GO ALL IN TO HELP WASHINGTON STATE Our Communities Need Our Support All In WA is a coordinated, statewide relief effort of nonprofits, community leaders, businesses and philanthropies that support workers and families who have been acutely affected by the COVID-19 crisis. There are many ways to support All In WA, including these two recent efforts to address digital equity and child care.
Child Care Initiative
Parents across Washington rely on child care to support their childrenʼs learning and development while they work. For Black, Indigenous and People of Color (BIPOC) families with low-income, finding quality and affordable child care is exceptionally difficult, especially with closures and reduced capacities due to COVID-19. All In WAʼs Child Care Initiative will fund trusted statewide intermediaries and providers to provide flexible grants to approximately 1,600 BIPOC-owned family child care businesses in Washington. This Initiative will prioritize child care businesses in more rural and remote communities to address the gap in philanthropic and public investment.
Digital Equity Initiative As students start school across the State, ensuring they can succeed in a remote learning environment is of utmost importance. The ongoing lack of access to digital resources and an internet connection continues to disproportionately impact many low-income families, communities of color, and Indigenous communities across our state. Under the All In WA campaign, the Digital Equity Initiative aims to overcome the digital divide and enable achievement by quickly providing students with access to the devices and hardware, hot spots, and tech support they need to succeed.
Visit allinwa.org to learn more and contribute.