building existing partnerships and improve war-fighting capability and interoperability. Ships will also visit various ports while in 6th Fleet. The five ships and nine aircraft squadrons of TRCSG consist of approximately 6,000 Sailors and Marines who have spent the last year conducting intensive training and certification exercises to establish a safe, cohesive organization capable of performing a wide variety of missions across the globe, ranging from counter-piracy and ground support operations to humanitarian assistance and disaster relief. Working with allied and partner maritime forces, TRCSG units will focus heavily on maritime security operations and theater security cooperation efforts which help establish conditions for regional stability. Theodore Roosevelt, the strike group’s flagship, departed from Norfolk to conduct an around-the-world deployment, which will end with her shift in homeport to San Diego. TR’s change in homeport is part of a three carrier shift involving USS Ronald Reagan (CVN 76) and USS George Washington (CVN 73). Theodore Roosevelt, named in honor of the 26th U.S. President, was commissioned Oct. 25, 1984 as the 4th NimitzClass aircraft carrier.


PANOrAMA March 20, 2015

JOBS HUMAN RESOURCES OFFICE (HRO) To find out what positions are currently open, please contact our front desk at DSN 626-5409 or commercial 081-5685409. Copies of vacancy announcements will be posted at the Human Resources Office, located in the Admin I building at Capodichino, first floor. The customer service hours are Monday through Friday, from 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. The Fleet and Family Support Center (FFSC) at Support Site will also have vacancy announcements and they can be easily viewed at the HRO Website: http:// cnreurafswa/ about/Jobs.html Applications are accepted at the Security Pass and ID Office at Capodichino, or at the HRO, located in Admin 1, Capodichino, or by mailing to: HRO, PSC 817 Box 29, FPO AE 09622, or at Fleet and Family Service Center (FFSC) located on the TLA first floor, at Support Site. HRO must receive mailed applications by closing date of the vacancy announcement. PLEASE NOTE: Customer service operation hours for the following HRO services are Monday, Wednesday and Friday from 9 a.m. to 11 a.m. and from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m.: • ID/CAC Cards (DD1172-2) • Requests for an Official Passport (DD1056) • Logistical Support Letters • Work Certificates

U.S. POSITIONS CONUS hires currently residing in the Naples/Gaeta commuting areas MUST apply through USAJOBS in order to receive consideration. CLOSING March 26 Lead Housing Management Specialist, GS-1173-09, ANN# 054590-AG, Full Time Permanent Program Analyst, GS-034307/09/11 KPP GS-0343-12, ANN#EUR15-050154-KB, Full Time Permanent Program Analyst, GS-034307/09/11 KPP GS-0343-12, ANN# EUR15-050136-KB, Full Time Permanent IT Specialist (SYSADMIN), GS2210-12, ANN#EUR15-056484KB, Full Time Permanent Facilities Support Contract Specialist, GS-1101-12, ANN# EUR15-054638-AV, Full Time Permanent Recreation Assistant (Fitness Specialist), GS-0189-05, ANN# EUR15-995169-AG-R2, Full Time Permanent CLOSING April 2 IT Specialist (NETWORK), GS-2210-12, ANN#EUR15847276-EG, Full Time Permanent Telecommunications Equipment Operator, GS-0390-06, ANN#EUR15-029199-EG, Full Time Permanent Education and Training Technician, GS-1702-05, ANN# EUR15-052752-AG, Full Time Permanent Mechanical Engineer, GS-083013, ANN#EUR15-059576-AV, Full Time Permanent Civil Engineer, GS-0810-13, ANN#EUR15-059585-AV, Full Time Permanent Interdisciplinary Engineer, GS-801/808/810/830/850-13, ANN#EUR15-059571-AV, Full Time Permanent CANCELLED CBA Coordinator, GS-0301-07 KPP 09 or GS-0301-09, ANN# EUR15-959718-EG-R1, Full Time Permanent

LOCAL NATIONAL (LN) POSITIONS If you have any questions, contact the front desk at 626-5409 or 081-5685409. You can also contact the HRO Naples helpdesk at: /Jobs/AboutWorkingHere/ m. You will be contacted within 24

hours, so please be sure to provide your contact information. Thank you and we appreciate your input, whether negative or positive so that we can find ways to improve the HRO services, or continue to provide excellent service. As a reminder, an HRO Representative is available for the biweekly “Meet & Greet” at the NSA, Support Site Base, Navy Exchange Food Court area from 8-9 a.m. Please feel free to come by, pick up a copy of a vacancy announcement that you may be interested in applying for, or ask questions. If the HRO representative is unable to provide you a response, he/she will bring the question back to the HRO office and you will be provided an answer or a call back the same day. The next “Meet & Greet” is from 8-9 a.m. on March 23.

CLOSING April 2 Supply Clerk, Ua-2005-07 KPP 06 or Ua-2005-06, ANN# EUR15056488-EG, Full Time Permanent

NON-APPROPRIATED FUND (NAF) POSITIONS Fleet & Family Readiness NAF Local Naples job announcements within CNREURAFSWA may be viewed at: cnreurafswa/about/jobs.html. The necessary application forms are also available on line. For any questions you have you may call 081-5684164/2505/ 5612. The applications may be emailed to CNREURAFSWA_

NSA NAPLES US NAF POSITIONS Food Service Worker, NA-740804, ANN# 15-003 flexible, Bowling Center, Support Site. Job Summary: Performs a variety of tasks such as grilling or frying pancakes, hamburgers, hot dogs, bacon, eggs, sausage, by watching while the items are cooking, turning as required; regulating temperature and removing when done. Closing date: Open Until Filled Education Aid/Technician, CY1702-I/II, ANN# 15-004, (Multiple Positions) flexible, Child Development Centers, School Age Care, Youth Programs, Teen Center and Youth Sports Capodichino/Support Site. Job Summary: Provides appropriate developmental care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in a Child and Youth Program setting Performs routine, day-to-day care of infants and children ranging from six weeks to 5 years. Assembles and gathers materials and equipment necessary to execute School Age Care for children ranging from six to nine years, School-Age Care Pre-Teen for children ranging from 10 to 12 years, Teen Center Program for children ranging from 13 to 18 years. Receives and releases children to/from authorized parents, guidance. Closing date: Open Until Filled Education Aid/Technician, CY1702-I/II, ANN# 15-005, (Multiple Positions) regular full time, (Eligible for Post Allowance) Child Development Centers, School Age Care, Youth Programs, Teen Center and Youth Sports Capodichino/Support Site. Job Summary: Provides appropriate developmental care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in a Child and Youth Program setting Performs routine, day-to-day care of infants and children ranging from six weeks to five years. Assembles and gathers materials and equipment necessary to execute School Age Care for children ranging from six to nine years, School-Age Care Pre-Teen for children ranging from 10 to 12 years, Teen Center Program for children ranging from 13 to 18 years. Receives and releases children to/from authorized parents, guidance. Closing date: Open Until Filled

Recreation Aid, NF-018901ANN # 15-016 flexible, Bowling Center, Support Site. Job Summary: Provides oversight of activities and necessary services to authorized patrons. Closing date: Open Until Filled Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN #15-019, flexible, MWR Liberty Division, Naples, Italy. Job Summary: Employee helps customers in the recreation center with recreational event. Closing date: Open Until Filled Education Technician (Leader), CY-1702-II, ANN # 15-050, regular full time, (Eligible for Post Allowance) Fleet and Family Readiness Program, CYP Division, Teen Center. Job Summary: The purpose of the CY Program Leader (CYP) is to provide appropriate development care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in one or more CY programs. This includes the provision of guidance, assistance, and mentoring for the CY Program Assistants. Closing date: Open Until Filled Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN# 15-058, flexible, MWR Golf Course, Carney Park, Naples. Job Summary: Collects green fees (monthly and daily), locker fees and fees for electric cart rentals. Employee will act as starter when needed on weekdays and assist when needed as cashier. Closing date: Open Until Filled Recreation Aid, NF-0189-01, ANN# 15-059, flexible, Fitness Forum, Support Site, Naples, Italy. Employee in this position plays an integral part in providing customer service and insuring patrons are offered a clean facility and pleasant conditions for their fitness/athletic workouts or programs. First Cut off date: 01/23/2015. Closing date: Open until Filled Education Technician (Leader), CY-1702-II, ANN # 15-070, regular full time, (Eligible for Post Allowance) Fleet and Family Readiness Program, CYP Division, School Age Care. Job Summary: The purpose of the CY Program Leader (CYP) is to provide appropriate development care and instruction for children and youth ranging in age from six weeks to 18 years in one or more CY programs. This includes the provision of guidance, assistance, and mentoring for the CY Program Assistants. Closing date: Open Until Filled

CYP Operation Clerk, NF0303-02, ANN# 15-071R, regular part time, Fleet and Family Readiness Program, CDC Capo Naples, Italy. Job Summary: The purpose of this CY Program Operations Clerk is to serve as a contact point for information and perform clerical and administrative tasks in support of the CYP, Which includes Child Development Centers (CDCs), Child Development Homes (CDH), School Age Care (SAC) programs. Closing date: 03/20/2015

NEX EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Gricignano, Bldg. 2091-B Call 081-813-5252/5253/5254 / DSN: 629-4774 Hours: Monday to Friday 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. For a current list of U.S. vacancies and the on-line application visit: To assist your job search go directly to the location field, open the drop down menu and click on Italy, then click on SEARCH FOR JOBS button. You will see all the jobs in Italy (mostly Naples area); just make sure you are NOT applying for a position located in Sigonella (Sicily). For any questions or concerns please call the numbers above.

EARTH AND VINE SHOP Ann# 150000ZD Sales Clerk /PS/NF-01/FLEX – Open Until Filled/Closes 3/28/15 – Pay Rate: $8-$10. Job Summary: Responsible for selling merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked, displayed, and available. Knowledge of wines and specialty foods is desirable. Candidates must be at least 18 years old to apply. GRICIGNANO MINIMART Ann# 1500000W Sales Clerk/MM /NF-01/FLEX – Open Until Filled/ Closes 3/28/15 – Pay Rate: $9- $10. Job Summary: Responsible for selling general merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly stocked and available. Candidates must be at least 18 years old to apply. CAPODICHINO NEXMART Ann# 150000AJ Customer Sales Clerk/MM /NF-01/ FLEX – Open Until Filled /Closes 3/28/15 – Pay Rate $9-$11. Job Summary: Responsible for selling general merchandise to customers and ensuring merchandise is properly

stocked and available. Candidates must be at least 18 years old to apply. LOCAL NATIONAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY – EUROPE DISTRICT FACILITIES Ann# I-01-15 Engineering Technician/58/EW-8/RFT/Navy Exchange District Facilities, Gricignano – Closes: 4/6/15 Job Summary: Responsible for creating, maintaining and updating the AutoCAD drawing library for District Facilities. Submit Resume/C.V. (without attachments) to:

OTHER OPPORTUNITIES School Age Care Looking for Full-Time Leads Child and Youth Programs is looking for full-time lead positions at the Support Site’s School Age Care Program. The position helps oversee the Before- and After-School Program, in addition to the summer day camp. Apply through the Human Resources Office at Capodichino. Call 081-5684164/2505 to find out what documentation is needed. U.S. Consulate Looking for Chauffer The U.S. Consulate General in Naples is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for a position as Chauffeur, available immediately. Qualifications required and all information on the position are available at http://redirect.state.sbu/? url= U.S. Consulate Looking for Maintenance Technician The U.S. Consulate General in Naples is seeking eligible and qualified applicants for a position as Maintenance Technician, available immediately on a full-time schedule. The incumbent of this position will be responsible for electrical services as well as general technical and maintenance support for the Consulate facilities. Qualifications required and all information on the position are available at http://redirect.state.sbu/?url=https: // DeCA Looking for Interns Are you a student or recent graduate? The Defense Commissary Agency is looking for full- and parttime Store Associate Pathways Interns from May 16 to Sept. 30. For details visit

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