AUGUST 16, 2013• PAGE 7
NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA • PSC 1005 BOX 25 • FPO, AE 09593 • 011-5399-4090
School Liaison Officer Helps Community
The School Liaison Officer, Bill Mittenzwey, mentors his teen hire for the summer on some of the potential challenges she could see in the future. MCSN Jason Bawgus Photo Journalist
he role of a School Liaison Officer here at Naval Station (NS) Guantanamo Bay, and other military installations is to help installation commanders work with the state school districts to ensure school personnel are aware of stressors on military families brought about by frequent and extended deployments. “For many years I was a teacher for the Department of Defense Dependant Schools (DoDDS), serving in Europe, Asia and here in the islands from 1995-1997,” said Bill Mittenzwey, the Naval Stations Guantanamo Bay School Liaison Officer. “When I saw the job description and realized that this was the chance to return I simply applied, interviewed and was hired within a week.” There are six core baseline services provided by School Liaison Officer; 1. School Transition Services- helping level the playing field for transitioning military children and youth. 2. Deployment Support- Helps to inform educators on the cycles of deployment and tools that are available to assist working with Navy Children. 3. Command, School, Community Communications- Perform the role of subject matter expert to the Commander on K-12 issues. 4. Home School Linkage- Assist military families by gathering and sharing information on home schooling issues, policies and legislation. 5. Partnerships In Education (PIE)- PIE creates a volunteer network of resources to support all installation members. 6. Post Secondary Preparations- Provide graduation military students access to post-secondary information and opportunities.
“DoDDS, according to recent test scores are well above average, our students come into this base with a wealth of knowledge gained from lives of service to their country,” said Mittenzwey. “Make no misunderstanding; our military kids serve as much as their parents, the level of patriotism in military schools far exceed those in your average stateside school.” With the home school option on the rise many military families are beginning to turn to that option to provide a sense of regularity to their kids. “Home schooling is becoming a common thing throughout the world; GTMO is no exception,” said Mittenzwey. “Families home school for multiple reasons and it is recognized as a right within the military, we only ask that the families who elect to do so inform the base command through my office.” There are many options available for families who elect to do so, students can even elect a part time schedule with half done at home and the other at a DoDDS school. “The option to home school and use DoDDS schools part time is a good option,” said Mattenzwey. Home school families can register their kids to take part time classes and even use auxiliary services like the library, counselor, testing or extracurricular classes if the family is command sponsored.” Regardless of parent’s schooling preference, the School Liaison Officer is available each family with any questions, concerns or needs they might have. For more information contact the School Liaison Officer at 2127 or wing by the Chapel Hill Annex room 4A.
NS Guantanamo Bay Commanding Officer, Capt. J.R. Nettleton congratulates HM1 Jared Sarro on his selection as Sailor of the Week.
■Job/Department: OPS/ Dive Locker ■Age: 27 ■Hometown: San Antonio, Tx. ■Favorite Musician: Steve Grand ■Favorite GTMO Restaurant: O’Kelley’s ■Goal: Physician Assistant School ■Favorite Hobby: Watching Movies ■Hero: NDC Linsy ■How Has The Navy Improved Their Life: It Gave me direction and a sense of belonging ■Sailor of the Week Because: HM1 Sarro has been the inside tender for four hyperbaric treatment table sixes providing critical hyperbaric oxygen treatments to a diver with type-two decompression sickness. VOL. 70 • NO.28
Guantanamo Bay Gazette
The Guantanamo Bay Gazette is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families stationed at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy, and do not imply endorsement thereof. The editorial content is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. The Guantanamo Bay Gazette is printed by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Document Services with a circulation of 1,000.
AUGUST 16, 2013• PAGE 3
MWR Director Tara Culbertson presented a coin as a token of appreciation to members of Naval Station Security Forces for providing stellar support to MWR during a critical time. Pictured from left to right are MA3 Moser, MASA Dantzscher and MA3 Jackson.
DoD Announces Same-Sex Spouse Benefits From Department of Defense Public Affairs
The Department of Defense announced its plan to extend benefits to same-sex spouses of uniformed service members and Department of Defense civilian employees Aug. 14. After a review of the department’s benefit policies following the Supreme Court’s ruling that Section Three of the Defense of Marriage Act (DOMA) is unconstitutional, and in consultation with the Department of Justice and other executive branch agencies, the Defense Department will make spousal and family benefits available no later than Sept. 3, 2013, regardless of sexual orientation, as long as service member-sponsors provide a valid marriage certificate. The Department of Defense remains committed to ensuring that all men and women who serve in the U.S. military, and their families, are treated fairly and equally as the law directs. Entitlements such as TRICARE enrollment, basic allowance for housing (BAH) and family separation allowance are retroactive to the date of the Supreme Court’s decision. Any claims to entitlements before that date will not be granted. For those members married after June 26, 2013, entitlements begin at the date of marriage. We recognize that same-sex military couples who are not stationed in a jurisdiction that permits same-sex marriage would have to travel to another jurisdiction to marry. That is why the department will implement policies to allow military personnel
in such a relationship non-chargeable leave for the purpose of travelling to a jurisdiction where such a marriage may occur. This will provide accelerated access to the full range of benefits offered to married military couples throughout the department, and help level the playing field between opposite-sex and same-sex couples seeking to be married. For civilian benefits administered government-wide to federal employees, the Department of Defense will follow the Office of Personnel Management and the Department of Labor’s guidance to ensure that the same benefits currently available to heterosexual spouses are also available to legally married same-sex spouses. Read the implementation memo from Secretary of Defense Chuck Hagel online ( features/2013/docs/Extending-Benefits-to-Same-Sex-Spouses-ofMilitary-Members.pdf ) as well as further guidance on extending benefits to same-sex spouses of military members from Acting Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness Jessica Wright ( Further-Guidance-on-Extending-Benefits-to-Same-Sex-Spousesof-Military-M.pdf ). The Navy will provide additional service-specific guidance on for Sailors and families later this week.
My name is “Mama Cat� and I am looking for a good home. I am playful, friendly, very social and good with kids. Please stop by the Vet. Clinic so I can show you
Veterinary Clinic Goes The Extra Mile
MCC Keith Bryska Gazette Editor
he veterinary clinic on Naval Station (NS) Guantanamo Bay goes the extra mile to make sure our four-legged family members are being taken care of. According to the base Veterinarian Capt. Emily Pearlman of Public Health Command, Fort Gordon District the clinic is here to offer service and help to all the animals of Guantanamo Bay. “We know that pets are part of the family and we are glad to help the community take care of them,” said Pearlman. “We offer everything from basic vaccines, spading, neutering, dental cleaning, ultra sounds, x-rays, lab work and much more.” With so many families traveling to and from Guantanamo Bay Veterinarian Technician Terry Himes wants to remind them that it is important not to forget to check in and out with the clinic. “When someone arrives here it is important to remember that they have two weeks to check their pet records in at the clinic,” said Himes. “If their records are up to date they don’t have to bring their pet in to see us when they arrive here.” The clinic would also like to remind pet owners that if their pet does not have a microchip then they need to stop by and make an appointment to get one. “It’s not only important for pets to have a microchip its mandatory especially cats that live indoor and outdoor,” said Pearlman. “If someone brings them in as a feral or lost animal then we have no way of contacting the owners so they can come pick them up.”
“We also want to remind residents that we also treat feral animals like cats and dogs that are brought in to the clinic,” said Himes. “If they’re safe and love able animals we try to find them a loving family to go home to.” The clinic is not only here for family pets, but they also take care of the military working dogs that keep the base safe. “We provide their medical and dental care along with training the handlers on procedures on how to administer intravenous (IV’s), incubate the dog and treat them for heat stress,” said Pearlman. According to Master-At-Arms First Class Zachary Clause a positive working relationship with the base veterinary clinic and the military working dog program is very important for the dogs. “They help us keep the dogs safe and ready for service,” said Clause. “They are mission essential in keeping the military working dog program up and running and ensuring the dogs have the best care possible.” Another important job many base residents do not know is that the clinic is responsible for inspecting all the food that comes to Guantanamo Bay. They inspect it and ensure it is inspected and safe for public consumption. “When food arrives here my staff goes out to the barge, the Navy Exchange and stores to make sure it has been inspected and free from any disease,” said Pearlman. “It’s up to us to make sure the food comes from an approved company and that they have been audited for the processing and manufacturing of safe products.” For more information on clinic services please call: 2212
U.S. Naval Hospital Guantanamo Bay commemorated the 51st anniversary of date Jamaica became an independent nation and a member of the British Commonwealth, on Friday, Aug. 9. After several Jamaican hospital staff members presented some of the significant events and facts of their island history and information about some of their national heroes, the event concluded with a cake-cutting on the hospital quarterdeck. Cutting the cake are CAPT Daryl Daniels, hospital Commanding Officer, and Jamaican staff members Kerry-Ann Minott and George Morgan.
CDR Gabriel Mensah NS Guantanamo Bay
“ The Dangers of Procrastination” T h e re is a h ard l esson I lea r ned in my fre s hm an ye a r i n colle ge . We were given a 25-pa ge term p ap e r t h a t h a d t o be s ubmitted in a month. I kept p u tti n g i t o f f, som e how na ively convincing myself that “I w ork b et t e r unde r pressure” . Unfor tuna tely I f o u n d m y s el f, on t he e ve t he pa per wa s d ue, pullin g an al l n i g h te r. Ne e dle s s t o sa y the outcome wa sn’t p re tty. A l ot of pe op le are w or ld cla ss procr a stinato r s . I h e ard t he y e ve n have their ow n club – Procr a sti n ato r s An on y mous . The y ha ven’t met yet, but t he y are p l an n i n g on it . A ll j okes a sid e, the proble m w i th p roc r a s ti nat i on is t ha t it puts und ue pressu re o n u s t o c om ple t e a t as k a t the la st minute. Whe n we d o t h i s , we as s um e , of cour se tha t nothing w ill hap p e n to
p re ve n t u s f ro m c o m p l e ti n g o u r tas k. Un fo r t u n a t e l y, i n l i f e s o m e ti m e s thi n gs d o n’t al w ay s t u rn o u t t h e w ay we p l an n e d the m , an d as a re s u l t we n e ve r re a l l y ge t aro u n d to f i n i s hi n g o u r tas k. T he Dal l as Mo r n i n g Ne w s r an a f ro n t - p a g e s t o r y i n Nove m b e r 1 9 8 8 ab o u t a ho u s e that b u rn e d dow n ki l l i n g f i ve p e o p l e . W hat m ad e the s t o r y e s p e c i a l l y tr ag i c w as that the ho u s e - ow n e r k n e w t h a t t h e b atte r i e s f o r the s m o ke al ar m n e e d e d t o b e re p l a c e d. Bu t he ke p t p u tti n g i t o f f b e c au s e he w a s t o o b u s y w i th o the r thi n g s . An d n ow s ad l y f i ve o f h i s l ove d o n e s we re d e ad . I kn ow thi s i s an e xtre m e an d tr ag i c e x a mp l e , b u t the p o i n t b e i n g m ad e he re i s that there i s a h u ma n te n d e n c y to p u t thi n g s o f f f o r o n e re aso n o r a n o t h e r. W hate ve r yo u thi n k yo u n e e d to d o i n yo u r l i fe – w he the r i t i s d e e p e n i n g the re l ati o n sh i p w i t h yo u r l ove d o n e s , o r p i c ki n g u p the p ho n e a n d c a l l i n g a n e s tr an g e d re l ati ve - d o i t N OW. T hi s mi g h t b e t h e m o s t i m p o r tan t p ho n e c al l yo u w o u l d e ve r ma k e .
E-mail classified ad submissions to
PAO-CLASSIFIEDADS@ USNBGTMO.NAVY.MIL If sent to any other e-mail, it may not be published. Submit your ad NLT noon Wednesdays for that week’s Gazette. Ads are removed after two weeks. Re-submit the ad to re-publish. The Gazette staff and NS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, page. The Public Affairs Office has final editorial discretion on all content. Call MCC Keith Bryska at 4520 with your questions or concerns. Please keep ads to a minimum of 5 items.
VEHICLES 1998 Chevrolet Monte Carlo, 138,000 miles, New Battery,and spark plugs. cold A/C, $2200 Call Daniel at 72441 or 77143 (4GB Xbox included) 2011 Kia Soul, like new 13,600 miles. 5 seat, Automatic, MP3, Satellite radio. 29mpg at GTMOI $12500 call Melanie at 55050 1993 Chevy Corsica, white new tires $1500 call Nathan at 7-7939 or 7-8022
ELECTRONICS Panasonic 42” Plasma HDTV and home theater system. DVD/ Blu-Ray player with iPod dock and Netflix/Youtube streaming, 6 speakers, manuals, 2 remotes. New list prices are TV $499, theater system $399. Selling set for $500 OBO. Contact Greg, 84656/” 6’ Satellite dish $600, LNB Coax, used to watch Direct TV call Ed 75736 6” star band internet dish $500 Neg. email skilbert_1981@yahoo. com or call Mark 75849 6” Satellite LMD Cable Direct TV or Dish, $500, Call Kitty 77517
YARD SALES 9 Month window yard sale! Aug 18 2013, Caribbean Circle #14, 08001100 Villamar 7B August 17 0800-1100 girls clothes,dishes, toys etc. no early birds. Patio sale, VL 35-C Aug 17 06000900
1984 Ford Ranger, refurbished cylinder, needs carburetor before every day use $500 call Steven 55352
1994 Ford Escort,A/C great, Call Mrs Hutton (H) 75664 or (W) 72117
Needed - Mens pants long and short sizes 30-36 and t-shirts S,M,L for migrants for more information call 74788 or 76294
1999 Nissan Quest SE van, Located at NEX for viewing, $3500 call Carl at 77024
A.Thank you for your feedback. The short answer is that for the time being, MWR will not be adding additional showings to the Camp Bulkeley Lyceum. There are additional options for troopers: -The Liberty Center has many movies on encrypted DVD that the employees can put on at any time. While these offerings are not quite as current as the Lyceum shows (and the venue less grand) they do still include recent movies. -The Downtown Lyceum continues to show movies daily. If transportation is limiting access, MWR can look into other options to facilitate access. -Once sequestration impacts are relaxed, MWR has agreed to reconsider adding additional showings at the Camp Bulkeley Lyceum. We have had multiple similar requests in the past two weeks, so here is some background. The Camp Bulkeley Lyceum did previously have daily showings, but there were many occasions with low (2-3) to no attendance. Thus, when sequestration impacted MWR operating hours, it was one of the cuts that were made because it affected the fewest customers. Again, thank you for your suggestion.
1999 Mazda 626 , 4 Door, 142K mileage, New tires, sunroof, $2800 call Samet at 3715 or 78459
HOUSEHOLD GOODS Entertainment Centre $60, Small coffee Table $20, Clothes Dryer $150, Large Wall Mirror $15 -- Call Esaleta at 77148 Wooden Baby Crib w/ mattress, good condition $120, Baby carrying backpack $100, Dining room table w chairs and chair covers $300
OUTDOOR REC 26’ Bayline deck boat new radio and speakers, fish finder 10K call Josh 75590 Pullon Riding mower, gently used $1200 If interested, please contact Lori @ 77749 Charbroil Grill, Bycycle car capacitor, 2200 watt Car Amp two 900 watt 12 DC speakers prices negotiable call JR at 90139
Quality of Life Q. Greetings! I wondering why the Bremcor public buses (and RCI contractors) need to speed down Bargo Road which includes a blind corner. I cannot let my kids ride bikes or walk to school because of this danger. Could some security force personnel be placed occasionally or speed limits signs to posted? Thanks! A. Thanks for sending us an email about this. I’ll let my patrolmen know to visit this area and monitor traffic. In addition, I’ll forward this to safety so that they can take a look at the sign issue and Public Works so that they can notify Bremcor of the complaint. Q. I think the Soldiers at Camp A would benefit greatly with a lyceum that shows a movie each night. Many Soldiers work shift
so their days off often fall on Monday - Wednesday. Thank you!
Local 24/7 Sexual Assault Prevention and Response Program Contact #:
Your Installation Sexual Assault Response Coordinator’s Contact #:
AUGUST 16, 2013• PAGE 7
MOVIES DOWNTOWN LYCEUM FRIDAY Aug. 16 8 p.m.: The Conjuring R
10 p.m.:
112 min.
Grown Ups 2 PG13
101 min.
SATURDAY Aug. 17 8 p.m.: Turbo (NEW) PG
10 p.m.: Elysium (NEW) R
SUNDAY Aug. 18 8 p.m.: The Smurfs 2 PG
96 min. 109 min.
105 min.
MONDAY Aug. 19 8 p.m.: The Wolverine PG-13
129 min.
TUESDAY Aug. 20 8 p.m.: The Heat (LS) R
117 min.
WEDNESDAY Aug. 21 8 p.m.: World War Z (LS) PG-13
115 min.
THURSDAY Aug. 22 8 p.m.: Planes(NEW) PG
80 min.
The Solar Array Farm located behind W.T. Sampson High School. One of the upcoming enrgy conservation projects is the installation of another Solar Array Farm behind the Navy Exchange.
Guantanamo Bay Promotes Energy Conservation Kelly Wirfel NS Guantanamo Bay Public Affairs Officer
Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) Southeast’s Public Works Department (PWD) Guantanamo Bay has multiple energy saving projects currently taking place and others coming in the near future. One of the major projects coming up is the conversion of all the street lights and perimeter lights on base to Light Emitting Diode (LED) Lighting. This project is expected to generate an annual cost savings of $380,000. Another upcoming project involves the installation of a 700KW solar array farm behind the Navy Exchange (NEX) along with the replacement of the NEX’s exterior lights to LED lighting. Solar farms are large collections of interconnected solar panels that work together to capture sunlight and turn it into electricity on a grand scale. Solar energy is a clean, renewable energy source. Large solar farms produce enough energy to provide clean energy to buildings that don’t have their own solar-energy systems thus reducing the need for nonrenewable energy sources to power the grid. “This solar array will be located behind the NEX and is approximately double the size of the one behind the high school,” said Installation Energy Manager, Timothy Wagoner. “The installation of the solar array farm and the replacement of the exterior lights at the NEX are estimated to save $750,000 annually.” An additional noteworthy project is the retrocommissioning (RCx) of 16 building on base. Retrocommissioning is a systematic process of evaluating, testing, adjusting and correcting building systems to meet owner’s requirements and to improve comfort and environmental quality and to optimize energy conservation.
“Retro-commissioning has two phases,” said Wagoner. “The first phase is the planning and investigation phase in which we determine how the building is currently operating compared to the design, then identify changes required in order to align with current facility requirements. During the investigation we focus on indoor environmental quality, energy efficiency, equipment condition, scheduling, control, test and balance to identify the major and minor repairs needed.” After Phase I is complete they begin Phase II which is the implementation phase. During Phase II they will replace needed equipment to ensure the new operation meets the buildings facility requirements. According to Wagoner, after a building is retro-commissioned energy consumption is reduced by 5-10%. Another project that will directly impact Guantanamo Bay residents is the installation and replacement of electrical hot water heaters to solar hot water heaters. Deer Point housing is already complete and all new housing that is currently under construction will have solar hot water heaters. The annual cost savings per house is estimated at $1,900. The energy savings from these projects will make significant contributions toward the mandated requirements of the Energy Independence Security Act of 2007 and Executive Order 13423 which requires energy reduction in federal facilities of at least 30 percent, by fiscal year 2015. “Energy conservation is an important aspect of day-today life on military installations and because Naval Station Guantanamo Bay is completely self sufficient it is even more critical here,” said Wagoner. “Energy conservation keeps costs down without sacrificing readiness, while simultaneously helping the environment.”