1 minute read
Suggestions To Be Successful
We will continue to offer the following style classes:
Face to Face: We’re back on campus!
Remote Classes: Train with your favorite NSCC instructors using Blackboard, Zoom, Google Classroom and other platforms. Courses meet at scheduled times.
Online: Self-paced classes that flex with your schedule. This structure allows you to plan study time around your day, and balance work and family commitments with your schedule.
Hybrid: A combination of live remote, self-paced course work and if required lab time. Note: Lab and clinical portion of programs is subject to change depending on the status of the COVID‑19 pandemic. Review the schedule carefully to see how your class is being offered. If you need support visit: northshore.edu/help.
Tips for taking an online course:
Schedule times several days a week to work on the course. Treat your school work like it’s your job.
Read the information. The directions for completing assignments are written in the course!
Do your own work! Plagiarism is not acceptable and could make you fail the course.
Ask questions always. Communicate with your teacher via email, text, or phone.
Stay Organized. Save all the files for the course in the same folder.
Use a calendar to schedule reminders for assignment due dates.
Try and find a quiet space without distractions. Complete your assignment on time, doing your best work. Let your instructor know if you are not able to meet the deadline.
Check your email every day.
Make a copy of your answers for EVERYTHING you turn in including your answers and questions for your online tests and quizzes.
Download any documents or files that you want to have access to offline.
Train Your People. Transform Your Company.
Corporate Training Solutions (CTS) at North Shore Community College works with businesses to provide:
Custom Training for Employers – Work with us to design a high quality, interactive, customized program for your team! Our team will work with you to make sure the content of the programs matches your specific learning objectives.
Group Training for Employees – CTS creates a much richer learning experience for your team! Our group training programs are delivered by expert facilitators who understand the importance of updating the skills of the workforce.
Upcoming Opportunity: Essential Skills for Leaders
This highly interactive training program consists of ten three-hour modules delivered over ten consecutive weeks on Wednesdays 8:30 -11:30AM or 12:30-3:30PM. To learn more about this training, scan the QR code.
The Workforce Training Fund will reimburse you for up to 100% of training costs for businesses with under 100 employees, and up to 50% for larger businesses.