2 minute read

Credit for Prior & Experiential Learning

Your life experience is valuable. Now you can apply that know-how towards earning your certificate or college degree on campus or online. With Credit for Prior Learning (CPL), we can potentially reward the knowledge you’ve gained over the years by translating those learning experiences into college-level coursework. Save money and complete your degree faster by demonstrating what you already know through workplace experience and training, military service, professional certifications, or your volunteer service.



At the Center for Alternative Studies and Educational Testing (CAS) you may be able to receive college credit through Prior Learning Assessment and Experiential Learning that takes place via volunteering, employment, seminars, and workshops, completion of non-credit courses, military training, or cultural experiences. Visit www.northshore.edu/cas/credit/evaluation-credit.html for more information.

Noncredit Programs of Study

Who is MassHire and Why Should I Care?

MassHire is the brand name for the Massachusetts Workforce System. The North Shore Career Center and North Shore Workforce Board are your local MassHire connections to job listings, labor market information and information about skills training opportunities here on the North Shore. MassHire-North Shore Career Center and MassHire-North Shore Workforce Board envisions a better future for area job seekers and businesses in this region through helping residents find great jobs with sustainable career pathways.

Need help with a job search or would you like to learn about new career training options? The staff from the MassHire-North Shore Career Centers are prepared to help companies and individuals get all available services in the simplest and most efficient manner. Staff is prepared to help our customers explore career pathways in local priority industries, the skills needed in these industries, and where to find the training to get the jobs. Assistance from MassHireNorth Shore Career Center is only a phone call away at 978-825-7200 or at our website https://masshire-nscareers.org.

Do I have to be unemployed to use the Career Centers?

No. The career center services are available to everyone. As a matter of fact, many of our customers are currently students or employed but use our services to explore their new career options.

Am I eligible for re-training dollars? Training is a great way to close skills gaps in your work experience and help customers to become more competitive for current job openings. The staff of the MassHire-North Shore Career Center can help determine if residents qualify for specialized skills training funds or other grant funded training programs. Training funds may be available to you if you are receiving unemployment benefits, are on certain public assistance programs, or are basic skills deficient. The Workforce Investment Opportunity Act (WIOA), is designed to provide access to and opportunities for the employment, education, training, and support services you need to succeed in the labor market.

As a business owner, what services can I receive from the Career Center? Area businesses may list company job openings, get assistance with pre-screening job applicants, obtain information about the local labor market, assistance with basic worker recruitment or information related to participating in a job fair.

North Shore Community College offers many certificate and certification training programs that may qualify for funding. For more information visit www.masshire-nscareers.org or call 978-825-7200.

Did You Know…

Each of our classes has a minimum enrollment!

If you find that perfect class that you just have to take, encourage a friend to join you! Sometimes one or two students make the difference between a class running, or a class cancelling. Many of our classes fill up fast, so enroll early to ensure your spot in that perfect class!

Our Refund Policy

Students registered for Professional Education (noncredit) workshops and courses must withdraw in writing by email to professional@northshore.edu at least three days prior to the first session in order to receive a full refund of tuition, less a 6% processing fee. All other charges are nonrefundable. All remaining amounts paid to North Shore Community College will be refunded directly to the student or to the credit card that was used to pay for the course(s). After the three-day withdrawal period, no refunds will be given. Register today! We’ve made registration easy for you at https://northshore.coursestorm.com or call 978-236-1200.

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