Dec 18 Gazette

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December 18, 2015• VOL. 72 • NO. 49• NAVY.MIL/LOCAL/GUANTANAMO • FACEBOOK.COM/NSGuantanamoBay

NAVAL STATION GUANTANAMO BAY, CUBA • PSC 1005 BOX 25 • FPO, AE 09593 • 011-5399-4520

W.T. Sampson Performs “A Christmas Carol”

Marliza, the Ghost of Christmas Present, left, speaks to Antonio, Ebenezer Scrooge, before taking him on a magical journey in W.T. Sampson’s theatrical adaptation of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol,” on Dec. 13. MC2 Kegan E. Kay Photojournalist


s the holiday season is upon us, Naval Station Guantanamo Bay has hosted many events for community members to celebrate and enjoy and students of W.T. Sampson have also joined in and brought a theatrical rendition of Charles Dickens’ “A Christmas Carol” to the community. “I chose this play because it is a classic,” remarked DeAnna ShawBerget, W.T. Sampson theater teacher. “It is both familiar and yet challenging for students to perform.” While the tale is well known and many adaptations have been done, the students decided to add their own little twist to the play by speaking with British accents and giving it a slightly modern look in regards to the fashion of the characters. “I played the role of the Spirit of Christmas, which was the narrator,” shared Ahna Parker. “This role was challenging because almost all of my lines were monologues that I had to memorize. Only one of my monologues had interactions with other characters, so I had to remember the majority of my lines without any cues from other actors.” “I was a Cratchet girl,” explained Madison Crabtree. “It was challenging to keep in character, to stay frozen on my knees, and not freak out and have stage fright.” The acting wasn’t the only difficult part for pulling off this timeless classic. According to Shaw-Berget, not only did the students have to master technical elements but they also had to change the sets in short periods of time to keep the play moving.

“I loved how my makeup looked on opening night,” reflected Maddison Ellis, the Ghost of Marley, “With the blue lights, I really felt like a ghost.” “I enjoyed using a British accent throughout the play since I had never done a performance with an accent before,” added Parker. “I also enjoyed getting to work with this particular cast and crew.” According to Shaw-Berget they production involved 23 students and help of numerous staff members and community volunteers. “We had two Navy personnel; Kerron Prendergast and Jason Flint assist with the play,” stated Berget. “Chris Bell who works with the youth at the Chapel, provided expertise with both the lighting and set movement. Dianne Sellner, one of our new teachers helped coordintate the technical aspects fo the show and the backstage crew. Summer Ellis, W.T. Sampson’s art teacher, provided help with set design.” An estimated 200 community members came out to support and applaud the students as they took their final bows on the stage and were recognized for their hard work. “I think the students learned a lot about 19th century British literature and society,” concluded Shaw-Berget. “They learned a lot about how theatrical productions are put together and how to work as a team and how to problem solve. The students took the project very seriously and did a great job!” If anyone missed out on the students’ performance, they will be doing a musical this spring, with title and dates to be announced closer to time.


NS Guantanamo Bay Commanding Officer, Capt. David Culpepper congratulates CS2 Solomon on his selection as Sailor of the Week.


■Job/Department: Quality Assurance/ NAVSTA GALLEY ■Age: 27 ■Hometown: Cleveland, OH ■Ambition/goal: To make CS1 ■TV Show: ESPN ■Movie: Coach Carter ■Hobby: Basketball ■Guantanamo Restaurant: Gold Hill Galley ■Sports Team: Cleveland Cavaliers ■Sailors of the Week Because: CS2 Raymon Solomon was selected as Sailor of the Week for filling in as the Leading Petty Officer from 30 November- 7 December 2015. He demonstrated superior performance and exceptional service by expediting all requisition of funds through bureau to support all 4 galleys. He stepped up as building manager in the absence of his peer to submit and track all trouble calls to include the malfunctioning of a scullery machine over the weekends to ensure timely repair and 100% operational resulted in a zero time loss in food service operation. Additionally, he meticulously audited Monthly Food Service Financial Closeout ensuring discrepancies-free prior to submission to NAVSUP. VOL. 72 • NO. 49


Guantanamo Bay Gazette





The Guantanamo Bay Gazette is an authorized publication for members of the military services and their families stationed at U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views of the U.S. Government, the Department of Defense, or the U.S. Navy, and do not imply endorsement thereof. The editorial content is prepared, edited and provided by the Public Affairs Office of U.S. Naval Station Guantanamo Bay. The Guantanamo Bay Gazette is printed by the Defense Logistics Agency (DLA) Document Services with a circulation of 535.

4 Ways to Reduce Holiday Stress

December 18, 2015• PAGE 3

Guard Your Health


e get it. If you already have a million things going on, or if funds are tight, the thought of adding holiday activities to your already busy schedule may be overwhelming. Even if the holidays are your favorite time of year, try to be mindful that it may be stressful for others, and lend a helping hand where you can. If you are feeling stressed and want to reduce holiday burdens, try these four tips from Give an Hour, a nonprofit organization that provides free behavioral health services to members of the military and their families. And if you find yourself needing some support during the holiday season, Give an Hour is here to help you at no cost. 1. Ask for Help You don’t have to be a superhero this holiday season. Reach out for help from family and friends, and be specific about your needs. Ask a family member to watch the kids while you get some holiday shopping done or attend a holiday event. See if a neighbor or friend can help you wrap presents. It’s ok to depend on your close family, friends, and other loved ones to help you. We all need help sometimes. 2. Don’t Try to Do Everything Be firm with your limits. If you can’t find the time,

energy, or money to travel to visit relatives, say so. If the thought of cooking a holiday meal is completely overwhelming, have relatives bring food too. 3. Give Back Look for opportunities to help others in need. The act of giving improves our mood and can lift our spirits. Check out these easy acts of kindness that will quickly put you in a better mood ( health-topics/spirituality/kindness/). 4. Don’t Spend a Ton of Money Reduce financial stress by avoiding the temptation to spend beyond your means, and instead focus on “gifts from the heart” (think photo albums, written messages, and homemade items). Your friends or family member (and your wallet) will thank you! WANT MORE? •Learn about the power of meditation to help you reduce stress in five minutes. (http://www.guardyourhealth. com/health-topics/spirituality/meditation/) •Contact Give an Hour ( to connect with a free behavioral health provider at any time of year. •If you are experiencing a crisis or know someone who is, call 911 or the Veterans Crisis Line at 1-800-2738255 (and press 1 to talk to someone immediately).

SECNAV Awards Purple Heart

to Chattanooga Sailor and Marines Office of Chief of Information


ecretary of the Navy Ray Mabus announced today that the Department of the Navy will award the Purple Heart to the four Marines and one Sailor killed and the Marine injured during the July 16 attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee. “On July 16th of this year, Gunnery Sgt. Thomas Sullivan, Staff Sgt. David Wyatt, Sgt. Carson A. Holmquist, Lance Cpl. Squire D. ‘Skip’ Wells, and Petty Officer 2nd Class Randall Smith were killed and Sgt. DeMonte Cheeley was injured during a tragic and senseless attack in Chattanooga, Tennessee,” Mabus said. “Following an extensive investigation, the FBI and NCIS have determined that this attack was inspired

by a foreign terrorist group, the final criteria required for the awarding of the Purple Heart to this Sailor and these Marines. This determination allows the Department of the Navy to move forward immediately with the award of the Purple Heart to the families of the five heroes who were victims of this terrorist attack, as well as to the surviving hero, Sgt. Cheeley. Although the Purple Heart can never possibly replace this brave Sailor and these brave Marines, it is my hope that as their families and the entire Department of the Navy team continue to mourn their loss, these awards provide some small measure of solace. Their heroism and service to our nation will be remembered always.”


Chaplain’s Corner



E-mail classified ad submissions to

C L A S S I F I E D A D S @ G T M O . N A V Y . M I L If sent to

any other e-mail, it may not be published. Submit your ad NLT noon Wednesdays for that week’s Gazette. Ads are removed after two weeks. Re-submit the ad to re-publish. The Gazette staff and NS Guantanamo Bay, Cuba, page. The Public Affairs Office has final editorial discretion on all content. Call MCC Keith Bryska at 4520 with your questions or concerns. Please keep ads to a minimum of 5 items.

FOR SALE For sale: 2 sets of Golf Clubs in Golf Bags, Golf balls and tees for only $200. For more info: e-mail or call 90025.

NO HOLIDAY FERRIES There will be NO FERRIES running on Christmas Day, December 25, or on New Year’s Day, January 1. Only Uboats will be running on those days so please plan accordingly.

KIDS WINTER BALL The Junior Enlisted Association would like to invite kids of all ages up to 17 to attend the Kid’s Winter Wonderland Ball to be held Fri., Dec. 18 from 5 to 7 p.m. at the Windjammer Ballroom. Dress up in a Princess ball gown or favorite button down for an evening of FREE food, fun and warm music. Parents may stay to make this a special night for their kids by joining in the fun and dancing. For more info, call 84085.

6 foot satellite dish for sale, $250 FISHING SURVEYS Only. For more info email hector. Over the next few months, Natural Resources will be conducting surveys to better understand fish populations and the quality of recreational fishing. We will be looking



at species and size of fish caught, along with the level of effort needed to catch them. If someone approaches you at your favorite fishing hole or when you return to the dock, please take a minute to answer a few questions about your catch. These surveys will help us maintain Guantanamo Bay’s outstanding recreational fishing. Contact Natural Resources with questions at 5626.

SECURITY POT LUCK On December 26 there will be a pot luck for Security Holiday Party from 5:30 to 10 p.m. at the community center. Families are welcome. Wear casual attire and ugly sweaters. Admission is free and there will be raffle tickets for sale, 2 for $10. Up to 10 tickets may be purchased per person. If you have any questions please contact MA1 Hill, MA2 Yusten or MA3 Grooms at 4569. No raffle tickets until you get to the door.

OMBUDSMAN CONTACT INFORMATION: NAVFAC: NAVSTA: Brittany Roley Laura McManus Home: 78096 Cell: 84792 Home: 77182 Brittany Morrell Cell: 55268 Home: 77129

Naval Hospital: Lauren LaBoy Home: 75877

December 18, 2015• PAGE 7


FRIDAY 7 p.m.:

Dec 18

Star Wars: Episode VIIThe Force Awakens PG13

9:30 p.m.: Our Brand is Crisis R


Dec 19

Crique Guantanamo Show No Movies SUNDAY Dec 20 6:30 p.m.: Alvin and the Chipmunks: The Road Chip PG

8:30 p.m.: The Night Before R

MONDAY Dec 21 The Hunger Games: 7 p.m.: Mockingjay Part 2 PG13

TUESDAY Dec 22 Star Wars: Episode VII7 p.m.: The Force Awakens PG13

WEDNESDAY Creed 7 p.m.:

Dec 23


THURSDAY Dec 24 The Peanut Movie 7 p.m.: PG


Happy Hanukkah Story and Photos by MC2 Zachary Anderson


aval Station Guantanamo Bay has a wealth of religious diversity, and because of the inability to go outside the base to practice their religion, members of the community have to step up to act as a lay-leaders for their respective religious group. The most recent religious group to start practicing is the Jewish faith, they have been practicing since August an recently held a community outreach event: a Hanukkah party, the party consisted of a menorah lighting, traditional foods, and a brief history of Hanukkah.

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